To all those on the left who question the faith of evangelicals for voting Trump

No, he just gave him permission to invade Ukraine.
No He didnā€™t. You are a liar. Cite the quote where he gave Putin permission. There was always going to be sanctions based on proportionality. Trump allowed Putin to mess around in the Donbass region for four years. If thatā€™s as far as Putin went Biden said the sanctions would be proportionate. Biden never gave permission you freakin Trump and Putin loving liar.
No He didnā€™t. You are a liar. Cite the quote where he gave Putin permission. There was always going to be sanctions based on proportionality. Trump allowed Putin to mess around in the Donbass region for four years. If thatā€™s as far as Putin went Biden said the sanctions would be proportionate. Biden never gave permission you freakin Trump and Putin loving liar.
How many times does this have to be proven to you leftist retards?

Joe Bidenā€™s ā€œMinor Incursionā€ Russia Remark: History Proves It Was a Mistake

Bidenā€™s ā€˜minor incursionā€™ comment roils diplomatic efforts to halt Russian invasion of Ukraine

Bidenā€™s ā€˜Minor Incursionā€™ Blunder Has Major Consequences

Speaking of sanctions:

Biden Admits that Sanctions Donā€™t Work and they Make Us Poorer

Biden's Russia sanctions may let Moscow profit from oil, gas

You voted for a weak, incompetent President. We warned you. You voted for him anyway.


P.S.: I've repeatedly condemned Putin for his invasion, and have said he needs to be removed from power. You insist I love him because that's your leftist programming, and you're a weak-minded, compliant idiot.
You insist I love him
Your lust for Putin is inversely proportional to your hatred for Biden. That is love. You helped Putin decide to invade with your ā€œBiden is weakā€ bullcrap . You lied that Biden gave Putin permission and you failed to produce a quote where Biden gave Putin permission to invade.

Biden told reporters Wednesday that ā€œmy guess is he will move in. He has to do something,ā€ as he revealed tensions within the U.S.-European alliance about how to handle various scenarios involving Ukraine. ā€œItā€™s one thing if itā€™s a minor incursion and then we end up having a fight about what to do and not do,ā€ he said, adding ā€œthere are differences in NATO as to what countries are willing to do depending on what happens.ā€​
ā€œItā€™s one thing if itā€™s a minor incursion and then we end up having a fight about what to do and not do,ā€ he said, adding ā€œthere are differences in NATO as to what countries are willing to do depending on what happens.ā€​

Biden spoke the hard truth because up to that tine NATO and the EU and UK were not in agreement on a response,

But nevertheless Biden was not giving Putin permission to do anything.

ā€œItā€™s one thing if itā€™s a minor incursion and then we end up having a fight about what to do and not do,ā€​

The mention of an ā€œif there is minor incursionā€ is in no way giving permission to do a minor incursion. He spoke the truth and you attack our president while Putin was lying to the world that the massive troop buildup was a drill.

As you can very see Biden didn't tell Putin that the US gives you the go ahead as long as you mkero it to a minor incursion,

He did not say that so you are a liar. a liar that gives aid and comfort to the enemy.
How many times does this have to be proven to you leftist retards?
key word ā€œpermissionā€ you are lying and you have proven nothing when you cannot produce an actual quote.
Your lust for Putin is inversely proportional to your hatred for Biden. That is love. You helped Putin decide to invade with your ā€œBiden is weakā€ bullcrap . You lied that Biden gave Putin permission and you failed to produce a quote where Biden gave Putin permission to invade.

Biden told reporters Wednesday that ā€œmy guess is he will move in. He has to do something,ā€ as he revealed tensions within the U.S.-European alliance about how to handle various scenarios involving Ukraine. ā€œItā€™s one thing if itā€™s a minor incursion and then we end up having a fight about what to do and not do,ā€ he said, adding ā€œthere are differences in NATO as to what countries are willing to do depending on what happens.ā€​
ā€œItā€™s one thing if itā€™s a minor incursion and then we end up having a fight about what to do and not do,ā€ he said, adding ā€œthere are differences in NATO as to what countries are willing to do depending on what happens.ā€​

Biden spoke the hard truth because up to that tine NATO and the EU and UK were not in agreement on a response,

But nevertheless Biden was not giving Putin permission to do anything.

