To My Republican Friends......What Needs to Be Done to Win National Elections

To the original OP.

Let's get back at it. Or start another thread on it.

This has gone way too far off course.

Now, I have told you winning measures we took up here. Do you think any could be applicable in your election situations?

It's a different battlefield. Before going into battle you have to map out the battlefield, determine what kind of armorment will best serve the purpose, determine tactics and strategy, make a plan, add contingencies, train and practice. Add recon and probes and you are ready to go. Republicans are unable to do any of this. They are basicly a mess of disorganized individual units with no leadership. Buried in infighting and feuds, they can't even decide how to map the battlefield let alone all that needs to follow. To make matters worse, the infantry (TP) is untested, overconfident, poorly armed and fully prepared to launch useless suicide attacks while disregarding experienced veterans of political battles of the past.

Although some historians will disagree ... A lot of them will tell you that the greatest battle strategist of all time was Genghis Khan ... Accompanied by other noted veterans such as Sun Tzu and Carl von Clausewitz respectfully.
They all employed strategies such as ... Attrition Warfare, Scorched Earth, Blockade, Guerilla Warfare, Deception and Feint ... Which would suggest your analogy is a crock of shit.


Completely missed his point....didnt ya?
4. You have to be about More than Hating Obama. Let me be clear. I hate fucking Obama. He is the worst President in my lifetime. His policies are destroying America. I loathe the man. Many of you feel the same way. However, the Republican Party needs to be about more than Hating Obama. While the hatred is have to present a positive alternative or it just comes across as bitter and spiteful.

Okay folks. That's it. Have fun tearing this apart. :)

Good post. #4 in particular. I feel like the hate for Obama has been too much of the focus. It's fine to not like him, or even hate him. But as you've pointed out, there needs to be more than that. Hate his healthcare law? Say so, but they need to also follow up with a thought out alternative plan that actually solves the issues our country is facing. "Repeal Obamacare" is not a solution to a problem we had well before Obama was ever in the picture.

But here's the problem. Hating Obama is all you guys have, really.

let's take healthcare, since you brought it up.

The first guy to offer universal insurance instead of single payer? Richard Nixon!

The people who suggested an individual mandate instead of single payer? The Heritage Foundation in the 1990's.

Oh, wait, who was the first guy who actually IMPLEMENTED these ideas on a state wide level? Mitt Romney!

And then the black guy decided, "Okay, let's go with your plan since I can't get a public option or medicare buy in to cover the gaps." (Incidently, either one would have solved all the problems we are currenlty having.)

And suddenly- you guys hate it.. Because Obama suggested it!

These are typical arguments recycled from CNN and MSNBC. The fact that a state came up with their own health insurance solution does not suggest that every state should do exactly the same thing.

The ACA can only be compared to Romneycare only in that the government was involved in its creation. The two are not completely similar nor worthy of comparison. (Both plans are terrible Btw)

The heritage foundation? Why bother.

It's not 'hate the black guy' as you seem to infer. It's 'hate the policy'. I'm tired of the race card.
To the original OP.

Let's get back at it. Or start another thread on it.

This has gone way too far off course.

Now, I have told you winning measures we took up here. Do you think any could be applicable in your election situations?

Thank you.

Another thought. Republicans need to very aggressively attack the Democrat divide and conquer strategy. We are not black-Americans...Hispanic-Americans...Single Female Americans. Stop the pandering and the bullshit.

Blacks, Whites, Men, Women, Hispanics and many others have built this Nation. We are a not a Nation of separate communities. We are one Community. Any party that talks strongly to that basic truth will win. Stop the pandering and stop separating people.

Run on the basis of America and what America means to everyone's hearts.

No hyphens. No "fill in the blank - American". Watch the rally to begin to come together as a nation.

To solve problems. To try to work out how to make everyone better, not try to take from one another.

