To My Republican Friends......What Needs to Be Done to Win National Elections

He asked for examples of right wing hatred. I pointed out gay marriage.

He says he opposes it.

I ask why.

He says, "just cuz".

As a political stance, it's hard to attract people to your Party when you oppose their civil rights and your reasoning for doing it is, "just cuz".

I'm sure Soggy would feel more comfortable talking about spending cuts for entitlements and Planned Parenthood...other examples of GOP loving the lower-middle income female voters. He's obviously incapable of explaining his hatred of gays outside of saying, "just cuz".

Opposing is NOT hatred. you oppose Christian beliefs - can I call you a Chritian hater? :D

You obviously have the bias against anybody on the right - are you a conservative-hater?

Do you find homosexuality repulsive? Yes or no...simple question.

As for "opposing"...the OP says what the GOP needs to do. When you reject someone's civil rights and can't come up with a reason to deny them of that right...what do you call it? Opposition for no good reason sure "seems" a lot like hatred.

Would you blame gays who want to get married for rejecting your party? Yes or no....simple question

Personally? I don't especially care, since I know the medical background of it :)
I do not oppose the civil unions as well
you can't 'legislate away' law is going to stop both parties...
Technically, you can. I don’t support an insane measure like this, but you can easily cap all salaries or personal earnings at $10 million, etc, and mandate the rest goes to charity or direct investments to other business ventures.

However, what you REALLY actually can’t legislate away is a person being gay… no law is going to stop that. You can only prevent those people from having a decent life.

massive redistribution of wealth is oppression...Americans are very generous but prefer the state stay out of their pockets...
Redistribution/ equality/ sharing is a Christian principle. Wouldn’t it be the job of the Repubs to change the minds of the American people on this?

Personally, I’m not in favor of massive redistribution, but just making the point to the folks who want to push a true Christian agenda.

like most of you libs you're stuck on gay rights.....pls tell me why a sexual aberration should be the basis for total cultural change....

Christian charity should come from the individual.....not a State mandate....sharing may be a Christian principle but mandated redistribution isn't...
Americans are willing to provide a safety net for those in dire need.....however providing a trampoline to play on is just too fucking much....

what cons are trying to promote is economic growth.....for new jobs so people can support themselves....something the current Party-in-Power seems to be neglecting on purpose...
Vox has no examples.

Social cons, drop this nonsense.

I don't think we can win nationally in the short run if we continue that nonsense.

I know we can't in the long run, because the millenials believe that and racism and sexism are shitty cultural ideals.

Vox still doesn't get that you're a Republican. S/h/it hasn't been around long enough to see you desperate to get an R into the Oval Office, be it Mitt Romney, Chris Christie, or anybody else that you think has a solid shot.

:eusa_pray: :lol:
It's always amusing to me that Democrats think the answer for Republicans is to be more like Democrats.......yet reject the idea that Democrats should be more like Republicans. When you think you have all the answers, the other guy always looks wrong.

5 of the last 6 popular votes were won by the democrats; apparently the voters think that the dems have something the reps don't.

Which 6 votes are you talking about? You mean in the elections last week? And if you do, are you only looking at 6 votes that you find significant? What about all elections across the board nationwide? Why are there more legislatures and governors that are Republican than Democrat? You can use and abuse statisitics t oprove anything you want.
Hey, that is their talking point - to bring Bible, gay marriage and abortion into the discussion on taxes and spending cuts.

Don't let them derail YOU.
Don't take a bait.

He asked for examples of right wing hatred. I pointed out gay marriage.

He says he opposes it.

I ask why.

He says, "just cuz".

As a political stance, it's hard to attract people to your Party when you oppose their civil rights and your reasoning for doing it is, "just cuz".

I'm sure Soggy would feel more comfortable talking about spending cuts for entitlements and Planned Parenthood...other examples of GOP loving the lower-middle income female voters. He's obviously incapable of explaining his hatred of gays outside of saying, "just cuz".

