To all you pro oil folks out there.

I agree with most of that except that they did not start using it as an excuse until after January.
Before that, the world was not thinking much about Ukraine yet.

They swap excuses every chance they get. Someone sneezes in the middle east, the price goes up. Biden cuts the XL pipeline, the price goes up.
It's just one excuse after another, until people figure out that it's the oil companies themselves, including OPEC that can charge what ever they damn well please.
The boom cycle hits, prices go back down, and everyone forgets the last bust cycle. And in 5 to 7 years, another boom cycle starts and people have forgotten everything that happened during the last bust cycle.

If you really want to get into the nitty gritty of this, this bust cycle started, at least in part by Trump "deal" he made with Opec, in April of 2020, to cut production by 10%. This was done with the influence of American oil companies and Trump wanting to import Russian oil. Why would any president want OPEC to lower production, when we all know that drives the ppb up?

I'm not blaming Trump for the $5 to $8 per gallon we're seeing now. A lot of crap has gone on since then. Especially with Biden's tiff he's got going on with US oil.
In fact, one poster did just that, and all he gets is crickets from you shills, not one of you actually addressed what he said.

. Anybody can search the WSJ any time they want. You can't, and of course I could care less what shills demand on the innernetz; you shills aren't here to debate, and you would never admit to anything that proves you're lying idiots anyway, so no one needs waste their time 'backing up' a damn thing that is public knowledge already, dumbass.
I accept your admission you can’t back up your claims.
If you can't afford $100 to fill up your car with gas, buy a $60,000 electric car....

...say rich, dumbass liberal elitists who are completely out of touch with every-day American citizes.
Its the same mentality that compels lefty snowflakes to borrow $300,000 to pay for a degree in music or black studies and then bitch about having to pay the money back on their measly post graduate salary
I don't have to, dumbass. You just think I do, and you aren't serious enough to bother with. People can look it all up on their own. I don't answer questions over and over and over that have already been answered, just because you lie and say they haven't been like a 10 year old.
Seems you make a lot of bullshit claims you can’t back up.
'Liberals' didn't do it, and the dollar is worth a lot less than it was two years ago, so prices aren't 'really' double', nor are they 'the highest in history in real inflation adjusted dollars.
Of course they did it, Dudley! They just don't have the character to ADMIT that they did it because they know that the electorate is PISSED! You on the left lied to the American people about what a war on fossil fuels would do and now you're lying some more to try and keep from getting run out of Washington on a rail!
If you can't afford $100 to fill up your car with gas, buy a $60,000 electric car....

...say rich, dumbass liberal elitists who are completely out of touch with every-day American citizes.

Dumbass right wing shills just tell them to find two more jobs and work harder n stuff if the can't afford stuff.
So what. If you're pro big oil, you should be celebrating. They can never get enough profit, right? They need that money to explore and drill baby drill.

Over 9000 drilling permits issued since April of last year, the question remains, why aren't the drilling? Why aren't they turning up the spigot?

Answer, because OPEC is also in their bust cycle. US oil and OPEC do their bust cycles simultaneously.

Bust cycle?
I thought that was when producers went bankrupt?
Production was cut world wide before President Biden took office. The price increases is a result of the world getting back to work and OPEC and the oil producing nations not keeping up with the rising demand for several reasons. The least of which is a cancelled leg of the Keystone pipeline system. The failure is on Trump for not being able to negotiate legislation with Congress, and used an EO that could be reversed just as easily.
Look at this moron trying to blame Trump for his Vegetable Messiah’s $6 gas.
What are some of the many other subsidies?

'Emminent domain' for unnecessary pipelines like the XL and the lines the Koch brothers own but never maintain until they leak and destroy a lot of other people's private property and then take years to pay pennies on the dollar in damages, for one biggie. 'Free marketers' never ever post threads complaining about companies essentially stealing whatever land they want using the govt. to back them.
Dumbass right wing shills just tell them to find two more jobs and work harder n stuff if the can't afford stuff.
Left wing shills like you tell them they're better off in the Biden Economy, Dudley and they shake their heads in anger because they KNOW they can't pay their bills now and it's because of the policies that you've pushed! November is coming and it's going to be epic! :)
It went through the floor as of March and stayed low until the economy began recovering

Ukraine made it jump up after that
It was jumping week before Biden’s buddy Putin went into Ukraine.
Left wing shills like you tell them they're better off in the Biden Economy, Dudley and they shake their heads in anger because they KNOW they can't pay their bills now and it's because of the policies that you've pushed! November is coming and it's going to be epic! :)

Go ahead and find anything like that I've ever said, and then come back here and admit you're clueless and ashamed for being so stupid.:)
Yall need to stop complaining about Biden and what you think he's done to increased gas prices. Biden is doing the oil companies a favor. Record profits with little overhead.
So if you're going to continue to be pro big oil, yall need to stop complaining about the price. It's a free market economy, and if the oil companies get to make $100 billion just in the 1st quarter, then you should all be proud. In fact, I'd advise you all to buy extra gas cans and fill them all up. Buy it and give it away to those who can't afford it.

You know, just to show your support for big oil.
exactly, Brandon is all about the money to oil companies. And the foolish demofks in here love it.
OPEC is always cheaper than US oil. Our lift costs are high. Trump sanctioned Venezuela in 2017. And we haven't been KSA's primary market in 15 years. You just don't know anything about the oil business.
I know enough to know you are full of shit.

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