TNHarleys solution to the immigration problem

1. MASSIVELY fine employers
2. Mandatory e-verify for jobs and living quarters
3. They get nothing. Not schooling, drivers licenses, healthcare (even turn them down at the ER. Sometimes actual solutions are harsh) they get NOTHING
4. Make becoming a citizen easier. The current system is a bunch of bullshit. They make it seem like we don't want any immigration..
The economy you ask? The jobs?
After that gets implemented, create a work requirement for welfare(obviously not all cases). Then we fill those jobs "Americans don't want" AND we cut welfare. 2 birds 1 stone.
If they don't want to work em', then fuck em'. They obviously don't have much self-respect or respect for their families. I would do whatever I had to do to feed my family. But that is just me.

Different ideas? I am willing to actually compromise ;)
First, I would like to thank you for putting a proposed solution on the table.

Second, I would like to point out that most immigrants, legal and illegal, come here to find work, not to live on welfare. They come here to support their families. They have the same dreams and hopes and aspirations as every other mother and father on the planet.

Third, immigrants are over-represented in entrepreneurial startups in America. While a lot of immigrants "take jobs Americans don't want", many of them bring very valuable skills, and we should encourage that kind of immigration. Those who are here on visas to attend our universities should be encouraged to stay after they graduate. At the very least, they should be made to feel welcome while they are here so they go back to their home countries as goodwill ambassadors for America.

Fourth, you are going to get a lot of shit from some of the rabid dogs for number 4, but not from me. :)

You're right, G5000. I cannot speak for all immigrants but the immigrants coming from Mexico are very hard working people. They come here for work to support their families and to send money back home to their parents, grandparents, cousins, those in need. I would venture to say they have a better work ethic than most Americans do. I have never met a Mexican person who wanted to collect welfare and stay at home! Ever.

I don't give a fuck how hard a worker someone is, if they sneaked in and they are here illegally, they should be sent right back where they came from !

While I agree that we should all abide by the laws of this land my point was to clarify that the Mexican people do not come here for a welfare check. They are coming here for work and for a future. I agree with the OP on point number 4. Make citizenship easier.

To portray the Mexican people as lazy is grossly unfair. They are a very hardworking, industrious people and desire to earn their own way rather than accept a hand out. They are living under very stressful conditions and it is understandable they would want a safe place to live and a future for their families. Don't you?
1. MASSIVELY fine employers
2. Mandatory e-verify for jobs and living quarters
3. They get nothing. Not schooling, drivers licenses, healthcare (even turn them down at the ER. Sometimes actual solutions are harsh) they get NOTHING
4. Make becoming a citizen easier. The current system is a bunch of bullshit. They make it seem like we don't want any immigration..
The economy you ask? The jobs?
After that gets implemented, create a work requirement for welfare(obviously not all cases). Then we fill those jobs "Americans don't want" AND we cut welfare. 2 birds 1 stone.
If they don't want to work em', then fuck em'. They obviously don't have much self-respect or respect for their families. I would do whatever I had to do to feed my family. But that is just me.

Different ideas? I am willing to actually compromise ;)
First, I would like to thank you for putting a proposed solution on the table.

Second, I would like to point out that most immigrants, legal and illegal, come here to find work, not to live on welfare. They come here to support their families. They have the same dreams and hopes and aspirations as every other mother and father on the planet.

Third, immigrants are over-represented in entrepreneurial startups in America. While a lot of immigrants "take jobs Americans don't want", many of them bring very valuable skills, and we should encourage that kind of immigration. Those who are here on visas to attend our universities should be encouraged to stay after they graduate. At the very least, they should be made to feel welcome while they are here so they go back to their home countries as goodwill ambassadors for America.

Fourth, you are going to get a lot of shit from some of the rabid dogs for number 4, but not from me. :)

You're right, G5000. I cannot speak for all immigrants but the immigrants coming from Mexico are very hard working people. They come here for work to support their families and to send money back home to their parents, grandparents, cousins, those in need. I would venture to say they have a better work ethic than most Americans do. I have never met a Mexican person who wanted to collect welfare and stay at home! Ever.

I don't give a fuck how hard a worker someone is, if they sneaked in and they are here illegally, they should be sent right back where they came from !

While I agree that we should all abide by the laws of this land my point was to clarify that the Mexican people do not come here for a welfare check. They are coming here for work and for a future. I agree with the OP on point number 4. Make citizenship easier.

To portray the Mexican people as lazy is grossly unfair. They are a very hardworking, industrious people and desire to earn their own way rather than accept a hand out. They are living under very stressful conditions and it is understandable they would want a safe place to live and a future for their families. Don't you?

