To My Republican Friends......What Needs to Be Done to Win National Elections


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2013
I have been thinking about doing this post for a long time, and really didn't know how to approach it. I know those on the left will use it as a tool to bash those on the right, but that would be a mistake. This is what I think the Republicans need to do in order to win national elections.

1. Be Inclusive. The message should always be the Republican Party represents all people, whether they are currently voting for you are not. It is completely stupid to me that Blacks vote 95% Democrat, particularly when you see what the Democrats have not done for blacks over the years...but you cannot concede any vote, and you have to reach out to everyone.

2. Stop With the Nutty Social Agenda. America is a center/right Country. Americans are generally tolerant people. If you are strongly Christian and those values inform your life, that's great. But not everyone sees the world the way you do, and not everyone wants your values shoved down their throat. When the Republican Party becomes about sticking wands up a woman's vagina, and talking about "legitimate rape," you've lost just about everyone in America.

3. Don't be So Rigid Ideologically. Stop with the RINO bullshit. Ideologically pure candidates have never gotten elected to National office. Dennis Kucinich anyone? Republicans have always stood for limited Government, self-reliance, a strong national defense, and fiscal responsibility. That should encompass a big tent. Stop excluding people because they are not pure enough. That is crazy and stupid. A guy like Peter King fits that definition. Chris Christie fits that definition. Lindsey Graham fits that definition. If they are not pure enough for you...consider the alternative. Obummer or Hillary? Get off your high horse.

4. You have to be about More than Hating Obama. Let me be clear. I hate fucking Obama. He is the worst President in my lifetime. His policies are destroying America. I loathe the man. Many of you feel the same way. However, the Republican Party needs to be about more than Hating Obama. While the hatred is have to present a positive alternative or it just comes across as bitter and spiteful.

Okay folks. That's it. Have fun tearing this apart. :)
you are basically has to stop being republican..but i do agree with you on your points...esp the first is gonna have a major problem with the growing hispanic vote....hispanics are adding something like 50 k voters a year....a major rising power....

as a woman....i could never vote gop...i am sorry...just too much anti women stuff....i can never tell if its just social ignorance or just ignorance of the female body....i have concluded it is just ignorance...

arent 3 and 1....about the same?

many times i find myself much more aligned with the moderates.....but then they extremists take over...i knew the tea party would harm the gop much more than the gop seem to cannot embrace a tapeworm and expect to have good health
o sorry i just realized you want republicans to bad

Bones, I respect your opinion. I want anyone to reply.

As for me, I support a lot of the Republican positions, but the nutty social positions on many issues drives me crazy. I have no problem with gay marriage. I am not gay. It does not affect my life. Why do so many conservative straight people get upset about this? Do they think random gangs of gays are going to convert their precious children to a gay lifestyle? It's nuts.

Similarly, stay out of women's private parts (this goes for both political parties btw). Both parties are trying to control women through reproduction. Stay the fuck out of it. I am not female, but for damn sure would want to make my own choices in this area. Stay out of it. Women are not stupid. They can make up their own mind.

Whew...had to get that off my chest.

Thanks for your response as well.
That RINO term for everybody that's not making like a lemming off the cliffs of the Atlantic bullshit has GOT to go.

Excellent post, I salute you.
Thanks Boop. It was truly from the heart. My guess is Republicans will end up nominating some ideologically pure old white guy that will mostly get votes from other ideologically pure old white guys, while the rest of the Country yawns and votes for someone who seems to be more like them.

I like limited Government, fiscal responsibility, self-reliance, and a strong Constitution. I also like the people I vote for to win elections. You can stand for the above and still win elections. It is not that hard. You can also have a strong set of values, but be tolerant of others values. I see that as being very American. Unfortunately, many do not, and are intolerant. I will never accept that.
Thanks Boop. It was truly from the heart. My guess is Republicans will end up nominating some ideologically pure old white guy that will mostly get votes from other ideologically pure old white guys, while the rest of the Country yawns and votes for someone who seems to be more like them.

I like limited Government, fiscal responsibility, self-reliance, and a strong Constitution. I also like the people I vote for to win elections. You can stand for the above and still win elections. It is not that hard. You can also have a strong set of values, but be tolerant of others values. I see that as being very American. Unfortunately, many do not, and are intolerant. I will never accept that.

I hope they figure it out. I know I am frequently far too optimistic - but I think the party can find its way back. My guess is of they ER pounded next year, there will be a major wake-up call for 2016, and Christie will get the nomination.

No more clown car candidates, please.
If the message is we need to try to but votes only slightly less cheaper than Dems -- forget it

Are you better off now than you were 8 years ago? We tried government running the economy and your household, how'd that work out for you?
I have been thinking about doing this post for a long time, and really didn't know how to approach it. I know those on the left will use it as a tool to bash those on the right, but that would be a mistake. This is what I think the Republicans need to do in order to win national elections.

