To My Republican Friends......What Needs to Be Done to Win National Elections

What Republicans need to do to win:

1. Cut taxes
2. Bash gays
3. Bash immigrants
4. Ban abortion
5. Cut taxes
6. Bash labor
7. Blame the poor
8. Cut taxes
9. Kill Obamacare
10. Block gun control

Or they can go the Obama route and knowingly and willingly pander to every group and lie thru their teeth to win elections. You get the government you deserve and right now, many Obama/Democrat supporters are finding that there is a price to pay to their blind faith and not paying attention to the details.

obama is going to offer to subsidize the people who lost their Insurance or the Insurance Companies themselves will be protected from loss by the US Treasury. I suspect the former.

Republicans will fight it and obama will present us as heartless even though it was dimocrap scum who created the problem in the first place.

If he pulls this off, we'll have Single Payer a lot sooner than expected. And it will be a lot worse than expected.

Freedom is so ingrained in the American psyche, that it would end up single payer but no doctors and few hospitals. The government must have some idea of how to deal with doctors dumping the practice of medicine. Maybe import them from Nigeria.
Don't 1/2 of all hetero marriages end in divorce? Hard to believe homosexuals could destroy the sanctity of marriage any more than Newt Gingrich has. Or John Edwards for that matter.

or Bill Clinton, or Al Gore, or Weiner.

How many gay marriages end in divorce. Do you think the turkey baster kids of a gay marriage will be normal when that marriage breaks up?

go away fluke, its time to pick up your nightly supply of condoms for your trip to lafayette circle.

You sure seem to know alot about a place called Lafayette Circle.. Is that where you caught your VD?

I have seen you hustling tricks there with the other drug and UTI infected whores. Are you still charging $3 per BJ? Still trading a screw for a nickel bag?
Here's the end result of the war on poverty in the black community...

75% of children are born out of wedlock and 50% literacy rates.


The claim was more women date felons than college students.

Your statistics are unrelated to such a claim.

[email protected]

Twitter [MENTION=46050]ShawnChris13[/MENTION]

Uhhhh, which is more prevalent in the black ghettos of our big cities, college grads or felons?

The topic keeps changing here. I'm not arguing against certain areas having different statistics. The original claim was never about ghettos.

Poor communities are going to have high crime rates. There's nothing we can do about that if we are still arguing about who to blame for it.

[email protected]

Twitter [MENTION=46050]ShawnChris13[/MENTION]
They don't care about gay marriage. They care about destroying the family unit and replacing it with the State.


How does gay marriage destroy a family unit?

Don't 1/2 of all hetero marriages end in divorce? Hard to believe homosexuals could destroy the sanctity of marriage any more than Newt Gingrich has. Or John Edwards for that matter.

I can swing both ways on this topic. Oh cripes that doesn't sound good.

I know absolutely insanely in love friends of mine who are gay.Who have been together for forever.

Music business days. But I struggle with this as a born again. How can I condemn them? You have to understand the book to also understand this is how we struggle with faith.

I'm on my third husband. Thankfully for over 25 years. Wasn't easy:eusa_angel:

But unless we stop categorizing each other into pigeon holes we'll never work anything out.

On the left's side it is expected that Christians should accept anything and everything that happens on the planet.

On the hard core right's side it is expected that everyone should live under Leviticus.

Now on the bright side, I still believe that last book that tells me He's coming down, going to kick ass and will explain it to me in the end.

And all my questions will be answered.
The claim was more women date felons than college students.

Your statistics are unrelated to such a claim.

[email protected]

Twitter [MENTION=46050]ShawnChris13[/MENTION]

Uhhhh, which is more prevalent in the black ghettos of our big cities, college grads or felons?

The topic keeps changing here. I'm not arguing against certain areas having different statistics. The original claim was never about ghettos.

Poor communities are going to have high crime rates. There's nothing we can do about that if we are still arguing about who to blame for it.

[email protected]

Twitter [MENTION=46050]ShawnChris13[/MENTION]

soggy gave you stats for black unwed pregnancy rates. YOU changed the subject.
Here's the end result of the war on poverty in the black community...

75% of children are born out of wedlock and 50% literacy rates.


The claim was more women date felons than college students.

Your statistics are unrelated to such a claim.

[email protected]

Twitter [MENTION=46050]ShawnChris13[/MENTION]

I was talking to you... I didn't quote anyone. Do try and keep up.

You jumped into the middle of a discussion without understanding the subject matter and I'm supposed to keep up?

It's not my job to change the subject alongside a whim.

[email protected]

Twitter [MENTION=46050]ShawnChris13[/MENTION]
Here's the end result of the war on poverty in the black community...

