To My Republican Friends......What Needs to Be Done to Win National Elections

Too much hate emanating from the GOP. Pure and simple.

Please provide examples...


Same sex marriage opposition, cutting food stamps...

How is that in any way hate? You lefties are nuts... and for the record... many people oppose same-sex marriage and also recoignize that entitlement spending is out of control. It doesn't mean you hate people.

Why does the left hate babies? You know, since you all embrace the killing of babies, you must hate babies, right?
1. Be Inclusive.

2. Stop With the Nutty Social Agenda

3. Don't be So Rigid Ideologically

1) I'm with you on this, though see conclusions.

2) I'm with you on this, period.

3) I have no idea what you're talking about here. The left is spending us into the ground. The tea party was like whoa, we can't afford this and more taxes are killing our economy. It was the left that is rigidly destroying us. Republicans can't get unified behind anyone or any issue. Look at what the Left has done to them when all they want is to spend less and limit taxes.


1) I agree with you on "what needs to be done," but I need more in why you think this will "win elections." The Democrats are preaching wealth envy, class warfare, race baiting and they destroy their own if they dare to vary from them even slightly. Based on what is being inclusive and less rigid going to defeat the exact opposite strategy which is working to the point of crushing the Republican party?

2) So far you sound like jake and RW, liberal democrats who for whatever reason think it's cool to say they are Republicans and the only problem with the Republican party is that it isn't the Democratic party while they believe every liberal lie like that they are inclusive and less rigid. I look forward to a response that changes my mind on that.
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Apparently we just need to promise all kinds of free shit to people. That seems to be where we are as a nation.

Of course ..... Doesn't every political parade seem to include someone throwing out the "candy", to draw the attention of a bigger crowd swarming in towards their cause?
It doesn't matter whether or not my characterization of Romney is accurate, what matters is whether or not voters believe it and in the case of Romney, Bain did dismantle companies for profit. They also helped grow companies for profit but the corporate raider tag stuck and not without some justification and the GOP didn't have an answer for that obvious criticism against Romney. He also couldn't run on his signature achievement while Governor of Massachusetts which was Romneycare. He was the wrong candidate for that election and the GOP knew it but ran him anyway, I don't call that playing to win.

The GOP was not the incumbent party during the last election ... Therefore the selection process for candidates was a little different than when you have a sitting President.
There were also a plethora of candidates seeking the nomination ... And the primaries selected Mitt Romney.

There were a few choices I would have preferred over Mitt Romney ... But that is neither here nor there ... They were not available on the ticket in November due to the fact they didn't win enough support in the primaries.
The GOP didn't choose Romney out of the pack ... Republican voters in states with closed primaries did ... In states without closed primaries, whoever pulled the switch chose.

What you have said can actually be summarized by one sentence - it is not what I am going to talk about as it is not important today :)
Apparently we just need to promise all kinds of free shit to people. That seems to be where we are as a nation.

Of course ..... Doesn't every political parade seem to include someone throwing out the "candy", to draw the attention of a bigger crowd swarming in towards their cause?

Sad to say, but yes. People are definitely voting their own best interests (or at least so they think) instead of where we need to go as a nation.
Too much hate emanating from the GOP. Pure and simple.

Please provide examples...


You are an optimist if you think you will get a reply but let me provide you with some real hate quotes:

"One awkward moment for Sarah Palin at the Yankee game -- during the seventh inning, her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez."

Prominent liberal writer Andrew Sullivan spent more than a year asserting that Sarah Palin faked her pregnancy with Trig and that he is really Bristol's child.

“What are the Tea Partiers really angry about? Health care reform, or the fact that it was an African American President and a woman Speaker of the House who pushed through major change?”

“That cheap shot about ‘I don’t have a problem with my birth certificate’ was awful, and it is an embarrassment to your party to play that card. This stuff about getting rid of the work requirement for welfare is dishonest. Everyone has pointed out it’s dishonest and you are playing that little ethnic card there...You know what game you’re playing and everybody knows what game you’re playing. It’s a race card.”

“His whole life has been crystal clear, and clean as a whistle and transparent. We know his whole life, through all the great, excellent education he’s had, the good pro bono work he’s done through his life. He’s never been a money-grubber. He’s never doing anything wrong in his life — legally, ethically, whatever. His family is picture-perfect. The way he’s raised those daughters. Everything is clean as a whistle. And yet, they just refer to him as evil. They just refer to him as a liar. I’ve got to believe it’s ethnic with these people. They just got a problem with this guy being President. Is there any other evidence to justify why they keep calling him a bad man?”

“Obviously it was reference to slavery, historically. But I think of all of the code they have used on the other side about food stamps and welfare and welfare queens and all, it seems to be that’s a negative reference to slavery and to black folk. Whereas Biden, maybe he is trying too hard to get the support of black people, but he’s not using negative slurs in doing it. He is making a historic reference, he may not have been right to do. But it certainly wasn’t malignant like the other stuff we get. That’s my view. What’s yours?”
Atlanta Journal-Constitution columnist Cynthia Tucker: “Well, not only was it not malignant, Chris, I’m not even sure it had any, anything to do with race.”

