To be an AGW denier is to be paranoid

These clouds give Venus an albedo of 0.6 which means 60%of the suns energy is reflected back out to space, 40%is absorbed. Earth by comparison has an albedo of 0.3 which means 70% is absorbed

Absorbed by what? The gases in the atmosphere that are invisible to shortwave?....the ground which receives almost no sunlight at all? Absorbed by what....Describe the mechanism by which a greenhouse effect as described by climate science might operate on venus...

Yo, Mr Atmospheric Physicist, how about explaining to us mere mortals what the phrase "invisible to shortwave" is supposed to mean? The atmosphere of Venus reflects a LOT of SW and absorbs some. Where does "invisible" fit in there?
Crick is denying that Atmospheric pressure on Venus is the cause of its high temperatures.

Crick # 1 Denier

I imagine he also denies that the pressure in my fire extinguisher constantly generates heat, which is why it's glowing red hot all the time. As does the pressure in my my car tires. That's why everyone's car tires are always spontaneously igniting.

Oh wait. That doesn't happen. Only the the most brain-damaged droolers on the planet claim that pressure generates heat. Because it doesn't. _Increasing_ the pressure generates heat, but that's not happening on Venus or any planet. At any given spot in the atmosphere, the pressure on one day is going to be the same as the pressure on any other, meaning no heat is generated.

SSDD is essentially postulating free energy, which how you know he's babbling pseudoscience crap. The magical air moves because of heat, which changes the pressure, which creates more heat, which moves the air ... an endless cycle of work and motion with no energy input. Perpetual motion, hence it's obvious crap.

So according to mammoth Crick theory of Venus, the dense atmosphere generates heat only once and that heat is convected off into space, any subsequent warming is because man-made global warming.


Just fucking wow
Crick is denying that Atmospheric pressure on Venus is the cause of its high temperatures.

Crick # 1 Denier

I imagine he also denies that the pressure in my fire extinguisher constantly generates heat, which is why it's glowing red hot all the time. As does the pressure in my my car tires. That's why everyone's car tires are always spontaneously igniting.

Oh wait. That doesn't happen. Only the the most brain-damaged droolers on the planet claim that pressure generates heat. Because it doesn't. _Increasing_ the pressure generates heat, but that's not happening on Venus or any planet. At any given spot in the atmosphere, the pressure on one day is going to be the same as the pressure on any other, meaning no heat is generated.

SSDD is essentially postulating free energy, which how you know he's babbling pseudoscience crap. The magical air moves because of heat, which changes the pressure, which creates more heat, which moves the air ... an endless cycle of work and motion with no energy input. Perpetual motion, hence it's obvious crap.

You're claiming that 32psi is comparable to Venus?
I have a far better understanding of the gas laws then you are likely to ever attain, Frank, so don't waste your time with the copied lecture. As to your last comment, were we to rapidly CHANGE the atmospheric pressure of a planet, it would alter its temperature. But it would not, as SSDD claims, MAINTAIN it at an elevated temperature.

Crick you idiot...would you agree that the temperature is lower at the top of everest? Would you agree that if you go higher than everest the temperature would decrease? Would you agree that the air pressure is lower at the top of everest? Would you agree that if you went higher than everest the pressure would be lower? Would you agree that as you increase your altitude both pressure and temperature decrease? Do you think that is coincidence? If you lived on a planet where you could keep on driving downhill to a point where the pressure was 2 atmospheres that the temperature would be warmer than it was at 1 about you drive on down to 3 atmospheres...think it would be warmer? The atmospheric composition is the same, the only thing you are changing is the atmospheric on down to 50 atmospheres...what do you think the temperature would be like down there?

You seem incapable of using your brain crick...are you really that invested in the hoax?
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You're claiming that 32psi is comparable to Venus

No, I'm claiming you're laughably stupid for saying that constant pressure generates heat. I have no idea why you babbled out that stupidity.

