To My Republican Friends......What Needs to Be Done to Win National Elections

Now that makes sense ... Deception has always been a Democrat political strategy though.


Not really

All people need to do is read the interwebs and listen to talk radio and they know it is true


How many times do they have Obama's balls to the walls on lying about "you can keep your plan"?

Give it fucking up man.

Shall we talk about all the lies that Benghazi was over a video?

Oh pullllllllllllllllleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaze. Just stop it.

Republicans run on Benghazi and Obamacare
Democrats run on......Republicans don't give a shit about you or your problems

We win
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It's a different battlefield. Before going into battle you have to map out the battlefield, determine what kind of armorment will best serve the purpose, determine tactics and strategy, make a plan, add contingencies, train and practice. Add recon and probes and you are ready to go. Republicans are unable to do any of this. They are basicly a mess of disorganized individual units with no leadership. Buried in infighting and feuds, they can't even decide how to map the battlefield let alone all that needs to follow. To make matters worse, the infantry (TP) is untested, overconfident, poorly armed and fully prepared to launch useless suicide attacks while disregarding experienced veterans of political battles of the past.

Not really. Not really a different battlefield. I believe with all my heart that you should absolutely if one is a conservative or libertarian to throw the Republican Party overboard.

I have more of a fondness and respect for D's because they stay true to their left wing hearts.

Republicans. Define a Republican today. Not asking you to do this personally, but do you get what I am asking.

What is a Republican?

How can one ask for someone to vote for something that is not even defined?

Well, you are actually mapping the battlefield with your comment about defining a Republican. That would be the first order of battle. While doing so, the issue of disunity could be addressed. If a Republican leader could come forward, one that has no intention of running for President, perhaps a governor, and organize a summit meant to bring about a definition, a platform so to speak, the party could move forward by leaps and bounds. But as long as the party is led by pundits, has beens and folks with agenda's other than winning for the party, there is not a lot of hope.

There is no hope of working within the party. We tried that for years up here.

Back to scratch. And it works. Living example of it up here now. Wasn't easy.
Do feel then that it's the responsibility of the federal bureaucracy to identify Americans by groups and then cater specifically to each?


Government is a delicate balance of helping those who need help.

That's called charity.

The only thing government helps is themselves to your wallet.

No it isn't

It's called doing what needs to be done.......something Republicans are falling short on
It's a different battlefield. Before going into battle you have to map out the battlefield, determine what kind of armorment will best serve the purpose, determine tactics and strategy, make a plan, add contingencies, train and practice. Add recon and probes and you are ready to go. Republicans are unable to do any of this. They are basicly a mess of disorganized individual units with no leadership. Buried in infighting and feuds, they can't even decide how to map the battlefield let alone all that needs to follow. To make matters worse, the infantry (TP) is untested, overconfident, poorly armed and fully prepared to launch useless suicide attacks while disregarding experienced veterans of political battles of the past.

Although some historians will disagree ... A lot of them will tell you that the greatest battle strategist of all time was Genghis Khan ... Accompanied by other noted veterans such as Sun Tzu and Carl von Clausewitz respectfully.
They all employed strategies such as ... Attrition Warfare, Scorched Earth, Blockade, Guerilla Warfare, Deception and Feint ... Which would suggest your analogy is a crock of shit.


Oh crap, learn how to translate metaphors or go back to reading coloring books.

Actually it was a resonable response.

The problem with Democrats is they pick the wrong enemy time after time. That is why they are a disaster if you're trying to productive for the citizens of 'this' country. Instead of making things better they make them worse because their principles and their priorities are way out of whack.
Just out of curiousity, do you people know Obama's campaign manager Messina who also got Axelrod toasted is now Cameron's campaign manager in Britain?
How do you fight this?

Government is a delicate balance of helping those who need help.

That's called charity.

The only thing government helps is themselves to your wallet.

No it isn't

It's called doing what needs to be done.......something Republicans are falling short on

No, they create crisis after crisis and then act like they're the only solution.

Ever notice that many of their issues weren't considered a problem till they started harping about them? Most of the rest of us were just fine till they started stirring up a shitstorm.
Jenna Bush: Hillary Clinton and I are 'related' through 'Uncle' Bill - George W Bush's 'brother from another mother'

Former first-daughter Jenna Bush-Hager joked about her Clinton family ties at a charity gala earlier this week
When former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton took the stage, she spoke about the 'special feeling of kinship' she had for Jenna

Read more: Jenna Bush and Hillary Clinton are 'related' through marriage to her uncle Bill - George W Bush's 'brother from another mother' | Mail Online
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2012 exit polls

Moderates were 45% of the vote. They voted

Obama 56%
Romney 41%

Republicans lost Moderates by 8 million votes.

