To My Republican Friends......What Needs to Be Done to Win National Elections

Do you find homosexuality repulsive? Yes or no...simple question.

As for "opposing"...the OP says what the GOP needs to do. When you reject someone's civil rights and can't come up with a reason to deny them of that right...what do you call it? Opposition for no good reason sure "seems" a lot like hatred.

Would you blame gays who want to get married for rejecting your party? Yes or no....simple question

Personally? I don't especially care, since I know the medical background of it :)
I do not oppose the civil unions as well

Yes but your party does...and do you think that is a political problem? If not, why not?

I don't have a party, I am registered as independent and although I can not see myself voting dimocrap in the near 15 years at least, I can't say that the establishment republicans are warming my heart too much as well.
I choose them as a lesser evil.

And I never base my vote on absolutely unimportant issues like gay marriage - in this economy it is a clear diversion.
If people are stupid to get those unimportant issues decide their vote - they are going to pay for it. And they are already.

And no, I do not see it as a political problem. I see the inability to respond in a manner which will leave the issue out of the discussion as a problem :D
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Personally? I don't especially care, since I know the medical background of it :)
I do not oppose the civil unions as well

Yes but your party does...and do you think that is a political problem? If not, why not?

I don't have a party, I am registered as independent and although I can not see myself voting dimocrap in the near 15 years at least, I can't say that the establishment republicans are warming my heart too much as well.
I choose them as a lesser evil.

And I never base my vote on absolutely unimportant issues like gay marriage - in this economy it is a clear diversion.
If people are stupid to get those unimportant issues decide their vote - they are going to pay for it. And they are already.

And no, I do not see it as a political problem. I see the inability to respond in a manner which will leave the issue out of the discussion as a problem :D


Candidate ___________, What is the difference between your view of gay marriage and that of your Democratic opponent?

How would you answer in a way that may get you a vote from a same sex couple?
1. Be Inclusive.

2. Stop With the Nutty Social Agenda

3. Don't be So Rigid Ideologically

1) I'm with you on this, though see conclusions.

2) I'm with you on this, period.

3) I have no idea what you're talking about here. The left is spending us into the ground. The tea party was like whoa, we can't afford this and more taxes are killing our economy. It was the left that is rigidly destroying us. Republicans can't get unified behind anyone or any issue. Look at what the Left has done to them when all they want is to spend less and limit taxes.


1) I agree with you on "what needs to be done," but I need more in why you think this will "win elections." The Democrats are preaching wealth envy, class warfare, race baiting and they destroy their own if they dare to vary from them even slightly. Based on what is being inclusive and less rigid going to defeat the exact opposite strategy which is working to the point of crushing the Republican party?

2) So far you sound like jake and RW, liberal democrats who for whatever reason think it's cool to say they are Republicans and the only problem with the Republican party is that it isn't the Democratic party while they believe every liberal lie like that they are inclusive and less rigid. I look forward to a response that changes my mind on that.

I figured I'd get the "you're really a Democrat" thing. Whatever. I am your average American voter. I have explained where I'm coming from clearly. You can define me in whatever way makes you happy. It doesn't make it true.

So you have no answer to my questions, figures. Democrats are pounding the Republicans into the ground by doing the opposite of what you propose and you can't why the opposite path over the dominant party will work. You can't explain how Republicans are extreme, but you can get sensitive about not even being called a Democrat, but my just saying "so far" you sound like that crowd. So far, you're still sounding like a Democrat. Double standards, demagoguery, failure to address questions. Quacking isn't going to change minds, content is. Got any?
kaz is a radical far right reactionary who has no vision for the future.

Christie does, and mainstream Republicans like me overwhelmingly support him.

The reactionaries can get on board or be left at the station: there are no other alternatives.
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Yes but your party does...and do you think that is a political problem? If not, why not?

I don't have a party, I am registered as independent and although I can not see myself voting dimocrap in the near 15 years at least, I can't say that the establishment republicans are warming my heart too much as well.
I choose them as a lesser evil.

And I never base my vote on absolutely unimportant issues like gay marriage - in this economy it is a clear diversion.
If people are stupid to get those unimportant issues decide their vote - they are going to pay for it. And they are already.

And no, I do not see it as a political problem. I see the inability to respond in a manner which will leave the issue out of the discussion as a problem :D


Candidate ___________, What is the difference between your view of gay marriage and that of your Democratic opponent?

How would you answer in a way that may get you a vote from a same sex couple?