Do you need me to explain that in smaller words? I only ask because your grasp of English seems even shakier than your grasp of physics.

So according to mammoth Crick theory of Venus, the dense atmosphere generates heat only once and that heat is convected off into space, any subsequent warming is because man-made global warming.

When you get humiliated for being so ignorant, the proper response is not to lie about those who corrected you. The proper response would be to apologize for being so ignorant, and then thank those who educated you.

So, I'll give you another chance to do the right thing now. Our tough love may sting, but in the long run it will make you a better person.
Even crick admits that pressure causes heat.....

Absolutely wrong. Static pressure absolutely positively does not create heat. _Increasing_ pressure creates heat, because work is being done on the gas to compress it. That is, energy is being put into the gas, so it heats up.

...pressure on a constantly moving and circulating column of air is an entirely different story. Not theory hairball...observed, repeatable experiment done in the lab.

That's laughable bullshit.

If it's not, point us to a lab demonstration of this perpetual-motion free-energy atmospheric system you say exists. I seem to remember one kook blogger saying he did it. Why don't you reference him? After all, everyone understands that one kook blogger automatically overturns centuries of physics.

Pressure isn't free hairball....and there is plenty of energy input...sorry this is all so far over your head...your denial is pitiful...

Tell everyone exactly what the energy input into your atmospheric machine is. Don't just do your normal thing where you wave your hands and invoke "it just happens!" magic. State precisely what that energy input is.

Imagine, denying the ideal gas favor of a flawed greenhouse hypothesis.

Amuse us. Tell everyone how PV = nRT shows that static pressure creates heat. Looks like you're up for another Nobel Prize for completely rewriting the laws of physics. Maybe everyone should be grateful that such an unappreciated genius is in our midst.
You're claiming that 32psi is comparable to Venus

No, I'm claiming you're laughably stupid for saying that constant pressure generates heat. I have no idea why you babbled out that stupidity.

Do you need me to explain that in smaller words? I only ask because your grasp of English seems even shakier than your grasp of physics.

So according to mammoth Crick theory of Venus, the dense atmosphere generates heat only once and that heat is convected off into space, any subsequent warming is because man-made global warming.

When you get humiliated for being so ignorant, the proper response is not to lie about those who corrected you. The proper response would be to apologize for being so ignorant, and then thank those who educated you.

So, I'll give you another chance to do the right thing now. Our tough love may sting, but in the long run it will make you a better person.

Explain why Venus atmosphere, 90 times as dense a Earth's, at 1,300, psi does not generate any heat.
You're claiming that 32psi is comparable to Venus

No, I'm claiming you're laughably stupid for saying that constant pressure generates heat. I have no idea why you babbled out that stupidity.

Do you need me to explain that in smaller words? I only ask because your grasp of English seems even shakier than your grasp of physics.

So according to mammoth Crick theory of Venus, the dense atmosphere generates heat only once and that heat is convected off into space, any subsequent warming is because man-made global warming.

When you get humiliated for being so ignorant, the proper response is not to lie about those who corrected you. The proper response would be to apologize for being so ignorant, and then thank those who educated you.

So, I'll give you another chance to do the right thing now. Our tough love may sting, but in the long run it will make you a better person.

Since Venus is under constant, and not increasing pressure, it should be close to absolute zero, right?
Explain why Venus atmosphere, 90 times as dense a Earth's, at 1,300, psi does not generate any heat.

Because static pressure doesn't generate heat. Period. End of story. That's basic physics.

If you disagree, please point us to your source which says that static pressure generates heat. And explain why my fire extinguisher isn't now generating heat.

If 1300 psi did generate heat, as you say it does, we could charge a cylinder to 1300 psi, hook it up to a Sterling heat engine, and get infinite free work out of it. The world could run on such perpetual motion machines. But that doesn't happen, because static pressure does not generate heat.

