To My Republican Friends......What Needs to Be Done to Win National Elections

Republicans are doing nothing to reduce our debt until they support sensible tax and spending policies

Reducing 17 trillion in debt means serious sacrifices and policy changes. It means reduced social spending, reduced military spending, increased taxes for everyone including business

They can't do it alone. Military spending has been cut every year since that stuttering trouser-snake took office. He's frozen pay, reduced the workforce, gutted the military. Every time we turn around he's proposing new entitlements offsetting the cost-cutting.

We need to relook the mission of our Military

We spend more money than the next ten nations combined. Eight of those ten nations are our allies. We need to stop being the worlds policeman. Let Europe pay to police their area of the world. They are the ones who screwed it up
Let Japan and S Korea pay to police their area of the world
Why should we prop up their economies by providing free military protection?

Should we allow that same philosophy with the Euro, when certain European countries "screw it up" for themselves? Is it simply that easy and wise to just refuse to look outside one's own boarders, and let other nations fall under the weight of their own decisions?
1. Be Inclusive.

2. Stop With the Nutty Social Agenda

3. Don't be So Rigid Ideologically

1) I'm with you on this, though see conclusions.

2) I'm with you on this, period.

3) I have no idea what you're talking about here. The left is spending us into the ground. The tea party was like whoa, we can't afford this and more taxes are killing our economy. It was the left that is rigidly destroying us. Republicans can't get unified behind anyone or any issue. Look at what the Left has done to them when all they want is to spend less and limit taxes.


1) I agree with you on "what needs to be done," but I need more in why you think this will "win elections." The Democrats are preaching wealth envy, class warfare, race baiting and they destroy their own if they dare to vary from them even slightly. Based on what is being inclusive and less rigid going to defeat the exact opposite strategy which is working to the point of crushing the Republican party?

2) So far you sound like jake and RW, liberal democrats who for whatever reason think it's cool to say they are Republicans and the only problem with the Republican party is that it isn't the Democratic party while they believe every liberal lie like that they are inclusive and less rigid. I look forward to a response that changes my mind on that.

I figured I'd get the "you're really a Democrat" thing. Whatever. I am your average American voter. I have explained where I'm coming from clearly. You can define me in whatever way makes you happy. It doesn't make it true.
Romney overwhelmingly got the white vote and conservative vote. He Didn't get much of anything else. He was a poor candidate who did not have good ideas. That is why he lost.
wrong. he got independents overwhelmingly and did not get conservtives at all - they just did not bother to get up their asses to vote.
would he really get a majority of conservatives - he would be President now.

don't listen too much to what the talking heads are telling - analyze the results yourself.
all those women/minority mantras are a diversion from the reality.
those figures did not change much, except for W getting Latino votes in unprecedented numbers.
So that is not the problem.
the major problem is the apathy of the base.
If the message is we need to try to but votes only slightly less cheaper than Dems -- forget it

Are you better off now than you were 8 years ago? We tried government running the economy and your household, how'd that work out for you?

Government is not running the economy. What in the Hell are you talking about? Get your head out of the sand. Other than pushing for the ACA, Obama has governed pretty much the same as all the others of the past fifty years, and that includes Reagan. Reagan was a conservative in ideology only; he governed as a moderate. If you want to argue about that, then just explain why it was that he almost doubled the size of the federal government in eight years.
He asked for examples of right wing hatred. I pointed out gay marriage.

He says he opposes it.

I ask why.

He says, "just cuz".

As a political stance, it's hard to attract people to your Party when you oppose their civil rights and your reasoning for doing it is, "just cuz".

I'm sure Soggy would feel more comfortable talking about spending cuts for entitlements and Planned Parenthood...other examples of GOP loving the lower-middle income female voters. He's obviously incapable of explaining his hatred of gays outside of saying, "just cuz".

Opposing something does not equate to hatred. Forget the Bible or religion. Marriage since the dawn of time has been understood and defined as male and female. It is what it is. I could care less if two men or two women want to have sex and/or live together. You don't just get to redefine a term to your own personal liking. You can call water dry and the color of the sky yellow, but regardless of what you insist on calling it, water is wet and the sky is blue.


As for the Republican's going to be in their platform denying same sex couples of the right of marriage.

As for the's a loser of a position for them. And so far, we now have 2 reasons.

Soggy with his "just cuz"
And now your with "Thats the way it is."

Neither is very appealing to same sex it?

Nor their friends, family members, or sympathizers, and THAT is where the GOP drops the ball. Gays? Meh, easy to ignore. But those who support them is an entire demographic that is growing all the time.
Opposing something does not equate to hatred. Forget the Bible or religion. Marriage since the dawn of time has been understood and defined as male and female. It is what it is. I could care less if two men or two women want to have sex and/or live together. You don't just get to redefine a term to your own personal liking. You can call water dry and the color of the sky yellow, but regardless of what you insist on calling it, water is wet and the sky is blue.