"I believe marriage is between one man and one woman"

Same rehearsed response you get from every Republican
I think WelfareQueen is a right-leaning person & just offering some suggestions.

If you say so...but, it seems to be just the same old drivel designed to distract and vilify to me.

I am thinking that welfarequeen didn't mean to disparage you or Republicans. Although I think most of what was posted just a rehash of liberal BS I think it was posted with good intentions.
I don't have a party, I am registered as independent and although I can not see myself voting dimocrap in the near 15 years at least, I can't say that the establishment republicans are warming my heart too much as well.
I choose them as a lesser evil.

And I never base my vote on absolutely unimportant issues like gay marriage - in this economy it is a clear diversion.
If people are stupid to get those unimportant issues decide their vote - they are going to pay for it. And they are already.

And no, I do not see it as a political problem. I see the inability to respond in a manner which will leave the issue out of the discussion as a problem :D


Candidate ___________, What is the difference between your view of gay marriage and that of your Democratic opponent?

How would you answer in a way that may get you a vote from a same sex couple?

"I believe marriage is between one man and one woman"

Same rehearsed response you get from every Republican

Interesting, what other definition could possibly be given? Historically that definition is correct and by the dictionary I still believe it is the correct answer. So why in the hell would you expect Republicans to give another definition just because one was made up?
Yes but your party does...and do you think that is a political problem? If not, why not?

I don't have a party, I am registered as independent and although I can not see myself voting dimocrap in the near 15 years at least, I can't say that the establishment republicans are warming my heart too much as well.
I choose them as a lesser evil.

And I never base my vote on absolutely unimportant issues like gay marriage - in this economy it is a clear diversion.
If people are stupid to get those unimportant issues decide their vote - they are going to pay for it. And they are already.

And no, I do not see it as a political problem. I see the inability to respond in a manner which will leave the issue out of the discussion as a problem :D


Candidate ___________, What is the difference between your view of gay marriage and that of your Democratic opponent?

How would you answer in a way that may get you a vote from a same sex couple?

Present. No position taken.

(I'm voting like Obama)
I don't have a party, I am registered as independent and although I can not see myself voting dimocrap in the near 15 years at least, I can't say that the establishment republicans are warming my heart too much as well.
I choose them as a lesser evil.

And I never base my vote on absolutely unimportant issues like gay marriage - in this economy it is a clear diversion.
If people are stupid to get those unimportant issues decide their vote - they are going to pay for it. And they are already.

And no, I do not see it as a political problem. I see the inability to respond in a manner which will leave the issue out of the discussion as a problem :D


Candidate ___________, What is the difference between your view of gay marriage and that of your Democratic opponent?

How would you answer in a way that may get you a vote from a same sex couple?

"I believe marriage is between one man and one woman"

Same rehearsed response you get from every Republican

Same response Harry Reid gave last time he was asked.

Oh, and same position Obama held before he evolved.
What Republicans need to do to win:

1. Cut taxes
2. Bash gays
3. Bash immigrants
4. Ban abortion
5. Cut taxes
6. Bash labor
7. Blame the poor
8. Cut taxes
9. Kill Obamacare
10. Block gun control
1) I'm with you on this, though see conclusions.

2) I'm with you on this, period.

3) I have no idea what you're talking about here. The left is spending us into the ground. The tea party was like whoa, we can't afford this and more taxes are killing our economy. It was the left that is rigidly destroying us. Republicans can't get unified behind anyone or any issue. Look at what the Left has done to them when all they want is to spend less and limit taxes.


1) I agree with you on "what needs to be done," but I need more in why you think this will "win elections." The Democrats are preaching wealth envy, class warfare, race baiting and they destroy their own if they dare to vary from them even slightly. Based on what is being inclusive and less rigid going to defeat the exact opposite strategy which is working to the point of crushing the Republican party?

2) So far you sound like jake and RW, liberal democrats who for whatever reason think it's cool to say they are Republicans and the only problem with the Republican party is that it isn't the Democratic party while they believe every liberal lie like that they are inclusive and less rigid. I look forward to a response that changes my mind on that.

I figured I'd get the "you're really a Democrat" thing. Whatever. I am your average American voter. I have explained where I'm coming from clearly. You can define me in whatever way makes you happy. It doesn't make it true.

