To The Horror Of Global Warming Alarmists, Global Cooling Is Here

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Have a link to this large "Environment and Climate Issues" forum? I've done a search but have found nothing precisely by that name. And I bet I can find a dozen other global warming discussions at which you have never shown your nose. Does that mean anything?
Have a link to this large "Environment and Climate Issues" forum? I've done a search but have found nothing precisely by that name. And I bet I can find a dozen other global warming discussions at which you have never shown your nose. Does that mean anything?

This line should have made it clear........

"The rest of the forum hardly notice the large Environment & Climate issues forum, at all"

E&C Issues Forum is a section of the Main forum.
The "Main" forum of USMB?

Both YOU and Old Rocks not being smart at all. Here are my words you have so much trouble understanding:

"I see this same lack of interest in another large forum I regularly visit, the same few warmists who keep to the religion, ignores the well documented modeling failures and so on. The rest of the forum hardly notice the large Environment & Climate issues forum, at all."

I mention ANOTHER large forum I regularly visit. This means NOT this one.

Then I wrote the NAME of the forum section:

Environment & Climate issues, which is at ANOTHER forum. This means NOT this one.

You guys finally understand these simple words?
Everyone in the world including all scientist s no global warming is true except Republican fools. Only political party denying in the world. Their propaganda machine is a disgrace. And so are they.

Oh the horror of it. Algore will have a heart attack while flying around in his private jet.

Global warming which has been the subject of so many discussions in recent years, may give way to global cooling. According to scientists from the Pulkovo Observatory in St.Petersburg, solar activity is waning, so the average yearly temperature will begin to decline as well. Scientists from Britain and the US chime in saying that forecasts for global cooling are far from groundless.”

That report quoted Yuri Nagovitsyn of the Pulkovo Observatory saying, “Evidently, solar activity is on the decrease. The 11-year cycle doesn’t bring about considerable climate change – only 1-2%. The impact of the 200-year cycle is greater – up to 50%. In this respect, we could be in for a cooling period that lasts 200-250 years.” In other words, another Little Ice Age.

Lots more @ Disney InstituteVoice: The One Thing You Must Do To Empower Your People

This is something that can happen. It's global cooling because of things happening with the sun.

It doesn't, however, stop the problems of too much CO2 in the atmosphere that could kill our oceans.

Now that is a really dumb statement since the ocean waters already has over 99% of the free CO2 of the planet in it. The atmosphere has just a dribble of it. Not only that for most of Earths history it had been over 1,000 ppm yet life thrived in the much higher levels.

No, it's not really a dumb statement if you actually know what the fuck you're talking about.

CO2 levels in the oceans are changing the PH levels of the oceans rather quickly.

Rising Acidity in the Ocean: The Other CO 2 Problem

"the massive absorption of CO2 by the ocean—has received far less attention. "

"The planet’s seas quickly absorb 25 to 30 percent of humankind’s CO2 emissions and about 85 percent in the long run, as water and air mix at the ocean’s surface. We have “disposed” of 530 billion tons of the gas in this way, and the rate worldwide is now one million tons per hour, faster than experienced on earth for tens of millions of years. "

"We are acidifying the ocean and fundamentally changing its remarkably delicate geochemical balance."

This last one is the problem.

"Scientists are only beginning to investigate the consequences, but comparable natural changes in our geologic history have caused several mass extinctions throughout the earth’s waters."

So, here's the scenario. The PH levels rise in the oceans which cause a lot of mass extinctions in the oceans. If one thing dies out, then the thing that ate it will die out, and so on. If the oceans die, they might stop absorbing all the CO2.

In fact it might go the other way, it might start PUMPING this CO2 back into the atmosphere.

The result would be "we're seriously fucking fuckty fucked"

You have no idea how well they mislead you since the human input of yearly CO2 is TINY, just around 3.5% of the total, Nature does the rest. Since the Ocean waters have around 38,000 PG of free CO2 in it versus the very small 215 PG in the atmosphere, there too little addition to the ocean waters to matter much.
Everyone in the world including all scientist s no global warming is true except Republican fools. Only political party denying in the world. Their propaganda machine is a disgrace. And so are they.

Meanwhile YOU chicken little warmists keeps ignoring the well documented IPCC prediction/projection failures as shown in post ONE of the thread. None of you warmists challenged it!

You guys are hilarious!

Oh the horror of it. Algore will have a heart attack while flying around in his private jet.

Global warming which has been the subject of so many discussions in recent years, may give way to global cooling. According to scientists from the Pulkovo Observatory in St.Petersburg, solar activity is waning, so the average yearly temperature will begin to decline as well. Scientists from Britain and the US chime in saying that forecasts for global cooling are far from groundless.”

