To My Republican Friends......What Needs to Be Done to Win National Elections

Republicans need to stop being the Party of No


Continue buying votes until the national debit is a quadrillion dollars. Who gives a fuck?


Republicans are doing nothing to reduce our debt until they support sensible tax and spending policies

Reducing 17 trillion in debt means serious sacrifices and policy changes. It means reduced social spending, reduced military spending, increased taxes for everyone including business

That is true.

The Republicans are definitely doing nothing to reduce our debt.

But It surprises me that you recognize that fact because neither are the democrats. You have supported every boondoggle that has come down the pike.


For example....?

train your little grey cells at least once and think about it yourself :lol:

It is obvious

I see. You have no examples. Jake called it.

if you expect me to give a lecture on the history of the world countires for dummies - you are mistaken. you are educated enough to pick up the book and read yourself. However, the leftard bias ingrained into your brain will prevent it - you might learn something which is outside the propaganda talking points :lol:
Vox has no examples.

Social cons, drop this nonsense.

I don't think we can win nationally in the short run if we continue that nonsense.

I know we can't in the long run, because the millenials believe that and racism and sexism are shitty cultural ideals.

I guess what he/she means is that if you have a lot of same sex couples, there are fewer babies and that means a smaller tax base going forward...

Seems really convoluted but these are the same people who refer to the Bible as some sort of schematic for their lives apparently.

I do note that a lot of the religious right seems to get mum when you point out the parts that don't fit into rightwing dogma though.

Hey, you brought it up... I never once mentioned the bible... let alone as being a schematic for my life. Stop making shit up.

Hey, that is their talking point - to bring Bible, gay marriage and abortion into the discussion on taxes and spending cuts.

Don't let them derail YOU.
Don't take a bait.
train your little grey cells at least once and think about it yourself :lol:

It is obvious

I see. You have no examples. Jake called it.

if you expect me to give a lecture on the history of the world countires for dummies - you are mistaken.
I'd expect you to be in the audience from your writings.

you are educated enough to pick up the book and read yourself. However, the leftard bias ingrained into your brain will prevent it - you might learn something which is outside the propaganda talking points :lol:

I asked you for've written 2 paragraphs explaining why you can't give examples...

Jake was right about you...:lol: You got nothing.
you can't 'legislate away' law is going to stop both parties...
Technically, you can. I don’t support an insane measure like this, but you can easily cap all salaries or personal earnings at $10 million, etc, and mandate the rest goes to charity or direct investments to other business ventures.

However, what you REALLY actually can’t legislate away is a person being gay… no law is going to stop that. You can only prevent those people from having a decent life.

massive redistribution of wealth is oppression...Americans are very generous but prefer the state stay out of their pockets...
Redistribution/ equality/ sharing is a Christian principle. Wouldn’t it be the job of the Repubs to change the minds of the American people on this?

Personally, I’m not in favor of massive redistribution, but just making the point to the folks who want to push a true Christian agenda.
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I guess what he/she means is that if you have a lot of same sex couples, there are fewer babies and that means a smaller tax base going forward...

Seems really convoluted but these are the same people who refer to the Bible as some sort of schematic for their lives apparently.

I do note that a lot of the religious right seems to get mum when you point out the parts that don't fit into rightwing dogma though.

Hey, you brought it up... I never once mentioned the bible... let alone as being a schematic for my life. Stop making shit up.

Hey, that is their talking point - to bring Bible, gay marriage and abortion into the discussion on taxes and spending cuts.

Don't let them derail YOU.
Don't take a bait.

He asked for examples of right wing hatred. I pointed out gay marriage.

He says he opposes it.

I ask why.

He says, "just cuz".

As a political stance, it's hard to attract people to your Party when you oppose their civil rights and your reasoning for doing it is, "just cuz".

I'm sure Soggy would feel more comfortable talking about spending cuts for entitlements and Planned Parenthood...other examples of GOP loving the lower-middle income female voters. He's obviously incapable of explaining his hatred of gays outside of saying, "just cuz".

Continue buying votes until the national debit is a quadrillion dollars. Who gives a fuck?