These are simple truths. I believe they are the heart of America.
It's a different battlefield. Before going into battle you have to map out the battlefield, determine what kind of armorment will best serve the purpose, determine tactics and strategy, make a plan, add contingencies, train and practice. Add recon and probes and you are ready to go. Republicans are unable to do any of this. They are basicly a mess of disorganized individual units with no leadership. Buried in infighting and feuds, they can't even decide how to map the battlefield let alone all that needs to follow. To make matters worse, the infantry (TP) is untested, overconfident, poorly armed and fully prepared to launch useless suicide attacks while disregarding experienced veterans of political battles of the past.

Although some historians will disagree ... A lot of them will tell you that the greatest battle strategist of all time was Genghis Khan ... Accompanied by other noted veterans such as Sun Tzu and Carl von Clausewitz respectfully.
They all employed strategies such as ... Attrition Warfare, Scorched Earth, Blockade, Guerilla Warfare, Deception and Feint ... Which would suggest your analogy is a crock of shit.


Completely missed his point....didnt ya?

The only point he made that was substantial was leadership ... The tactics are textbook ... Politics is not warfare by any means whatsoever.
So if your idea of effective leadership is having a President that denies knowing anything about anything happening in his administration ... And his voters being stupid enough to believe it ... Then I would love to see you equate that to a military success.

To the original OP.

Let's get back at it. Or start another thread on it.

This has gone way too far off course.

Now, I have told you winning measures we took up here. Do you think any could be applicable in your election situations?

Thank you.

Another thought. Republicans need to very aggressively attack the Democrat divide and conquer strategy. We are not black-Americans...Hispanic-Americans...Single Female Americans. Stop the pandering and the bullshit.

Blacks, Whites, Men, Women, Hispanics and many others have built this Nation. We are a not a Nation of separate communities. We are one Community. Any party that talks strongly to that basic truth will win. Stop the pandering and stop separating people.

Bull Shit
Demographics help determine how and why people vote the way they do. Different groups have different wants and needs. To think we are one community and a one size fits all will satisfy needs is simplistic

Demographics go beyond black and white. They include old and young, rich and poor, urban and rural, married and unmarried.....

To date, Republucans have concentrated on the rich vs poor demographic. It is killing them
Democrats are running on a strategy of.......Republicans don't like you

It is working
My democrat friends need to put down Maos little red book and read about George Washington or john Adams
Thanks Boop. It was truly from the heart. My guess is Republicans will end up nominating some ideologically pure old white guy that will mostly get votes from other ideologically pure old white guys, while the rest of the Country yawns and votes for someone who seems to be more like them.

I like limited Government, fiscal responsibility, self-reliance, and a strong Constitution. I also like the people I vote for to win elections. You can stand for the above and still win elections. It is not that hard. You can also have a strong set of values, but be tolerant of others values. I see that as being very American. Unfortunately, many do not, and are intolerant. I will never accept that.

Good points in the OP.

The bolded is meaningless nonsense, of course, without context and details.

For example:

‘Limited Government’ doesn’t mean reckless, irresponsible deregulation.

‘Fiscal Responsibility’ doesn’t mean cutting taxes, ending needed social programs, and increasing military spending.

‘Self-reliance’ doesn’t mean capricious, partisan cuts to public assistance programs or drug-testing pubic assistance applicants.

And the most meaningless: ‘Strong Constitution,’ which doesn’t mean ignoring the case law conservatives don’t like and whining about contrived nonsense such as ‘liberal activist judges’ and ‘legislating from the bench.’

The points made in the OP aren’t calling upon republicans to ‘change,’ rather, it’s a call to republican to become republicans again, and return to their traditional values and beliefs.
Have any of you been to the Statue of Liberty? To Ellis Island?

I have.

I watched my Baba on the ferry tour. Even though she had come to Canada as a young woman brought by my Great grandfather, her eyes on the Statue of Liberty showed me everything I needed to know to always fight to preserve our way of life and freedom.

Her eyes. My Baba's eyes cried. And she smiled.

