To My Republican Friends......What Needs to Be Done to Win National Elections

OH... so now... you DO care... even though you said you DIDN'T.

See, even though you fence sitters like to come here and think you're going to play us both ways, it just doesn't work.

You're reading too much into what I said. Let me explain more precisely.

My children will go to school.

I oppose any public endorsement of teaching children 'gay sex techniques'

My children will inevitably learn about gay people as they get older.

I will give them my opinion and let them decide.

Personal freedom. That's all I'm saying.

Not a faculty member designated with the trust of giving knowledge teaching personal values.


[email protected]

Twitter [MENTION=46050]ShawnChris13[/MENTION]

You need to grow a spine.

Either tell your children it's right or it's wrong.


I said I would tell THEM my personal opinion. Not YOU.

Sorry if I didn't make that clear.

In a public forum I support individual rights. My personal beliefs on a subject like that have no bearing in a public discussion. You keep interpreting my words into an argument you've already heard on the bus, on the TV, or at work.

I advocate none of those positions.

[email protected]

Twitter [MENTION=46050]ShawnChris13[/MENTION]
Can it.

What Democrats need to do to win:

1. Blame Bush
2. Lie about free healthcare
3. Spy on you
4. Take away you insurance
5. Spend you and your country into oblivion
6. Audit conservatives during elections
7. Conquer the media
8. Issue a stand down order
9. Draw red lines
10. Give voting rights to illegals

What Republicans need to do when they lose in 2016

1. Blame the media
2. Say the people who voted against them only wanted free stuff
3. Call those who voted against them uninformed
4. Blame it on oversampling
5. Say the Democrats cheated
6. Try to change the voting rules
7. Blame two black guys at the polls
8. Blame voter ID
9. Deny that you actually lost
10. Really, it was the lamestream media

1. Blame everyone else but yourself
2. 47 million people agree
3. Call anyone who votes against you racist
4. Blame it on Bush
5. Say the Republicans cheated
6. Accept foreign donations during your campaign
7. Blame two black men holding deadly weapons at the polls.
8. Claim voter suppression
9. Deny reality
10. Really, it was those lying bastards at Fox News

Just let me know when you guys get to the partridge in a pear tree.
They don't care about gay marriage. They care about destroying the family unit and replacing it with the State.


How does gay marriage destroy a family unit?

Don't 1/2 of all hetero marriages end in divorce? Hard to believe homosexuals could destroy the sanctity of marriage any more than Newt Gingrich has. Or John Edwards for that matter.

or Bill Clinton, or Al Gore, or Weiner.

How many gay marriages end in divorce. Do you think the turkey baster kids of a gay marriage will be normal when that marriage breaks up?

go away fluke, its time to pick up your nightly supply of condoms for your trip to lafayette circle.
How does gay marriage destroy a family unit?

Don't 1/2 of all hetero marriages end in divorce? Hard to believe homosexuals could destroy the sanctity of marriage any more than Newt Gingrich has. Or John Edwards for that matter.

or Bill Clinton, or Al Gore, or Weiner.

How many gay marriages end in divorce. Do you think the turkey baster kids of a gay marriage will be normal when that marriage breaks up?

go away fluke, its time to pick up your nightly supply of condoms for your trip to lafayette circle.

I think it's safe to say that as a group human behavior can be compared as collectively similar. People get married. People get a divorce. No matter personal beliefs.

[email protected]

Twitter [MENTION=46050]ShawnChris13[/MENTION]
Not twelve. Here lies another example of baseless emotional response instead of logical reasoning in response to a comment not offering insult. At least intentionally.

[email protected]

Twitter [MENTION=46050]ShawnChris13[/MENTION]

My post was a reaction to 007's extremely childish response of asking if "you a homo" because you might theoretically support gay marriage.

His (or her) level of reasoning is on par with that of a 12 year old child, who would call their friend "gay" for wearing a certain shirt, etc. It was a logical comparison of 007 and an underdeveloped youth who hasn't quite broken through into maturity or not.

Obviously people oppose gay marriage; that's fine, I respect a person's right to opinion. But 007 was acting like a child.
And you know the page in your Sal Alinsky, Rules for Radicals manual by heart, where if you disagree with someone, ridicule them and insult them.

So STFU moron. You're no more superior to anyone else here than the used rubber your butt buddy threw in the toilet after he got done fucking you up the ass last night.

Hey man, I've debated with many adults who share their opposition to gay marriage logically and respectfully (ie not calling somebody a "homo" because they support). Can't say I agree with them, but at the end of the day I respect their right to disagree.