ā€œItā€™s one thing if itā€™s a minor incursion and then we end up having a fight about what to do and not do,ā€​

The mention of an ā€œif there is minor incursionā€ is in no way giving permission to do a minor incursion. He spoke the truth and you attack our president while Putin was lying to the world that the massive troop buildup was a drill.

As you can very see Biden didn't tell Putin that the US gives you the go ahead as long as you mkero it to a minor incursion,

He did not say that so you are a liar. a liar that gives aid and comfort to the enemy.

key word ā€œpermissionā€ you are lying and you have proven nothing when you cannot produce an actual quote.
Holy shit, you got it bad. Used to, you leftists were into "nuance" (which you used to excuse your opposition to the United States' military action in the Middle East and support for Islamic oppression).

Now, it's absolute binary thinking, although "thinking" is being very generous. "If you don't kiss Biden's ass, you love Putin and you're a traitor!!" You idiots believe being an easily-manipulated emotional child is a positive trait. Spoiler alert: It's not.

News flash, retard. I can oppose Putin's military adventures AND Biden's incompetence. But you can't understand that, because it doesn't agree with your programming.

And I appreciate your estimation of my influence, but I really don't think Putin is lurking USMB and counting how many people think Biden is a moron.
"If you don't kiss Biden's ass,

I didnā€™t ask you to kiss Bidenā€™s ass. You need to stop lying about our President who has been a thousand times tougher on Putin than Trump ever was or ever could be.

ā€œPutin decided to invade Ukraine because USA democracy survived the BIG LIE and the Jan6 assaul led by the ill suited leader of the free world at the time.

Then in Putinā€™s scheme Biden began spreading that NATO ā€œdefend democracyā€ bullshit all over again - Hell yeah Putin had to invade - canā€™t have another one of those effn governments of the people, by the people and for the people taking root in Putinā€™e Ukraine.

And or maybe Putin just became too fucking agitated because he lost all the recognition and adulation from a siting POTUS for being a strongman and great leader that he greatly enjoyed receiving under Trump..
I can oppose Putin's military adventures AND Biden's incompetence

Of course you oppose Putinā€™s military adventurism as you call it because it instantaneously and automatically fucked up the American religious rightā€™s chosen political ā€œoneā€ that god sent to help them destroy western liberalism and the multicultural liberal democracy that enables it.

First God introduced Vladimir Putin to the world in 2000 and liberals were against him and then god sent another blessed strong man, DONALD J TRUMP and until November 5 or 6th 2020 when Satan, liberals, Mexicans, Islamists, gays, pedophiles and people who say ā€œBLACK Lives MATTERā€ succeeded in ending the giddy-ness of the USAā€™s powerful far right of mostly white evangelical Christian nationalists and their worldwide fellowship at seeing their Biblical god take a major loss on the battlefield.


That led to the BIG LIE and the insurrection attempt on Jan6 with the cross and the gallows being present to save America for GOD and Trumpism.

And Then god lost again against the Satan run US Federal deep state gubbmint under Joe Biden and ANTIFA and the fake news media.

You daveman Along with BFFā€™s Clarence and Ginny, enjoyed that God-Putin-Trump lib bashing coalition for five glorious conservative years and then suddenly Putin crossed a line on February 24 2022 that you cannot pass off as fake atheistic Christian hating Marxist news media trying to brainwash you into accepting same sex marriage being allowed in Godā€™s America. ( See Mashmont ) he will tell you all about it

It is tragic that it takes live images by courageous journalists in a war zones to wake America ā€˜s self centered right wingers up. Such as the four dead family members lying on the street after Putinā€™s holy fucking war artillery shell landed nearby as they were fleeing the assault on their peaceful city.

But it didnā€™t wake you up daveman . You see Putinā€™s genocidal reign of terror on the peaceful people of Ukraine as military adventurism and enabled somehow because Biden used the words ā€œminor incursionā€ as follows:

ā€œItā€™s one thing if itā€™s a minor incursion and then we end up having a fight about what to do and not do,ā€

No, he just gave him permission to invade Ukraine.

You continue doing Putinā€™s bidding when you flat out lie about what Joe said.

I an not sorry for your lack of self respect, resolve, truthfulness and basic decent humanity in confronting a global menace and threat to the people of Ukraine, Europeā€™s, free democracy around the world. Itā€™s not simply a military incursion that Biden is against.

You should at least give him a chance instead of lying about him from the get go.

