To My Republican Friends......What Needs to Be Done to Win National Elections

Your personal morals are not everyone's. I'm in support of personal freedom. My definition of morals is not everyone's. I'm a heterosexual and happily married. What others do in their house is no concern of mine.

[email protected]

Twitter [MENTION=46050]ShawnChris13[/MENTION]

Do you want gay sex techniques taught to your kids?

My children will grow up and have their own morals as well. As children I would strongly oppose 'gay sex techniques' be taught to anyone's child.

[email protected]

Twitter [MENTION=46050]ShawnChris13[/MENTION]
OH... so now... you DO care... even though you said you DIDN'T.

See, even though you fence sitters like to come here and think you're going to play us both ways, it just doesn't work.
Reagan had charisma. Charisma matters hugely in politics. Boring old guys don't win elections...regardless of ideology.

The one thing that President Reagan did that got him re-elected with 70% of the vote and carried every state except Minnesota in the Electoral College ... Was the fact that he didn't let the Republicans tell him what he was ... He defined who they were.
President Reagan wasn't afraid of the Progressive Liberals ... Beat them about the head and face every chance he got ... Dragged them through the gutter and exposed them regarding their nefarious intentions.

The American people appreciated the fact he had courage ... Knew what he believed in ... And respected the fact it wasn't going to change with the next breeze that blew through Washington DC.

He didn't travel to foreign countries, bow to their leaders and apologize ... He stuck nuclear missiles all over Europe ... And shot the "cowboy finger" at the USSR.
He believed that even with its faults ... America was great ... And needed to lead instead of sucking dust off the other failures trying to make him blink.

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I don't have a party, I am registered as independent and although I can not see myself voting dimocrap in the near 15 years at least, I can't say that the establishment republicans are warming my heart too much as well.
I choose them as a lesser evil.

And I never base my vote on absolutely unimportant issues like gay marriage - in this economy it is a clear diversion.
If people are stupid to get those unimportant issues decide their vote - they are going to pay for it. And they are already.

And no, I do not see it as a political problem. I see the inability to respond in a manner which will leave the issue out of the discussion as a problem :D


Candidate ___________, What is the difference between your view of gay marriage and that of your Democratic opponent?

How would you answer in a way that may get you a vote from a same sex couple?

Present. No position taken.

(I'm voting like Obama)

Or you could vote like Romney and just say you have no real answer.
No, if they came here ILLEGALLY, then they should NEVER be given the right to vote, EVER.

You want to vote here, fine, enter the country LEGALLY and go through the LEGAL process of becoming an American citizen, PERIOD.

I would like to agree with you, but thats not going to happen. We need to find a workable solution. I suggested one.

So did I, and that is what SHOULD happen. Rewarding people for breaking our laws by giving them the right to vote is absolutely MORONIC.

We get the right conservative politician in office and that's the way it'll be too.

Never, the hispanic demographic is too large, neither party will risk pissing them off.
you are basically has to stop being republican..but i do agree with you on your points...esp the first is gonna have a major problem with the growing hispanic vote....hispanics are adding something like 50 k voters a year....a major rising power....

as a woman....i could never vote gop...i am sorry...just too much anti women stuff....i can never tell if its just social ignorance or just ignorance of the female body....i have concluded it is just ignorance...

arent 3 and 1....about the same?

many times i find myself much more aligned with the moderates.....but then they extremists take over...i knew the tea party would harm the gop much more than the gop seem to cannot embrace a tapeworm and expect to have good health

I always lol at the "ignorance of the female body" BS. What is more ignorant about your body than allowing some moron to stick his dick in you and create a baby neither of you you kill it. That my dear is ignorant.

Abortion: another topic roiled in decades of the same argent rotating constantly. Why can't we use science and logic to answer this debate? (Please don't take that sentence the wrong way) the answer is out there. Let's find it.

[email protected]

Twitter [MENTION=46050]ShawnChris13[/MENTION]
What conservatives need to do to win.

It's simple. Attack the media like it is no tomorrow. Get them coming and going. Put up every lie daily on all our new media.

Screw over the ones that screw ours over.

Pick your target. Pick it well. Like Matt Lauer. Take on him, his wife, his children. Hit them like you are in a war because you are.

You are in a war people.

And then clean your house. Dump every rino. Make sure they lose. Because do you really want Mitch for example still being in control?

Denying conservatives money so they can't run within "his party".