I don't think they are any more lazy than any other group, some are hard workers, some come here to have their offspring in order to be entitled to benefits.
Regardless, they should show respect for our immigration laws. Millions have not, and in fact Mexicans are the #1 offenders.
I would send every single one who is here illegally back if it were up to me.
1. MASSIVELY fine employers
2. Mandatory e-verify for jobs and living quarters
3. They get nothing. Not schooling, drivers licenses, healthcare (even turn them down at the ER. Sometimes actual solutions are harsh) they get NOTHING
4. Make becoming a citizen easier. The current system is a bunch of bullshit. They make it seem like we don't want any immigration..
The economy you ask? The jobs?
After that gets implemented, create a work requirement for welfare(obviously not all cases). Then we fill those jobs "Americans don't want" AND we cut welfare. 2 birds 1 stone.
If they don't want to work em', then fuck em'. They obviously don't have much self-respect or respect for their families. I would do whatever I had to do to feed my family. But that is just me.

Different ideas? I am willing to actually compromise ;)
First, I would like to thank you for putting a proposed solution on the table.

Second, I would like to point out that most immigrants, legal and illegal, come here to find work, not to live on welfare. They come here to support their families. They have the same dreams and hopes and aspirations as every other mother and father on the planet.

Third, immigrants are over-represented in entrepreneurial startups in America. While a lot of immigrants "take jobs Americans don't want", many of them bring very valuable skills, and we should encourage that kind of immigration. Those who are here on visas to attend our universities should be encouraged to stay after they graduate. At the very least, they should be made to feel welcome while they are here so they go back to their home countries as goodwill ambassadors for America.

Fourth, you are going to get a lot of shit from some of the rabid dogs for number 4, but not from me. :)

You're right, G5000. I cannot speak for all immigrants but the immigrants coming from Mexico are very hard working people. They come here for work to support their families and to send money back home to their parents, grandparents, cousins, those in need. I would venture to say they have a better work ethic than most Americans do. I have never met a Mexican person who wanted to collect welfare and stay at home! Ever.

I don't give a fuck how hard a worker someone is, if they sneaked in and they are here illegally, they should be sent right back where they came from !

While I agree that we should all abide by the laws of this land my point was to clarify that the Mexican people do not come here for a welfare check. They are coming here for work and for a future. I agree with the OP on point number 4. Make citizenship easier.

To portray the Mexican people as lazy is grossly unfair. They are a very hardworking, industrious people and desire to earn their own way rather than accept a hand out. They are living under very stressful conditions and it is understandable they would want a safe place to live and a future for their families. Don't you?

I don't think they are any more lazy than any other group, some are hard workers, some come here to have their offspring in order to be entitled to benefits.
Regardless, they should show respect for our immigration laws. Millions have not, and in fact Mexicans are the #1 offenders.
I would send every single one who is here illegally back if it were up to me.

I've met people from Mexico and know firsthand that they are very hardworking people. Whatever trade they are in? They work harder than the rest do. What I'd like for you to do is to think about how you would feel if you lived in a neighborhood where violence ruled the streets and you feared for the lives of your family members. Where your neighbors disappeared in broad daylight never to be seen again. If you saw others crossing the border and lax laws on US immigration would you not at least try to get your family across the border? Given the right set of circumstances? I believe you would. You see, you do not know what you would do unless you were confronted with such a predicament. Have some compassion. Do you have any idea how many Mexican people have settled for lower pay - even under the minimum wage in order to have the opportunity to live here? They've been exploited by their own government, exploited by employers here in America and complain the least. I believe in obeying the laws of the land but becoming a citizen should be made easier for these people. imo.
1. MASSIVELY fine employers
2. Mandatory e-verify for jobs and living quarters
3. They get nothing. Not schooling, drivers licenses, healthcare (even turn them down at the ER. Sometimes actual solutions are harsh) they get NOTHING
4. Make becoming a citizen easier. The current system is a bunch of bullshit. They make it seem like we don't want any immigration..
The economy you ask? The jobs?
After that gets implemented, create a work requirement for welfare(obviously not all cases). Then we fill those jobs "Americans don't want" AND we cut welfare. 2 birds 1 stone.
If they don't want to work em', then fuck em'. They obviously don't have much self-respect or respect for their families. I would do whatever I had to do to feed my family. But that is just me.

