To President Trump: Dismiss the ratings, forget "reaching out", do what you were elected to do


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Trump has an obligation to lead as people have voted for him to lead. Those totally against him will remain totally against him, it won't change, it won't improve, so he need not worry about it. The media will try and get him to change course by showing his ratings, Trump has to accept these low ratings and shrug them off. They will continue and won't improve much over four years, there are some radical anti-American ideologies that won't be appeased, nor should they be. The only ratings that matter will be at the polling stations on election day, if he does what he said he would do during his campaign, he will win again.

It's a divided nation, and the alt-left will never come around. Can you imagine if Trumps supporters screamed some of the offensive things the celebrities did during their march? How about the riots at university, pepper spraying of Trumps supporters and the like? People whining, crying, rioting and then asking for "support.

He has no obligation to reward poor behavior, anarchists, communists and fascists. The only "reaching across the aisle" he needs to do is provide a safe environment in which jobs are a focus. If those snowflakes and rabble rousers don't want to work or thirst for opportunity, tell them to head to Canada and work in government, we have MANY of them here.
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Trump has an obligation to lead as people have voted for him to lead. Those totally against him will remain totally against him, it won't change, it won't improve, so he need not worry about it. The media will try and get him to change course by showing his ratings, Trump has to accept these low ratings and shrug them off. They will continue and won't improve much over four years, there are some radical anti-American ideologies that won't be appeased, nor should they be. The only ratings that matter will be at the polling stations on election day, if he does what he said he would do during his campaign, he will win again.

It's a divided nation, and the alt-left will never come around. Can you imagine if Trumps supporters screamed some of the offensive things the celebrities did during their march? How about the riots at university, pepper spraying of Trumps supporters and the like? People whining, crying, rioting and then asking for "support.

He has no obligation to reward poor behavior, anarchists, communists and fascists. The only "reaching across the aisle" he needs to do is provide a safe environment in which jobs are a focus. If those don't want to work and thrive for opportunity, tell them to head to Canada and work in government, we have MANY of them here.

You are correct, the man is doing what he said he would do if elected, and that is why he was voted in. The left can scream all they want, they are in political Siberia, and we intend to keep them there............mainly because it is cold, and what better place than a very cold one for a snowflake:banana:
That's not the way democracy works. If Trump doesn't reach out, he won't get anything done. He certainly isn't endearing himself to Congressional Republicans by comparing Russia's faults to ours. Isn't that what Obama was criticized for on his supposed "apology" tour?
That's not the way democracy works. If Trump doesn't reach out, he won't get anything done. He certainly isn't endearing himself to Congressional Republicans by comparing Russia's faults to ours. Isn't that what Obama was criticized for on his supposed "apology" tour?

Yes, he will work within government to address the needs of the nation, but that's quite different then altering course. The course is set. America has to get a grip on illegal immigration and unfair trade deals among other things.

The alt-left don't even show up for his appointments. 50 Of them didn't go this his inauguration. Before he was president they pushed for recounts, tried to convince the EC to vote differently, suggested he stole the election and was "illegitimate". He has no obligation to be treated like trash and say "more please". These alt-left want to support sanctuary cities, are threatening to avoid the law.

Elections have consequences and they have never accepted this. They annointed Clinton as president for years, had all the help possible from media and celebrities, even foreign government chiming in. So, if there are serious and reasonable requests, obviously his team needs to consider them. There is however, a very succinct direction he was elected to go in, this is non-negotiable if in fact, democracy and his promises mean anything.
People did not elect Trump to overthrow the system.

If he acts the Fascist overlord, he will be lawfully removed.
People did not elect Trump to overthrow the system.

If he acts the Fascist overlord, he will be lawfully removed.

I didn't say anything about him being an OverLord, I'm saying he needs to accept that some will never support him. It's a hyper partisan environment, but the left has gives no quarter, no leeway. Consider Obamas first term, he did a great deal that the GOP were against, including bailing out failing companies but they found a way to support him. Second term was different yes, but nothing like this, not even close. Obama wasn't attacked from the media to Hollywood when he ran against McCain or Romney.

People are taking to the streets, making direct threats to the president, attacking his family, burning property, attacking his supporters. Yet, the narrative is "hey, he needs to reach out to us"! Surely you saw the video of the guy going at Ivanka Trump in front of her kids on a plane, or various celebrities speaking about Trumps son Baron.

Reminds me of a guy who hits his dog and goes at him, one day the dog bites him and he yells "how dare you do that to me!". These people have been attacking Trump and his supporters relentlessly. Again, they believed Clinton should have been annointed.

