To My Republican Friends......What Needs to Be Done to Win National Elections

Because I believe that marriage is an institution between a man and a women. PERIOD.

And FYI.. everything you disagree with is not hate.. stop being so ignorant.

Yes but their marriage affects you in no way shape or form. So again why do you oppose it when it doesnt effect you? What do you think of the GOP stalling the recent anti-discrimination legislation? Surely you are for equal rights...right...and no "I believe" type argument can be made there....right?

Is that how you guage your interests, Candy? Are you THAT self-centered?

It doesn't affect me one bit that women are beaten, murdered and mutilated in mooslum Countries on a Daily basis, but it still pisses me off.

It doesn't affect me one bit that kids in the Ghetto are going hungry while their mommies cash in EBT money to get $200 Fingernails.

And it wouldn't affect me at all if your boyfriend beat you to a fucking pulp.

But I wouldn't like it. And I would demand that he be put away for a LONG time.

You need to come up with some of your own logic instead of copying decades-old libturd lies.

I've shot those idiotic rationalizations down so many times, I can do it in my sleep.

And BTW, it is NOT incumbent on US to show that gay marriage does no harm, it is incumbent on you to PROVE it will not.

You bear the burden of proof, not us.

Tighten up your game, girl

Perfect response.
because decent society breaks down otherwise....just look around idiot....

But when you legislate morality, you become no different than the Muslim countries who force everyone to abide by Sharia Law. Those gov'ts could easily say the same statement you said above: "without Sharia Law, decent society would break down otherwise".

What makes you different from them? That your morals are more thought out? or that you're right and they're not? Those are very hollow and subjective reasons in my opinion.

I think we should strive to preserve as many personal freedoms in this country as we can.

well that's just it......we as a country have to decide what kind of morality we want to live with.....

we started our country believing in Christian morals and we did pretty good....i doubt that something like Muslim morals (sharia) would retain an America as we know it....

would you rather we turn to secular relativism instead....the 'morals' of commie countries....? i'm afraid too many are being sucked into this alluring but dangerous mindset....
Republicans need to stop being the Party of No


Continue buying votes until the national debit is a quadrillion dollars. Who gives a fuck?


Republicans are doing nothing to reduce our debt until they support sensible tax and spending policies

Reducing 17 trillion in debt means serious sacrifices and policy changes. It means reduced social spending, reduced military spending, increased taxes for everyone including business
Republicans need to stop being the Party of No


Continue buying votes until the national debit is a quadrillion dollars. Who gives a fuck?


Republicans are doing nothing to reduce our debt until they support sensible tax and spending policies

Reducing 17 trillion in debt means serious sacrifices and policy changes. It means reduced social spending, reduced military spending,

Agreed. Except that part you believe that these are just the Republicans.

increased taxes for everyone including business

The last two serious tax cuts were by JFK and Reagan, and both created an economic boom. At some point after 5 more years of recession under your beloved Obama, don't even you need to start questioning the kool-aid before you down another shot?

When you cut taxes, the size of the economy grows, which is why even at a lower rate tax receipts grow. People also work less hard to avoid taxes and work on productivity, both of which grow tax receipts even more. That is economic theory and empirical data. At some point you have to stop making policy decisions based on ideology over reality or we will just continue to spiral down.
Republicans need to stop being the Party of No


Continue buying votes until the national debit is a quadrillion dollars. Who gives a fuck?


Republicans are doing nothing to reduce our debt until they support sensible tax and spending policies

Reducing 17 trillion in debt means serious sacrifices and policy changes. It means reduced social spending, reduced military spending, increased taxes for everyone including business

No, its time for the govt to do without. I'm not up to support their incompetence anymore.
Republicans need to stop being the Party of No


Continue buying votes until the national debit is a quadrillion dollars. Who gives a fuck?


