To My Republican Friends......What Needs to Be Done to Win National Elections

equal rights------no one objects to gays having equal rights, I personally would fight anyone who tried to deny equal rights to anyone.

marriage is not a state conferred right.

If gays want to make a committment to each other, a civil union gives them all the rights that a hetero married couple have.

But, be honest, this is not about equality, its about forcing acceptance of the gay lifestyle on everyone else and teaching kids that either way is OK.

Formal unions do not offer the same rights as marriage. Try filing Federal taxes as a union. The discriminate tax code should be enough to convince people something is wrong. Adults should be allowed to make adult decisions.

the tax code should treat civil unions just like man/woman marriages. If it doesn't, then it should be fixed.

thats a red herring and a deflection from the topic at hand.

I was only responding to the issue of equal rights. If the word marriage is the issue at hand then by all means use whatever personal morals you want to discriminate implicitly. I mean no offense at intentions, only the result of spoken word. Equal rights is all I'm really for.

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thats what you don't get. Maybe taking a stand against gay marriage will lose the gay marriage vote, BFD. That is a tiny segment of the population.

The GOP does not have to get the radical 'gay marriage is a right' vote. let all 50,000 of them vote dem, who cares?

You assume that the gay vote is all they stand to lose. There are also the millions of Americans with gay friends or relatives, and believe they deserve equal marriage rights.

equal rights------no one objects to gays having equal rights, I personally would fight anyone who tried to deny equal rights to anyone.

marriage is not a state conferred right.

If gays want to make a committment to each other, a civil union gives them all the rights that a hetero married couple have.

But, be honest, this is not about equality, its about forcing acceptance of the gay lifestyle on everyone else and teaching kids that either way is OK.

What the right is doing is taking advantage of the government to force upon people their belief of what marriage is, while at the same time preaching small government. Personally, I think government should stay out of the marriage business, but until they do they should be willing to accept same-sex marriage as a legitimate form of marriage. And I'm tired of right wingers preaching about "traditional" marriage, because there is no such thing as "traditional" marriage. It's a fairy tale. It never existed.
equal rights------no one objects to gays having equal rights, I personally would fight anyone who tried to deny equal rights to anyone.

marriage is not a state conferred right.

If gays want to make a committment to each other, a civil union gives them all the rights that a hetero married couple have.

But, be honest, this is not about equality, its about forcing acceptance of the gay lifestyle on everyone else and teaching kids that either way is OK.

Formal unions do not offer the same rights as marriage. Try filing Federal taxes as a union. The discriminate tax code should be enough to convince people something is wrong. Adults should be allowed to make adult decisions.

Sure, and democrats are touting personal freedom, gee I wonder how over five million people will feel about that, having their healthcare choices dictated by the government. Talk about your 'adult decisions'.

I am in complete agreement with the assumptions I have made on your position regarding health care. Car insurance gives us the privilege to drive and is required by law. Health insurance should not be turned into a privilege to health, or life.

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Put up the poll and let me decimate it by going to the methodology. Or shut up.

Tea Party Movement | Gallup Historical Trends

Republican Party Favorability Sinks to Record Low

NBC/Wall Street Journal Poll

Compare Republican and Democratic numbers. The GOP is trailing.

Of course the GOP is trailing.

Look who you have running the party? Mitch bite my bottom lip in the Senate is always out there with the lib media.

John, oh yeah old John screwing over his own party so he can get party favors for every Sunday stint and making sure his idiot daughter keeps her tv show.

Time to kick ass and the first way to do it is to attack the media. Hard time. Nothing off limits.

Report on them. Every move they make.

That's some decimation of the methodology! :lol::lol:
What the right is doing is taking advantage of the government to force upon people their belief of what marriage is, while at the same time preaching small government.

And you oppose using government to force beliefs on people, do you? I mean that is a criticism I have of Republicans for things like the war on drugs, abortion and that sort of thing. But damn, for a liberal supporter of an authoritarian party to say it. Wow.


While I say that, I don't do that.

Of course the GOP is trailing.

Look who you have running the party? Mitch bite my bottom lip in the Senate is always out there with the lib media.

John, oh yeah old John screwing over his own party so he can get party favors for every Sunday stint and making sure his idiot daughter keeps her tv show.

Time to kick ass and the first way to do it is to attack the media. Hard time. Nothing off limits.

Report on them. Every move they make.

I like your idea of fighting the media aggressively. Call them on their bullshit every time. I hate the main stream media. But attacking Republicans you feel are not Conservative enough is foolish and self-destructive. It gets you no where.