Different ideas? I am willing to actually compromise ;)

KKK Joins Immigration Debate With Calls for "Corpses" on the Border
That Klan reaching out to African Americans? It reads like a GD Onion article. :eek-52:

“We’re starting to see the whites and African-Americans waking up to this illegal immigration problem,” Jones said. “We’re starting to reach out more to the African-American community and talk to them about the same issues, and they’re agreeing with the Klan that illegal immigration needs to stop.”

Blacks and the KKK working together to solve a common problem? Nothing new there.
1. MASSIVELY fine employers
2. Mandatory e-verify for jobs and living quarters
3. They get nothing. Not schooling, drivers licenses, healthcare (even turn them down at the ER. Sometimes actual solutions are harsh) they get NOTHING
4. Make becoming a citizen easier. The current system is a bunch of bullshit. They make it seem like we don't want any immigration..
The economy you ask? The jobs?
After that gets implemented, create a work requirement for welfare(obviously not all cases). Then we fill those jobs "Americans don't want" AND we cut welfare. 2 birds 1 stone.
If they don't want to work em', then fuck em'. They obviously don't have much self-respect or respect for their families. I would do whatever I had to do to feed my family. But that is just me.

Different ideas? I am willing to actually compromise ;)
First, I would like to thank you for putting a proposed solution on the table.

Second, I would like to point out that most immigrants, legal and illegal, come here to find work, not to live on welfare. They come here to support their families. They have the same dreams and hopes and aspirations as every other mother and father on the planet.

Third, immigrants are over-represented in entrepreneurial startups in America. While a lot of immigrants "take jobs Americans don't want", many of them bring very valuable skills, and we should encourage that kind of immigration. Those who are here on visas to attend our universities should be encouraged to stay after they graduate. At the very least, they should be made to feel welcome while they are here so they go back to their home countries as goodwill ambassadors for America.

Fourth, you are going to get a lot of shit from some of the rabid dogs for number 4, but not from me. :)

You're right, G5000. I cannot speak for all immigrants but the immigrants coming from Mexico are very hard working people. They come here for work to support their families and to send money back home to their parents, grandparents, cousins, those in need. I would venture to say they have a better work ethic than most Americans do. I have never met a Mexican person who wanted to collect welfare and stay at home! Ever.

I don't give a fuck how hard a worker someone is, if they sneaked in and they are here illegally, they should be sent right back where they came from !

While I agree that we should all abide by the laws of this land my point was to clarify that the Mexican people do not come here for a welfare check. They are coming here for work and for a future. I agree with the OP on point number 4. Make citizenship easier.

To portray the Mexican people as lazy is grossly unfair. They are a very hardworking, industrious people and desire to earn their own way rather than accept a hand out. They are living under very stressful conditions and it is understandable they would want a safe place to live and a future for their families. Don't you?

I don't think they are any more lazy than any other group, some are hard workers, some come here to have their offspring in order to be entitled to benefits.
Regardless, they should show respect for our immigration laws. Millions have not, and in fact Mexicans are the #1 offenders.
I would send every single one who is here illegally back if it were up to me.

When the welfare state was created in 1935 and cemented by LBJ in 1965 were Mexicans or other Hispanics represented in Congress or any other state of the union?

So don't blame Mexicans or other Latinamericans because corrupt politicians wanted to BUY votes.

1. MASSIVELY fine employers
2. Mandatory e-verify for jobs and living quarters
3. They get nothing. Not schooling, drivers licenses, healthcare (even turn them down at the ER. Sometimes actual solutions are harsh) they get NOTHING
4. Make becoming a citizen easier. The current system is a bunch of bullshit. They make it seem like we don't want any immigration..
The economy you ask? The jobs?
After that gets implemented, create a work requirement for welfare(obviously not all cases). Then we fill those jobs "Americans don't want" AND we cut welfare. 2 birds 1 stone.
If they don't want to work em', then fuck em'. They obviously don't have much self-respect or respect for their families. I would do whatever I had to do to feed my family. But that is just me.

Different ideas? I am willing to actually compromise ;)

KKK Joins Immigration Debate With Calls for "Corpses" on the Border
That Klan reaching out to African Americans? It reads like a GD Onion article. :eek-52:

“We’re starting to see the whites and African-Americans waking up to this illegal immigration problem,” Jones said. “We’re starting to reach out more to the African-American community and talk to them about the same issues, and they’re agreeing with the Klan that illegal immigration needs to stop.”

Blacks and the KKK working together to solve a common problem? Nothing new there.


Of course, for an organization that claims, "If it ain’t white, it ain’t right,” a KKK - Afro-American relationship seems improbable at best.

