To all you calling BS on the Trump indictment…

You’re quite insipid.

We shall soon find out what the indictment says.

I’m sure you’ll be impressed by what so many people have already figured out.
It’s quite obvious at this point that it won’t matter what the indictment says. The excuse train is rolling and it doesn’t matter what it is… it will be labeled as rigged. Y’all are already painting the narrative. It’s obvious and pathetic
Yeah this dude on a political message board acting like us chatting about the indictment is akin to a Supreme Court leak or something.

CONTEXT people geez
I have no issue with talking about the indictment. It’s those making conclusions about it without knowing any details. People like Lindsey Graham acting all huffy puffy and calling it bullshit on cable news. He needs an award for worst actor btw.
It’s quite obvious at this point that it won’t matter what the indictment says. The excuse train is rolling and it doesn’t matter what it is… it will be labeled as rigged. Y’all are already painting the narrative. It’s obvious and pathetic
I realize that you’ve predetermined guilt.

That’s quite unpersuasive. .
I realize that you’ve predetermined guilt.

That’s quite unpersuasive. .
On the contrary I haven’t predetermined anything except for the fact that there was enough evidence of crimes to convince a grand jury to indict…. But you keep making excuses and judging the situation you know nothing about
Because Mueller, the DOJ and a couple of other NY prosecutors looked at the same set of facts and had the wisdom to walk away. Any questions?

They walked away from indicting a sitting president?! Wow that’s shocking

Also you have no clue if they looked at the same set of facts.
It’s quite obvious at this point that it won’t matter what the indictment says. The excuse train is rolling and it doesn’t matter what it is… it will be labeled as rigged. Y’all are already painting the narrative. It’s obvious and pathetic
It's all they know. Literally.

In a related story, Trump has already personally attacked the JUDGE.

They walked away from indicting a sitting president?! Wow that’s shocking

Also you have no clue if they looked at the same set of facts.

Wow, you're such a liar. Even Bragg when he first looked at the situation decided he didn't want to take a bite of that shit sandwich. Then he bent to political pressure and he'll live to regret it. Trump wasn't a sitting president then and he wasn't a sitting president when the previous NYC DA passed.

Wow, you're such a liar. Even Bragg when he first looked at the situation decided he didn't want to take a bite of that shit sandwich. Then he bent to political pressure and he'll live to regret it. Trump wasn't a sitting president then and he wasn't a sitting president when the previous NYC DA passed.

Again you speak out of your ass. You have no clue who saw what and you have no clue what was used to indict Trump. Stop pretending and just be honest
Let’s see what Cohen says under oath, not in a statement to the NY Times

You mean like that last time he said something under oath and was convicted of perjury or when he lied to Congress? Apparently oaths mean nothing to this guy which is why he's not a credible witness.
Again you speak out of your ass. You have no clue who saw what and you have no clue what was used to indict Trump. Stop pretending and just be honest

Trump has been undergoing a constant colonoscopy for 7 freaking years, there's nothing new to find. If reporting is half way accurate, Bragg is trying to create new law, ignoring all existing statutes of limitations. Now practice what you preach.

Of course the stormy payment is involved. There’s supposedly like 30+ charges. But we have all the blowhards declaring it a political prosecution and BS without even seeing any details. Give me a break

Oh please. He campaigned on getting Trump. If you don't call that political then what do you call political? And again, if these charges all relate to Stormy then it will likely get thrown out of court. If a local DA can charge Trump on federal election violations, what's stopping Detroit from doing the same thing? Or Chicago, or my city of Cleveland? It's not even state matter yet alone city.
Trump has been undergoing a constant colonoscopy for 7 freaking years, there's nothing new to find. If reporting is half way accurate, Bragg is trying to create new law, ignoring all existing statutes of limitations. Now practice what you preach.

Since when have you believed reporting. Even half way?! Trump is scrutinized because he lies all the time. He brings it upon himself.
Oh please. He campaigned on getting Trump. If you don't call that political then what do you call political? And again, if these charges all relate to Stormy then it will likely get thrown out of court. If a local DA can charge Trump on federal election violations, what's stopping Detroit from doing the same thing? Or Chicago, or my city of Cleveland? It's not even state matter yet alone city.
so what if he campaigned on getting Trump? He saw a crooked politician and went after him. The grand jury were the ones that indicted. And they did so based on evidence not brags campaign
Since when have you believed reporting. Even half way?! Trump is scrutinized because he lies all the time. He brings it upon himself.

Child, why are you quoting reporting, saying there are 30+ counts in the indictment, or that it concerns payment to the porn bitch?

so what if he campaigned on getting Trump? He saw a crooked politician and went after him. The grand jury were the ones that indicted. And they did so based on evidence not brags campaign

Did he show them the statement Cohen signed, saying neither Trump or the Campaign was involved in the payoff and the execution of the NDA? He also said in the same statement that he had not been reimbursed. Did he tell them that the statutes of limitations had long passed on the crimes he was alleging? The answer is HELL NO to all the above. Bragg will be lucky if he escapes with his bar card.

so what if he campaigned on getting Trump? He saw a crooked politician and went after him. The grand jury were the ones that indicted. And they did so based on evidence not brags campaign

You are so brainwashed. Here is an example of your mentality:

"Show me the man and I'll show you the crime."

Do you know who said that? Probably one of your heroes judging by this comment of yours.

A grand jury hears only one side of the argument. There is no defense lawyer, there is nobody to present the other side of the charge, there is nobody there to point out any lies. That's where the term you can indict a ham sandwich came from.

I'm sure you want to live in a country where you target a person and then look for a crime to fit them, but real Americans will protest and fight un-Americans such as yourself.

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