You acted like a kid and I called you out on it; deal with it.
What a line of ignorant male bovine excrement!

One of the biggest problems with their GOP national agenda is the stupidity of trying to be "inclusive".

Conservative values are what the American people are searching for and they're NOT getting it from the national GOP!

What must be done is finding and getting conservatives elected to office at the state and local level. And not just candidates but party members. Let conservatives take over municipal, county, and state parties and it will turn things around.

My wife, who is Mexican, asked me a question this morning while watching Governor Palin on TV. "Why does she say and believe in things we Latinos believe in and failed to get us to go out and vote for her?"

I had to explain to her that McCain and the wishy-washy GOP bigwigs did their best to muzzle her. In other words, they threw all their chances to win down the tube.
  • Thanks
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They don't care about gay marriage. They care about destroying the family unit and replacing it with the State.


How does gay marriage destroy a family unit?

Don't 1/2 of all hetero marriages end in divorce? Hard to believe homosexuals could destroy the sanctity of marriage any more than Newt Gingrich has. Or John Edwards for that matter.

You are OBSESSED with gays.


And that is one of things about them that is very off-putting.

Too many of them are flamers, too flamboyant, too dramatic, dress stupidly, wear their sexuality like a Crown and worst of all -- Flaunt it in your face.

If gays, and their stupid fucking supporters, would just SHUT THE FUCK UP, we'd all be a lot better off.

I mean, gawd-dayum, people. Just shut the fuck up.

I don't care about your sex life. I really don't.

I don't care about my neighbor's, or my friends' sex lives either.

I also don't care if you shave it or have it in dreads or bleach it or play with it regularly.

I'm just not interested.

And what's with the 'marriage' bullshit anyway? We've offered to give them full benefits of marriage through a Civil Union contract but they rejected that.

What, they want to be able to name their child legally after the husband? :eek:

Is there ANY thread you people won't hijack and turn it into a gay butt-ranger thread.

I'm seriously tired of it
I have been thinking about doing this post for a long time, and really didn't know how to approach it. I know those on the left will use it as a tool to bash those on the right, but that would be a mistake. This is what I think the Republicans need to do in order to win national elections.

1. Be Inclusive. The message should always be the Republican Party represents all people, whether they are currently voting for you are not. It is completely stupid to me that Blacks vote 95% Democrat, particularly when you see what the Democrats have not done for blacks over the years...but you cannot concede any vote, and you have to reach out to everyone.

2. Stop With the Nutty Social Agenda. America is a center/right Country. Americans are generally tolerant people. If you are strongly Christian and those values inform your life, that's great. But not everyone sees the world the way you do, and not everyone wants your values shoved down their throat. When the Republican Party becomes about sticking wands up a woman's vagina, and talking about "legitimate rape," you've lost just about everyone in America.

3. Don't be So Rigid Ideologically. Stop with the RINO bullshit. Ideologically pure candidates have never gotten elected to National office. Dennis Kucinich anyone? Republicans have always stood for limited Government, self-reliance, a strong national defense, and fiscal responsibility. That should encompass a big tent. Stop excluding people because they are not pure enough. That is crazy and stupid. A guy like Peter King fits that definition. Chris Christie fits that definition. Lindsey Graham fits that definition. If they are not pure enough for you...consider the alternative. Obummer or Hillary? Get off your high horse.

4. You have to be about More than Hating Obama. Let me be clear. I hate fucking Obama. He is the worst President in my lifetime. His policies are destroying America. I loathe the man. Many of you feel the same way. However, the Republican Party needs to be about more than Hating Obama. While the hatred is have to present a positive alternative or it just comes across as bitter and spiteful.

Okay folks. That's it. Have fun tearing this apart. :)

Just join the Constitution Party already....


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Should we fix the old car or buy a brand new one ?

Why is this so hard for Americans ?

:wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf:
Don't 1/2 of all hetero marriages end in divorce? Hard to believe homosexuals could destroy the sanctity of marriage any more than Newt Gingrich has. Or John Edwards for that matter.

No we are up to 70% now and it is cuz women are childish here in America, refuse to ever grow up and pick bad men to be with.

More women date men who have jail time then college time and they they wonder why things are so screwed up in their lives ?

How does gay marriage destroy a family unit?

Don't 1/2 of all hetero marriages end in divorce? Hard to believe homosexuals could destroy the sanctity of marriage any more than Newt Gingrich has. Or John Edwards for that matter.

You are OBSESSED with gays.


And that is one of things about them that is very off-putting.

Too many of them are flamers, too flamboyant, too dramatic, dress stupidly, wear their sexuality like a Crown and worst of all -- Flaunt it in your face.