Republicans are doing nothing to reduce our debt until they support sensible tax and spending policies

Reducing 17 trillion in debt means serious sacrifices and policy changes. It means reduced social spending, reduced military spending, increased taxes for everyone including business

That is true.

The Republicans are definitely doing nothing to reduce our debt.

But It surprises me that you recognize that fact because neither are the democrats. You have supported every boondoggle that has come down the pike.


The democrats control 2/3s of the government and have for 7 years. The Republicans, according to Obama, shut down the government over the budget. Is that doing something? Every single time a tea party member or a Republican mentions cutting the budget, and most times it is a budget increase they want to cut, the left goes off on their liberal diatribe about how the Republicans hate blacks or the poor people.

It is a weird game that the left plays. The party in power doesn't do a damn thing and then it is all blamed on the minority party. Interesting stuff. I got an idea, let's vote them all out and give the Republicans power then they can be legitimately criticized.
Check out the rapist shilling for Thunder Thighs:

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Here's what he said right before the abortion obamacare was introduced:

Bill Clinton: When It Comes to Obamacare, GOP ?Begging for America to Fail? - ABC News

The Republican Party is “begging for America to fail” by rooting for President Obama’s signature health care law to fail, former President Bill Clinton said during an interview for “This Week” with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, “I’ve never seen a time — can you remember a time in your lifetime when a major political party was just sitting around, begging for America to fail … I don’t know what’s going to happen. But I’ll be shocked if it fails,” [said Clinton].

the dimocrap party, a collection of liars, America-Haters, traitors, scumbags and rapists

And the people they vote for aren't any better
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It's always amusing to me that Democrats think the answer for Republicans is to be more like Democrats.......yet reject the idea that Democrats should be more like Republicans. When you think you have all the answers, the other guy always looks wrong.
I addressed it in post #113.

Yes but it doesn't affect you; so why do you oppose/care what two people call their relationship?

why do you oppose/care what twenty two people call their relationship...? or maybe you don't...:eek:

If they're consenting adults, I really don't care. I do think society has a right to protect itself financially from bigamonous (sp?) relationships though. You can't have 21 other spouses and get government support for more than one spouse for example (if there are any such programs).

Liability, before he lost a bet and had to leave, had the best idea; all "marriages" should be civil unioins for tax purposes and whatever faith you have should issue you a marriage license. The government shouldn't have to bless your union regardless of the sex of the participants.
It's always amusing to me that Democrats think the answer for Republicans is to be more like Democrats.......yet reject the idea that Democrats should be more like Republicans. When you think you have all the answers, the other guy always looks wrong.

5 of the last 6 popular votes were won by the democrats; apparently the voters think that the dems have something the reps don't.
Hey, you brought it up... I never once mentioned the bible... let alone as being a schematic for my life. Stop making shit up.

Hey, that is their talking point - to bring Bible, gay marriage and abortion into the discussion on taxes and spending cuts.

Don't let them derail YOU.
Don't take a bait.

He asked for examples of right wing hatred. I pointed out gay marriage.

He says he opposes it.

I ask why.

He says, "just cuz".

As a political stance, it's hard to attract people to your Party when you oppose their civil rights and your reasoning for doing it is, "just cuz".

I'm sure Soggy would feel more comfortable talking about spending cuts for entitlements and Planned Parenthood...other examples of GOP loving the lower-middle income female voters. He's obviously incapable of explaining his hatred of gays outside of saying, "just cuz".

Opposing is NOT hatred. you oppose Christian beliefs - can I call you a Chritian hater? :D

You obviously have the bias against anybody on the right - are you a conservative-hater?
Too much hate emanating from the GOP. Pure and simple.

Add that to some of their party's very clear intent to kill the government and start over, and many people will hold their nose and vote Dem, because ain't no way the TPM is good for us.
Hey, that is their talking point - to bring Bible, gay marriage and abortion into the discussion on taxes and spending cuts.

Don't let them derail YOU.
Don't take a bait.

He asked for examples of right wing hatred. I pointed out gay marriage.

He says he opposes it.

I ask why.

He says, "just cuz".

As a political stance, it's hard to attract people to your Party when you oppose their civil rights and your reasoning for doing it is, "just cuz".