1. Be Inclusive. The message should always be the Republican Party represents all people, whether they are currently voting for you are not. It is completely stupid to me that Blacks vote 95% Democrat, particularly when you see what the Democrats have not done for blacks over the years...but you cannot concede any vote, and you have to reach out to everyone.

2. Stop With the Nutty Social Agenda. America is a center/right Country. Americans are generally tolerant people. If you are strongly Christian and those values inform your life, that's great. But not everyone sees the world the way you do, and not everyone wants your values shoved down their throat. When the Republican Party becomes about sticking wands up a woman's vagina, and talking about "legitimate rape," you've lost just about everyone in America.

3. Don't be So Rigid Ideologically. Stop with the RINO bullshit. Ideologically pure candidates have never gotten elected to National office. Dennis Kucinich anyone? Republicans have always stood for limited Government, self-reliance, a strong national defense, and fiscal responsibility. That should encompass a big tent. Stop excluding people because they are not pure enough. That is crazy and stupid. A guy like Peter King fits that definition. Chris Christie fits that definition. Lindsey Graham fits that definition. If they are not pure enough for you...consider the alternative. Obummer or Hillary? Get off your high horse.

4. You have to be about More than Hating Obama. Let me be clear. I hate fucking Obama. He is the worst President in my lifetime. His policies are destroying America. I loathe the man. Many of you feel the same way. However, the Republican Party needs to be about more than Hating Obama. While the hatred is have to present a positive alternative or it just comes across as bitter and spiteful.

Okay folks. That's it. Have fun tearing this apart. :)

Yeah, the Tea Partiers aren't gonna like this one bit. The standard response is "oh, you want us to be Democrats", when of course that misses the point entirely.

Your point about governing all the people is a great one. But that's where the TP will say that they're trying to help all the people with their purity, which shows they've become very narcissistic within their echo chamber.

The social issues should remain social issues, you bet. But the hard right wants to keep shooting themselves in the foot by making them political issues. Again, that would be an easy fix, but don't hold your breath.

Their rigidity/purity thing is a direct result of the echo chamber they have created, essentially repeating what Levin and Hannity and Limbaugh say (word for freaking word) at each other until they absolutely believe it. I have no idea was fixes that. The sad thing is, Levin and Limbaugh and Hannity know damn well that purity is simply a bad idea and destructive for the party. But their higher priority is ratings, and they keep those by chanting the regular platitudes.

The hatred of Obama is as bad as the hatred of Bush, but the Left knew to throw other stuff in there as well. Look at the ACA - the GOP could have come up with an alternative and held it up every freaking time they were interviewed, but they chose not to. They're as much to blame as the Dems for that pig.

Oh well. Good luck with this, it should be interesting.

1. Pass a amnesty/enforcement bill = 10% more of the Hispanic vote in 2016.
2. Come up with a plan that says YES. Education, science, infrastructure and common sense. Conservative approach....
3. Stop saying outlandish shit.
4. Focus on the core issues; tax reform, educational reform(conservative ways) and why you should be granted power again.

1. Win seats. If that takes calming down a bit and moderating, do it. It will be worth it.
2. Prove, by your behavior and your legislation, that you deserve to win more seats.
3. Win a few more seats and enact legislation that moves the country in your direction.
4. Continue moving the country in your direction as long as the public allows.

Does this really need to be so freakin' difficult to understand?

Thanks Boop. It was truly from the heart. My guess is Republicans will end up nominating some ideologically pure old white guy that will mostly get votes from other ideologically pure old white guys, while the rest of the Country yawns and votes for someone who seems to be more like them.

I like limited Government, fiscal responsibility, self-reliance, and a strong Constitution. I also like the people I vote for to win elections. You can stand for the above and still win elections. It is not that hard. You can also have a strong set of values, but be tolerant of others values. I see that as being very American. Unfortunately, many do not, and are intolerant. I will never accept that.

Hey maybe you could point out WHAT Republican President EVER adhered to those ideals.
That would make a good start in convincing people like me that the Republican party has some ideas coupled with actions that I should consider as beneficial to myself and my family.

Was it Geroge W? No. How about Ronny? No. Ford? Maybe. Which one (rRepub President) strictly followed those tenants that the Republicans claim as their parties platform?
Hey maybe you could point out WHAT Republican President EVER adhered to those ideals.
That would make a good start in convincing people like me that the Republican party has some ideas coupled with actions that I should consider as beneficial to myself and my family.