Since Venus is under constant, and not increasing pressure, it should be close to absolute zero, right

Of course not. I have no idea of how you came up with such nonsense. You'll have to explain the details of your new groundbreaking theory there.
I have a far better understanding of the gas laws then you are likely to ever attain, Frank, so don't waste your time with the copied lecture. As to your last comment, were we to rapidly CHANGE the atmospheric pressure of a planet, it would alter its temperature. But it would not, as SSDD claims, MAINTAIN it at an elevated temperature.
then where is your empirical evidence at? you have all of this knowledge yet you never use it. You act for the most part a dumb fk in here. Just post up there that empirical evidence you claim to have. no one has seen it yet.
I have a far better understanding of the gas laws then you are likely to ever attain, Frank, so don't waste your time with the copied lecture. As to your last comment, were we to rapidly CHANGE the atmospheric pressure of a planet, it would alter its temperature. But it would not, as SSDD claims, MAINTAIN it at an elevated temperature.

Crick you idiot...would you agree that the temperature is lower at the top of everest? Would you agree that if you go higher than everest the temperature would decrease? Would you agree that the air pressure is lower at the top of everest? Would you agree that if you went higher than everest the pressure would be lower? Would you agree that as you increase your altitude both pressure and temperature decrease? Do you think that is coincidence? If you lived on a planet where you could keep on driving downhill to a point where the pressure was 2 atmospheres that the temperature would be warmer than it was at 1 about you drive on down to 3 atmospheres...think it would be warmer? The atmospheric composition is the same, the only thing you are changing is the atmospheric on down to 50 atmospheres...what do you think the temperature would be like down there?

You seem incapable of using your brain crick...are you really that invested in the hoax?

What sort of mental distortions does it take to spout such obvious NONSENSE with such blind confidence?
Absolutely wrong. Static pressure absolutely positively does not create heat. _Increasing_ pressure creates heat, because work is being done on the gas to compress it. That is, energy is being put into the gas, so it heats up.
So idiot child...are you saying that the turbulent atmosphere on venus is static? Are you saying it is anything like static?

That's laughable bullshit.

What it is idiot child, is observable, repeatable evidence done in a lab.

If it's not, point us to a lab demonstration of this perpetual-motion free-energy atmospheric system you say exists. I seem to remember one kook blogger saying he did it. Why don't you reference him? After all, everyone understands that one kook blogger automatically overturns centuries of physics.

Sure the scientists name is Gareff
Crick you idiot...would you agree that the temperature is lower at the top of everest? Would you agree that if you go higher than everest the temperature would decrease? Would you agree that the air pressure is lower at the top of everest? Would you agree that if you went higher than everest the pressure would be lower? Would you agree that as you increase your altitude both pressure and temperature decrease? Do you think that is coincidence? If you lived on a planet where you could keep on driving downhill to a point where the pressure was 2 atmospheres that the temperature would be warmer than it was at 1 about you drive on down to 3 atmospheres...think it would be warmer? The atmospheric composition is the same, the only thing you are changing is the atmospheric on down to 50 atmospheres...what do you think the temperature would be like down there?

You seem incapable of using your brain crick...are you really that invested in the hoax?

What sort of mental distortions does it take to spout such obvious NONSENSE with such blind confidence?

So you think it is coincidence that as you move further down into our atmosphere from high altitudes that the temperature increases? Is it also coincidence that the idea gas laws predict that will happen? And you think that if our atmosphere were twice as dense it wouldn't be warmer here? Is that what you are saying...go ahead and say it crick....I really want to see if you are that stupid... Say it.
I have no idea why you babbled out that stupidity.

Oh, yes we do. He babbled out that stupidity because his hero SSDD told us that was the case.

It's a teaching moment for you Cricky. Explain to me how the atmospheric pressure on Venus has absolutely no effect on temperature.

Can you do that or will you once again go to the squid ink defense, spew an insult and flee behind the cloud of obfuscation?
Explain why Venus atmosphere, 90 times as dense a Earth's, at 1,300, psi does not generate any heat.

