To all you pro oil folks out there.

How did the Democrats cause oil prices to go up world wide?

Because oil and gasoline are worldwide markets. Dementia ran on killing our fuel and OPEC knows it. They are going to take advantage of our poor choices in leadership by cutting supply. If Trump were still in charge, they wouldn't dream of it because Trump would amp up our oil output and they'd be the losers. When you have an anti-energy President in charge, they understand quite well he won't do that.
Yall need to stop complaining about Biden and what you think he's done to increased gas prices. Biden is doing the oil companies a favor. Record profits with little overhead.
So if you're going to continue to be pro big oil, yall need to stop complaining about the price. It's a free market economy, and if the oil companies get to make $100 billion just in the 1st quarter, then you should all be proud. In fact, I'd advise you all to buy extra gas cans and fill them all up. Buy it and give it away to those who can't afford it.

You know, just to show your support for big oil.

I assume you're being facetious.
How did the Democrats cause oil prices to go up world wide?

And why do domestic oil prices have to have anything to do with Brent crude prices? West Texas crude doesn't even sell at Brent prices, and the oil being refined was bought as much as two years ago.
Republicans are brainwashed by political propaganda. Their Dear Leader Bush signed EO-12777 in 1991 banning most of our offshore drilling for 20 years. :lol:

Under Obama coal plants gained more revenue streams by capturing & selling CO2 to Oil Producers."Enhanced Oil Recovery" creating a major demand for Carbon Dioxide from Coal Power Plants. There was no war on Coal. Natural Gas is cheaper than coal & that competition cut coal fired energy demand. Carbon Dioxide from Coal Power Plants is unlocking more oil for customers & profits for Oil Producers.

Under Obama horizontal drilling boundaries & setbacks were eliminated for "ECO Pad Drilling" to lower environmental damage from drillers. "ECO Pad Drilling" lowered oil drilling cost over $15 per barrel & created a US oil production boom.

Environmentally Cleaner oil sands extraction regs lowered oil production to $25/barrel from Utah oil sands. This low priced competition killed Koch Brothers Canadian oil sands disaster & need for XL leg of Keystone pipeline. That's why Koch spends big to brainwash Repubtards to hate Obama.

The facts are Democrats Carter & Obama had domestic energy policies that increased US oil production. Republicans Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush 1 & Bush 2 destroyed US oil production. Read it & weep!


You know your stuff. Bravo.
No President in history,and certainly No political party, has ever stood to big oil, big banking, and big Ag, not ever. There are some things that never change regardless of which Party is in office.
Why do they need “stood to”?
A quick look at why Wall Street investors have resisted financing any more rapid domestic oil production increases:

Oil Prices Top $100, Yet Some Big U.S. Frackers Let Their Production Fall

Big Oil Spends on Investors, Not Output, Prolonging Crude Crunch

The Real Reason Big Oil Won't Save Us From High Gas Prices

A more systematic Federal Reserve look at why American oil production can not quickly add to worldwide production and effect global prices, describing also what actual factors cause present high gasoline prices:

Don’t Look to Oil Companies to Lower High Retail Gasoline Prices
Yall need to stop complaining about Biden and what you think he's done to increased gas prices. Biden is doing the oil companies a favor. Record profits with little overhead.
So if you're going to continue to be pro big oil, yall need to stop complaining about the price. It's a free market economy, and if the oil companies get to make $100 billion just in the 1st quarter, then you should all be proud. In fact, I'd advise you all to buy extra gas cans and fill them all up. Buy it and give it away to those who can't afford it.

You know, just to show your support for big oil.
F Joe Biden and you with him.
A quick look at why Wall Street investors have resisted financing any more rapid domestic oil production increases:

Oil Prices Top $100, Yet Some Big U.S. Frackers Let Their Production Fall

Big Oil Spends on Investors, Not Output, Prolonging Crude Crunch

The Real Reason Big Oil Won't Save Us From High Gas Prices

A more systematic Federal Reserve look at why American oil production can not quickly add to worldwide production and effect global prices, describing also what actual factors cause present high gasoline prices:

Don’t Look to Oil Companies to Lower High Retail Gasoline Prices

YEs. That and more have been reported almost weekly in the WSJ, among others, for the last 10+ months, but these shills are only here to bash Biden, they don't actually care about who loses their shirt or what happens to workers and small businesses, they're strictly wed to giant multi-nationals and what they're being told to parrot.
Yall need to stop complaining about Biden and what you think he's done to increased gas prices. Biden is doing the oil companies a favor. Record profits with little overhead.
So if you're going to continue to be pro big oil, yall need to stop complaining about the price. It's a free market economy, and if the oil companies get to make $100 billion just in the 1st quarter, then you should all be proud. In fact, I'd advise you all to buy extra gas cans and fill them all up. Buy it and give it away to those who can't afford it.

You know, just to show your support for big oil.
Government in tax make more than any oil company. Biden took our oil independence and gave us 6 bucks a gallon What a useless idiot who has yet to get one right
Government in tax make more than any oil company. Biden took our oil independence and gave us 6 bucks a gallon What a useless idiot who has yet to get one right
Right. Biden controls oil production and supply world wide.
Groomercrats are anti oil people. They vote for and do everything they can to hurt the oil industry. Then groomercrats go fill their car up and complain about the high price.
What kills me is how Anti-Science the Left is while claiming they are Pro-Science.