First you don't do anything until the borders are secured and a workable entry/exit system is in place. I would make everyone who enters the country on a visa buy a return to origin bond. Might cost 10-15 dollars. That money goes into a protected fund, when records show a visa holder hasn't departed as agreed, they are declared a fugitive and we send bounty hunters out to pick them up. Terms of the bond would stipulate they agree that they have no legal standing to challenge deportation once declared a fugitive by ICE.

Next you don't allow anyone to immigrate to this country that don't have the resources in pocket to sustain themselves and their families for a minimum of one year. Nine months from their entry their status on sustainability will be reviewed, if they can't demonstrate they can continue to care for themselves and their families, they will be given 90 days to leave.

Abolish birthright citizenship to all foreign nationals, whether they are here legally or not. If people who come here legally their children born here or not will be granted citizenship at the time the parents are, if the child is under 18 at that time. If they are over 18 they will need to qualify for citizenship on their own.

As for the people here illegally we deport them as we find them, period end of story. We don't reward people who have disregarded our laws from day one.
"TNHarleys solution to the immigration problem"

There is no immigration 'problem.'

Thousands of immigrants come to the United States legally; the OP must have meant undocumented immigrants – a telling slip, as it comes as no surprise that many on the right are hostile to all immigrants, whether here legally or not.

And that the OP is unaware that item 3 is un-Constitutional also comes as no surprise, as such ignorance of the law is likewise common to many on the right.
1. MASSIVELY fine employers
2. Mandatory e-verify for jobs and living quarters
3. They get nothing. Not schooling, drivers licenses, healthcare (even turn them down at the ER. Sometimes actual solutions are harsh) they get NOTHING
4. Make becoming a citizen easier. The current system is a bunch of bullshit. They make it seem like we don't want any immigration..
The economy you ask? The jobs?
After that gets implemented, create a work requirement for welfare(obviously not all cases). Then we fill those jobs "Americans don't want" AND we cut welfare. 2 birds 1 stone.
If they don't want to work em', then fuck em'. They obviously don't have much self-respect or respect for their families. I would do whatever I had to do to feed my family. But that is just me.

Different ideas? I am willing to actually compromise ;)
First, I would like to thank you for putting a proposed solution on the table.

Second, I would like to point out that most immigrants, legal and illegal, come here to find work, not to live on welfare. They come here to support their families. They have the same dreams and hopes and aspirations as every other mother and father on the planet.

Third, immigrants are over-represented in entrepreneurial startups in America. While a lot of immigrants "take jobs Americans don't want", many of them bring very valuable skills, and we should encourage that kind of immigration. Those who are here on visas to attend our universities should be encouraged to stay after they graduate. At the very least, they should be made to feel welcome while they are here so they go back to their home countries as goodwill ambassadors for America.

Fourth, you are going to get a lot of shit from some of the rabid dogs for number 4, but not from me. :)

You're right, G5000. I cannot speak for all immigrants but the immigrants coming from Mexico are very hard working people. They come here for work to support their families and to send money back home to their parents, grandparents, cousins, those in need. I would venture to say they have a better work ethic than most Americans do. I have never met a Mexican person who wanted to collect welfare and stay at home! Ever.

I don't give a fuck how hard a worker someone is, if they sneaked in and they are here illegally, they should be sent right back where they came from !

While I agree that we should all abide by the laws of this land my point was to clarify that the Mexican people do not come here for a welfare check. They are coming here for work and for a future. I agree with the OP on point number 4. Make citizenship easier.

To portray the Mexican people as lazy is grossly unfair. They are a very hardworking, industrious people and desire to earn their own way rather than accept a hand out. They are living under very stressful conditions and it is understandable they would want a safe place to live and a future for their families. Don't you?
Well, I meant ALL immigrants. And Mexico got voted in the top 10 of happiest countries on Earth. JS
1. MASSIVELY fine employers
2. Mandatory e-verify for jobs and living quarters
3. They get nothing. Not schooling, drivers licenses, healthcare (even turn them down at the ER. Sometimes actual solutions are harsh) they get NOTHING
4. Make becoming a citizen easier. The current system is a bunch of bullshit. They make it seem like we don't want any immigration..
The economy you ask? The jobs?
After that gets implemented, create a work requirement for welfare(obviously not all cases). Then we fill those jobs "Americans don't want" AND we cut welfare. 2 birds 1 stone.
If they don't want to work em', then fuck em'. They obviously don't have much self-respect or respect for their families. I would do whatever I had to do to feed my family. But that is just me.

