To My Republican Friends......What Needs to Be Done to Win National Elections

Well fuk me. After 25 years of being a landlord, well habits and such are hard to break.

But fuk you, I wasn't giving "political direction". And I sure as fuk wasn't talking to you.

But you want to try and answer my question? I'm sure you won't. But thought I'd ask.

Answer - ALL [/B]of the Republican Presidents have adhered to those principals more than any Democrat President.[/QUOTE]

Bull shit. But if that's the best a representative of the Republican party can do by way of a response, well I can tell you that the Republican's won't be receiving my vote.

But really dude, you need to read more balanced articles. You really want to contend that George W Bush and Ronnie Reagan handled the countries finances better than Clinton.

But of course you will say that it was the lame stream media that made Clinton's numbers look good. Right?

Right. Not conservative enough for you.

I had CD's making 9% under Reagan and $75k job.
It's uncharitable and false in many cases but this is how the voting blocks see the GOP:

To women: "Why aren't you in the kitchen making me a pie?"

To minorities: "Why aren't you serving me my pie."

To lower-middle income Americans: "This is MY pie; get your own and stop asking me from crumbs."

To non-Christians: "Our pie is better because we say so. All "real" Americans think the way we do."

Again, to some degree, this is the bed you've made for yourself and one that you have to take CONCRETE steps to disavow.
First of all, people like you that want to turn the republican party into 'democrat light' is the reason so many have left the GOP.

It's very simple how they can win, NO republican can WIN, WITHOUT the *CONSERVATIVE VOTE*, PERIOD. If you think 'moderates' and 'independents' are going to get republicans elected, you're freakin' insane. Romney TOOK the moderate and independent vote, and he LOST. Why? Because he LOST the CONSERVATIVE vote.

So I question what kind of a republican you are. In fact, I think you might just be a democrap here spreading this 'republicans need to be more like democrats to win' bull shit just so they will continue to LOSE elections.
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After the Romney Defeat, I gave a list of 8 things the GOP needs to do bring itself back into the mainstream-

1) Get right with working people- The rich are going to be fine, really.
2) Change the tone on abortion- It's going to be legal, your emphasis should be on offering alternatives.
3) Drop the gay marriage stuff. It's a loser inevitably.
4) Make serious outreach efforts to Hispanics.
5) Stop letting the extreme voices have so much influence. - Limbaugh is out for ratings, not to make policy.
6) Pass serious immigration reform.
7) Realize the electoral college is not your friend and lobby to eliminate it.
8) Stop nominating guys who came in second or third place last time.

1. Correct. Coming out for a higher minimum wage and ending tax breaks for the uber-wealthy will help.
2. Adoption as an alternative won't help much but it won't hurt
3. Correct.
4. I doubt they can do that; 1) they don't have it in them and 2) it won't get them anywhere; they have to hope Hispanics come to them.
5. Correct. Once they realize that Palin/Hannity/Limbaugh are farmers filling their troughs full of the feed they want them to...uh...dissiminate they will see the light on this.
6. Won't do much; immigration reform isn't going to do much to swing the national electorate; I think they should legislatively tackle 3-6 domestic issues and keep tying them to how it helps those who are not like them. Immigration may be one of them but they need a borader scope
7. The EC is here to stay but doing it county by county instead of whole state by whole state will help the GOP
8. This is a case-by-case thing. It would be a bad idea in 2016 to nominate Santorum but as a rule, just eliminating #2 from the field isn't always a winner.
It's uncharitable and false in many cases but this is how the voting blocks see the GOP:

To women: "Why aren't you in the kitchen making me a pie?"

To minorities: "Why aren't you serving me my pie."

To lower-middle income Americans: "This is MY pie; get your own and stop asking me from crumbs."

To non-Christians: "Our pie is better because we say so. All "real" Americans think the way we do."

Again, to some degree, this is the bed you've made for yourself and one that you have to take CONCRETE steps to disavow.
And now SANDY FUCK shows up to spread some ever so wonderful libtard BULL SHIT.
Todays GOP has a serious problem.

They need to win the hearts and minds of people that most Repubicans cannot stand.

Its damned hard to win the vote of people for whom you have repreatedly expressed contempt not only vocally but by most legislation you've voted for or against.

the GOP is shinking because it HATES more people than it respects.
What the American people want, regardless of ideology or political affiliation, is for our legislators to do their jobs and legislate. Compromise. Work together on issues facing the American people.

The current problem with that idea...

What the American people want, regardless of ideology or political affiliation, is for our legislators to do their jobs and legislate. Compromise. Work together on issues facing the American people.

The current problem with that idea...
You mean like the democraps compromised with the republicans to ram the ACA through, by locking them out of negotiations, by rejecting their ideas, and by bribing and threatening their own people to vote for it without ever reading it? You mean that kind of compromise?

There is no compromise with the left. It's their way or no way. That's what reid, pelosi and obama have been doing since THEY TOOK POWER.
Quit listening to democrats would be the place to start.

Good idea; Saw a documentary about Ohio State and Michigan State football last Sunday when I was in Temecula. They talked about how Michigan State continuously raided Ohio State's recruits and became a better team for it; also raiding their coaching staff for better talent.

There is a lesson there for the GOP.

The "democrats" you don't want to listen to are identifying with the democratic party because you stopped listening to them when they were independents.

What do you have to offer women?
What do you have to offer the lower-middle income voters?
What do you have to offer minorities?

Tax breaks for the wealthy...that'll show em.
First of all, people like you that want to turn the republican party into 'democrat light' is the reason so many have left the GOP.