Bottom line, as Obama said, elections have consequences. He should disregard the ratings and do what he needs to do. Its almost a situation where Trump has to save the left from itself. Thanks to the efforts of communists and the alt-left,the American fabric and ideals is at risk. Trump and his team have a massive undertaking.
Trump has an obligation to lead as people have voted for him to lead. Those totally against him will remain totally against him, it won't change, it won't improve, so he need not worry about it. The media will try and get him to change course by showing his ratings, Trump has to accept these low ratings and shrug them off. They will continue and won't improve much over four years, there are some radical anti-American ideologies that won't be appeased, nor should they be. The only ratings that matter will be at the polling stations on election day, if he does what he said he would do during his campaign, he will win again.

It's a divided nation, and the alt-left will never come around. Can you imagine if Trumps supporters screamed some of the offensive things the celebrities did during their march? How about the riots at university, pepper spraying of Trumps supporters and the like? People whining, crying, rioting and then asking for "support.

He has no obligation to reward poor behavior, anarchists, communists and fascists. The only "reaching across the aisle" he needs to do is provide a safe environment in which jobs are a focus. If those snowflakes and rabble rousers don't want to work or thirst for opportunity, tell them to head to Canada and work in government, we have MANY of them here.

Reality isn't your forte, trump is trump is correct, but being trump makes his style of leadership doomed to fail. He can demean the press and the protesters, but not other world leaders. His false pathos will wear thin and the protests will grow, soon his tweets and belligerent rhetoric will infect The Members of Congress, and most will say "enough".

It may take a while, since he packed his inner circle with sycophants and cronies who patronize his fragile ego, which appeals to the narcissist which is ever present, and the megalomania which alienates the world community. The claim I am now writing is un-American, and the suggestion that the alt. left*** leads them is a lie. Either shockedcanadian is a damn liar or he(?) has been brainwashed to write such a fantasy.

***Using alt. left is a tell-tail sign of him using the hackneyed rhetoric of describing those who hold opinions they oppose, are not attacked by reason, but by accusing the adversary of what they are and do. It is childish, superficial and time worn.

Trump is a neo fascist, and that fact cannot be rebutted.
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Trump has an obligation to lead as people have voted for him to lead. Those totally against him will remain totally against him, it won't change, it won't improve, so he need not worry about it. The media will try and get him to change course by showing his ratings, Trump has to accept these low ratings and shrug them off. They will continue and won't improve much over four years, there are some radical anti-American ideologies that won't be appeased, nor should they be. The only ratings that matter will be at the polling stations on election day, if he does what he said he would do during his campaign, he will win again.

It's a divided nation, and the alt-left will never come around. Can you imagine if Trumps supporters screamed some of the offensive things the celebrities did during their march? How about the riots at university, pepper spraying of Trumps supporters and the like? People whining, crying, rioting and then asking for "support.

He has no obligation to reward poor behavior, anarchists, communists and fascists. The only "reaching across the aisle" he needs to do is provide a safe environment in which jobs are a focus. If those don't want to work and thrive for opportunity, tell them to head to Canada and work in government, we have MANY of them here.

You are correct, the man is doing what he said he would do if elected, and that is why he was voted in. The left can scream all they want, they are in political Siberia, and we intend to keep them there............mainly because it is cold, and what better place than a very cold one for a snowflake:banana:
The left means- on the Government dole or an unemployed piece of Scat....
Trump has an obligation to lead as people have voted for him to lead. Those totally against him will remain totally against him, it won't change, it won't improve, so he need not worry about it. The media will try and get him to change course by showing his ratings, Trump has to accept these low ratings and shrug them off. They will continue and won't improve much over four years, there are some radical anti-American ideologies that won't be appeased, nor should they be. The only ratings that matter will be at the polling stations on election day, if he does what he said he would do during his campaign, he will win again.

It's a divided nation, and the alt-left will never come around. Can you imagine if Trumps supporters screamed some of the offensive things the celebrities did during their march? How about the riots at university, pepper spraying of Trumps supporters and the like? People whining, crying, rioting and then asking for "support.

He has no obligation to reward poor behavior, anarchists, communists and fascists. The only "reaching across the aisle" he needs to do is provide a safe environment in which jobs are a focus. If those snowflakes and rabble rousers don't want to work or thirst for opportunity, tell them to head to Canada and work in government, we have MANY of them here.

Reality isn't your forte, trump is trump is correct, but being trump makes his style of leadership doomed to fail. He can demean the press and the protesters, but not other world leaders. His false pathos will wear thin and the protests will grow, soon his tweets and belligerent rhetoric will infect The Members of Congress, and most will say "enough".