Opposing something does not equate to hatred. Forget the Bible or religion. Marriage since the dawn of time has been understood and defined as male and female. It is what it is. I could care less if two men or two women want to have sex and/or live together. You don't just get to redefine a term to your own personal liking. You can call water dry and the color of the sky yellow, but regardless of what you insist on calling it, water is wet and the sky is blue.


As for the Republican's going to be in their platform denying same sex couples of the right of marriage.

As for the's a loser of a position for them. And so far, we now have 2 reasons.

Soggy with his "just cuz"
And now your with "Thats the way it is."

Neither is very appealing to same sex it?
It's always amusing to me that Democrats think the answer for Republicans is to be more like Democrats.......yet reject the idea that Democrats should be more like Republicans. When you think you have all the answers, the other guy always looks wrong.

5 of the last 6 popular votes were won by the democrats; apparently the voters think that the dems have something the reps don't.

Which 6 votes are you talking about? You mean in the elections last week? And if you do, are you only looking at 6 votes that you find significant? What about all elections across the board nationwide? Why are there more legislatures and governors that are Republican than Democrat? You can use and abuse statisitics t oprove anything you want.

General elections.
you can't 'legislate away' law is going to stop both parties...
Technically, you can. I don’t support an insane measure like this, but you can easily cap all salaries or personal earnings at $10 million, etc, and mandate the rest goes to charity or direct investments to other business ventures.

However, what you REALLY actually can’t legislate away is a person being gay… no law is going to stop that. You can only prevent those people from having a decent life.

massive redistribution of wealth is oppression...Americans are very generous but prefer the state stay out of their pockets...
Redistribution/ equality/ sharing is a Christian principle. Wouldn’t it be the job of the Repubs to change the minds of the American people on this?

Personally, I’m not in favor of massive redistribution, but just making the point to the folks who want to push a true Christian agenda.

like most of you libs you're stuck on gay rights.....pls tell me why a sexual aberration should be the basis for total cultural change....

Christian charity should come from the individual.....not a State mandate....sharing may be a Christian principle but mandated redistribution isn't...
Americans are willing to provide a safety net for those in dire need.....however providing a trampoline to play on is just too fucking much....

what cons are trying to promote is economic growth.....for new jobs so people can support themselves....something the current Party-in-Power seems to be neglecting on purpose...

Really!? Really. Show me the path they've taken, cuz I sure as shit haven't seen one for a decade or so.
Vox has no examples.

Social cons, drop this nonsense.

I don't think we can win nationally in the short run if we continue that nonsense.

I know we can't in the long run, because the millenials believe that and racism and sexism are shitty cultural ideals.

Vox still doesn't get that you're a Republican. S/h/it hasn't been around long enough to see you desperate to get an R into the Oval Office, be it Mitt Romney, Chris Christie, or anybody else that you think has a solid shot.

:eusa_pray: :lol:

he is anything BUT republican. certainly to the dimocrap worshiper like yourself dimocrap shill fakey seems repub
It's uncharitable and false in many cases but this is how the voting blocks see the GOP:

To women: "Why aren't you in the kitchen making me a pie?"

To minorities: "Why aren't you serving me my pie."

To lower-middle income Americans: "This is MY pie; get your own and stop asking me from crumbs."

To non-Christians: "Our pie is better because we say so. All "real" Americans think the way we do."

Again, to some degree, this is the bed you've made for yourself and one that you have to take CONCRETE steps to disavow.

It's always been about the pie and always will be. The size of the pie is determined by a countries resources. Once you slice the pie everyone argues about how big the slices are and how many slices get given to the various people wanting to eat pie. Everyone likes pie.
It's uncharitable and false in many cases but this is how the voting blocks see the GOP:

To women: "Why aren't you in the kitchen making me a pie?"

To minorities: "Why aren't you serving me my pie."

To lower-middle income Americans: "This is MY pie; get your own and stop asking me from crumbs."

To non-Christians: "Our pie is better because we say so. All "real" Americans think the way we do."

Again, to some degree, this is the bed you've made for yourself and one that you have to take CONCRETE steps to disavow.