Different ideas? I am willing to actually compromise ;)

1. Prison + confiscation of business and/or property.
2. Now explain how your going to enforce it and how your going to fund it. There are states that have mandatory e-verify but have no apparatus in place to assure compliance.
'The poultry industry never stops': How E-Verify, immigration rules work in Big Chicken hiring
3. Can't do that. I support no drivers licenses. You don't have a right to a drivers license.
4. No. No immigration until the US takes care of it's own.
1. MASSIVELY fine employers
2. Mandatory e-verify for jobs and living quarters
3. They get nothing. Not schooling, drivers licenses, healthcare (even turn them down at the ER. Sometimes actual solutions are harsh) they get NOTHING
4. Make becoming a citizen easier. The current system is a bunch of bullshit. They make it seem like we don't want any immigration..
The economy you ask? The jobs?
After that gets implemented, create a work requirement for welfare(obviously not all cases). Then we fill those jobs "Americans don't want" AND we cut welfare. 2 birds 1 stone.
If they don't want to work em', then fuck em'. They obviously don't have much self-respect or respect for their families. I would do whatever I had to do to feed my family. But that is just me.

Different ideas? I am willing to actually compromise ;)
We actually don't need them. Becoming a citizen should be hard. And we should be selective with who we let in.
First, I would like to thank you for putting a proposed solution on the table.

Second, I would like to point out that most immigrants, legal and illegal, come here to find work, not to live on welfare. They come here to support their families. They have the same dreams and hopes and aspirations as every other mother and father on the planet.

Third, immigrants are over-represented in entrepreneurial startups in America. While a lot of immigrants "take jobs Americans don't want", many of them bring very valuable skills, and we should encourage that kind of immigration. Those who are here on visas to attend our universities should be encouraged to stay after they graduate. At the very least, they should be made to feel welcome while they are here so they go back to their home countries as goodwill ambassadors for America.

Fourth, you are going to get a lot of shit from some of the rabid dogs for number 4, but not from me. :)

You're right, G5000. I cannot speak for all immigrants but the immigrants coming from Mexico are very hard working people. They come here for work to support their families and to send money back home to their parents, grandparents, cousins, those in need. I would venture to say they have a better work ethic than most Americans do. I have never met a Mexican person who wanted to collect welfare and stay at home! Ever.

I don't give a fuck how hard a worker someone is, if they sneaked in and they are here illegally, they should be sent right back where they came from !

While I agree that we should all abide by the laws of this land my point was to clarify that the Mexican people do not come here for a welfare check. They are coming here for work and for a future. I agree with the OP on point number 4. Make citizenship easier.

To portray the Mexican people as lazy is grossly unfair. They are a very hardworking, industrious people and desire to earn their own way rather than accept a hand out. They are living under very stressful conditions and it is understandable they would want a safe place to live and a future for their families. Don't you?

I don't think they are any more lazy than any other group, some are hard workers, some come here to have their offspring in order to be entitled to benefits.
Regardless, they should show respect for our immigration laws. Millions have not, and in fact Mexicans are the #1 offenders.
I would send every single one who is here illegally back if it were up to me.

I've met people from Mexico and know firsthand that they are very hardworking people. Whatever trade they are in? They work harder than the rest do. What I'd like for you to do is to think about how you would feel if you lived in a neighborhood where violence ruled the streets and you feared for the lives of your family members. Where your neighbors disappeared in broad daylight never to be seen again. If you saw others crossing the border and lax laws on US immigration would you not at least try to get your family across the border? Given the right set of circumstances? I believe you would. You see, you do not know what you would do unless you were confronted with such a predicament. Have some compassion. Do you have any idea how many Mexican people have settled for lower pay - even under the minimum wage in order to have the opportunity to live here? They've been exploited by their own government, exploited by employers here in America and complain the least. I believe in obeying the laws of the land but becoming a citizen should be made easier for these people. imo.
How about they stand the hell up and fix their own country. It's not our problem Mexico is a shit hole. And we don't need to adjust our laws to accomodate them. If they want shit fixed just ask. Until then your citizens get to live under your rule as shitty as it is.
1. MASSIVELY fine employers
2. Mandatory e-verify for jobs and living quarters
3. They get nothing. Not schooling, drivers licenses, healthcare (even turn them down at the ER. Sometimes actual solutions are harsh) they get NOTHING
4. Make becoming a citizen easier. The current system is a bunch of bullshit. They make it seem like we don't want any immigration..
The economy you ask? The jobs?
After that gets implemented, create a work requirement for welfare(obviously not all cases). Then we fill those jobs "Americans don't want" AND we cut welfare. 2 birds 1 stone.
If they don't want to work em', then fuck em'. They obviously don't have much self-respect or respect for their families. I would do whatever I had to do to feed my family. But that is just me.