Was it Geroge W? No. How about Ronny? No. Ford? Maybe. Which one (rRepub President) strictly followed those tenants that the Republicans claim as their parties platform?

Tenets. Should you really be giving political direction ?
Hey maybe you could point out WHAT Republican President EVER adhered to those ideals.
That would make a good start in convincing people like me that the Republican party has some ideas coupled with actions that I should consider as beneficial to myself and my family.

Was it Geroge W? No. How about Ronny? No. Ford? Maybe. Which one (rRepub President) strictly followed those tenants that the Republicans claim as their parties platform?

Tenets. Should you really be giving political direction ?

Well fuk me. After 25 years of being a landlord, well habits and such are hard to break.

But fuk you, I wasn't giving "political direction". And I sure as fuk wasn't talking to you.

But you want to try and answer my question? I'm sure you won't. But thought I'd ask.
After the Romney Defeat, I gave a list of 8 things the GOP needs to do bring itself back into the mainstream-

1) Get right with working people- The rich are going to be fine, really.
2) Change the tone on abortion- It's going to be legal, your emphasis should be on offering alternatives.
3) Drop the gay marriage stuff. It's a loser inevitably.
4) Make serious outreach efforts to Hispanics.
5) Stop letting the extreme voices have so much influence. - Limbaugh is out for ratings, not to make policy.
6) Pass serious immigration reform.
7) Realize the electoral college is not your friend and lobby to eliminate it.
8) Stop nominating guys who came in second or third place last time.
Hey maybe you could point out WHAT Republican President EVER adhered to those ideals.
That would make a good start in convincing people like me that the Republican party has some ideas coupled with actions that I should consider as beneficial to myself and my family.

Was it Geroge W? No. How about Ronny? No. Ford? Maybe. Which one (rRepub President) strictly followed those tenants that the Republicans claim as their parties platform?

Tenets. Should you really be giving political direction ?

Well fuk me. After 25 years of being a landlord, well habits and such are hard to break.

But fuk you, I wasn't giving "political direction". And I sure as fuk wasn't talking to you.

But you want to try and answer my question? I'm sure you won't. But thought I'd ask.

Answer - ALL of the Republican Presidents have adhered to those principals more than any Democrat President.
Tenets. Should you really be giving political direction ?

Well fuk me. After 25 years of being a landlord, well habits and such are hard to break.

But fuk you, I wasn't giving "political direction". And I sure as fuk wasn't talking to you.

But you want to try and answer my question? I'm sure you won't. But thought I'd ask.

Answer - ALL [/B]of the Republican Presidents have adhered to those principals more than any Democrat President.[/QUOTE]

Bull shit. But if that's the best a representative of the Republican party can do by way of a response, well I can tell you that the Republican's won't be receiving my vote.

But really dude, you need to read more balanced articles. You really want to contend that George W Bush and Ronnie Reagan handled the countries finances better than Clinton.

But of course you will say that it was the lame stream media that made Clinton's numbers look good. Right?
I have been thinking about doing this post for a long time, and really didn't know how to approach it. I know those on the left will use it as a tool to bash those on the right, but that would be a mistake. This is what I think the Republicans need to do in order to win national elections.

1. Be Inclusive. The message should always be the Republican Party represents all people, whether they are currently voting for you are not. It is completely stupid to me that Blacks vote 95% Democrat, particularly when you see what the Democrats have not done for blacks over the years...but you cannot concede any vote, and you have to reach out to everyone.

2. Stop With the Nutty Social Agenda. America is a center/right Country. Americans are generally tolerant people. If you are strongly Christian and those values inform your life, that's great. But not everyone sees the world the way you do, and not everyone wants your values shoved down their throat. When the Republican Party becomes about sticking wands up a woman's vagina, and talking about "legitimate rape," you've lost just about everyone in America.

3. Don't be So Rigid Ideologically. Stop with the RINO bullshit. Ideologically pure candidates have never gotten elected to National office. Dennis Kucinich anyone? Republicans have always stood for limited Government, self-reliance, a strong national defense, and fiscal responsibility. That should encompass a big tent. Stop excluding people because they are not pure enough. That is crazy and stupid. A guy like Peter King fits that definition. Chris Christie fits that definition. Lindsey Graham fits that definition. If they are not pure enough for you...consider the alternative. Obummer or Hillary? Get off your high horse.

4. You have to be about More than Hating Obama. Let me be clear. I hate fucking Obama. He is the worst President in my lifetime. His policies are destroying America. I loathe the man. Many of you feel the same way. However, the Republican Party needs to be about more than Hating Obama. While the hatred is have to present a positive alternative or it just comes across as bitter and spiteful.

Okay folks. That's it. Have fun tearing this apart. :)

End media bias........

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