It may take a while, since he packed his inner circle with sycophants and cronies who patronize his fragile ego, which appeals to the narcissist which is ever present, and the megalomania which alienates the world community. The claim I am now writing is un-American, and the suggestion that the alt. left*** leads them is a lie. Either shockedcanadian is a damn liar or he(?) has been brainwashed to write such a fantasy.

***Using alt. left is a tell-tail sign of him using the hackneyed rhetoric of describing those who hold opinions they oppose, are not attacked by reason, but by accusing the adversary of what they are and do. It is childish, superficial and time worn.

Trump is a neo fascist, and that fact cannot be rebutted.

Well either the alt-left is the one leading this Communist, sanctuary city loving, anarchist rioting, vulgar mouthed Womens March "movement" or, this is the new left. You tell me which is it? If this is the Democratic party and their followers from here on out, I'm guessing they will be out of office for 16-20 years. By the way, the rejection runs much deeper than just Trumps win, look at the mid terms and governors. The Democrats have been soundly rejected, but, because of the media and Hollywood, they are acting as if they are the natural ruling party, a lifetime appointment they assume...

What you and so many don't understand is that Trump campaigned on these policies, and he is enacting them. Why is this a surprise to you? It's called action. We had the same anger for Mayor Rob Ford, he was also a businessman. He balanced the budget in Toronto for the first time in ages, didn't increase taxes and was responsive to his constituents. Of course, those who had their heads in the trough were upset they no longer could steal from the taxpayer, so they focused on his drug problems and chased him around as they did Trump. It backfired. Bottom line, I've seen this dance before, as with Ford, Trump overcame the abuse to win.

Clinton campaigned accordingly and lost the EC, relying on California and New York for her votes. In fact, if you remove the Libertarian and Green Party candidates, Trump is at worst equal in the Popular vote. Surely you don't expect a guy to run on policies and then turn his back on them all. He won 33 of 50 states, a massive number of districts, the entire middle of the country. He has to govern as he campaigned.

Remember when Trump said that he would reverse every Obama Executive Order? Or deport every illegal immigrant? Or build a wall? Or refuse TPP and renegotiate NAFTA? We can go down the list, and he has acted on many of these already the first two weeks in. That's not fascism, that's taking immediate action on promises he made. Of course, if Hillary won and acted on her promises, it would be "strong leadership".

I don't cheerlead for anyone, I wanted Rand Paul or Rubio to be president. I do respect action and vision about what has been ailing America. I am old enough to remember when America won, all the time, in everything it attempted. That was before the days of blue participation ribbons and puppy petting safe spaces. I consider myself a libertarian, if Trump can return America to a time in which innovation, free speech and small government was the focus of the GOP, then he will do a great service to America.

Can you list the number of protests against Obama when he was in office? How about before he even took office? Was there a big push for a recount, or interference in who the EC voted for? The alt-left is fully intolerant. If you don't believe me go on youtube and look at the reaction from MSNBC and others when Trump won, this is not journalism, they are thoroughly biased and unabashed in this fact. It's no wonder Fox mops the floor with these other news outlets, it's not even close.

Look, I wanted Obama to win both elections. This past election if I were an American I would probably have not voted, but certainly Trump and his message became more clear and the stakes for America were obviously high. 11 Million illegal immigrants. Millions of food stamps, millions not even searching for works, an $800B trade deficit with China, 66% of America not happy with the direction America was going on. You can go on and on. Maybe you just wanted to continue down the same path, or worse, go the way of Bernie and his socialist supporters and speed up the bankruptcy process, but most American decided it was time for a massive change in Washington. Great change isn't done with baby steps.

That's my rant for today. I followed this election very closely, dare I say as close as anyone on this forum. I saw the extreme bias and absolute hatred for Trump, while noone accepting the changes that he was going to produce. As Obama said, elections have consequences. He hasn't been in office a month and the left are worried their golden goose is gone. Bravo I say.
Trump has an obligation to lead as people have voted for him to lead. Those totally against him will remain totally against him, it won't change, it won't improve, so he need not worry about it. The media will try and get him to change course by showing his ratings, Trump has to accept these low ratings and shrug them off. They will continue and won't improve much over four years, there are some radical anti-American ideologies that won't be appeased, nor should they be. The only ratings that matter will be at the polling stations on election day, if he does what he said he would do during his campaign, he will win again.

It's a divided nation, and the alt-left will never come around. Can you imagine if Trumps supporters screamed some of the offensive things the celebrities did during their march? How about the riots at university, pepper spraying of Trumps supporters and the like? People whining, crying, rioting and then asking for "support.