I am a logical person. It comes down to a simple choice. A Chris Christie vs Hillary? Make your choice.

Not your dream choice....but a choice that can win. If that is the choice (and right now it looks like it is) which one would be better for the Country? Which one is better for America?

The time for hard core ideology needs to stop. This is about our Country and what is best for all Americans. Make your choice. A choice that can win.

A choice that can win.

How many times have I heard this since Bob Dole?

Win what? What do you win? If you stay on the path of "lets meet in the middle" you get what you asked for.

Nothing. And you won't win elections.

If on the other hand you say to voters for example " I don't like abortion, but it is the law of the land, BUT we have to make sure there are no more Gosnells out there" you are telling the truth and winning at the same time to make sure there are no more crazy sons of bitches out there snipping the heads off of babies.

This isn't rocket science. :eusa_angel: Well not to me.

But if you continually cave to the left, you stand for nothing. You stand for nothing at all.
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Formal unions do not offer the same rights as marriage. Try filing Federal taxes as a union? The discriminate tax code should be enough to convince people something is wrong. Adults should be allowed to make adult decisions.

[email protected]

Twitter [MENTION=46050]ShawnChris13[/MENTION]

Sure, and democrats are touting personal freedom, gee I wonder how over five million people will feel about that, having their healthcare choices dictated by the government. Talk about your 'adult decisions'.

I am in complete agreement with the assumptions I have made on your position regarding health care. Car insurance gives us the privilege to drive and is required by law. Health insurance should not be turned into a privilege to health, or life.

[email protected]

Twitter [MENTION=46050]ShawnChris13[/MENTION]

You agree with yourself. How narcissistic. I wonder what car insurance has to do with healthcare insurance. You're saying people should be forced into a government approved insurance plan that will cost them 41 percent more than their old plan. Really? And you lecture people about choice?
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Yes but your party does...and do you think that is a political problem? If not, why not?

I don't have a party, I am registered as independent and although I can not see myself voting dimocrap in the near 15 years at least, I can't say that the establishment republicans are warming my heart too much as well.
I choose them as a lesser evil.

And I never base my vote on absolutely unimportant issues like gay marriage - in this economy it is a clear diversion.
If people are stupid to get those unimportant issues decide their vote - they are going to pay for it. And they are already.

And no, I do not see it as a political problem. I see the inability to respond in a manner which will leave the issue out of the discussion as a problem :D


Candidate ___________, What is the difference between your view of gay marriage and that of your Democratic opponent?

How would you answer in a way that may get you a vote from a same sex couple?

I have already told you - I could not care less about the gay marriage. I look at where the person is in economic realm, mostly, plus the recognition of the Constitution.
gay marriage is not even on the list for me to consider, neither do I think it bothers anybody in this economic realities.

let's get it simple here - in a cynical realm of getting hit on one's pocket do you really think that more than 90% of the electorate would care about the "problems" of ~3% of the people ( as not all the gays are interested in marriage)?
Sure, and democrats are touting personal freedom, gee I wonder how over five million people will feel about that, having their healthcare choices dictated by the government. Talk about your 'adult decisions'.

I am in complete agreement with the assumptions I have made on your position regarding health care. Car insurance gives us the privilege to drive and is required by law. Health insurance should not be turned into a privilege to health, or life.

You agree with yourself. How narcissistic. I wonder what car insurance has to do with healthcare insurance. You're saying people should be forced into a government approved insurance plan that will cost them 41 percent more than their old plan. Really? And you lecture people about choice?

I seem to be explaining myself incorrectly. I am against the ACA. I use car insurance as an example of how we use the law to enforce responsible driving and public safety.

However, on the other end of the spectrum would be health insurance. A public mandate to buy or pay a fine is abhorrent to what I believe. I shouldn't have to buy anything if I don't want to.

My exception to that statement would be car insurance as it affects the public safety. Clear?

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It's not only the gay community that Republicans are losing. Minority and women voters all go left lately. This is largely due to false promises made that can't be kept. Recent events prove my point.

Mob rule is taking effect because the informed voters allow a few key issues to sway the argument. All the "left" has to do is cater to the needs of different demographics in order to win the vote. Then the meetings behind closed doors happen and unrelated legislation gets thrown into bills.

[email protected]

Twitter [MENTION=46050]ShawnChris13[/MENTION]

all???? horseshit. you are a newby so thats all I am going to say. but a warning, foolish generalizations like that will get you destroyed.