That is the least you can do after being on the side of the goon who sucked up to Putin fir the past five years. Give truth a chance for once in your Ginny Thomas conservative life. Quit being a Ginny.
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The unrelenting stupidity of Trump Republicans never ceases to amaze.

The Post explains, "Virginia Thomas, a conservative activist married to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, repeatedly pressed White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows to pursue unrelenting efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election in a series of urgent text exchanges in the critical weeks after the vote, according to copies of the messages obtained by The Washington Post and CBS News.

"The messages ā€” 29 in all ā€” reveal an extraordinary pipeline between Virginia Thomas, who goes by Ginni, and President Donald Trumpā€™s top aide during a period when Trump and his allies were vowing to go to the Supreme Court in an effort to negate the election results.

"On Nov. 10, after news organizations had projected Joe Biden the winner based on state vote totals, Thomas wrote to Meadows: ā€œHelp This Great President stand firm, Mark!!!...You are the leader, with him, who is standing for Americaā€™s constitutional governance at the precipice. The majority knows Biden and the Left is attempting the greatest Heist of our History.ā€

This amount of absurdity from the wife of a Supreme Court Justice takes your breath away.

When Meadows replied to Thomas on Nov. 24, the White House chief of staff invoked God to describe the effort to overturn the election. ā€œThis is a fight of good versus evil.ā€ Evil always looks like the victor until the King of Kings triumphs. Do not grow weary in well doing. The fight continues. I have staked my career on it. Well at least my time in DC on it.ā€

The Post added, "The messages, which do not directly reference Justice Thomas or the Supreme Court, show for the first time how Ginni Thomas used her access to Trumpā€™s inner circle to promote and seek to guide the presidentā€™s strategy to overturn the election results ā€” and how receptive and grateful Meadows said he was to receive her advice."

Ever since the advent of Donald J. Trump in 2016 the Republican Party is the party of fools, and they are being led by fools.

It is difficult to accept that, for a short period of time, these people were in charge of our federal government. Shame on us.

Will we allow that to happen again?

While the spouse of a Justice being an activist is pretty sketchy, I get the feeling that what is upsetting you, is just the fact of religious people having the Right to participate in the political process.

If it were the lefty wife of a lefty Justice, talking to the a lefty white house, you would be celebrating the unity of progressives or some such shit.

So, question to you, do you believe that religious people have the same right to participate in the political process as you people?
While the spouse of a Justice being an activist is pretty sketchy, I get the feeling that what is upsetting you, is just the fact of religious people having the Right to participate in the political process.

If it were the lefty wife of a lefty Justice, talking to the a lefty white house, you would be celebrating the unity of progressives or some such shit.

So, question to you, do you believe that religious people have the same right to participate in the political process as you people?

You didn't ask me but I've always supported people being able to exercise ALL of their first Amendment rights.

I also don't hold a politician accountable personally for what a relative does. That noted, it is a very bad look to have a Supreme Court justice wife texting the government to overturn an election where she didn't like the outcome.
I didnā€™t ask you to kiss Bidenā€™s ass. You need to stop lying about our President who has been a thousand times tougher on Putin than Trump ever was or ever could be.

ā€œPutin decided to invade Ukraine because USA democracy survived the BIG LIE and the Jan6 assaul led by the ill suited leader of the free world at the time.

Then in Putinā€™s scheme Biden began spreading that NATO ā€œdefend democracyā€ bullshit all over again - Hell yeah Putin had to invade - canā€™t have another one of those effn governments of the people, by the people and for the people taking root in Putinā€™e Ukraine.

And or maybe Putin just became too fucking agitated because he lost all the recognition and adulation from a siting POTUS for being a strongman and great leader that he greatly enjoyed receiving under Trump..
It's okay. You're allowed to criticize Biden's incompetence. You won't burst into flame or be crucified as a heretic.

But you don't believe that, do you?
Of course you oppose Putinā€™s military adventurism as you call it because it instantaneously and automatically fucked up the American religious rightā€™s chosen political ā€œoneā€ that god sent to help them destroy western liberalism and the multicultural liberal democracy that enables it.

First God introduced Vladimir Putin to the world in 2000 and liberals were against him and then god sent another blessed strong man, DONALD J TRUMP and until November 5 or 6th 2020 when Satan, liberals, Mexicans, Islamists, gays, pedophiles and people who say ā€œBLACK Lives MATTERā€ succeeded in ending the giddy-ness of the USAā€™s powerful far right of mostly white evangelical Christian nationalists and their worldwide fellowship at seeing their Biblical god take a major loss on the battlefield.