Time to kick ass people. It's now or never.

Yeah, follow that advice...straight from a comic book to the national political stage.

"I want their soul"
I would like to agree with you, but thats not going to happen. We need to find a workable solution. I suggested one.

So did I, and that is what SHOULD happen. Rewarding people for breaking our laws by giving them the right to vote is absolutely MORONIC.

We get the right conservative politician in office and that's the way it'll be too.

Never, the hispanic demographic is too large, neither party will risk pissing them off.
No it's not, and if a conservative candidate wants to get elected, he won't piss off CONSERVATIVES talking like you are.
Do you want gay sex techniques taught to your kids?

My children will grow up and have their own morals as well. As children I would strongly oppose 'gay sex techniques' be taught to anyone's child.

[email protected]

Twitter [MENTION=46050]ShawnChris13[/MENTION]

OH... so now... you DO care... even though you said you DIDN'T.

See, even though you fence sitters like to come here and think you're going to play us both ways, it just doesn't work.

You're reading too much into what I said. Let me explain more precisely.

My children will go to school.

I oppose any public endorsement of teaching children 'gay sex techniques'

My children will inevitably learn about gay people as they get older.

I will give them my opinion and let them decide.

Personal freedom. That's all I'm saying.

Not a faculty member designated with the trust of giving knowledge teaching personal values.


[email protected]

Twitter [MENTION=46050]ShawnChris13[/MENTION]
A choice that can win.

How many times have I heard this since Bob Dole?

Win what? What do you win? If you stay on the path of "lets meet in the middle" you get what you asked for.

Nothing. And you won't win elections.

If on the other hand you say to voters for example " I don't like abortion, but it is the law of the land, BUT we have to make sure there are no more Gosnells out there" you are telling the truth and winning at the same time to make sure there are no more crazy sons of bitches out there snipping the heads off of babies.

This isn't rocket science. :eusa_angel: Well not to me.

But if you continually cave to the left, you stand for nothing. You stand for nothing at all.

You present a false choice and a false narrative. I in no way suggest caving into the left. I have never said that. That is not my point at all.

Bob Dole, John McCain, and Mitt Romney were terrible candidates. Their ideas did not prevent them from getting elected. Their political style sucked. Clinton and Obama ran circles around them.

Reagan had charisma. Charisma matters hugely in politics. Boring old guys don't win elections...regardless of ideology.

Oh good grief....................Aye carumba I screwed up there.

I did not mean "you" as in you personally. Oh for heaven's sakes no.

I meant "you" as in general populace. I really do live in the middle of nowhere and my grammar does get screwed up because I talk to ravens, dogs and indoor kitties.

I just realized what I typed.


No apology necessary. I took no offense, and I know you are an intelligent person. I agree a National Republican Candidate caving to the Democrat agenda is instant death. I also agree on standing by your principles (i.e. GWBush..."I find abortion horrifying, but for now it is the settled law of the land").

My only point is ideological purity for either party does not seem to win National elections. The whole RINO thing also bothers me because I see it as shooting yourself in the foot. The litmus test should be do these people principle...for limited Government, fiscal responsibility, a strong national defense, and a strong Constitution?

I think most folks labeled RINO's do...but they are not ideologically pure enough. I get that for true hardcore Conservatives these candidates do not fully embrace their point of view. But all I say is consider the alternative. Obama? Hillary? No thank you. :)
you are basically has to stop being republican..but i do agree with you on your points...esp the first is gonna have a major problem with the growing hispanic vote....hispanics are adding something like 50 k voters a year....a major rising power....

as a woman....i could never vote gop...i am sorry...just too much anti women stuff....i can never tell if its just social ignorance or just ignorance of the female body....i have concluded it is just ignorance...

arent 3 and 1....about the same?

many times i find myself much more aligned with the moderates.....but then they extremists take over...i knew the tea party would harm the gop much more than the gop seem to cannot embrace a tapeworm and expect to have good health

I always lol at the "ignorance of the female body" BS. What is more ignorant about your body than allowing some moron to stick his dick in you and create a baby neither of you you kill it. That my dear is ignorant.

Abortion: another topic roiled in decades of the same argent rotating constantly. Why can't we use science and logic to answer this debate? (Please don't take that sentence the wrong way) the answer is out there. Let's find it.