Republicans are doing nothing to reduce our debt until they support sensible tax and spending policies

Reducing 17 trillion in debt means serious sacrifices and policy changes. It means reduced social spending, reduced military spending, increased taxes for everyone including business

They can't do it alone. Military spending has been cut every year since that stuttering trouser-snake took office. He's frozen pay, reduced the workforce, gutted the military. Every time we turn around he's proposing new entitlements offsetting the cost-cutting.
Republicans are doing nothing to reduce our debt until they support sensible tax and spending policies

Reducing 17 trillion in debt means serious sacrifices and policy changes. It means reduced social spending, reduced military spending, increased taxes for everyone including business

And Democrats do nothing to address their out of control spending ... But point at Republicans and keep spending on borrowed money ... And think blaming Republicans is an argument worth making.

well that's just it......we as a country have to decide what kind of morality we want to live with.....

we started our country believing in Christian morals and we did pretty good....i doubt that something like Muslim morals (sharia) would retain an America as we know it....

would you rather we turn to secular relativism instead....the 'morals' of commie countries....? i'm afraid too many are being sucked into this alluring but dangerous mindset....

Here's the thing Screaming Eagle, what "Christian Principles" does the modern Republican Party seem most concerned about these days?

Is it legislating away greed? Is it legislating that all US citizens give at least 30% of their income to the poor? Is it legislating that all US citizens live a simple life free from decadence and excess? No... it's instead "let's make sure gay people can't get married". F'cking bullshit pick and choose morality right there if you as me. And to top it off, it's not even really something Christ seemed overly concerned about anyways.

I'm a fiscal conservative. I don't vote Democrat and I really dislike President Obama to the point I would support him being impeached for some of the stuff he's done. But what I also don't like is a Republican Party that picks and chooses "certain Christian principles" to legislate into law while completely ignoring others.

Get my point on that? And sorry if you were referring to other Christian principles; just let me know what you had in mind.
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Republicans need to stop being the Party of No


Continue buying votes until the national debit is a quadrillion dollars. Who gives a fuck?


Republicans are doing nothing to reduce our debt until they support sensible tax and spending policies

Reducing 17 trillion in debt means serious sacrifices and policy changes. It means reduced social spending, reduced military spending, increased taxes for everyone including business

Republicans have been talking about tax overhaul or comrehensive tax reform since the inception of the Tea Party. Basically it is the sole principle the Tea Party was born - the tax reform.

But neither republican establishment, nor the dimocrap scum want to hear about it - since both factions are being fed by big pockets which benefit from the loopholes in the existing tax code.

Tax code can not be set in stone for decades, ecause it's erosion is inevitable - every 25-30 years it needs to be radically renewed.Same is pertinent to the social safety networks - becasue both are interconnected and 25-30 years is the time period which reflects the demographic changes and the corruption disbalance.
So why do you oppose same sex marriage? If you do...that is.

Because I believe that marriage is an institution between a man and a women. PERIOD.

And FYI.. everything you disagree with is not hate.. stop being so ignorant.

Yes but their marriage affects you in no way shape or form. So again why do you oppose it when it doesnt effect you? What do you think of the GOP stalling the recent anti-discrimination legislation? Surely you are for equal rights...right...and no "I believe" type argument can be made there....right?

Uhm, no.. you're wrong. It's already illegal to discriminate against someone because of their sexual orientation.

A guy fucking a horse technically affects me in no way shape or form... same goes for pedophilia. It doesn't make it not wrong.
Republicans are doing nothing to reduce our debt until they support sensible tax and spending policies

Reducing 17 trillion in debt means serious sacrifices and policy changes. It means reduced social spending, reduced military spending, increased taxes for everyone including business

And Democrats do nothing to address their out of control spending ... But point at Republicans and keep spending on borrowed money ... And think blaming Republicans is an argument worth making.


Democrats are tax and spend
Republicans are reduce taxes and spend

Which adds more to debt?
I see, you cut food stamps because you love people. What was I thinking:eusa_shifty:

cutiing the food stamps or increasing the ranks of those who are eligible has nothing to do with "loving people", cutiing the food stamps or increasing the ranks of those who are eligible has nothing to do with "loving people", so stop lying.