“One thing I notice about black people at different conventions. You go to a Democratic convention with Donna [Edwards] and black folk are hanging together and having a good time. They’re smiling, they’re enjoying themselves. They feel very much at home. You go to a Republican event, you get a feeling that you are all told, ‘Individually now, don’t bunch up. Don’t, don’t, don’t get together. Don’t get together, don’t crowd, you’ll scare these people.’ Is that true in the Republican Party? Is that still true in your party? Did you fear that if you got together with some other African-Americans, these white guys might get scared of you?”
Former RNC Chairman Michael Steele: “No! What are you talking about?!”

The Top 20 Worst Chris Matthews Quotes Calling Obama Critics Racist | NewsBusters

All the quotes are Matthews except the first two hate filled posts. See how the left perpetuates the lies? Exactly what I was talking about in another post.
Apparently we just need to promise all kinds of free shit to people. That seems to be where we are as a nation.

That won't hurt. Apparently the populace loves to be lied to and loves the free stuff.

It is a natural feature of any human being( to take the path of the least resistance) - but it is very destructive to the society to nurture such tendencies. However, if one has a goal of ruining the society as we know it , as the left aims, then it is only logical to do so.
Hard to oppose the lies. And one can not oppose them by truth only - the last two cycles of elections prove it.
So one has to get the ammunition of the enemy and master it :D
I have been thinking about doing this post for a long time, and really didn't know how to approach it. I know those on the left will use it as a tool to bash those on the right, but that would be a mistake. This is what I think the Republicans need to do in order to win national elections.

If winning election is what is important then continue the trend that began in 1935 by the Republican Party surrender caucus : become democrats , call yourselves "compassionate conservatives" , hug democratic presidents on a New Jersey boardwalk; call yourself a "middle of the road republican", advertise the fact that you have no intention to eliminate welfare type programs....etc, etc, etc

When the mission statement is to win at all costs and the vision statement is to hold one's nose and patronize blacks, Latinos, women and even veterans, its time to admit the truth. The Republican Party has moved to a place where winning is the goal and governance is at best an afterthought.

Who does the Republican Party of today represent? Not the big tent they once proudly advertised, and surely not the working poor or middle class America. Not the single mom or the pregnant teen, not the child without enough to eat or the senior who survives on Tuna for Cats and cuts much needed medicine in half.

The once and lost GOP once had compassion for the poor, the infirm, the needy and the victims of natural and man made disasters. No longer; the Compassionate Conservative was nothing more than a campaign slogan, total bullshit and tossed aside when the goal is reached. The GOP leadership is horrific, John Boehner is a cowardly man and one which fits the mold of the worst bosses in America. Those whose first question when issue arise is this: "How does this effect ME?"

Until the leaders and the party's base actually adopt Judeo-Christian Ethos, and not simply sing the hymns on their day of worship, the GOP will remain the party for the greedy, the fearful and the hateful.
In order for the GOP to win:

1. tell the truth about the failures of liberalism
2. have a valid plan for healthcare
3. have a plan to get to a balanced budget
4. peace through strength
5. do not lie about anything
6. defend the constitution
7. defend individual freedom
8. show compassion for the poor and sick
9. work social media
10. stick to your principles, even if hollywood disagrees with them
11. abortion is NOT a major issue with 90% of americans, do not make it a campaign issue
12. do not be afraid to dig the dirt on your opponents
13. do not let the media define who you are
14. Tell the truth, even if it hurts
15. be positive about the future of this great country.

I agree with your list, tell the true story of what has happened for the last 7 years. That is if the MSM will cover the story.

But for 11 I disagree. Who has campaigned on abortion in the last 10 years? No one I know has ran on an anti-abortion ticket. Besides, and I may be wrong, but the women I know are split 50/50 on the subject. I don't believe abortion is going away anytime soon so it is basically a non-issue. But I have no problem for people who stand up for the most innocent of our great country. THAT is what I think most are actually doing. States that have passed abortion laws usually are doing so at their constituents request. This is a make believe false protest by the liberal left, in my opinon.
Same sex marriage opposition, cutting food stamps...

How is that in any way hate? You lefties are nuts...

So why do you oppose same sex marriage? If you do...that is.

Because I believe that marriage is an institution between a man and a women. PERIOD.

And FYI.. everything you disagree with is not hate.. stop being so ignorant.

Why do you hate babies? I mean, I'm sure your a big abortion supporter, right?
Apparently we just need to promise all kinds of free shit to people. That seems to be where we are as a nation.

Of course ..... Doesn't every political parade seem to include someone throwing out the "candy", to draw the attention of a bigger crowd swarming in towards their cause?

Sad to say, but yes. People are definitely voting their own best interests (or at least so they think) instead of where we need to go as a nation.

Who does not vote their own self interest? I think everyone does. But that isn't the problem, the problem is that the democrats and the MSM has somehow convinced a slight majority of people that what the democrats have been doing for the last 7 long years is in their best interest. The Republican party has to tell the story of how their best interest is not served by dependency.

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