To My Republican Friends......What Needs to Be Done to Win National Elections

What Republicans need to do to win:

Forget The Constitution
Abandon Personal Responsibility
Give Away Their Money To The Poor
Put Faith In Government Over God

And be laughed at by the people they are supporting ... For being the suckers that they are in doing so.


As for the Republican's going to be in their platform denying same sex couples of the right of marriage.

As for the's a loser of a position for them. And so far, we now have 2 reasons.

Soggy with his "just cuz"
And now your with "Thats the way it is."

Neither is very appealing to same sex it?

What part did you not understand about redifining a term to your own personal liking? if only you could get the gays and lesbians to go along with you. Good luck.


They have a very subjectively biased opinion. :eusa_whistle:
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Reading these post gives a clear understanding of why the TP national approval is stuck at 20% and the Republican approval rating is only a few points above that.
What conservatives need to do to win.

It's simple. Attack the media like it is no tomorrow. Get them coming and going. Put up every lie daily on all our new media.

Screw over the ones that screw ours over.

Pick your target. Pick it well. Like Matt Lauer. Take on him, his wife, his children. Hit them like you are in a war because you are.

You are in a war people.

And then clean your house. Dump every rino. Make sure they lose. Because do you really want Mitch for example still being in control?

Denying conservatives money so they can't run within "his party".

Time to kick ass people. It's now or never.
I don't have a party, I am registered as independent and although I can not see myself voting dimocrap in the near 15 years at least, I can't say that the establishment republicans are warming my heart too much as well.
I choose them as a lesser evil.

And I never base my vote on absolutely unimportant issues like gay marriage - in this economy it is a clear diversion.
If people are stupid to get those unimportant issues decide their vote - they are going to pay for it. And they are already.

And no, I do not see it as a political problem. I see the inability to respond in a manner which will leave the issue out of the discussion as a problem :D


Candidate ___________, What is the difference between your view of gay marriage and that of your Democratic opponent?

How would you answer in a way that may get you a vote from a same sex couple?

"I believe marriage is between one man and one woman"

Same rehearsed response you get from every Republican

My response would be that I don't give a shit what two consenting adults do. But that wouldn't get me any gay votes either because I won't bend to their agenda of gay marriage.
Reading these post gives a clear understanding of why the TP national approval is stuck at 20% and the Republican approval rating is only a few points above that.

Put up the poll and let me decimate it by going to the methodology. Or shut up.
What Republicans need to do to win:

1. Cut taxes
2. Bash gays
3. Bash immigrants
4. Ban abortion
5. Cut taxes
6. Bash labor
7. Blame the poor
8. Cut taxes
9. Kill Obamacare
10. Block gun control

Or they can go the Obama route and knowingly and willingly pander to every group and lie thru their teeth to win elections. You get the government you deserve and right now, many Obama/Democrat supporters are finding that there is a price to pay to their blind faith and not paying attention to the details.

Candidate ___________, What is the difference between your view of gay marriage and that of your Democratic opponent?

How would you answer in a way that may get you a vote from a same sex couple?

"I believe marriage is between one man and one woman"

Same rehearsed response you get from every Republican

My response would be that I don't give a shit what two consenting adults do. But that wouldn't get me any gay votes either because I won't bend to their agenda of gay marriage.

They don't care about gay marriage. They care about destroying the family unit and replacing it with the State.

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What Republicans need to do when they lose in 2016

1. Blame the media
2. Say the people who voted against them only wanted free stuff
3. Call those who voted against them uninformed
4. Blame it on oversampling
5. Say the Democrats cheated
6. Try to change the voting rules
7. Blame two black guys at the polls
8. Blame voter ID
9. Deny that you actually lost
10. Really, it was the lamestream media

1. Blame everyone else but yourself
2. 47 million people disagree
3. Call anyone who votes against you racist
4. Blame it on Bush
5. Say the Republicans cheated
6. Accept foreign donations during your campaign
7. Blame two black men holding deadly weapons at the polls.
8. Claim voter suppression
9. Deny reality
10. Really, it was those lying bastards at Fox News

You are dogging it...try to keep up

After Republicans have ignored Welfare Queens advice and again get their heads handed to them, how should they react?