If gays, and their stupid fucking supporters, would just SHUT THE FUCK UP, we'd all be a lot better off.

I mean, gawd-dayum, people. Just shut the fuck up.

I don't care about your sex life. I really don't.

I don't care about my neighbor's, or my friends' sex lives either.

I also don't care if you shave it or have it in dreads or bleach it or play with it regularly.

I'm just not interested.

And what's with the 'marriage' bullshit anyway? We've offered to give them full benefits of marriage through a Civil Union contract but they rejected that.

What, they want to be able to name their child legally after the husband? :eek:

Is there ANY thread you people won't hijack and turn it into a gay butt-ranger thread.

I'm seriously tired of it

Calm down would be my first point.

Comments that invite anger like this have no place in public debate. If you don't care then go vote to give them the rights they want and then be done with it. It is unconscionable to think that you would cast aside fellow citizens in the name of "I don't give a ****"

[email protected]

Twitter [MENTION=46050]ShawnChris13[/MENTION]
Republicans need to stop being the Party of No

Running against Obama and Obamacare will get you nowhere. You are not there to stop the Democrat agenda.....sooner or later you need to pass an agenda of your own

Run on a fiscally conservative agenda. Taxes are not off the table if they go to reduce the debt or cut the deficit. Balance a budget
Be strong on defense but redefine what the role of the US Military is. We do not need to be the worlds policeman
Develop a strong energy policy that goes beyond....Drill baby, drill
Go after the minority vote. Not with handouts, but with jobs. Make Republicans a common sight in minority neighborhoods. Listen to their problems and offer solid solutions beyond trickle down and you need to work harder
Agree to an immigration plan and get the issue behind you
Drop all opposition to gays and gay rights
Tone down the abortion talk. There is no legitimate rape and women don't ask for it. Show some compassion for single mothers. Be against abortion but bring more republican women into the discussion
Chase the idiots out of the party. Legitimate rape, anti Hispanic rhetoric, anti gay rhetoric (do NOT mention bestiality or pedophilia), black people are not looking for hand outs,
Break your FoxNews addiction. They are not doing you any favors

Dude... even prominent dems are running from the ACA... it's a FUCKING DISASTER. 15,000 enrollees... millions have lost their insurance.... lies, lies and more lies.

You need to stop listening to assclowns like Maddow & Schultz.
Here's the end result of the war on poverty in the black community...

75% of children are born out of wedlock and 50% literacy rates.

How does gay marriage destroy a family unit?

Don't 1/2 of all hetero marriages end in divorce? Hard to believe homosexuals could destroy the sanctity of marriage any more than Newt Gingrich has. Or John Edwards for that matter.

or Bill Clinton, or Al Gore, or Weiner.

How many gay marriages end in divorce. Do you think the turkey baster kids of a gay marriage will be normal when that marriage breaks up?

go away fluke, its time to pick up your nightly supply of condoms for your trip to lafayette circle.

You sure seem to know alot about a place called Lafayette Circle.. Is that where you caught your VD?

Here's the end result of the war on poverty in the black community...

75% of children are born out of wedlock and 50% literacy rates.


The claim was more women date felons than college students.

Your statistics are unrelated to such a claim.

[email protected]

Twitter [MENTION=46050]ShawnChris13[/MENTION]

Uhhhh, which is more prevalent in the black ghettos of our big cities, college grads or felons?
And you know the page in your Sal Alinsky, Rules for Radicals manual by heart, where if you disagree with someone, ridicule them and insult them.

So STFU moron. You're no more superior to anyone else here than the used rubber your butt buddy threw in the toilet after he got done fucking you up the ass last night.

Lecturing me on how it's a poor tactic to insult people and then in the very next sentence you say:

"STFU moron" and "you're no more superior to anyone else here than the used rubber your butt buddy threw in the toilet after he got done fucking you up the ass last night"

Alright, I'm moving on.....
What a line of ignorant male bovine excrement!

One of the biggest problems with their GOP national agenda is the stupidity of trying to be "inclusive".

Conservative values are what the American people are searching for and they're NOT getting it from the national GOP!

What must be done is finding and getting conservatives elected to office at the state and local level. And not just candidates but party members. Let conservatives take over municipal, county, and state parties and it will turn things around.

My wife, who is Mexican, asked me a question this morning while watching Governor Palin on TV. "Why does she say and believe in things we Latinos believe in and failed to get us to go out and vote for her?"

I had to explain to her that McCain and the wishy-washy GOP bigwigs did their best to muzzle her. In other words, they threw all their chances to win down the tube.

Yes, make the party smaller...that's the ticket.

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