To My Republican Friends......What Needs to Be Done to Win National Elections

The GOP was not the incumbent party during the last election ... Therefore the selection process for candidates was a little different than when you have a sitting President.
There were also a plethora of candidates seeking the nomination ... And the primaries selected Mitt Romney.

There were a few choices I would have preferred over Mitt Romney ... But that is neither here nor there ... They were not available on the ticket in November due to the fact they didn't win enough support in the primaries.
The GOP didn't choose Romney out of the pack ... Republican voters in states with closed primaries did ... In states without closed primaries, whoever pulled the switch chose.


You make an interesting point about the primaries but I'm not sure the primary results in Romney's case were earned. The Michigan primary was right before Super Tuesday and much was made of it nationally because Romney is from here and his father had been Governor of Michigan. Romney did not win the primary, Santorum won least according to the rules which had been laid out before the primary. After the fact two at-large electors were awarded to Romney which should have been split with Santorum but the rules were changed after the primary. The co-campaign chairs for Romney in Michigan were the sitting Secretary of State and the sitting Attorney General so the two people who were in charge of identifying and prosecuting misconduct in elections were themselves the ones guilty of it, huge conflict of interest and should have been a major talking point even if nothing unsavory had occurred. If Romney had failed to win his home state I think that definitely would have impacted the Super Tuesday results.

I personally would rather get rid of primaries. Parties should just run the candidate they prefer and stop trying to "blood in" the electorate when it comes to poor choices.
Same sex marriage opposition, cutting food stamps...

Those aren't examples of hate.

I see, you cut food stamps because you love people. What was I thinking:eusa_shifty:

Yes.... remember welfare reform in the nineties? You know, the reforms Clinton had to sign after being dragged kicking and screaming?

It actually led to people getting jobs and reduced the welfare roles.

You know, the whole teach a man to fish vs. giving him fish thing. It's called common sense.
Please provide examples...


Same sex marriage opposition, cutting food stamps...

How is that in any way hate? You lefties are nuts... and for the record... many people oppose same-sex marriage and also recoignize that entitlement spending is out of control. It doesn't mean you hate people.

Why does the left hate babies? You know, since you all embrace the killing of babies, you must hate babies, right?

Hate them soooo much that I raised 4.
True libertarians and real conservatives respect the right of others to live their lives as they will.

I simply do not understand the Christian social conservatives trying to foist their morals in the public law when they are in the small minority.

Leave well enough alone.
How is that in any way hate? You lefties are nuts...

So why do you oppose same sex marriage? If you do...that is.

Because I believe that marriage is an institution between a man and a women. PERIOD.

And FYI.. everything you disagree with is not hate.. stop being so ignorant.

Yes but their marriage affects you in no way shape or form. So again why do you oppose it when it doesnt effect you? What do you think of the GOP stalling the recent anti-discrimination legislation? Surely you are for equal rights...right...and no "I believe" type argument can be made there....right?
I see, you cut food stamps because you love people. What was I thinking:eusa_shifty:

More harm is done by handing out more items. A nation of 315 million with 45 million on food stamps is just unacceptable. Heads should be hung in shame for such mediocrity.

That is not what Jesus told me.

The guy on the left is NOT Jesus


Which one are you?

[ame=]Militant Obama youth march to 'Alpha, Omega' chant.flv - YouTube[/ame]
True libertarians and real conservatives respect the right of others to live their lives as they will.

I simply do not understand the Christian social conservatives trying to foist their morals in the public law when they are in the small minority.

Leave well enough alone.

because decent society breaks down otherwise....just look around idiot....
because decent society breaks down otherwise....just look around idiot....

But when you legislate morality, you become no different than the Muslim countries who force everyone to abide by Sharia Law. Those gov'ts could easily say the same statement you said above: "without Sharia Law, decent society would break down otherwise".

What makes you different from them? That your morals are more thought out? or that you're right and they're not? Those are very hollow and subjective reasons in my opinion.