It's very simple how they can win, NO republican can WIN, WITHOUT the *CONSERVATIVE VOTE*, PERIOD. If you think 'moderates' and 'independents' are going to get republicans elected, you're freakin' insane. Romney TOOK the moderate and independent vote, and he LOST. Why? Because he LOST the CONSERVATIVE vote.

So I question what kind of a republican you are. In fact, I think you might just be a democrap here spreading this 'republicans need to be more like democrats to win' bull shit just so they will continue to LOSE elections.

Romney got just as many votes as Bush got with conservatives,

He got less with independents and moderates.
It would only really take two things:

1) Stop concentrating so much on social issues, and start concentrating more on everything else.

2) Actually do what you say you're going to do.
I have been thinking about doing this post for a long time, and really didn't know how to approach it. I know those on the left will use it as a tool to bash those on the right, but that would be a mistake. This is what I think the Republicans need to do in order to win national elections.

1. Be Inclusive. The message should always be the Republican Party represents all people, whether they are currently voting for you are not. It is completely stupid to me that Blacks vote 95% Democrat, particularly when you see what the Democrats have not done for blacks over the years...but you cannot concede any vote, and you have to reach out to everyone.

2. Stop With the Nutty Social Agenda. America is a center/right Country. Americans are generally tolerant people. If you are strongly Christian and those values inform your life, that's great. But not everyone sees the world the way you do, and not everyone wants your values shoved down their throat. When the Republican Party becomes about sticking wands up a woman's vagina, and talking about "legitimate rape," you've lost just about everyone in America.

3. Don't be So Rigid Ideologically. Stop with the RINO bullshit. Ideologically pure candidates have never gotten elected to National office. Dennis Kucinich anyone? Republicans have always stood for limited Government, self-reliance, a strong national defense, and fiscal responsibility. That should encompass a big tent. Stop excluding people because they are not pure enough. That is crazy and stupid. A guy like Peter King fits that definition. Chris Christie fits that definition. Lindsey Graham fits that definition. If they are not pure enough for you...consider the alternative. Obummer or Hillary? Get off your high horse.

4. You have to be about More than Hating Obama. Let me be clear. I hate fucking Obama. He is the worst President in my lifetime. His policies are destroying America. I loathe the man. Many of you feel the same way. However, the Republican Party needs to be about more than Hating Obama. While the hatred is have to present a positive alternative or it just comes across as bitter and spiteful.

Okay folks. That's it. Have fun tearing this apart. :)

Good post. #4 in particular. I feel like the hate for Obama has been too much of the focus. It's fine to not like him, or even hate him. But as you've pointed out, there needs to be more than that. Hate his healthcare law? Say so, but they need to also follow up with a thought out alternative plan that actually solves the issues our country is facing. "Repeal Obamacare" is not a solution to a problem we had well before Obama was ever in the picture.
It doesn't matter if "Republicans" win elections. The party bosses that own the Republicans and the party bosses that own the Democrats all sit down and break bread with the same financial, cultural and political elites that run this nation and the world.

They give equal patronage to both parties. In the end, both parties have divided up the establishment, the culture, the media and the economy among them. They both believe in a debt based for profit monopolized monetary system, and they both believe in private campaign contributions. As such, the system will remain hopelessly corrupt and do no good for mom and pop main street, and nothing will change for the little guy.

The political elites will stay in power, and their bloodlines will remain unbroken. Republicans will be related and intermarry through private boarding schools to Democrats, and none of it will make a lick spittle of difference. The wars will continue, and the control of your private intimate affairs, which in the end, are none of the governments business, will all continue.




OP clearly reveals that we are in the second decade of the 21st century.

Far right freaks and libertarians: we are not going back to the 1950s.

TeaPoCraps: we are not going back to a white older male elitist evangelical Christian society.
What Needs to Be Done to Win National Elections?

All presidential wannabe's should do thorough soul searching and an honest self-evaluation and let themselves determine whether they have any chance of winning the presidency.

I think that in a field of 10 contenders at least 7 would know - at least deep in their hearts - that they have no chance, but their insatiable ego drives them to chasing Don Quixote like impossible dreams.

In the long months of vicious primaries they destroy each other and the survivor is deeply wounded, to the great delight of Democrats.

Let them sort out their differences away from the public eye and do not expose themselves or their rivals to ridicule by the liberal media.
as a woman i have a lot of issues with the democratic party and the direction it is taking..sometimes i cannot believe the abuse of women by both parties....its like the democrats are the gropers and the republicans are rapist and those are your options....neither really responds to the needs of their female voters....
First of all, people like you that want to turn the republican party into 'democrat light' is the reason so many have left the GOP.

It's very simple how they can win, NO republican can WIN, WITHOUT the *CONSERVATIVE VOTE*, PERIOD. If you think 'moderates' and 'independents' are going to get republicans elected, you're freakin' insane. Romney TOOK the moderate and independent vote, and he LOST. Why? Because he LOST the CONSERVATIVE vote.

So I question what kind of a republican you are. In fact, I think you might just be a democrap here spreading this 'republicans need to be more like democrats to win' bull shit just so they will continue to LOSE elections.

Romney got just as many votes as Bush got with conservatives,

He got less with independents and moderates.
Wrong, Romney won more independents and moderates than Bush, and still lost.

Romney actually won the popular vote over Barry, but the kenyan took the electoral college vote.

Don't lie.
as a woman i have a lot of issues with the democratic party and the direction it is taking..sometimes i cannot believe the abuse of women by both parties....its like the democrats are the gropers and the republicans are rapist and those are your options....neither really responds to the needs of their female voters....

You think the democrats are abusing pelosi, or clinton?

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