He has no obligation to reward poor behavior, anarchists, communists and fascists. The only "reaching across the aisle" he needs to do is provide a safe environment in which jobs are a focus. If those snowflakes and rabble rousers don't want to work or thirst for opportunity, tell them to head to Canada and work in government, we have MANY of them here.

Reality isn't your forte, trump is trump is correct, but being trump makes his style of leadership doomed to fail. He can demean the press and the protesters, but not other world leaders. His false pathos will wear thin and the protests will grow, soon his tweets and belligerent rhetoric will infect The Members of Congress, and most will say "enough".

It may take a while, since he packed his inner circle with sycophants and cronies who patronize his fragile ego, which appeals to the narcissist which is ever present, and the megalomania which alienates the world community. The claim I am now writing is un-American, and the suggestion that the alt. left*** leads them is a lie. Either shockedcanadian is a damn liar or he(?) has been brainwashed to write such a fantasy.

***Using alt. left is a tell-tail sign of him using the hackneyed rhetoric of describing those who hold opinions they oppose, are not attacked by reason, but by accusing the adversary of what they are and do. It is childish, superficial and time worn.

Trump is a neo fascist, and that fact cannot be rebutted.

Well either the alt-left is the one leading this Communist, sanctuary city loving, anarchist rioting, vulgar mouthed Womens March "movement" or, this is the new left. You tell me which is it? If this is the Democratic party and their followers from here on out, I'm guessing they will be out of office for 16-20 years. By the way, the rejection runs much deeper than just Trumps win, look at the mid terms and governors. The Democrats have been soundly rejected, but, because of the media and Hollywood, they are acting as if they are the natural ruling party, a lifetime appointment they assume...

What you and so many don't understand is that Trump campaigned on these policies, and he is enacting them. Why is this a surprise to you? It's called action. We had the same anger for Mayor Rob Ford, he was also a businessman. He balanced the budget in Toronto for the first time in ages, didn't increase taxes and was responsive to his constituents. Of course, those who had their heads in the trough were upset they no longer could steal from the taxpayer, so they focused on his drug problems and chased him around as they did Trump. It backfired. Bottom line, I've seen this dance before, as with Ford, Trump overcame the abuse to win.

Clinton campaigned accordingly and lost the EC, relying on California and New York for her votes. In fact, if you remove the Libertarian and Green Party candidates, Trump is at worst equal in the Popular vote. Surely you don't expect a guy to run on policies and then turn his back on them all. He won 33 of 50 states, a massive number of districts, the entire middle of the country. He has to govern as he campaigned.

Remember when Trump said that he would reverse every Obama Executive Order? Or deport every illegal immigrant? Or build a wall? Or refuse TPP and renegotiate NAFTA? We can go down the list, and he has acted on many of these already the first two weeks in. That's not fascism, that's taking immediate action on promises he made. Of course, if Hillary won and acted on her promises, it would be "strong leadership".

I don't cheerlead for anyone, I wanted Rand Paul or Rubio to be president. I do respect action and vision about what has been ailing America. I am old enough to remember when America won, all the time, in everything it attempted. That was before the days of blue participation ribbons and puppy petting safe spaces. I consider myself a libertarian, if Trump can return America to a time in which innovation, free speech and small government was the focus of the GOP, then he will do a great service to America.

Can you list the number of protests against Obama when he was in office? How about before he even took office? Was there a big push for a recount, or interference in who the EC voted for? The alt-left is fully intolerant. If you don't believe me go on youtube and look at the reaction from MSNBC and others when Trump won, this is not journalism, they are thoroughly biased and unabashed in this fact. It's no wonder Fox mops the floor with these other news outlets, it's not even close.

Look, I wanted Obama to win both elections. This past election if I were an American I would probably have not voted, but certainly Trump and his message became more clear and the stakes for America were obviously high. 11 Million illegal immigrants. Millions of food stamps, millions not even searching for works, an $800B trade deficit with China, 66% of America not happy with the direction America was going on. You can go on and on. Maybe you just wanted to continue down the same path, or worse, go the way of Bernie and his socialist supporters and speed up the bankruptcy process, but most American decided it was time for a massive change in Washington. Great change isn't done with baby steps.

That's my rant for today. I followed this election very closely, dare I say as close as anyone on this forum. I saw the extreme bias and absolute hatred for Trump, while noone accepting the changes that he was going to produce. As Obama said, elections have consequences. He hasn't been in office a month and the left are worried their golden goose is gone. Bravo I say.

Your first paragraph is ample information that you are a low information ignoramus. That observation is not an ad hominem, it demonstrates how little you have followed the political landscape since the nomination of Obama in Aug. 2008.

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