I'm sure Soggy would feel more comfortable talking about spending cuts for entitlements and Planned Parenthood...other examples of GOP loving the lower-middle income female voters. He's obviously incapable of explaining his hatred of gays outside of saying, "just cuz".

Opposing is NOT hatred. you oppose Christian beliefs - can I call you a Chritian hater? :D

You obviously have the bias against anybody on the right - are you a conservative-hater?

Do you find homosexuality repulsive? Yes or no...simple question.

As for "opposing"...the OP says what the GOP needs to do. When you reject someone's civil rights and can't come up with a reason to deny them of that right...what do you call it? Opposition for no good reason sure "seems" a lot like hatred.

Would you blame gays who want to get married for rejecting your party? Yes or no....simple question
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I see. You have no examples. Jake called it.

if you expect me to give a lecture on the history of the world countires for dummies - you are mistaken.
I'd expect you to be in the audience from your writings.

you are educated enough to pick up the book and read yourself. However, the leftard bias ingrained into your brain will prevent it - you might learn something which is outside the propaganda talking points :lol:

I asked you for've written 2 paragraphs explaining why you can't give examples...

Jake was right about you...:lol: You got nothing.

are you really that ignorant? EVERY country in th world has had periods of active persecution or isolation or at least not-encouraging the same-sex relations - this country, Europe, China, Russia, Middle East et cetera et cetera, et cetera. The poorer the period - the more strict the shunning.
Sheesh :rolleyes:
Hey, you brought it up... I never once mentioned the bible... let alone as being a schematic for my life. Stop making shit up.

Hey, that is their talking point - to bring Bible, gay marriage and abortion into the discussion on taxes and spending cuts.

Don't let them derail YOU.
Don't take a bait.

He asked for examples of right wing hatred. I pointed out gay marriage.

He says he opposes it.

I ask why.

He says, "just cuz".

As a political stance, it's hard to attract people to your Party when you oppose their civil rights and your reasoning for doing it is, "just cuz".

I'm sure Soggy would feel more comfortable talking about spending cuts for entitlements and Planned Parenthood...other examples of GOP loving the lower-middle income female voters. He's obviously incapable of explaining his hatred of gays outside of saying, "just cuz".

Opposing something does not equate to hatred. Forget the Bible or religion. Marriage since the dawn of time has been understood and defined as male and female. It is what it is. I could care less if two men or two women want to have sex and/or live together. You don't just get to redefine a term to your own personal liking. You can call water dry and the color of the sky yellow, but regardless of what you insist on calling it, water is wet and the sky is blue.
Republicans need to stop being the Party of No

Running against Obama and Obamacare will get you nowhere. You are not there to stop the Democrat agenda.....sooner or later you need to pass an agenda of your own

Run on a fiscally conservative agenda. Taxes are not off the table if they go to reduce the debt or cut the deficit. Balance a budget
Be strong on defense but redefine what the role of the US Military is. We do not need to be the worlds policeman
Develop a strong energy policy that goes beyond....Drill baby, drill
Go after the minority vote. Not with handouts, but with jobs. Make Republicans a common sight in minority neighborhoods. Listen to their problems and offer solid solutions beyond trickle down and you need to work harder
Agree to an immigration plan and get the issue behind you
Drop all opposition to gays and gay rights
Tone down the abortion talk. There is no legitimate rape and women don't ask for it. Show some compassion for single mothers. Be against abortion but bring more republican women into the discussion
Chase the idiots out of the party. Legitimate rape, anti Hispanic rhetoric, anti gay rhetoric (do NOT mention bestiality or pedophilia), black people are not looking for hand outs,
Break your FoxNews addiction. They are not doing you any favors

Excellent post. And excellent OP. I remain thankful that most of the voices in this thread do not represent any significant portion of Americans.
Liability, before he lost a bet and had to leave, had the best idea; all "marriages" should be civil unioins for tax purposes and whatever faith you have should issue you a marriage license. The government shouldn't have to bless your union regardless of the sex of the participants.

Actually, the best idea is to get government out of the "marriage" business entirely and treat all citizens as equal citizens regardless of their association with each other. Let their private associations be recognized by their private affiliations.

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