As for the Republican's going to be in their platform denying same sex couples of the right of marriage.

As for the's a loser of a position for them. And so far, we now have 2 reasons.

Soggy with his "just cuz"
And now your with "Thats the way it is."

Neither is very appealing to same sex it?

Nor their friends, family members, or sympathizers, and THAT is where the GOP drops the ball. Gays? Meh, easy to ignore. But those who support them is an entire demographic that is growing all the time.

You didn't list the youth...which opens up a whole new batch of trouble for the GOP.
like most of you libs you're stuck on gay rights.....pls tell me why a sexual aberration should be the basis for total cultural change....

Christian charity should come from the individual.....not a State mandate....sharing may be a Christian principle but mandated redistribution isn't...
Americans are willing to provide a safety net for those in dire need.....however providing a trampoline to play on is just too fucking much....

what cons are trying to promote is economic growth.....for new jobs so people can support themselves....something the current Party-in-Power seems to be neglecting on purpose...

Really!? Really. Show me the path they've taken, cuz I sure as shit haven't seen one for a decade or so.

Get the obstructuionist Harry Reid to allow bills to move forward and get Obama to sign a few of them and you might actually see some positive change.

Bullshit. They have not produced a solitary jobs bill that wasn't actually a corporate ass-kissing of the highest order.
Opposing something does not equate to hatred. Forget the Bible or religion. Marriage since the dawn of time has been understood and defined as male and female. It is what it is. I could care less if two men or two women want to have sex and/or live together. You don't just get to redefine a term to your own personal liking. You can call water dry and the color of the sky yellow, but regardless of what you insist on calling it, water is wet and the sky is blue.


As for the Republican's going to be in their platform denying same sex couples of the right of marriage.

As for the's a loser of a position for them. And so far, we now have 2 reasons.

Soggy with his "just cuz"
And now your with "Thats the way it is."

Neither is very appealing to same sex it?

What part did you not understand about redifining a term to your own personal liking? if only you could get the gays and lesbians to go along with you. Good luck.


As for the Republican's going to be in their platform denying same sex couples of the right of marriage.

As for the's a loser of a position for them. And so far, we now have 2 reasons.

Soggy with his "just cuz"
And now your with "Thats the way it is."

Neither is very appealing to same sex it?

Nor their friends, family members, or sympathizers, and THAT is where the GOP drops the ball. Gays? Meh, easy to ignore. But those who support them is an entire demographic that is growing all the time.

You didn't list the youth...which opens up a whole new batch of trouble for the GOP.

The youth falls into one, two, or all three of the groups listed. Friends, family members, or sympathizers.
The majority of the public doesn't support gays or oppose them. They simply don't care. It's not an issue for them so they disregard it and consider other issues that impact them directly. That's most people. They don't base a vote on what gays are going to get.
1. Rs stand for limited Government....Dems for in-your-face Big Brother Government...

Except if you're a woman then we want a government small enough to fit between you and your doctor. We also want to bless your marriages if you're homosexual

2. Rs stand for self-reliance.....Dems for massive dependency...

Only if you're poor. If you're rich, we want a government that "gets it" and offers you tax breaks on top of tax breaks

3. Rs stand for a strong national defense.....Dems for a weak & gutted military....
Yes, we already spend nearly $0.50 of every dollar spent on bombs on the globe but that isn't enough...we have to keep spending more money to fund the military that we ultimately live in fear of

4. Rs stand for fiscal responsibility......Dems for irresponsible massive spending....

Both parties are out to lunch fiscally.
The majority of the public doesn't support gays or oppose them. They simply don't care. It's not an issue for them so they disregard it and consider other issues that impact them directly. That's most people. They don't base a vote on what gays are going to get.

Funny that this gallop poll suggests that majority of the public actively supports gay marriage, stating it "should be valid".

This graph shows a clear trend too, hinting that that % of supporters will only continue to rise as time goes on.
The majority of the public doesn't support gays or oppose them. They simply don't care. It's not an issue for them so they disregard it and consider other issues that impact them directly. That's most people. They don't base a vote on what gays are going to get.

Funny that this gallop poll suggests that majority of the public actively supports gay marriage, stating it "should be valid".

This graph shows a clear trend too, hinting that that % of supporters will only continue to rise as time goes on.

All the more reason to stop putting the "We hate you" plank in the platform.
1. Rs stand for limited Government....Dems for in-your-face Big Brother Government...