Different ideas? I am willing to actually compromise ;)

1. Prison + confiscation of business and/or property.
2. Now explain how your going to enforce it and how your going to fund it. There are states that have mandatory e-verify but have no apparatus in place to assure compliance.
'The poultry industry never stops': How E-Verify, immigration rules work in Big Chicken hiring
3. Can't do that. I support no drivers licenses. You don't have a right to a drivers license.
4. No. No immigration until the US takes care of it's own.
1. I like that. To be sold publically of course :)
2. Fund it with public dollars. When all of those people leave by choice, we would start saving money. I would bet almost immediately. That's when those fines and such could kick in. For landlords too. If we are going to do this, we have to do it RIGHT.
3. Why cant we?
4. It should be debated
You're right, G5000. I cannot speak for all immigrants but the immigrants coming from Mexico are very hard working people. They come here for work to support their families and to send money back home to their parents, grandparents, cousins, those in need. I would venture to say they have a better work ethic than most Americans do. I have never met a Mexican person who wanted to collect welfare and stay at home! Ever.

I don't give a fuck how hard a worker someone is, if they sneaked in and they are here illegally, they should be sent right back where they came from !

While I agree that we should all abide by the laws of this land my point was to clarify that the Mexican people do not come here for a welfare check. They are coming here for work and for a future. I agree with the OP on point number 4. Make citizenship easier.

To portray the Mexican people as lazy is grossly unfair. They are a very hardworking, industrious people and desire to earn their own way rather than accept a hand out. They are living under very stressful conditions and it is understandable they would want a safe place to live and a future for their families. Don't you?

I don't think they are any more lazy than any other group, some are hard workers, some come here to have their offspring in order to be entitled to benefits.
Regardless, they should show respect for our immigration laws. Millions have not, and in fact Mexicans are the #1 offenders.
I would send every single one who is here illegally back if it were up to me.

I've met people from Mexico and know firsthand that they are very hardworking people. Whatever trade they are in? They work harder than the rest do. What I'd like for you to do is to think about how you would feel if you lived in a neighborhood where violence ruled the streets and you feared for the lives of your family members. Where your neighbors disappeared in broad daylight never to be seen again. If you saw others crossing the border and lax laws on US immigration would you not at least try to get your family across the border? Given the right set of circumstances? I believe you would. You see, you do not know what you would do unless you were confronted with such a predicament. Have some compassion. Do you have any idea how many Mexican people have settled for lower pay - even under the minimum wage in order to have the opportunity to live here? They've been exploited by their own government, exploited by employers here in America and complain the least. I believe in obeying the laws of the land but becoming a citizen should be made easier for these people. imo.
How about they stand the hell up and fix their own country. It's not our problem Mexico is a shit hole. And we don't need to adjust our laws to accomodate them. If they want shit fixed just ask. Until then your citizens get to live under your rule as shitty as it is.
Mexico is in the top 10 of happiest countries on earth..
I've said for a long time, if we would penalize ALL employers with heavy fines, and jail time, most of the invasion would eventually end.

No one wants it fixed. Obamacare gives employers a $3,000.00 per employee incentive to hire illegal aliens. This loophole has been a part of Obamacare since it was passed. Congress and the President are aware of the loophole. No one has even attempted to correct it. What employer in his right mind is going to hire an American when he can save $3,000.00 a year by hiring an illegal?
1. MASSIVELY fine employers
2. Mandatory e-verify for jobs and living quarters
3. They get nothing. Not schooling, drivers licenses, healthcare (even turn them down at the ER. Sometimes actual solutions are harsh) they get NOTHING
4. Make becoming a citizen easier. The current system is a bunch of bullshit. They make it seem like we don't want any immigration..
The economy you ask? The jobs?
After that gets implemented, create a work requirement for welfare(obviously not all cases). Then we fill those jobs "Americans don't want" AND we cut welfare. 2 birds 1 stone.
If they don't want to work em', then fuck em'. They obviously don't have much self-respect or respect for their families. I would do whatever I had to do to feed my family. But that is just me.

Different ideas? I am willing to actually compromise ;)
First, I would like to thank you for putting a proposed solution on the table.

Second, I would like to point out that most immigrants, legal and illegal, come here to find work, not to live on welfare. They come here to support their families. They have the same dreams and hopes and aspirations as every other mother and father on the planet.