You have to really be there to hold her to climb her to understand the torch and what it means and has meant for so many as the beacon of freedom.

Honestly if you care, show your children the beauty and history of your country.
You agree with yourself. How narcissistic. I wonder what car insurance has to do with healthcare insurance. You're saying people should be forced into a government approved insurance plan that will cost them 41 percent more than their old plan. Really? And you lecture people about choice?

I seem to be explaining myself incorrectly. I am against the ACA. I use car insurance as an example of how we use the law to enforce responsible driving and public safety.

However, on the other end of the spectrum would be health insurance. A public mandate to buy or pay a fine is abhorrent to what I believe. I shouldn't have to buy anything if I don't want to.

My exception to that statement would be car insurance as it affects the public safety. Clear?

But by not having insurance, you are forcing me to pay more in premiums and hospital charges to PAY for your lack of sufficient insurance.

Each insured person in CA alone was paying $1200 a year in insurance costs to pay for the un and under insured.

That's bunk. And on top of that, 5 million people would beg to differ.
Demographics help determine how and why people vote the way they do. Different groups have different wants and needs. To think we are one community and a one size fits all will satisfy needs is simplistic

Do feel then that it's the responsibility of the federal bureaucracy to identify Americans by groups and then cater specifically to each?

Thanks Boop. It was truly from the heart. My guess is Republicans will end up nominating some ideologically pure old white guy that will mostly get votes from other ideologically pure old white guys, while the rest of the Country yawns and votes for someone who seems to be more like them.

I like limited Government, fiscal responsibility, self-reliance, and a strong Constitution. I also like the people I vote for to win elections. You can stand for the above and still win elections. It is not that hard. You can also have a strong set of values, but be tolerant of others values. I see that as being very American. Unfortunately, many do not, and are intolerant. I will never accept that.

Good points in the OP.

The bolded is meaningless nonsense, of course, without context and details.

For example:

‘Limited Government’ doesn’t mean reckless, irresponsible deregulation.

‘Fiscal Responsibility’ doesn’t mean cutting taxes, ending needed social programs, and increasing military spending.

‘Self-reliance’ doesn’t mean capricious, partisan cuts to public assistance programs or drug-testing pubic assistance applicants.

And the most meaningless: ‘Strong Constitution,’ which doesn’t mean ignoring the case law conservatives don’t like and whining about contrived nonsense such as ‘liberal activist judges’ and ‘legislating from the bench.’

The points made in the OP aren’t calling upon republicans to ‘change,’ rather, it’s a call to republican to become republicans again, and return to their traditional values and beliefs.


I'd run with that bipartisan slogan. :lol:

Screw trying to fix the planet. Screw trying to fix the weather. Screw listening to Angela.

I swear it would be a landslide for just one dude saying "I just want to fix the potholes".
To the original OP.

Let's get back at it. Or start another thread on it.

This has gone way too far off course.

Now, I have told you winning measures we took up here. Do you think any could be applicable in your election situations?

It's a different battlefield. Before going into battle you have to map out the battlefield, determine what kind of armorment will best serve the purpose, determine tactics and strategy, make a plan, add contingencies, train and practice. Add recon and probes and you are ready to go. Republicans are unable to do any of this. They are basicly a mess of disorganized individual units with no leadership. Buried in infighting and feuds, they can't even decide how to map the battlefield let alone all that needs to follow. To make matters worse, the infantry (TP) is untested, overconfident, poorly armed and fully prepared to launch useless suicide attacks while disregarding experienced veterans of political battles of the past.

Not really. Not really a different battlefield. I believe with all my heart that you should absolutely if one is a conservative or libertarian to throw the Republican Party overboard.

I have more of a fondness and respect for D's because they stay true to their left wing hearts.

Republicans. Define a Republican today. Not asking you to do this personally, but do you get what I am asking.

What is a Republican?

How can one ask for someone to vote for something that is not even defined?