Except if you're a woman then we want a government small enough to fit between you and your doctor. We also want to bless your marriages if you're homosexual

2. Rs stand for self-reliance.....Dems for massive dependency...

Only if you're poor. If you're rich, we want a government that "gets it" and offers you tax breaks on top of tax breaks

3. Rs stand for a strong national defense.....Dems for a weak & gutted military....
Yes, we already spend nearly $0.50 of every dollar spent on bombs on the globe but that isn't enough...we have to keep spending more money to fund the military that we ultimately live in fear of

4. Rs stand for fiscal responsibility......Dems for irresponsible massive spending....

Both parties are out to lunch fiscally.

both are out to lunch period...

('cept for the Tcons)
Opposing is NOT hatred. you oppose Christian beliefs - can I call you a Chritian hater? :D

You obviously have the bias against anybody on the right - are you a conservative-hater?

Do you find homosexuality repulsive? Yes or no...simple question.

As for "opposing"...the OP says what the GOP needs to do. When you reject someone's civil rights and can't come up with a reason to deny them of that right...what do you call it? Opposition for no good reason sure "seems" a lot like hatred.

Would you blame gays who want to get married for rejecting your party? Yes or no....simple question

Personally? I don't especially care, since I know the medical background of it :)
I do not oppose the civil unions as well

Yes but your party does...and do you think that is a political problem? If not, why not?
1. Rs stand for limited Government....Dems for in-your-face Big Brother Government...
As we discussed though, isn't the concept of "limited gov't" built upon the fact that people should be free to do what they please (without hurting others, of course) without big gov't interference?

Wouldn't being in favor of freedom-increasing laws (like you can marry someone from the same sex too, if you chose as an adult) be more in line with the concept of "limited gov't"?

2. Rs stand for self-reliance.....Dems for massive dependency...
Ditto, for the most part. But I think the dems have good intentions.

3. Rs stand for a strong national defense.....Dems for a weak & gutted military....

Problem with this is that Republicans have traditionally stood for a strong national offense, which I oppose. I fear that many folks in gov't are being intimidated by the defense industry to "start this war, start that war, etc" just so they can maintain revenue levels. I mean, that makes sense - right?

4. Rs stand for fiscal responsibility......Dems for irresponsible massive spending....

Ditto, and do believe the Dems often employ a "spend first, think last" sort of mentality.
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1. Rs stand for limited Government....Dems for in-your-face Big Brother Government...
As we discussed though, isn't the concept of "limited gov't" built upon the fact that people should be free to do what they please (without hurting others, of course) without big gov't interference?

Wouldn't being in favor of freedom-increasing laws (like you can marry someone from the same sex too, if you chose as an adult) be more in line with the concept of "limited gov't"?

2. Rs stand for self-reliance.....Dems for massive dependency...
Ditto, for the most part. But I think the dems have good intentions.

3. Rs stand for a strong national defense.....Dems for a weak & gutted military....

Problem with this is that Republicans have traditionally stood for a strong national offense, which I oppose. I fear that many folks in gov't are being intimidated by the defense industry to "start this war, start that war, etc" just so they can maintain revenue levels. I mean, that makes sense - right?

4. Rs stand for fiscal responsibility......Dems for irresponsible massive spending....

Ditto, and do believe the Dems often employ a "spend first, think last" sort of mentality.

limited government should mean that most decisions be done at the state level....forget this liberal one-size-fits-all approach...
Opposing something does not equate to hatred. Forget the Bible or religion. Marriage since the dawn of time has been understood and defined as male and female. It is what it is. I could care less if two men or two women want to have sex and/or live together. You don't just get to redefine a term to your own personal liking. You can call water dry and the color of the sky yellow, but regardless of what you insist on calling it, water is wet and the sky is blue.


As for the Republican's going to be in their platform denying same sex couples of the right of marriage.

As for the's a loser of a position for them. And so far, we now have 2 reasons.

Soggy with his "just cuz"
And now your with "Thats the way it is."

Neither is very appealing to same sex it?

Nor their friends, family members, or sympathizers, and THAT is where the GOP drops the ball. Gays? Meh, easy to ignore. But those who support them is an entire demographic that is growing all the time.

Oh the humanity of allowing people to become an electoral demographic ... What a pity it is that's what's necessary for them to be considered human.

limited government should mean that most decisions be done at the state level....forget this liberal one-size-fits-all approach...

I'm cool with that. But even at the state level, I maintain that the concept of limited gov't should mean that people should have as many freedoms as possible until the point they are infringing on another person's rights (meaning you can't rape someone because "you want to").

I don't understand the Republicans who make it a priority - above all else - to block gay people from getting married. Makes no sense. I get abortion; they are protecting the unborn baby's rights, life is sacred, etc (it's a good argument). But no gay marriage? I think that's a step too far in the direction of an Authoritarian gov't.

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