It is a pure economic measure to cut and a pure political to increase

No kidding.

cutiing the food stamps or increasing the ranks of those who are eligible has nothing to do with "loving people", so stop lying. You can't, right - you lie even by cutting the quotes in order to suit you :lol:
It is a pure economic measure to cut and a pure political to increase
Republicans are doing nothing to reduce our debt until they support sensible tax and spending policies

Reducing 17 trillion in debt means serious sacrifices and policy changes. It means reduced social spending, reduced military spending, increased taxes for everyone including business

And Democrats do nothing to address their out of control spending ... But point at Republicans and keep spending on borrowed money ... And think blaming Republicans is an argument worth making.


Democrats are tax and spend
Republicans are reduce taxes and spend

Which adds more to debt?

the first. taxing is always strangling the revenue as a result, so debt increases much faster during dimocraps spending. Which we have a perfect proof in the last 5 years.
cutiing the food stamps or increasing the ranks of those who are eligible has nothing to do with "loving people", cutiing the food stamps or increasing the ranks of those who are eligible has nothing to do with "loving people", so stop lying.

It is a pure economic measure to cut and a pure political to increase

No kidding.

cutiing the food stamps or increasing the ranks of those who are eligible has nothing to do with "loving people", so stop lying. You can't, right - you lie even by cutting the quotes in order to suit you :lol:
It is a pure economic measure to cut and a pure political to increase

Everyone knows that creating generational poverty is kind....
well that's just it......we as a country have to decide what kind of morality we want to live with.....

we started our country believing in Christian morals and we did pretty good....i doubt that something like Muslim morals (sharia) would retain an America as we know it....

would you rather we turn to secular relativism instead....the 'morals' of commie countries....? i'm afraid too many are being sucked into this alluring but dangerous mindset....

Here's the thing Screaming Eagle, what "Christian Principles" does the modern Republican Party seem most concerned about these days?

Is it legislating away greed? Is it legislating that all US citizens give at least 30% of their income to the poor? Is it legislating that all US citizens live a simple life free from decadence and excess? No... it's instead "let's make sure gay people can't get married". F'cking bullshit pick and choose morality right there if you as me. And to top it off, it's not even really something Christ seemed overly concerned about anyways.

I'm a fiscal conservative. I don't vote Democrat and I really dislike President Obama to the point I would support him being impeached for some of the stuff he's done. But what I also don't like is a Republican Party that picks and chooses "certain Christian principles" to legislate into law while completely ignoring others.

Get my point on that? And sorry if you were referring to other Christian principles; just let me know what you had in mind.

Isnt there something in the Bible about touching the skin of a dead pig being a sin? Doesnt seem to stop reps from being football fans.
11 Things The Bible Bans, But You Do Anyway - 11 Points
Republicans are doing nothing to reduce our debt until they support sensible tax and spending policies

Reducing 17 trillion in debt means serious sacrifices and policy changes. It means reduced social spending, reduced military spending, increased taxes for everyone including business

And Democrats do nothing to address their out of control spending ... But point at Republicans and keep spending on borrowed money ... And think blaming Republicans is an argument worth making.


Democrats are tax and spend
Republicans are reduce taxes and spend

Which adds more to debt?

... And think blaming Republicans is an argument worth making.


Continue buying votes until the national debit is a quadrillion dollars. Who gives a fuck?


Republicans are doing nothing to reduce our debt until they support sensible tax and spending policies

Reducing 17 trillion in debt means serious sacrifices and policy changes. It means reduced social spending, reduced military spending, increased taxes for everyone including business

They can't do it alone. Military spending has been cut every year since that stuttering trouser-snake took office. He's frozen pay, reduced the workforce, gutted the military. Every time we turn around he's proposing new entitlements offsetting the cost-cutting.

We need to relook the mission of our Military

We spend more money than the next ten nations combined. Eight of those ten nations are our allies. We need to stop being the worlds policeman. Let Europe pay to police their area of the world. They are the ones who screwed it up
Let Japan and S Korea pay to police their area of the world
Why should we prop up their economies by providing free military protection?

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