Let's talk just about "Oil". Fossil Fuel Theory is over 150 years old.

Fossil Fuel is named that for one reason. Early in it's discovery it was noted in coal beds that fossils were found, and occasionally in sedimentary rock that held oil and natural gas deposits.

There is absolutely Zero Science behind calling Fossil Fuels, Fossil Fuel. None, Nada, Zip. The only association is that life is based in carbon, and hydrocarbons have......carbon.

Coal, Oil, Tar, Natural Gas are all formed deep in the Earth under pressure and heat, then rise up through fissures, and fill voids under salt domes, and in permeable rock strata. Some of the Hyrdocarbons become Natural Gas, Some Petroleum, some Tar, and some become Coal. It's part of the carbon cycle, and the biggest driver of that are the subduction zones where the continental plates are subducted and melted in the mantle, releasing the Carbon contained in the melting plates.

We will never run out of Hydrocarbon fuel.

Hydrocarbon Fuels are Abiotic, and it is time to update our understanding of that as we now are in the technology age, and know the truth.

One look at the moon Titan will tell you that The Left and it's High Priests of The Church of The Holy Melting Iceberg are all Liars.
Scientists do lie. Michael Mann lied and he is the idiot that faked the the data used in the famed "Hockey Stick" that started the big lie of Global Warming.

There are entire fields of Science based in lies studying and postulating on theories that will never be proven no matter how many grant dollars you throw at them.

There is no such thing as AGW. The solar cycles drive the entire cycle of climate on Earth and govern what the average temperatures are. We are also at the lowest level of CO2 in Earth's history. CO2 has nothing to do with anything these lunatics are talking about.

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Wrong! - Recessions are caused by rapidly collapsing money supply & velocity that happens when too many bad loans default like the ones Republican President Bush 2 created when he signed the "American Dream Act" in 2003.

Bush certainly was no help but it all started back in the Clinton days. The Communists lowered loan standards so their voters (blacks and lower income people) could get home loans. You can't lower qualifications for one group of people, so they had to lower them for everybody.

It wasn't until we were getting over 911 and coming out of a recession when folks started to take advantage of this. Some Republicans tried to stop it but was met with fierce opposition by the Democrats because people like Barney Frank were making a killing.

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Right. Biden controls oil production and supply world wide.
You left out "and his friends in The Church of The Holy Melting Iceberg"
Das BidenShitzHizPantzFuehrer has help. So let's give his "help" some credit too.
He told us he was going to "end hydrocarbon fuels"!

Funny how gas prices started shooting exponentially up the second he went to war against Oil and Gas.

I believe Evil people when they say they are going to do something like come after our children, take our guns, end free speech, or attack the oil and gas industry.

It's the only time these son of a bitches from Hell do not lie.
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Yall need to stop complaining about Biden and what you think he's done to increased gas prices. Biden is doing the oil companies a favor. Record profits with little overhead.
So if you're going to continue to be pro big oil, yall need to stop complaining about the price. It's a free market economy, and if the oil companies get to make $100 billion just in the 1st quarter, then you should all be proud. In fact, I'd advise you all to buy extra gas cans and fill them all up. Buy it and give it away to those who can't afford it.

You know, just to show your support for big oil.
It's not a free market in the oil market. Biden an company are deliberately choking the supply of oil. We are not pro-oil corporation. We are simply doing what can be done to increase the supply of oil. Biden is doing the opposite.
Left out 'up'. You can keep looking for outs and making apologia for oligarchies instead of admitting to facts if you want to though. You need the peer group fuzzy feelings. I don't.
So you have no answer.

Got it.
Obviously I know a lot more about it than you do, since you're just parroting your usual partisan spin. If you knew so much you would have bought all the futures and options you could get your hands on an you wouldn't be in here pretending you give a shit about the poor workers n stuff, i.e. just shilling for your Party.

And none you ever go near the fact that the big oil companies and frackers themselves openly state they are no re-investing in new drilling because it would be stupid to do it at today's prices and their stockholders want dividends. Small indie drillers are still at it, which is why rig counts are still way up, but with the big players out the people who produce pipe and other necessities aren't firing up production to match the needs. That is also in the news lately. If you don't know any of this you don't know squat. IF you do read the news then you know you can't refute what I said.

I spent a couple of years in the market. I only sold oil once during the Bush years and that turned out to be a big mistake. Oil trades are for the wealthy because it's a big buck market. You can lose your ass in a matter of a few hours. I do wish I was still in during last election because in spite of me avoiding fuels, I would have put everything I had into oil, gasoline and diesel because I knew this would happen. I predicted it the day Dementia was declared the winner. Of course, most people that were in the market thought the same thing, thus the price we are paying today.
Yall need to stop complaining about Biden and what you think he's done to increased gas prices. Biden is doing the oil companies a favor. Record profits with little overhead.
So if you're going to continue to be pro big oil, yall need to stop complaining about the price. It's a free market economy, and if the oil companies get to make $100 billion just in the 1st quarter, then you should all be proud. In fact, I'd advise you all to buy extra gas cans and fill them all up. Buy it and give it away to those who can't afford it.

You know, just to show your support for big oil.

This is what pure ignorance looks like.

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