[email protected]

Twitter [MENTION=46050]ShawnChris13[/MENTION]

the answer? you want it? personal sexual responsibility. not murder of unborn children.
I don't have a party, I am registered as independent and although I can not see myself voting dimocrap in the near 15 years at least, I can't say that the establishment republicans are warming my heart too much as well.
I choose them as a lesser evil.

And I never base my vote on absolutely unimportant issues like gay marriage - in this economy it is a clear diversion.
If people are stupid to get those unimportant issues decide their vote - they are going to pay for it. And they are already.

And no, I do not see it as a political problem. I see the inability to respond in a manner which will leave the issue out of the discussion as a problem :D


Candidate ___________, What is the difference between your view of gay marriage and that of your Democratic opponent?

How would you answer in a way that may get you a vote from a same sex couple?

thats what you don't get. Maybe taking a stand against gay marriage will lose the gay marriage vote, BFD. That is a tiny segment of the population.

The GOP does not have to get the radical 'gay marriage is a right' vote. let all 50,000 of them vote dem, who cares?

Gays (like most humans) have parents. You will probably lose their votes too.

There are also these things called friends (pronounced "FR-IN-D-S"--you wouldn't know because you don't have any). You will likely lose a great may of them by calling their friends amoral.

Finally, there is the object lesson involved for the "party of inclusion" as you called them yesterday...when you start excluding people.

Damn you have shit for brains.
My children will grow up and have their own morals as well. As children I would strongly oppose 'gay sex techniques' be taught to anyone's child.

[email protected]

Twitter [MENTION=46050]ShawnChris13[/MENTION]

OH... so now... you DO care... even though you said you DIDN'T.

See, even though you fence sitters like to come here and think you're going to play us both ways, it just doesn't work.

You're reading too much into what I said. Let me explain more precisely.

My children will go to school.

I oppose any public endorsement of teaching children 'gay sex techniques'

My children will inevitably learn about gay people as they get older.

I will give them my opinion and let them decide.

Personal freedom. That's all I'm saying.

Not a faculty member designated with the trust of giving knowledge teaching personal values.


[email protected]

Twitter [MENTION=46050]ShawnChris13[/MENTION]
You need to grow a spine.

Either tell your children it's right or it's wrong.

So you support sexual perversion.

You a homo?

Lol shouldn't twelve year olds be in class right now?

Not twelve. Here lies another example of baseless emotional response instead of logical reasoning in response to a comment not offering insult. At least intentionally.

[email protected]

Twitter [MENTION=46050]ShawnChris13[/MENTION]

My post was a reaction to 007's extremely childish response of asking if "you a homo" because you might theoretically support gay marriage.

His (or her) level of reasoning is on par with that of a 12 year old child, who would call their friend "gay" for wearing a certain shirt, etc. It was a logical comparison of 007 and an underdeveloped youth who hasn't quite broken through into maturity.

Obviously people oppose gay marriage; that's fine, I respect a person's right to opinion. But 007 was acting like a child.
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What conservatives need to do to win.

It's simple. Attack the media like it is no tomorrow. Get them coming and going. Put up every lie daily on all our new media.

Screw over the ones that screw ours over.

Pick your target. Pick it well. Like Matt Lauer. Take on him, his wife, his children. Hit them like you are in a war because you are.

You are in a war people.

And then clean your house. Dump every rino. Make sure they lose. Because do you really want Mitch for example still being in control?

Denying conservatives money so they can't run within "his party".

Time to kick ass people. It's now or never.

Ya, go after wives and children of media folks you disagree with. Watch how the media responds. They will grind you into dust you fool.

Frank Gifford who was a commentator on Monday Night Football wrote in his book, "Never blitz the guy with the mike (microphone)." Tinydumbass hasn't learned a damn thing; ever.
I always lol at the "ignorance of the female body" BS. What is more ignorant about your body than allowing some moron to stick his dick in you and create a baby neither of you you kill it. That my dear is ignorant.

Abortion: another topic roiled in decades of the same argent rotating constantly. Why can't we use science and logic to answer this debate? (Please don't take that sentence the wrong way) the answer is out there. Let's find it.

[email protected]

Twitter [MENTION=46050]ShawnChris13[/MENTION]

the answer? you want it? personal sexual responsibility. not murder of unborn children.

I apologize if I find your response based on emotion and personal values lacking.

However much I may agree or disagree with your position.

When an entity has the same chromosomes as I I am against the destruction of it. Bird eggs should not be more protected than human fetuses.