It's always been about the pie and always will be. The size of the pie is determined by a countries resources. Once you slice the pie everyone argues about how big the slices are and how many slices get given to the various people wanting to eat pie. Everyone likes pie.

Yes, you are correct.
It's always amusing to me that Democrats think the answer for Republicans is to be more like Democrats.......yet reject the idea that Democrats should be more like Republicans. When you think you have all the answers, the other guy always looks wrong.

5 of the last 6 popular votes were won by the democrats; apparently the voters think that the dems have something the reps don't.

That comes with a major caveat -- Ross The Insane

As to you, you are less interested in the free exchange of ideas than you are in trying to humiliate those who oppose you.

If you cared about the effects of gay marriage on society (you don't) you'd do some research.

But you won't.

Studies from Europe show that introducing same-sex marriage devalues opposite sex marriage. It also reinforces the idea that marriage is irrelevant to parenthood.

Same-sex marriage represents an attempt to redefine marriage, thus undermining marriage. This undermining lessens the protection for unborn children which true marriage provides.

Same sex marriage also has the unusual effect of causing opposite sex marriage to conform to same-sex marriage norms as opposed to the way it should be..... The other way around.

Same sex marriage has always been a way for Statists to achieve the dissolution of the Family Unit by making it anti-family. Did you read that dissertation I wrote yesterday on how dimocrap scum slavers kept Black People in chains all those years?

Same sex marriage leads to the casualization of opposite sex marriage.

Same sex marriage is the brain child of leftist, statist scum. Period
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I have been thinking about doing this post for a long time, and really didn't know how to approach it. I know those on the left will use it as a tool to bash those on the right, but that would be a mistake. This is what I think the Republicans need to do in order to win national elections.

1. Be Inclusive. The message should always be the Republican Party represents all people, whether they are currently voting for you are not. It is completely stupid to me that Blacks vote 95% Democrat, particularly when you see what the Democrats have not done for blacks over the years...but you cannot concede any vote, and you have to reach out to everyone.

2. Stop With the Nutty Social Agenda. America is a center/right Country. Americans are generally tolerant people. If you are strongly Christian and those values inform your life, that's great. But not everyone sees the world the way you do, and not everyone wants your values shoved down their throat. When the Republican Party becomes about sticking wands up a woman's vagina, and talking about "legitimate rape," you've lost just about everyone in America.

3. Don't be So Rigid Ideologically. Stop with the RINO bullshit. Ideologically pure candidates have never gotten elected to National office. Dennis Kucinich anyone? Republicans have always stood for limited Government, self-reliance, a strong national defense, and fiscal responsibility. That should encompass a big tent. Stop excluding people because they are not pure enough. That is crazy and stupid. A guy like Peter King fits that definition. Chris Christie fits that definition. Lindsey Graham fits that definition. If they are not pure enough for you...consider the alternative. Obummer or Hillary? Get off your high horse.

4. You have to be about More than Hating Obama. Let me be clear. I hate fucking Obama. He is the worst President in my lifetime. His policies are destroying America. I loathe the man. Many of you feel the same way. However, the Republican Party needs to be about more than Hating Obama. While the hatred is have to present a positive alternative or it just comes across as bitter and spiteful.

Okay folks. That's it. Have fun tearing this apart. :)

Another "Republicans are bad, so don't notice the 91,000,000 Americans who aren't participating in the workforce and besides it's Bush's fault anyway" thread. How boring.
Vox has no examples.

Social cons, drop this nonsense.

I don't think we can win nationally in the short run if we continue that nonsense.

I know we can't in the long run, because the millenials believe that and racism and sexism are shitty cultural ideals.

Vox still doesn't get that you're a Republican. S/h/it hasn't been around long enough to see you desperate to get an R into the Oval Office, be it Mitt Romney, Chris Christie, or anybody else that you think has a solid shot.