View attachment 621891

That led to the BIG LIE and the insurrection attempt on Jan6 with the cross and the gallows being present to save America for GOD and Trumpism.

And Then god lost again against the Satan run US Federal deep state gubbmint under Joe Biden and ANTIFA and the fake news media.

You daveman Along with BFFā€™s Clarence and Ginny, enjoyed that God-Putin-Trump lib bashing coalition for five glorious conservative years and then suddenly Putin crossed a line on February 24 2022 that you cannot pass off as fake atheistic Christian hating Marxist news media trying to brainwash you into accepting same sex marriage being allowed in Godā€™s America. ( See Mashmont ) he will tell you all about it

It is tragic that it takes live images by courageous journalists in a war zones to wake America ā€˜s self centered right wingers up. Such as the four dead family members lying on the street after Putinā€™s holy fucking war artillery shell landed nearby as they were fleeing the assault on their peaceful city.

But it didnā€™t wake you up daveman . You see Putinā€™s genocidal reign of terror on the peaceful people of Ukraine as military adventurism and enabled somehow because Biden used the words ā€œminor incursionā€ as follows:

ā€œItā€™s one thing if itā€™s a minor incursion and then we end up having a fight about what to do and not do,ā€

You continue doing Putinā€™s bidding when you flat out lie about what Joe said.

I an not sorry for your lack of self respect, resolve, truthfulness and basic decent humanity in confronting a global menace and threat to the people of Ukraine, Europeā€™s, free democracy around the world. Itā€™s not simply a military incursion that Biden is against.

You should at least give him a chance instead of lying about him from the get go.

That is the least you can do after being on the side of the goon who sucked up to Putin fir the past five years. Give truth a chance for once in your Ginny Thomas conservative life. Quit being a Ginny.
You're fucking retarded.
While the spouse of a Justice being an activist is pretty sketchy,

Sketchy? The woman is up to her neck deep in the attempt to overturn the election for Donald Trump based the most whacked out conspiracy theory of all time. And when Congress wants to know what exactly who was communicating with the White House regarding the coup attempts against the incoming government her best friend hubby on the Supreme Court ruled to not give Congress access to what his wife was up to.

Thats a lot more than sketchy. Iā€™m not sure Clarence has much respect for our democratic process as a sacred secular institution. He should not be where he is. he is a disgrace to the court.
You're allowed to criticize Biden's incompetence.

I will if I ever see some. One thing I wonā€™t do against any politician is lie about something insignificant they did not say and then call that incompetence.

That is where you and I differ.
You didn't ask me but I've always supported people being able to exercise ALL of their first Amendment rights.


So, you agree that religious people, even conservative Christian religious people, have the same rights as anyone else, to participate in the political process.

Thanks. I appreciate your clear declaration of principle, especially as it is a traditional American principle.
So, you agree that religious people, even conservative Christian religious people, have the same rights as anyone else, to participate in the political process.


Thanks. I appreciate your clear declaration of principle, especially as it is a traditional American principle.

I support all the rights for everyone.

I support all the rights for everyone.

Good. I also support the rights of all people, even those I disagree with strongly, such as liberals, also.

Even if the way that the liberals think, or the things they believe, look strange or evens silly to me, personally.
So, you agree that religious people, even conservative Christian religious people, have the same rights as anyone else, to participate in the political process.

Thanks. I appreciate your clear declaration of principle, especially as it is a traditional American principle.

Correll heā€™s lying right there. He does not allow the right to protest if through no fault of the protesters for some reason violence breaks out. I understand Correll ā€™s basic rule is three times particular protest is OK, but after three times if violence breaks out you shouldnā€™t peacefully protest anymore.
Correll heā€™s lying right there. He does not allow the right to protest if through no fault of the protesters for some reason violence breaks out. I understand Correll ā€™s basic rule is three times particular protest is OK, but after three times if violence breaks out you shouldnā€™t peacefully protest anymore.

Who doesn't?
Correll has said that if your protest ends up associated with violence more than three times you must stop protesting.

First, I will state that I do support violence if need be BUT we were talking about the Constitution. The Constitution does not grant anyone the right to violence but the Founders did understand it would be necessary at times.

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