We know you always call out the rightwingers on this board when they make foolish generalizations as well, right? Oh, you never have? Shocking! :eek:

actually I do.
Immigration. Find a way people.

You can't ship them all out. But you want to scare the shit out of your local D congressman, tell them I can apply and vote conservative.

Watch how co-operative so many D's will become if you make the law open to everyone who wants to now become an American.
I don't have a party, I am registered as independent and although I can not see myself voting dimocrap in the near 15 years at least, I can't say that the establishment republicans are warming my heart too much as well.
I choose them as a lesser evil.

And I never base my vote on absolutely unimportant issues like gay marriage - in this economy it is a clear diversion.
If people are stupid to get those unimportant issues decide their vote - they are going to pay for it. And they are already.

And no, I do not see it as a political problem. I see the inability to respond in a manner which will leave the issue out of the discussion as a problem :D


Candidate ___________, What is the difference between your view of gay marriage and that of your Democratic opponent?

How would you answer in a way that may get you a vote from a same sex couple?

Present. No position taken.

(I'm voting like Obama)

I would add - irrelevant for the present realm. Next.
My response would be that I don't give a shit what two consenting adults do. But that wouldn't get me any gay votes either because I won't bend to their agenda of gay marriage.

They don't care about gay marriage. They care about destroying the family unit and replacing it with the State.


How does gay marriage destroy a family unit?

a biological family unit is composed of a father, mother, child....gays by choice deprive children of either their biological mother or father....thus you have a broken family unit...
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Thanks Boop. It was truly from the heart. My guess is Republicans will end up nominating some ideologically pure old white guy that will mostly get votes from other ideologically pure old white guys, while the rest of the Country yawns and votes for someone who seems to be more like them.

I like limited Government, fiscal responsibility, self-reliance, and a strong Constitution. I also like the people I vote for to win elections. You can stand for the above and still win elections. It is not that hard. You can also have a strong set of values, but be tolerant of others values. I see that as being very American. Unfortunately, many do not, and are intolerant. I will never accept that.

Are Republicans really intolerant of anyone who isn't a rich, old white man or is that just something Democrats shout for political advantage? I don't hate anyone. I'm just tired of being a walking ATM for everyone else.
You assume that the gay vote is all they stand to lose. There are also the millions of Americans with gay friends or relatives, and believe they deserve equal marriage rights.

equal rights------no one objects to gays having equal rights, I personally would fight anyone who tried to deny equal rights to anyone.

marriage is not a state conferred right.

If gays want to make a committment to each other, a civil union gives them all the rights that a hetero married couple have.

But, be honest, this is not about equality, its about forcing acceptance of the gay lifestyle on everyone else and teaching kids that either way is OK.

What the right is doing is taking advantage of the government to force upon people their belief of what marriage is, while at the same time preaching small government. Personally, I think government should stay out of the marriage business, but until they do they should be willing to accept same-sex marriage as a legitimate form of marriage. And I'm tired of right wingers preaching about "traditional" marriage, because there is no such thing as "traditional" marriage. It's a fairy tale. It never existed.

Marriage has been the union of one man and one woman for the last 5000 years or more. All religions describe marriage that way, all nations sanction marriage of one man and one woman.

The left is trying to change the culture of humanity to its jaundiced view of marriage. What gives them the right to force their views on the rest of humanity?
What the right is doing is taking advantage of the government to force upon people their belief of what marriage is, while at the same time preaching small government.

And you oppose using government to force beliefs on people, do you? I mean that is a criticism I have of Republicans for things like the war on drugs, abortion and that sort of thing. But damn, for a liberal supporter of an authoritarian party to say it. Wow.


While I say that, I don't do that.

I have stated many times on this board that I have never been a Democrat, and never voted for a Democrat. In 2008 I supported Ron Paul, until the Republican party fought to marginalize his campaign. In 2012 I supported Gary Johnson, until the Republican party fought to keep him off the ballot in my state. But keep making assumptions about my political party, wannabe libertarian.
For the record, not a right or left "winger"

Well, the middle usually means you don't have either the will or the fortitude to make up your mind or take a stand.

You waiting for heaven on earth or something?

I do not agree with the linear political spectrum that we currently have. It stagnates progress and only causes immense anger on issues. You might notice how assumptions are constantly made here based on a few responses.

I'm somehow a right winger in support of gay marriage. Those don't exist to my knowledge.

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