Well, you are actually mapping the battlefield with your comment about defining a Republican. That would be the first order of battle. While doing so, the issue of disunity could be addressed. If a Republican leader could come forward, one that has no intention of running for President, perhaps a governor, and organize a summit meant to bring about a definition, a platform so to speak, the party could move forward by leaps and bounds. But as long as the party is led by pundits, has beens and folks with agenda's other than winning for the party, there is not a lot of hope.
Demographics help determine how and why people vote the way they do. Different groups have different wants and needs. To think we are one community and a one size fits all will satisfy needs is simplistic

Do feel then that it's the responsibility of the federal bureaucracy to identify Americans by groups and then cater specifically to each?


Government is a delicate balance of helping those who need help.
Democrats are running on a strategy of.......Republicans don't like you

It is working

Now that makes sense ... Deception has always been a Democrat political strategy though.


Not really

All people need to do is read the interwebs and listen to talk radio and they know it is true


How many times do they have Obama's balls to the walls on lying about "you can keep your plan"?

Give it fucking up man.

Shall we talk about all the lies that Benghazi was over a video?

Oh pullllllllllllllllleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaze. Just stop it.
To the original OP.

Let's get back at it. Or start another thread on it.

This has gone way too far off course.

Now, I have told you winning measures we took up here. Do you think any could be applicable in your election situations?

It's a different battlefield. Before going into battle you have to map out the battlefield, determine what kind of armorment will best serve the purpose, determine tactics and strategy, make a plan, add contingencies, train and practice. Add recon and probes and you are ready to go. Republicans are unable to do any of this. They are basicly a mess of disorganized individual units with no leadership. Buried in infighting and feuds, they can't even decide how to map the battlefield let alone all that needs to follow. To make matters worse, the infantry (TP) is untested, overconfident, poorly armed and fully prepared to launch useless suicide attacks while disregarding experienced veterans of political battles of the past.

Although some historians will disagree ... A lot of them will tell you that the greatest battle strategist of all time was Genghis Khan ... Accompanied by other noted veterans such as Sun Tzu and Carl von Clausewitz respectfully.
They all employed strategies such as ... Attrition Warfare, Scorched Earth, Blockade, Guerilla Warfare, Deception and Feint ... Which would suggest your analogy is a crock of shit.


Oh crap, learn how to translate metaphors or go back to reading coloring books.
Demographics help determine how and why people vote the way they do. Different groups have different wants and needs. To think we are one community and a one size fits all will satisfy needs is simplistic

Do feel then that it's the responsibility of the federal bureaucracy to identify Americans by groups and then cater specifically to each?


Government is a delicate balance of helping those who need help.

That's called charity.

The only thing government helps is themselves to your wallet.
A choice that can win.

How many times have I heard this since Bob Dole?

Win what? What do you win? If you stay on the path of "lets meet in the middle" you get what you asked for.

Nothing. And you won't win elections.

If on the other hand you say to voters for example " I don't like abortion, but it is the law of the land, BUT we have to make sure there are no more Gosnells out there" you are telling the truth and winning at the same time to make sure there are no more crazy sons of bitches out there snipping the heads off of babies.

This isn't rocket science. :eusa_angel: Well not to me.

But if you continually cave to the left, you stand for nothing. You stand for nothing at all.

You present a false choice and a false narrative. I in no way suggest caving into the left. I have never said that. That is not my point at all.

Bob Dole, John McCain, and Mitt Romney were terrible candidates. Their ideas did not prevent them from getting elected. Their political style sucked. Clinton and Obama ran circles around them.

Reagan had charisma. Charisma matters hugely in politics. Boring old guys don't win elections...regardless of ideology.

Romney was a very good candidate and would have been a very good president. But he ran a terrible campaign.

He should have gone on the attack from day one, but he is too nice of a guy and he falsely believed that the dems would play fair.

agree with every word. his campaign was an example of how not to get elected with having all the probable means on his side.
You can't win an election in 2012 with methods from 1982

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