Romney lost the election by 4 million.

Republicans have won only 1 of the past 6 Presidential elections when they've lost the Moderate vote.

It doesn't take a math genius to figure this one out.
You present a false choice and a false narrative. I in no way suggest caving into the left. I have never said that. That is not my point at all.

Bob Dole, John McCain, and Mitt Romney were terrible candidates. Their ideas did not prevent them from getting elected. Their political style sucked. Clinton and Obama ran circles around them.

Reagan had charisma. Charisma matters hugely in politics. Boring old guys don't win elections...regardless of ideology.

Romney was a very good candidate and would have been a very good president. But he ran a terrible campaign.

He should have gone on the attack from day one, but he is too nice of a guy and he falsely believed that the dems would play fair.

Part of what happened up here, and trust me our Prime Minister is so nice that he fosters kittens in our version of the White House and just goes out and plays piano and knows all the words to a Sudbury Saturday Night.

He is so nice he is beyond boring. :lol:

But he's my kinda guy. He has kept his stick on the ice and he has kept us thru all the world recession inching back to positive.

Harper isn't a star. He's a good man who was elected to do a job and he has done it.

Romney's failure is only one. He believed like you said that it would be fair play.

He never saw Crowley coming at him with that sucker punch.

BUT and here it is. The ones around him should have.

yes. a candidate who can be taken so indefensible like he did in that moment NEVER wins.
He lost the election that moment.

He should have been prepared for that and lash at the bitch as she deserved.
And that would have brought him the win.

The jaw dropping on the incredibility of the moment is allowable for the TV watchers, not the fighting candidate.
He was not prepared for the LIE.

and in order to win with this leftard scum of the earth one does not only have to be prepared for the lie - one has to be prepared to kill for that lie.
How do you fight against Clintons and Bushes working together?

Honest question.

The bushes and the Clinton's are both out of power right now, so not seeing an issue.

Frankly, I'm kind of glad that despite their policies differences, the Clintons and Bushes get along well and are civil

A lack of civility is a big problem with our politics today.
I seem to be explaining myself incorrectly. I am against the ACA. I use car insurance as an example of how we use the law to enforce responsible driving and public safety.

However, on the other end of the spectrum would be health insurance. A public mandate to buy or pay a fine is abhorrent to what I believe. I shouldn't have to buy anything if I don't want to.

My exception to that statement would be car insurance as it affects the public safety. Clear?

But by not having insurance, you are forcing me to pay more in premiums and hospital charges to PAY for your lack of sufficient insurance.

Each insured person in CA alone was paying $1200 a year in insurance costs to pay for the un and under insured.

That's bunk. And on top of that, 5 million people would beg to differ.

I notice you posted no facts to the contrary. Who do you think pays for the emergency room visit by the un or underinsured?
2012 exit polls

Moderates were 45% of the vote. They voted

Obama 56%
Romney 41%

Republicans lost Moderates by 8 million votes.

Romney lost the election by 4 million.

Republicans have won only 1 of the past 6 Presidential elections when they've lost the Moderate vote.

It doesn't take a math genius to figure this one out.

Who was more moderate than Juan McCain

yes. a candidate who can be taken so indefensible like he did in that moment NEVER wins.
He lost the election that moment.

He should have been prepared for that and lash at the bitch as she deserved.
And that would have brought him the win.

The jaw dropping on the incredibility of the moment is allowable for the TV watchers, not the fighting candidate.
He was not prepared for the LIE.

and in order to win with this leftard scum of the earth one does not only have to be prepared for the lie - one has to be prepared to kill for that lie.

Please point out where a candidate has ever won a debate by lashing out at the moderator?

Fact is, he claimed Obama didn't call Benghazi terrorism when he obviously had and was on record doing so.

But that isn't the moment that lost him the election.

The moment he lost the election is when he got caught calling half the countries moochers to people who paid more for lunch than an average American makes in a year.
Not really

All people need to do is read the interwebs and listen to talk radio and they know it is true


How many times do they have Obama's balls to the walls on lying about "you can keep your plan"?

Give it fucking up man.

Shall we talk about all the lies that Benghazi was over a video?

Oh pullllllllllllllllleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaze. Just stop it.

Republicans run on Benghazi and Obamacare
Democrats run on......Republicans don't give a shit about you or your problems

We win

Not in the House or the Senate you didn't :lol:

If Republicans have to stay together for 2014 to maintain what they have and at this late date I cannot see how that can change course.

BUT what I would do and I can still do from up here is target Mitch McConnell and take him out as an example of what I would do next.

I want him gone so bad I can taste it.

I don't care who wins the seat. It could be a green party candidate for all I care. Just punish him for all his bullshit for all these years.

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