1. Threaten to make the new President a one term president
2. Continue as The Party of No
3. Shut down the Government in non-election years
4. Filibuster, filibuster, filibuster
5. Refuse to extend the national debt
6. Repeatedly call the new President a failure
7. Have FoxNews report that this is the worst President in History
8. Refuse to have your picture taken with the new President
9. Call the New President....
- Marxist
- Communist
- Un-American
- Fascist
10. Ridicule the Presidents spouse

Yep, you've run out of ideas. Now it's getting into far left nonsense now.

1. Put people on an enemies list a la Nixon
2. Continue as the party of big government
3. Shut down dissent on election years
4. Spend, Spend, Spend
5. Refuse to cut the deficit
6. Repeatedly call the old president a failure
7. Have NBC and MSNBC report that the previous president was the worst in history
8. Yeah, these Democrats agree
9. Call the old president.....
10. Ridicule Sarah Palin's family
Reading these post gives a clear understanding of why the TP national approval is stuck at 20% and the Republican approval rating is only a few points above that.

Put up the poll and let me decimate it by going to the methodology. Or shut up.

Tea Party Movement | Gallup Historical Trends

Republican Party Favorability Sinks to Record Low

NBC/Wall Street Journal Poll

Compare Republican and Democratic numbers. The GOP is trailing.
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limited government should mean that most decisions be done at the state level....forget this liberal one-size-fits-all approach...

I'm cool with that. But even at the state level, I maintain that the concept of limited gov't should mean that people should have as many freedoms as possible until the point they are infringing on another person's rights (meaning you can't rape someone because "you want to").

I don't understand the Republicans who make it a priority - above all else - to block gay people from getting married. Makes no sense. I get abortion; they are protecting the unborn baby's rights, life is sacred, etc (it's a good argument). But no gay marriage? I think that's a step too far in the direction of an Authoritarian gov't.

Rs don't make it a priority above all else....they are just responding to the shrill left that seems to make it a priority above all else...

Rs are against gay marriage because to change the definition of marriage will throw the baby out with the bath water....or open pandoras box.....or throw a wrench in the to speak....

not to mention it's part of the commie-pushed plan to destroy the family.....

why can't you guys figure this out....?
What Republicans need to do to win:

1. Cut taxes
2. Bash gays
3. Bash immigrants
4. Ban abortion
5. Cut taxes
6. Bash labor
7. Blame the poor
8. Cut taxes
9. Kill Obamacare
10. Block gun control

Or they can go the Obama route and knowingly and willingly pander to every group and lie thru their teeth to win elections. You get the government you deserve and right now, many Obama/Democrat supporters are finding that there is a price to pay to their blind faith and not paying attention to the details.

obama is going to offer to subsidize the people who lost their Insurance or the Insurance Companies themselves will be protected from loss by the US Treasury. I suspect the former.

Republicans will fight it and obama will present us as heartless even though it was dimocrap scum who created the problem in the first place.

If he pulls this off, we'll have Single Payer a lot sooner than expected. And it will be a lot worse than expected.
One of my major beefs with the Democrat Party is the divide and conquer mentality. To the Democrat Party, we are not Americans. We are voting blocs. There is the Black voting bloc...Hispanic voting bloc, the single female voting bloc. Each must be appeased and given free shit with our tax payer dollars. It is deeply cynical and Un-American.

When Democrats say Republicans have abandoned minorities....your Party has abandoned white males...particularly working class white males. Democrats marginalize them and try to paint them as ignorant and racist. It is overt. Working class white males have largely built this country and been the ones who have overwhelmingly served our military. To marginalize them is racist and very offensive.