Because static pressure doesn't generate heat. Period. End of story. That's basic physics.

If you disagree, please point us to your source which says that static pressure generates heat. And explain why my fire extinguisher isn't now generating heat.

If 1300 psi did generate heat, as you say it does, we could charge a cylinder to 1300 psi, hook it up to a Sterling heat engine, and get infinite free work out of it. The world could run on such perpetual motion machines. But that doesn't happen, because static pressure does not generate heat.

Since Venus is under constant, and not increasing pressure, it should be close to absolute zero, right

Of course not. I have no idea of how you came up with such nonsense. You'll have to explain the details of your new groundbreaking theory there.

Venus does not have increasing pressure therefore the heat is caused by what, manmade global warming?
I have no idea why you babbled out that stupidity.

Oh, yes we do. He babbled out that stupidity because his hero SSDD told us that was the case.

It's a teaching moment for you Cricky. Explain to me how the atmospheric pressure on Venus has absolutely no effect on temperature.

Can you do that or will you once again go to the squid ink defense, spew an insult and flee behind the cloud of obfuscation?

Put on your goggles...I predict ink.

Does he really think it is coincidence that as you move up in altitude, the temperature decreases and as you move down the temperature increases? Does he really think that if we lived on a planet that had twice the atmospheric pressure that once he got to 1 atmosphere the temperature would not continue to climb as he descended down to two atmospheres of pressure....that it would increase till it got to 1 atmosphere and then remain constant no matter how much more the pressure increased?

Yea....I predict ink because he could't bear to admit that he was wrong on this and the temperature on venus is a product of pressure..not magic CO2.
SSDD is not totally wrong about how pressure affects temperature. there is a balance between stored potential energy (gravity) and kinetic energy (temperature) which is dependent on the available incoming and outgoing energy.

on Earth, the atmosphere at any particular longitude will both warm up AND puff up as it rotates through the Sun's radiance. some of the energy goes into warming, some into potential energy. as that longitude passes out of radiance it will both cool and contract, losing both kinetic (temperature) energy and potential energy. the next day the cycle repeats.

there is a general pattern to atmospheres which allows us to make general estimates if we know the depth, density and energy flux. this general estimate is worthless for Earth where we are looking for changes of tenths of a degree not tens.
as to the OP. perhaps there is only a fine line between skepticism and paranoia. we have been lied to, and misdirected, many times by the CAGW side. honest mistakes I can live with, purposeful obfuscation I cannot. I see no reason to gullibly accept the case for CAGW when there are so many holes in it. deferral to authority is a poor option when even laymen can spot the obvious flaws.
SSDD is not totally wrong about how pressure affects temperature. there is a balance between stored potential energy (gravity) and kinetic energy (temperature) which is dependent on the available incoming and outgoing energy.

on Earth, the atmosphere at any particular longitude will both warm up AND puff up as it rotates through the Sun's radiance. some of the energy goes into warming, some into potential energy. as that longitude passes out of radiance it will both cool and contract, losing both kinetic (temperature) energy and potential energy. the next day the cycle repeats.

there is a general pattern to atmospheres which allows us to make general estimates if we know the depth, density and energy flux. this general estimate is worthless for Earth where we are looking for changes of tenths of a degree not tens.

Ian, Ian, Ian... very disappointing. You know that SSDD is not talking about diurnal cycles. He's yet to mention sunlight, potential/kinetic energy tradeoffs or anything else you're talking about. SSDD believes that compressed gases produce thermal energy for all eternity. If you really want to put yourself down in print here as holding that "not totally wrong", then you're going to have to accept the rest of us will be forced to conclude that you put supporting your denier buddies above the truth.

SSDD, how did my 3,000 psi scuba tank get down to ambient temperature? Why, without some external input (like sunlight), does it show not the slightest indication of wanting to get any warmer?

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