[email protected]

Twitter [MENTION=46050]ShawnChris13[/MENTION]
So did I, and that is what SHOULD happen. Rewarding people for breaking our laws by giving them the right to vote is absolutely MORONIC.

We get the right conservative politician in office and that's the way it'll be too.

Never, the hispanic demographic is too large, neither party will risk pissing them off.
No it's not, and if a conservative candidate wants to get elected, he won't piss off CONSERVATIVES talking like you are.

I guess we will just have to disagree on this 007. We agree on 99% of stuff so maybe 1% disagreement is healthy.:lol:
A choice that can win.

How many times have I heard this since Bob Dole?

Win what? What do you win? If you stay on the path of "lets meet in the middle" you get what you asked for.

Nothing. And you won't win elections.

If on the other hand you say to voters for example " I don't like abortion, but it is the law of the land, BUT we have to make sure there are no more Gosnells out there" you are telling the truth and winning at the same time to make sure there are no more crazy sons of bitches out there snipping the heads off of babies.

This isn't rocket science. :eusa_angel: Well not to me.

But if you continually cave to the left, you stand for nothing. You stand for nothing at all.

You present a false choice and a false narrative. I in no way suggest caving into the left. I have never said that. That is not my point at all.

Bob Dole, John McCain, and Mitt Romney were terrible candidates. Their ideas did not prevent them from getting elected. Their political style sucked. Clinton and Obama ran circles around them.

Reagan had charisma. Charisma matters hugely in politics. Boring old guys don't win elections...regardless of ideology.

Romney was a very good candidate and would have been a very good president. But he ran a terrible campaign.

He should have gone on the attack from day one, but he is too nice of a guy and he falsely believed that the dems would play fair.

Part of what happened up here, and trust me our Prime Minister is so nice that he fosters kittens in our version of the White House and just goes out and plays piano and knows all the words to a Sudbury Saturday Night.

He is so nice he is beyond boring. :lol:

But he's my kinda guy. He has kept his stick on the ice and he has kept us thru all the world recession inching back to positive.

Harper isn't a star. He's a good man who was elected to do a job and he has done it.

Romney's failure is only one. He believed like you said that it would be fair play.

He never saw Crowley coming at him with that sucker punch.

BUT and here it is. The ones around him should have.
Lol shouldn't twelve year olds be in class right now?

Not twelve. Here lies another example of baseless emotional response instead of logical reasoning in response to a comment not offering insult. At least intentionally.

[email protected]

Twitter [MENTION=46050]ShawnChris13[/MENTION]

My post was a reaction to 007's extremely childish response of asking if "you a homo" because you might theoretically support gay marriage.

His (or her) level of reasoning is on par with that of a 12 year old child, who would call their friend "gay" for wearing a certain shirt, etc. It was a logical comparison of 007 and an underdeveloped youth.

My apologies I skimmed when I should have read. I thought you meant me.

[email protected]

Twitter [MENTION=46050]ShawnChris13[/MENTION]
My response would be that I don't give a shit what two consenting adults do. But that wouldn't get me any gay votes either because I won't bend to their agenda of gay marriage.

They don't care about gay marriage. They care about destroying the family unit and replacing it with the State.


How does gay marriage destroy a family unit?

Don't 1/2 of all hetero marriages end in divorce? Hard to believe homosexuals could destroy the sanctity of marriage any more than Newt Gingrich has. Or John Edwards for that matter.
Lol shouldn't twelve year olds be in class right now?

Not twelve. Here lies another example of baseless emotional response instead of logical reasoning in response to a comment not offering insult. At least intentionally.

[email protected]

Twitter [MENTION=46050]ShawnChris13[/MENTION]

My post was a reaction to 007's extremely childish response of asking if "you a homo" because you might theoretically support gay marriage.

His (or her) level of reasoning is on par with that of a 12 year old child, who would call their friend "gay" for wearing a certain shirt, etc. It was a logical comparison of 007 and an underdeveloped youth who hasn't quite broken through into maturity or not.

Obviously people oppose gay marriage; that's fine, I respect a person's right to opinion. But 007 was acting like a child.
And you know the page in your Sal Alinsky, Rules for Radicals manual by heart, where if you disagree with someone, ridicule them and insult them.

So STFU moron. You're no more superior to anyone else here than the used rubber your butt buddy threw in the toilet after he got done fucking you up the ass last night.

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