:eusa_pray: :lol:

Well it is certainly nice that at least one person here buys into Comrade Fakey's lie. Unfortunately it isn't a conservative who believes it, so I'm not sure it really counts.
Technically, you can. I don’t support an insane measure like this, but you can easily cap all salaries or personal earnings at $10 million, etc, and mandate the rest goes to charity or direct investments to other business ventures.

However, what you REALLY actually can’t legislate away is a person being gay… no law is going to stop that. You can only prevent those people from having a decent life.

Redistribution/ equality/ sharing is a Christian principle. Wouldn’t it be the job of the Repubs to change the minds of the American people on this?

Personally, I’m not in favor of massive redistribution, but just making the point to the folks who want to push a true Christian agenda.

like most of you libs you're stuck on gay rights.....pls tell me why a sexual aberration should be the basis for total cultural change....

Christian charity should come from the individual.....not a State mandate....sharing may be a Christian principle but mandated redistribution isn't...
Americans are willing to provide a safety net for those in dire need.....however providing a trampoline to play on is just too fucking much....

what cons are trying to promote is economic growth.....for new jobs so people can support themselves....something the current Party-in-Power seems to be neglecting on purpose...

Really!? Really. Show me the path they've taken, cuz I sure as shit haven't seen one for a decade or so.

Get the obstructuionist Harry Reid to allow bills to move forward and get Obama to sign a few of them and you might actually see some positive change.
He asked for examples of right wing hatred. I pointed out gay marriage.

He says he opposes it.

I ask why.

He says, "just cuz".

As a political stance, it's hard to attract people to your Party when you oppose their civil rights and your reasoning for doing it is, "just cuz".

I'm sure Soggy would feel more comfortable talking about spending cuts for entitlements and Planned Parenthood...other examples of GOP loving the lower-middle income female voters. He's obviously incapable of explaining his hatred of gays outside of saying, "just cuz".

Opposing something does not equate to hatred. Forget the Bible or religion. Marriage since the dawn of time has been understood and defined as male and female. It is what it is. I could care less if two men or two women want to have sex and/or live together. You don't just get to redefine a term to your own personal liking. You can call water dry and the color of the sky yellow, but regardless of what you insist on calling it, water is wet and the sky is blue.


As for the Republican's going to be in their platform denying same sex couples of the right of marriage.

As for the's a loser of a position for them. And so far, we now have 2 reasons.

Soggy with his "just cuz"
And now your with "Thats the way it is."

Neither is very appealing to same sex it?

What part did you not understand about redifining a term to your own personal liking?
I have been thinking about doing this post for a long time, and really didn't know how to approach it. I know those on the left will use it as a tool to bash those on the right, but that would be a mistake. This is what I think the Republicans need to do in order to win national elections.

1. Be Inclusive. The message should always be the Republican Party represents all people, whether they are currently voting for you are not. It is completely stupid to me that Blacks vote 95% Democrat, particularly when you see what the Democrats have not done for blacks over the years...but you cannot concede any vote, and you have to reach out to everyone.

2. Stop With the Nutty Social Agenda. America is a center/right Country. Americans are generally tolerant people. If you are strongly Christian and those values inform your life, that's great. But not everyone sees the world the way you do, and not everyone wants your values shoved down their throat. When the Republican Party becomes about sticking wands up a woman's vagina, and talking about "legitimate rape," you've lost just about everyone in America.

3. Don't be So Rigid Ideologically. Stop with the RINO bullshit. Ideologically pure candidates have never gotten elected to National office. Dennis Kucinich anyone? Republicans have always stood for limited Government, self-reliance, a strong national defense, and fiscal responsibility. That should encompass a big tent. Stop excluding people because they are not pure enough. That is crazy and stupid. A guy like Peter King fits that definition. Chris Christie fits that definition. Lindsey Graham fits that definition. If they are not pure enough for you...consider the alternative. Obummer or Hillary? Get off your high horse.

4. You have to be about More than Hating Obama. Let me be clear. I hate fucking Obama. He is the worst President in my lifetime. His policies are destroying America. I loathe the man. Many of you feel the same way. However, the Republican Party needs to be about more than Hating Obama. While the hatred is have to present a positive alternative or it just comes across as bitter and spiteful.