75% of children are born out of wedlock and 50% literacy rates.


The claim was more women date felons than college students.

Your statistics are unrelated to such a claim.

[email protected]

Twitter [MENTION=46050]ShawnChris13[/MENTION]

Uhhhh, which is more prevalent in the black ghettos of our big cities, college grads or felons?

Your clients dick-lips.
Uhhhh, which is more prevalent in the black ghettos of our big cities, college grads or felons?

The topic keeps changing here. I'm not arguing against certain areas having different statistics. The original claim was never about ghettos.

Poor communities are going to have high crime rates. There's nothing we can do about that if we are still arguing about who to blame for it.

[email protected]

Twitter [MENTION=46050]ShawnChris13[/MENTION]

soggy gave you stats for black unwed pregnancy rates. YOU changed the subject.

He gave stats for apparently no reason then.

Let's just start posting random statistics.

[email protected]

Twitter [MENTION=46050]ShawnChris13[/MENTION]
I am in complete agreement with the assumptions I have made on your position regarding health care. Car insurance gives us the privilege to drive and is required by law. Health insurance should not be turned into a privilege to health, or life.

You agree with yourself. How narcissistic. I wonder what car insurance has to do with healthcare insurance. You're saying people should be forced into a government approved insurance plan that will cost them 41 percent more than their old plan. Really? And you lecture people about choice?

I seem to be explaining myself incorrectly. I am against the ACA. I use car insurance as an example of how we use the law to enforce responsible driving and public safety.

However, on the other end of the spectrum would be health insurance. A public mandate to buy or pay a fine is abhorrent to what I believe. I shouldn't have to buy anything if I don't want to.

My exception to that statement would be car insurance as it affects the public safety. Clear?

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX - do not post personal information please

Your appeal to objectivity has failed. Your explanation has failed. By touting first the so-called benefits of the ACA, you indicated support for such. I don't like being lied to.
My post was a reaction to 007's extremely childish response of asking if "you a homo" because you might theoretically support gay marriage.

His (or her) level of reasoning is on par with that of a 12 year old child, who would call their friend "gay" for wearing a certain shirt, etc. It was a logical comparison of 007 and an underdeveloped youth who hasn't quite broken through into maturity or not.

Obviously people oppose gay marriage; that's fine, I respect a person's right to opinion. But 007 was acting like a child.
And you know the page in your Sal Alinsky, Rules for Radicals manual by heart, where if you disagree with someone, ridicule them and insult them.

So STFU moron. You're no more superior to anyone else here than the used rubber your butt buddy threw in the toilet after he got done fucking you up the ass last night.

Hey man, I've debated with many adults who share their opposition to gay marriage logically and respectfully (ie not calling somebody a "homo" because they support). Can't say I agree with them, but at the end of the day I respect their right to disagree.

You acted like a kid and I called you out on it; deal with it.
And the Oscar goes to... KEVIN... for most dramatic rendition of playing the high ground.

Now if you can see to bring yourself back to reality and join in with the rest of us, you may do so, but your theatrics are boring.
The claim was more women date felons than college students.

Your statistics are unrelated to such a claim.

[email protected]

twitter [MENTION=46050]ShawnChris13[/MENTION]

I wasn't talking to you... I didn't quote anyone. Do try and keep up.

You jumped into the middle of a discussion without understanding the subject matter and I'm supposed to keep up?

It's not my job to change the subject alongside a whim.

[email protected]

Twitter [MENTION=46050]ShawnChris13[/MENTION]

Uhm, in case you missed it, this topic jumped around a lot. But basically, absurd claims have been made about conservatives hating children and welfare and otherwise other stupid shit. I was just pointing out that liberal policies have not only not helped the black community, but have gravely damaged the black community.

But, I suspect you knew this and are purposely just being a cementhead.
You agree with yourself. How narcissistic. I wonder what car insurance has to do with healthcare insurance. You're saying people should be forced into a government approved insurance plan that will cost them 41 percent more than their old plan. Really? And you lecture people about choice?

I seem to be explaining myself incorrectly. I am against the ACA. I use car insurance as an example of how we use the law to enforce responsible driving and public safety.

However, on the other end of the spectrum would be health insurance. A public mandate to buy or pay a fine is abhorrent to what I believe. I shouldn't have to buy anything if I don't want to.

My exception to that statement would be car insurance as it affects the public safety. Clear?

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX - do not post personal information please

Your appeal to objectivity has failed. Your explanation has failed. By touting first the so-called benefits of the ACA, you indicated support for such. I don't like being lied to.