So you have no answer to my questions, figures. Democrats are pounding the Republicans into the ground by doing the opposite of what you propose and you can't why the opposite path over the dominant party will work. You can't explain how Republicans are extreme, but you can get sensitive about not even being called a Democrat, but my just saying "so far" you sound like that crowd. So far, you're still sounding like a Democrat. Double standards, demagoguery, failure to address questions. Quacking isn't going to change minds, content is. Got any?

Just wondering Kaz, how or where do you think Liberals are pounding the GOP into the ground? Yes, they have a majority but not a Super Majority in the Senate and the GOP owns the house. Obama was going to win a second term it was delusional to think otherwise. He did that in spite of what he has done to the country. State governments are owned by the GOP.

So I think the whole "can't win an election" is just liberal poppycock to which we should never subscribe. They make this stuff up because they want us to become as them, don't follow their lead and lies.
What Republicans need to do to win:

1. Cut taxes
2. Bash gays
3. Bash immigrants
4. Ban abortion
5. Cut taxes
6. Bash labor
7. Blame the poor
8. Cut taxes
9. Kill Obamacare
10. Block gun control

Can it.

What Democrats need to do to win:

1. Blame Bush
2. Lie about free healthcare
3. Spy on you
4. Take away you insurance
5. Spend you and your country into oblivion
6. Audit conservatives during elections
7. Conquer the media
8. Issue a stand down order
9. Draw red lines
10. Give voting rights to illegals
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Just wondering Kaz, how or where do you think Liberals are pounding the GOP into the ground? Yes, they have a majority but not a Super Majority in the Senate and the GOP owns the house. Obama was going to win a second term it was delusional to think otherwise. He did that in spite of what he has done to the country. State governments are owned by the GOP.

So I think the whole "can't win an election" is just liberal poppycock to which we should never subscribe. They make this stuff up because they want us to become as them, don't follow their lead and lies.

The Republicans controlling the majority of State government shows that people's values still lean conservative. Outside the media glare, they do fine. But look what's happening on the national stage.

1) As you said, the Republicans are the majority in the house, but what good did that do them? The Democrats and their military wing, the media, pounded them into submission, they are endlessly raising the debt, they funded Obamacare, and they are getting nothing in return.

2) We elected and re-elected an actual Marxist.

3) The tea party is just a group that thinks government spends and taxes too much, and they are pounded as extreme racial xenophobes.

The Left is focused on DC, central power. Government is soaring, spending is soaring, taxes and regulations are soaring and now they are talking over another 20% of our economy and controlling our access to health care.

How are Democrats not giving Republicans a smack down on the national stage?
What Republicans need to do to win:

1. Cut taxes
2. Bash gays
3. Bash immigrants
4. Ban abortion
5. Cut taxes
6. Bash labor
7. Blame the poor
8. Cut taxes
9. Kill Obamacare
10. Block gun control

Can it.

What Democrats need to do to win:

1. Blame Bush
2. Lie about free healthcare
3. Spy on you
4. Take away you insurance
5. Spend you and your country into oblivion
6. Audit conservatives during elections
7. Conquer the media
8. Issue a stand down order
9. Draw red lines
10. Give voting rights to illegals

What Republicans need to do when they lose in 2016

1. Blame the media
2. Say the people who voted against them only wanted free stuff
3. Call those who voted against them uninformed
4. Blame it on oversampling
5. Say the Democrats cheated
6. Try to change the voting rules
7. Blame two black guys at the polls
8. Blame voter ID
9. Deny that you actually lost
10. Really, it was the lamestream media
I have been thinking about doing this post for a long time, and really didn't know how to approach it. I know those on the left will use it as a tool to bash those on the right, but that would be a mistake. This is what I think the Republicans need to do in order to win national elections.

1. Be Inclusive. The message should always be the Republican Party represents all people, whether they are currently voting for you are not. It is completely stupid to me that Blacks vote 95% Democrat, particularly when you see what the Democrats have not done for blacks over the years...but you cannot concede any vote, and you have to reach out to everyone.

2. Stop With the Nutty Social Agenda. America is a center/right Country. Americans are generally tolerant people. If you are strongly Christian and those values inform your life, that's great. But not everyone sees the world the way you do, and not everyone wants your values shoved down their throat. When the Republican Party becomes about sticking wands up a woman's vagina, and talking about "legitimate rape," you've lost just about everyone in America.