Third, immigrants are over-represented in entrepreneurial startups in America. While a lot of immigrants "take jobs Americans don't want", many of them bring very valuable skills, and we should encourage that kind of immigration. Those who are here on visas to attend our universities should be encouraged to stay after they graduate. At the very least, they should be made to feel welcome while they are here so they go back to their home countries as goodwill ambassadors for America.

Fourth, you are going to get a lot of shit from some of the rabid dogs for number 4, but not from me. :)

You're right, G5000. I cannot speak for all immigrants but the immigrants coming from Mexico are very hard working people. They come here for work to support their families and to send money back home to their parents, grandparents, cousins, those in need. I would venture to say they have a better work ethic than most Americans do. I have never met a Mexican person who wanted to collect welfare and stay at home! Ever.

I don't give a fuck how hard a worker someone is, if they sneaked in and they are here illegally, they should be sent right back where they came from !

While I agree that we should all abide by the laws of this land my point was to clarify that the Mexican people do not come here for a welfare check. They are coming here for work and for a future. I agree with the OP on point number 4. Make citizenship easier.

To portray the Mexican people as lazy is grossly unfair. They are a very hardworking, industrious people and desire to earn their own way rather than accept a hand out. They are living under very stressful conditions and it is understandable they would want a safe place to live and a future for their families. Don't you?

I think they should get rid of the corruption within their own government. We need to work on that here as well.
1. MASSIVELY fine employers
2. Mandatory e-verify for jobs and living quarters
3. They get nothing. Not schooling, drivers licenses, healthcare (even turn them down at the ER. Sometimes actual solutions are harsh) they get NOTHING
4. Make becoming a citizen easier. The current system is a bunch of bullshit. They make it seem like we don't want any immigration..
The economy you ask? The jobs?
After that gets implemented, create a work requirement for welfare(obviously not all cases). Then we fill those jobs "Americans don't want" AND we cut welfare. 2 birds 1 stone.
If they don't want to work em', then fuck em'. They obviously don't have much self-respect or respect for their families. I would do whatever I had to do to feed my family. But that is just me.

Different ideas? I am willing to actually compromise ;)

1. Prison + confiscation of business and/or property.
2. Now explain how your going to enforce it and how your going to fund it. There are states that have mandatory e-verify but have no apparatus in place to assure compliance.
'The poultry industry never stops': How E-Verify, immigration rules work in Big Chicken hiring
3. Can't do that. I support no drivers licenses. You don't have a right to a drivers license.
4. No. No immigration until the US takes care of it's own.
1. I like that. To be sold publically of course :)
2. Fund it with public dollars. When all of those people leave by choice, we would start saving money. I would bet almost immediately. That's when those fines and such could kick in. For landlords too. If we are going to do this, we have to do it RIGHT.
3. Why cant we?
4. It should be debated
1. MASSIVELY fine employers
2. Mandatory e-verify for jobs and living quarters
3. They get nothing. Not schooling, drivers licenses, healthcare (even turn them down at the ER. Sometimes actual solutions are harsh) they get NOTHING
4. Make becoming a citizen easier. The current system is a bunch of bullshit. They make it seem like we don't want any immigration..
The economy you ask? The jobs?
After that gets implemented, create a work requirement for welfare(obviously not all cases). Then we fill those jobs "Americans don't want" AND we cut welfare. 2 birds 1 stone.
If they don't want to work em', then fuck em'. They obviously don't have much self-respect or respect for their families. I would do whatever I had to do to feed my family. But that is just me.

Different ideas? I am willing to actually compromise ;)

1. Prison + confiscation of business and/or property.
2. Now explain how your going to enforce it and how your going to fund it. There are states that have mandatory e-verify but have no apparatus in place to assure compliance.
'The poultry industry never stops': How E-Verify, immigration rules work in Big Chicken hiring
3. Can't do that. I support no drivers licenses. You don't have a right to a drivers license.
4. No. No immigration until the US takes care of it's own.
1. I like that. To be sold publically of course :)
2. Fund it with public dollars. When all of those people leave by choice, we would start saving money. I would bet almost immediately. That's when those fines and such could kick in. For landlords too. If we are going to do this, we have to do it RIGHT.
3. Why cant we?
4. It should be debated