Did you read what I posted? I'm lost as how I supported the ACA. My objectivity lies within straying from emotional name calling. I have personal beliefs that I try to explain without childish recursion.
I wasn't talking to you... I didn't quote anyone. Do try and keep up.

You jumped into the middle of a discussion without understanding the subject matter and I'm supposed to keep up?

It's not my job to change the subject alongside a whim.

[email protected]

Twitter [MENTION=46050]ShawnChris13[/MENTION]

Uhm, in case you missed it, this topic jumped around a lot. But basically, absurd claims have been made about conservatives hating children and welfare and otherwise other stupid shit. I was just pointing out that liberal policies have not only not helped the black community, but have gravely damaged the black community.

But, I suspect you knew this and are purposely just being a cementhead.

I agree with your statement. I am disappointed by both parties' attempts at reform and if I misread you I apologize and withdraw any cement headed comments I may have unintentionally made.
I seem to be explaining myself incorrectly. I am against the ACA. I use car insurance as an example of how we use the law to enforce responsible driving and public safety.

However, on the other end of the spectrum would be health insurance. A public mandate to buy or pay a fine is abhorrent to what I believe. I shouldn't have to buy anything if I don't want to.

My exception to that statement would be car insurance as it affects the public safety. Clear?

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX - do not post personal information please

Your appeal to objectivity has failed. Your explanation has failed. By touting first the so-called benefits of the ACA, you indicated support for such. I don't like being lied to.

Did you read what I posted? I'm lost as how I supported the ACA. My objectivity lies within straying from emotional name calling. I have personal beliefs that I try to explain without childish recursion.

You explained how if car insurance was mandatory, so too should healthcare insurance, namely the ACA. You are disingenuous.
You jumped into the middle of a discussion without understanding the subject matter and I'm supposed to keep up?

It's not my job to change the subject alongside a whim.

[email protected]

Twitter [MENTION=46050]ShawnChris13[/MENTION]

Uhm, in case you missed it, this topic jumped around a lot. But basically, absurd claims have been made about conservatives hating children and welfare and otherwise other stupid shit. I was just pointing out that liberal policies have not only not helped the black community, but have gravely damaged the black community.

But, I suspect you knew this and are purposely just being a cementhead.

I agree with your statement. I am disappointed by both parties' attempts at reform and if I misread you I apologize and withdraw any cement headed comments I may have unintentionally made.

a word of caution. read the message board for a few days to see how it works before jumping in. It can get brutal if you are not prepared. Don't let em see you sweat.
Your appeal to objectivity has failed. Your explanation has failed. By touting first the so-called benefits of the ACA, you indicated support for such. I don't like being lied to.

Did you read what I posted? I'm lost as how I supported the ACA. My objectivity lies within straying from emotional name calling. I have personal beliefs that I try to explain without childish recursion.

You explained how if car insurance was mandatory, so too should healthcare insurance, namely the ACA. You are disingenuous.

Do you know what abhorrent means?
Abhorrent - adj. - inspiring disgust and loathing; repugnant.

Not an endorsement of mandated health care.
Uhm, in case you missed it, this topic jumped around a lot. But basically, absurd claims have been made about conservatives hating children and welfare and otherwise other stupid shit. I was just pointing out that liberal policies have not only not helped the black community, but have gravely damaged the black community.

But, I suspect you knew this and are purposely just being a cementhead.

I agree with your statement. I am disappointed by both parties' attempts at reform and if I misread you I apologize and withdraw any cement headed comments I may have unintentionally made.

a word of caution. read the message board for a few days to see how it works before jumping in. It can get brutal if you are not prepared. Don't let em see you sweat.

I take responsibility for any misinterpretations I may have. I will not let bullheaded stubbornness discourage people from debating my points. At a certain time you really just have to stop discussing topics with people whose opinion will not change.
I don't have a party, I am registered as independent and although I can not see myself voting dimocrap in the near 15 years at least, I can't say that the establishment republicans are warming my heart too much as well.
I choose them as a lesser evil.

And I never base my vote on absolutely unimportant issues like gay marriage - in this economy it is a clear diversion.
If people are stupid to get those unimportant issues decide their vote - they are going to pay for it. And they are already.

And no, I do not see it as a political problem. I see the inability to respond in a manner which will leave the issue out of the discussion as a problem :D


Candidate ___________, What is the difference between your view of gay marriage and that of your Democratic opponent?

How would you answer in a way that may get you a vote from a same sex couple?

thats what you don't get. Maybe taking a stand against gay marriage will lose the gay marriage vote, BFD. That is a tiny segment of the population.

The GOP does not have to get the radical 'gay marriage is a right' vote. let all 50,000 of them vote dem, who cares?

Except marriage equality is supported by a majority of Americans...not just the gay ones.

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