I think we should strive to preserve as many personal freedoms in this country as we can.
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Republicans need to stop being the Party of No

Running against Obama and Obamacare will get you nowhere. You are not there to stop the Democrat agenda.....sooner or later you need to pass an agenda of your own

Run on a fiscally conservative agenda. Taxes are not off the table if they go to reduce the debt or cut the deficit. Balance a budget
Be strong on defense but redefine what the role of the US Military is. We do not need to be the worlds policeman
Develop a strong energy policy that goes beyond....Drill baby, drill
Go after the minority vote. Not with handouts, but with jobs. Make Republicans a common sight in minority neighborhoods. Listen to their problems and offer solid solutions beyond trickle down and you need to work harder
Agree to an immigration plan and get the issue behind you
Drop all opposition to gays and gay rights
Tone down the abortion talk. There is no legitimate rape and women don't ask for it. Show some compassion for single mothers. Be against abortion but bring more republican women into the discussion
Chase the idiots out of the party. Legitimate rape, anti Hispanic rhetoric, anti gay rhetoric (do NOT mention bestiality or pedophilia), black people are not looking for hand outs,
Break your FoxNews addiction. They are not doing you any favors
So why do you oppose same sex marriage? If you do...that is.

Because I believe that marriage is an institution between a man and a women. PERIOD.

And FYI.. everything you disagree with is not hate.. stop being so ignorant.

Yes but their marriage affects you in no way shape or form. So again why do you oppose it when it doesnt effect you? What do you think of the GOP stalling the recent anti-discrimination legislation? Surely you are for equal rights...right...and no "I believe" type argument can be made there....right?

Is that how you guage your interests, Candy? Are you THAT self-centered?

It doesn't affect me one bit that women are beaten, murdered and mutilated in mooslum Countries on a Daily basis, but it still pisses me off.

It doesn't affect me one bit that kids in the Ghetto are going hungry while their mommies cash in EBT money to get $200 Fingernails.

And it wouldn't affect me at all if your boyfriend beat you to a fucking pulp.

But I wouldn't like it. And I would demand that he be put away for a LONG time.

You need to come up with some of your own logic instead of copying decades-old libturd lies.

I've shot those idiotic rationalizations down so many times, I can do it in my sleep.

And BTW, it is NOT incumbent on US to show that gay marriage does no harm, it is incumbent on you to PROVE it will not.

You bear the burden of proof, not us.

Tighten up your game, girl
When the mission statement is to win at all costs and the vision statement is to hold one's nose and patronize blacks, Latinos, women and even veterans, its time to admit the truth. The Republican Party has moved to a place where winning is the goal and governance is at best an afterthought.

Who does the Republican Party of today represent? Not the big tent they once proudly advertised, and surely not the working poor or middle class America. Not the single mom or the pregnant teen, not the child without enough to eat or the senior who survives on Tuna for Cats and cuts much needed medicine in half.

The once and lost GOP once had compassion for the poor, the infirm, the needy and the victims of natural and man made disasters. No longer; the Compassionate Conservative was nothing more than a campaign slogan, total bullshit and tossed aside when the goal is reached. The GOP leadership is horrific, John Boehner is a cowardly man and one which fits the mold of the worst bosses in America. Those whose first question when issue arise is this: "How does this effect ME?"

Until the leaders and the party's base actually adopt Judeo-Christian Ethos, and not simply sing the hymns on their day of worship, the GOP will remain the party for the greedy, the fearful and the hateful.

if anybody is "patronizing" blacks, latinos, and women it is the Demrats....the Party of Divide and Conquer....
Republicans need to stop being the Party of No

Running against Obama and Obamacare will get you nowhere. You are not there to stop the Democrat agenda.....sooner or later you need to pass an agenda of your own

Run on a fiscally conservative agenda. Taxes are not off the table if they go to reduce the debt or cut the deficit. Balance a budget
Be strong on defense but redefine what the role of the US Military is. We do not need to be the worlds policeman
Develop a strong energy policy that goes beyond....Drill baby, drill
Go after the minority vote. Not with handouts, but with jobs. Make Republicans a common sight in minority neighborhoods. Listen to their problems and offer solid solutions beyond trickle down and you need to work harder
Agree to an immigration plan and get the issue behind you
Drop all opposition to gays and gay rights
Tone down the abortion talk. There is no legitimate rape and women don't ask for it. Show some compassion for single mothers. Be against abortion but bring more republican women into the discussion
Chase the idiots out of the party. Legitimate rape, anti Hispanic rhetoric, anti gay rhetoric (do NOT mention bestiality or pedophilia), black people are not looking for hand outs,
Break your FoxNews addiction. They are not doing you any favors

Here's what you don't understand -- We don't give a fuck what you think.

In fact, if you agree with us -- We're off-base. By a mile. By a light year, actually.

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