Republicans do not hate or marginalize minorities. They have not done a good job or reaching out to minorities...that is a big, big difference. The Republican Party is the the Party of Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt. Their history regarding civil rights and freedom is a proud one. To label Republicans as racist or anti-minority is complete bullshit.
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We're going to spy on our sworn enemies, the Democrats and use the IRS to hamper their fundraising efforts

Candidate ___________, What is the difference between your view of gay marriage and that of your Democratic opponent?

How would you answer in a way that may get you a vote from a same sex couple?

"I believe marriage is between one man and one woman"

Same rehearsed response you get from every Republican

Interesting, what other definition could possibly be given? Historically that definition is correct and by the dictionary I still believe it is the correct answer. So why in the hell would you expect Republicans to give another definition just because one was made up?

Politically and electorally your argument has no weight, Freewill.

A growing majority of America disagrees with you, and even a larger majority of youth and millenials, which includes our own in the GOP.

The GOP WILL change on this.
Yes but your party does...and do you think that is a political problem? If not, why not?

I don't have a party, I am registered as independent and although I can not see myself voting dimocrap in the near 15 years at least, I can't say that the establishment republicans are warming my heart too much as well.
I choose them as a lesser evil.

And I never base my vote on absolutely unimportant issues like gay marriage - in this economy it is a clear diversion.
If people are stupid to get those unimportant issues decide their vote - they are going to pay for it. And they are already.

And no, I do not see it as a political problem. I see the inability to respond in a manner which will leave the issue out of the discussion as a problem :D


Candidate ___________, What is the difference between your view of gay marriage and that of your Democratic opponent?

How would you answer in a way that may get you a vote from a same sex couple?

thats what you don't get. Maybe taking a stand against gay marriage will lose the gay marriage vote, BFD. That is a tiny segment of the population.

The GOP does not have to get the radical 'gay marriage is a right' vote. let all 50,000 of them vote dem, who cares?
Reading these post gives a clear understanding of why the TP national approval is stuck at 20% and the Republican approval rating is only a few points above that.

Put up the poll and let me decimate it by going to the methodology. Or shut up.

Tea Party Movement | Gallup Historical Trends

Republican Party Favorability Sinks to Record Low

NBC/Wall Street Journal Poll

Compare Republican and Democratic numbers. The GOP is trailing.

Of course the GOP is trailing.

Look who you have running the party? Mitch bite my bottom lip in the Senate is always out there with the lib media.

John, oh yeah old John screwing over his own party so he can get party favors for every Sunday stint and making sure his idiot daughter keeps her tv show.

Time to kick ass and the first way to do it is to attack the media. Hard time. Nothing off limits.

Report on them. Every move they make.
"I believe marriage is between one man and one woman"

Same rehearsed response you get from every Republican

My response would be that I don't give a shit what two consenting adults do. But that wouldn't get me any gay votes either because I won't bend to their agenda of gay marriage.

They don't care about gay marriage. They care about destroying the family unit and replacing it with the State.

I don't see how the motivation for leftists to support gay marriage for the purpose of "destroying the family unit." The collective grows by including everyone and then creating rules which discriminate in a way that creates State power. This is another opportunity for them to pat another group on the back and then buy their loyalty to the State.
"I believe marriage is between one man and one woman"

Same rehearsed response you get from every Republican

Interesting, what other definition could possibly be given? Historically that definition is correct and by the dictionary I still believe it is the correct answer. So why in the hell would you expect Republicans to give another definition just because one was made up?

Politically and electorally your argument has no weight, Freewill.

A growing majority of America disagrees with you, and even a larger majority of youth and millenials, which includes our own in the GOP.

The GOP WILL change on this.

the only demographic that has a majority supporting gay marriage is the gay marriage crowd----its an insignificant number. why lose a large demographic in order to get a small one?

standing by principles is much more important.

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