To all you pro oil folks out there.

Pretty sure working folks don't give two shits about oil company profits. Never have, never will.

However, they get a little pissed when it costs them $100 to fill up their Toyota, Dumbass.

Good luck in November when gas prices are avg around $6-$7 a gallon.

The oil companies make 5¢ to 10¢ in profit on each gallon of gasoline that they sell.

Big Government takes up to $1.81 in taxes on each gallon.

Yes, we are being screwed, and yes, we have every reason to be pissed. The the oil companies are the wrong target for our anger.
It's not a free market in the oil market. Biden an company are deliberately choking the supply of oil. We are not pro-oil corporation. We are simply doing what can be done to increase the supply of oil. Biden is doing the opposite.

That's a much better answer than the usual. Thanks.
Because oil and gasoline are worldwide markets. Dementia ran on killing our fuel and OPEC knows it. They are going to take advantage of our poor choices in leadership by cutting supply. If Trump were still in charge, they wouldn't dream of it because Trump would amp up our oil output and they'd be the losers. When you have an anti-energy President in charge, they understand quite well he won't do that.
Are you fucking serious... Trump internationally was considered a joke... Remember when US allies were laughing at him...

OPEC doesn't give a fuck about whatever a US President says as long as they get there arms... Trump gave them enough and they didn't need anymore... So fuck off..

By the way it was Trump that told them to cut supply in April 2020... They didn't cut for him, they cut it because they had no where to store it...

Biden is not anti energy, he anti US getting their holes opened by a bunch of Oil lobbyists... You know Oil that is extracted in US and Refined in the US is not US Oil... It is for anyone who is will to pay for it...
The oil companies make 5¢ to 10¢ in profit on each gallon of gasoline that they sell.

Big Government takes up to $1.81 in taxes on each gallon.

Yes, we are being screwed, and yes, we have every reason to be pissed. The the oil companies are the wrong target for our anger.
How many schools did the Oil companies build, how many teachers do they pay?

Tell us of all the roads and bridges they built?
So you can't refute what I said, and think you're covering that up.

Got it.
I don't have to refute what you said. It's complete bullshit.

And we all know it since you can't back up your claim. Not on me to refute anything, Dumbass. It's on you to back up your own claims.

That's how it works.
I don't have to refute what you said. It's complete bullshit.

And we all know it since you can't back up your claim. Not on me to refute anything, Dumbass. It's on you to back up your own claims.

That's how it works.

In fact, one poster did just that, and all he gets is crickets from you shills, not one of you actually addressed what he said.

. Anybody can search the WSJ any time they want. You can't, and of course I could care less what shills demand on the innernetz; you shills aren't here to debate, and you would never admit to anything that proves you're lying idiots anyway, so no one needs waste their time 'backing up' a damn thing that is public knowledge already, dumbass.
Because oil and gasoline are worldwide markets. Dementia ran on killing our fuel and OPEC knows it. They are going to take advantage of our poor choices in leadership by cutting supply. If Trump were still in charge, they wouldn't dream of it because Trump would amp up our oil output and they'd be the losers. When you have an anti-energy President in charge, they understand quite well he won't do that.
That just makes too much economic sense. When you sit atop the globe’s largest supply of a critical commodity, you control what you can control to help your own economy. How did anyone ever think capitulating to other countries at the expense of the US Economy was a good idea?
How many schools did the Oil companies build, how many teachers do they pay?

Tell us of all the roads and bridges they built?

Here in California, the state taxes on gasoline are supposed to be used to build and maintain our roads and related infrastructure.

The criminals that infest our state government keep embezzling this revenue for other purposes, and the roads do not get fixed, and now, every year that claim that they don't have enough funds to fix the roads, and use that as an excuse to increase the fuel taxes.

Yes., there are links. Try Google.
No you didn't. Exxon will always prefer $100 over $60.

Yes, I did, and I have many times in other threads on the same topic. You never responded to links I did post in those threads, so no reason to indulge you in this one either. And, you haven't refuted it in somebody else's post where they linked to the same proof, either, which is why you shills don't need to be taken seriously. You're not here to debate.
it was also part of foreign policy to undercut and punish Venezuela's nationalizations of oil company properties and put the screws to their domestic budgets.

We didn't have to do anything for Venezuela's underinvestment and total mismanagement of their oil industry to screw their economy.
Yes., there are links. Try Google.

Yes, I did, and I have many times in other threads on the same topic. You never responded to links I did post in those threads, so no reason to indulge you in this one either.

You made the 2 year claim. Why don't you run away from it? LOL!

And you can't show that Exxon ever prefers $60 oil to $100 oil.

Not even once.
Because oil and gasoline are worldwide markets. Dementia ran on killing our fuel and OPEC knows it. They are going to take advantage of our poor choices in leadership by cutting supply. If Trump were still in charge, they wouldn't dream of it because Trump would amp up our oil output and they'd be the losers. When you have an anti-energy President in charge, they understand quite well he won't do that.
"killing our fuel "
There is no such fucking thing as our fuel... Doesn't fucking exist... Are you fucking slow or do you need to be explained this is remedial english...

The Oil extracted from US and Refined in US belongs to a multinational Oil Company and they sell it whoever they fucking want to... Selling to US is because they paid the highest price... Get it, never 'our fuel', so stop acting like the slow kid in the class...

Have we finished explaining you about how the global oil market works?

Now if you are scratching your head, Oil Companies spend a shit load of lobbying money convincing you that somehow there Oil is your Oil... But be clear, it is not fucking yours...
That just makes too much economic sense. When you sit atop the globe’s largest supply of a critical commodity, you control what you can control to help your own economy. How did anyone ever think capitulating to other countries at the expense of the US Economy was a good idea?

So why are you 'free market' types claiming the U.S. has to raise prices according to what Brent crude sells for to non-producing countries in Asia or Poland, then? It's ridiculous 'logic'.

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