Okay folks. That's it. Have fun tearing this apart. :)

Another "Republicans are bad, so don't notice the 91,000,000 Americans who aren't participating in the workforce and besides it's Bush's fault anyway" thread. How boring.


I think WelfareQueen is a right-leaning person & just offering some suggestions.
First of all, people like you that want to turn the republican party into 'democrat light' is the reason so many have left the GOP.

It's very simple how they can win, NO republican can WIN, WITHOUT the *CONSERVATIVE VOTE*, PERIOD. If you think 'moderates' and 'independents' are going to get republicans elected, you're freakin' insane. Romney TOOK the moderate and independent vote, and he LOST. Why? Because he LOST the CONSERVATIVE vote.

So I question what kind of a republican you are. In fact, I think you might just be a democrap here spreading this 'republicans need to be more like democrats to win' bull shit just so they will continue to LOSE elections.

Romney overwhelmingly got the white vote and conservative vote. He Didn't get much of anything else. He was a poor candidate who did not have good ideas. That is why he lost.
What part did you not understand about redifining a term to your own personal liking?

If dolphins could vote and wanted to be fish ... Progressive Liberals would be leading the charge to recognize dolphins as fish.
They would explain to us how calling dolphins fish made them equal ... And if we objected, they would call us haters ... While explaining to us that to get elected, we need to stop calling them dolphins and start calling them fish.

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I have been thinking about doing this post for a long time, and really didn't know how to approach it. I know those on the left will use it as a tool to bash those on the right, but that would be a mistake. This is what I think the Republicans need to do in order to win national elections.

1. Be Inclusive. The message should always be the Republican Party represents all people, whether they are currently voting for you are not. It is completely stupid to me that Blacks vote 95% Democrat, particularly when you see what the Democrats have not done for blacks over the years...but you cannot concede any vote, and you have to reach out to everyone.

2. Stop With the Nutty Social Agenda. America is a center/right Country. Americans are generally tolerant people. If you are strongly Christian and those values inform your life, that's great. But not everyone sees the world the way you do, and not everyone wants your values shoved down their throat. When the Republican Party becomes about sticking wands up a woman's vagina, and talking about "legitimate rape," you've lost just about everyone in America.

3. Don't be So Rigid Ideologically. Stop with the RINO bullshit. Ideologically pure candidates have never gotten elected to National office. Dennis Kucinich anyone? Republicans have always stood for limited Government, self-reliance, a strong national defense, and fiscal responsibility. That should encompass a big tent. Stop excluding people because they are not pure enough. That is crazy and stupid. A guy like Peter King fits that definition. Chris Christie fits that definition. Lindsey Graham fits that definition. If they are not pure enough for you...consider the alternative. Obummer or Hillary? Get off your high horse.

4. You have to be about More than Hating Obama. Let me be clear. I hate fucking Obama. He is the worst President in my lifetime. His policies are destroying America. I loathe the man. Many of you feel the same way. However, the Republican Party needs to be about more than Hating Obama. While the hatred is have to present a positive alternative or it just comes across as bitter and spiteful.

Okay folks. That's it. Have fun tearing this apart. :)

Another "Republicans are bad, so don't notice the 91,000,000 Americans who aren't participating in the workforce and besides it's Bush's fault anyway" thread. How boring.


I think WelfareQueen is a right-leaning person & just offering some suggestions.

This is a very interesting and informative thread. We see an excellent road map for success for the future of the Republican Party and at the same time, thanks to the RW and TP posters, why that success probably will not occur.
1. Rs stand for limited Government....Dems for in-your-face Big Brother Government...

2. Rs stand for self-reliance.....Dems for massive dependency...

3. Rs stand for a strong national defense.....Dems for a weak & gutted military....

4. Rs stand for fiscal responsibility......Dems for irresponsible massive spending....

How could a sane person ever vote Dem...?

oh wait....Rs are 'uncaring racist homophobic mysogynists'.....:rolleyes:
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