2. The whole problem is in the enforcement or monitoring of compliance. There is no auditing, The states refuse to comply or create loopholes---not the federal government. The states and local towns/cities can't manage to nail rental properties run by slumlords. Lack of political will and lack of cash. That's why it isn't mandatory and where it is mandatory it's conveniently ignored. It will have to come from public funding.Doesn't tell me how to force compliance.
3. For education: Plyler v. Doe
For emergency medical care: They are often denied any medical care from their employers. At this point you are nailing the powerless instead of those that hold the power. Federal law prohibits any health care beyond emergency health care. Again, the funding comes from the states and local areas. Sometimes the owners of the companies also own the housing.
Arizona Dream Act Coalition v. Brewer, 13-16248
4. We can debate it. The problem is that lots of people nationwide have no problem coming here legally and becoming citizens.
1. MASSIVELY fine employers
2. Mandatory e-verify for jobs and living quarters
3. They get nothing. Not schooling, drivers licenses, healthcare (even turn them down at the ER. Sometimes actual solutions are harsh) they get NOTHING
4. Make becoming a citizen easier. The current system is a bunch of bullshit. They make it seem like we don't want any immigration..
The economy you ask? The jobs?
After that gets implemented, create a work requirement for welfare(obviously not all cases). Then we fill those jobs "Americans don't want" AND we cut welfare. 2 birds 1 stone.
If they don't want to work em', then fuck em'. They obviously don't have much self-respect or respect for their families. I would do whatever I had to do to feed my family. But that is just me.

Different ideas? I am willing to actually compromise ;)

1. Prison + confiscation of business and/or property.
2. Now explain how your going to enforce it and how your going to fund it. There are states that have mandatory e-verify but have no apparatus in place to assure compliance.
'The poultry industry never stops': How E-Verify, immigration rules work in Big Chicken hiring
3. Can't do that. I support no drivers licenses. You don't have a right to a drivers license.
4. No. No immigration until the US takes care of it's own.
1. I like that. To be sold publically of course :)
2. Fund it with public dollars. When all of those people leave by choice, we would start saving money. I would bet almost immediately. That's when those fines and such could kick in. For landlords too. If we are going to do this, we have to do it RIGHT.
3. Why cant we?
4. It should be debated
1. MASSIVELY fine employers
2. Mandatory e-verify for jobs and living quarters
3. They get nothing. Not schooling, drivers licenses, healthcare (even turn them down at the ER. Sometimes actual solutions are harsh) they get NOTHING
4. Make becoming a citizen easier. The current system is a bunch of bullshit. They make it seem like we don't want any immigration..
The economy you ask? The jobs?
After that gets implemented, create a work requirement for welfare(obviously not all cases). Then we fill those jobs "Americans don't want" AND we cut welfare. 2 birds 1 stone.
If they don't want to work em', then fuck em'. They obviously don't have much self-respect or respect for their families. I would do whatever I had to do to feed my family. But that is just me.

Different ideas? I am willing to actually compromise ;)

1. Prison + confiscation of business and/or property.
2. Now explain how your going to enforce it and how your going to fund it. There are states that have mandatory e-verify but have no apparatus in place to assure compliance.
'The poultry industry never stops': How E-Verify, immigration rules work in Big Chicken hiring
3. Can't do that. I support no drivers licenses. You don't have a right to a drivers license.
4. No. No immigration until the US takes care of it's own.
1. I like that. To be sold publically of course :)
2. Fund it with public dollars. When all of those people leave by choice, we would start saving money. I would bet almost immediately. That's when those fines and such could kick in. For landlords too. If we are going to do this, we have to do it RIGHT.
3. Why cant we?
4. It should be debated

2. The whole problem is in the enforcement or monitoring of compliance. There is no auditing, The states refuse to comply or create loopholes---not the federal government. The states and local towns/cities can't manage to nail rental properties run by slumlords. Lack of political will and lack of cash. That's why it isn't mandatory and where it is mandatory it's conveniently ignored. It will have to come from public funding.Doesn't tell me how to force compliance.
3. For education: Plyler v. Doe
For emergency medical care: They are often denied any medical care from their employers. At this point you are nailing the powerless instead of those that hold the power. Federal law prohibits any health care beyond emergency health care. Again, the funding comes from the states and local areas. Sometimes the owners of the companies also own the housing.
Arizona Dream Act Coalition v. Brewer, 13-16248
4. We can debate it. The problem is that lots of people nationwide have no problem coming here legally and becoming citizens.
It would need to become federal law with massive fines. And I liked what was said earlier. Confiscation
Illegals deserve nothing. We have to strip away the incentive.
Plyler vs Doe was based off the 14th correct? "all persons born or naturalized in the United States" How does that include illegals exactly?

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