3. Don't be So Rigid Ideologically. Stop with the RINO bullshit. Ideologically pure candidates have never gotten elected to National office. Dennis Kucinich anyone? Republicans have always stood for limited Government, self-reliance, a strong national defense, and fiscal responsibility. That should encompass a big tent. Stop excluding people because they are not pure enough. That is crazy and stupid. A guy like Peter King fits that definition. Chris Christie fits that definition. Lindsey Graham fits that definition. If they are not pure enough for you...consider the alternative. Obummer or Hillary? Get off your high horse.

4. You have to be about More than Hating Obama. Let me be clear. I hate fucking Obama. He is the worst President in my lifetime. His policies are destroying America. I loathe the man. Many of you feel the same way. However, the Republican Party needs to be about more than Hating Obama. While the hatred is have to present a positive alternative or it just comes across as bitter and spiteful.

Okay folks. That's it. Have fun tearing this apart. :)

I agree with your points. The Republican social agenda has always been a deal breaker for me. That and their generally hawkish foreign policy outlook. Of late, they haven't really offered much of an alternative - just hatred of Obama, and tax cuts for the rich.
What Republicans need to do to win:

1. Cut taxes
2. Bash gays
3. Bash immigrants
4. Ban abortion
5. Cut taxes
6. Bash labor
7. Blame the poor
8. Cut taxes
9. Kill Obamacare
10. Block gun control

Can it.

What Democrats need to do to win:

1. Blame Bush
2. Lie about free healthcare
3. Spy on you
4. Take away you insurance
5. Spend you and your country into oblivion
6. Audit conservatives during elections
7. Conquer the media
8. Issue a stand down order
9. Draw red lines
10. Give voting rights to illegals

What Republicans need to do when they lose in 2016

1. Blame the media
2. Say the people who voted against them only wanted free stuff
3. Call those who voted against them uninformed
4. Blame it on oversampling
5. Say the Democrats cheated
6. Try to change the voting rules
7. Blame two black guys at the polls
8. Blame voter ID
9. Deny that you actually lost
10. Really, it was the lamestream media

1. Blame everyone else but yourself
2. 47 million people agree
3. Call anyone who votes against you racist
4. Blame it on Bush
5. Say the Republicans cheated
6. Accept foreign donations during your campaign
7. Blame two black men holding deadly weapons at the polls.
8. Claim voter suppression
9. Deny reality
10. Really, it was those lying bastards at Fox News
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What Republicans need to do to win:

1. Cut taxes
2. Bash gays
3. Bash immigrants
4. Ban abortion
5. Cut taxes
6. Bash labor
7. Blame the poor
8. Cut taxes
9. Kill Obamacare
10. Block gun control

We don't bash Gays
We don't bash immigrants, maybe illegals, but not immigrants
Abortion is off the table
We don't blame the poor
We aren't blocking gun-control, just gun confiscation

Killing Obamacare is a bad thing? Tell that to the 5 million who've received their cancellation letters.
Can it.

What Democrats need to do to win:

1. Blame Bush
2. Lie about free healthcare
3. Spy on you
4. Take away you insurance
5. Spend you and your country into oblivion
6. Audit conservatives during elections
7. Conquer the media
8. Issue a stand down order
9. Draw red lines
10. Give voting rights to illegals

What Republicans need to do when they lose in 2016

1. Blame the media
2. Say the people who voted against them only wanted free stuff
3. Call those who voted against them uninformed
4. Blame it on oversampling
5. Say the Democrats cheated
6. Try to change the voting rules
7. Blame two black guys at the polls
8. Blame voter ID
9. Deny that you actually lost
10. Really, it was the lamestream media

1. Blame everyone else but yourself
2. 47 million people disagree
3. Call anyone who votes against you racist
4. Blame it on Bush
5. Say the Republicans cheated
6. Accept foreign donations during your campaign
7. Blame two black men holding deadly weapons at the polls.
8. Claim voter suppression
9. Deny reality
10. Really, it was those lying bastards at Fox News

You are dogging it...try to keep up

After Republicans have ignored Welfare Queens advice and again get their heads handed to them, how should they react?

1. Threaten to make the new President a one term president
2. Continue as The Party of No
3. Shut down the Government in non-election years
4. Filibuster, filibuster, filibuster
5. Refuse to extend the national debt
6. Repeatedly call the new President a failure
7. Have FoxNews report that this is the worst President in History
8. Refuse to have your picture taken with the new President
9. Call the New President....
- Marxist
- Communist
- Un-American
- Fascist
10. Ridicule the Presidents spouse

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