That report quoted Yuri Nagovitsyn of the Pulkovo Observatory saying, “Evidently, solar activity is on the decrease. The 11-year cycle doesn’t bring about considerable climate change – only 1-2%. The impact of the 200-year cycle is greater – up to 50%. In this respect, we could be in for a cooling period that lasts 200-250 years.” In other words, another Little Ice Age.

Lots more @ Disney InstituteVoice: The One Thing You Must Do To Empower Your People

This is something that can happen. It's global cooling because of things happening with the sun.

It doesn't, however, stop the problems of too much CO2 in the atmosphere that could kill our oceans.

Now that is a really dumb statement since the ocean waters already has over 99% of the free CO2 of the planet in it. The atmosphere has just a dribble of it. Not only that for most of Earths history it had been over 1,000 ppm yet life thrived in the much higher levels.

No, it's not really a dumb statement if you actually know what the fuck you're talking about.

CO2 levels in the oceans are changing the PH levels of the oceans rather quickly.

Rising Acidity in the Ocean: The Other CO 2 Problem

"the massive absorption of CO2 by the ocean—has received far less attention. "

"The planet’s seas quickly absorb 25 to 30 percent of humankind’s CO2 emissions and about 85 percent in the long run, as water and air mix at the ocean’s surface. We have “disposed” of 530 billion tons of the gas in this way, and the rate worldwide is now one million tons per hour, faster than experienced on earth for tens of millions of years. "

"We are acidifying the ocean and fundamentally changing its remarkably delicate geochemical balance."

This last one is the problem.

"Scientists are only beginning to investigate the consequences, but comparable natural changes in our geologic history have caused several mass extinctions throughout the earth’s waters."

So, here's the scenario. The PH levels rise in the oceans which cause a lot of mass extinctions in the oceans. If one thing dies out, then the thing that ate it will die out, and so on. If the oceans die, they might stop absorbing all the CO2.

In fact it might go the other way, it might start PUMPING this CO2 back into the atmosphere.

The result would be "we're seriously fucking fuckty fucked"

You have no idea how well they mislead you since the human input of yearly CO2 is TINY, just around 3.5% of the total, Nature does the rest. Since the Ocean waters have around 38,000 PG of free CO2 in it versus the very small 215 PG in the atmosphere, there too little addition to the ocean waters to matter much.

The problem here is that you're looking at it and saying "oh, it's only a small amount".

I look at things from the point of view of BALANCE.

Life is about balance.

Too much sun, you die. Too little sun, you die.
Too much water, you die. Too little water, you die.

CO2 levels are at a level that humans have adapted to. With different CO2 levels humans might have developed differently or perhaps not developed at all.

3.5% is actually quite a massive shift.

It's enough to change the PH levels of the oceans. Potentially a little more will cause a mass extinction in the oceans.

This might mean the oceans no longer soak up the CO2. It could also mean they pump out the CO2 they've been storing for so long.

We don't know.

If that scenario were to happen it'd be catastrophic. Not for the Earth, but for humans and other creatures.
Everyone in the world including all scientist s no global warming is true except Republican fools. Only political party denying in the world. Their propaganda machine is a disgrace. And so are they.

Maybe they are but it is impressing nobody. All you have is a banner to shout about s0n. Having zero impact in the real world.

A lot of experts proclaim this and that about the industry they represent. They claim they are above reproach. Well good for them.... but it only matters if they're proclamations are accepted by the masses.

For all the hysterical calls for action to do something about climate change in the last 20 years.... based upon the decided science.... what exactly has happened? Ummmmm..... absolutely nothing. Because no one is caring.:coffee::cul2::cul2:
Everyone in the world including all scientist s no global warming is true except Republican fools. Only political party denying in the world. Their propaganda machine is a disgrace. And so are they.

Maybe they are but it is impressing nobody. All you have is a banner to shout about s0n. Having zero impact in the real world.

A lot of experts proclaim this and that about the industry they represent. They claim they are above reproach. Well good for them.... but it only matters if they're proclamations are accepted by the masses.

For all the hysterical calls for action to do something about climate change in the last 20 years.... based upon the decided science.... what exactly has happened? Ummmmm..... absolutely nothing. Because no one is caring.:coffee::cul2::cul2:
You mean you as a dupe of the GOP and Big Oil of course are clueless. The world moves forward without you fools. Google global warming Solutions and read
Everyone in the world including all scientist s no global warming is true except Republican fools. Only political party denying in the world. Their propaganda machine is a disgrace. And so are they.

Maybe they are but it is impressing nobody. All you have is a banner to shout about s0n. Having zero impact in the real world.

A lot of experts proclaim this and that about the industry they represent. They claim they are above reproach. Well good for them.... but it only matters if they're proclamations are accepted by the masses.

For all the hysterical calls for action to do something about climate change in the last 20 years.... based upon the decided science.... what exactly has happened? Ummmmm..... absolutely nothing. Because no one is caring.:coffee::cul2::cul2:
You mean you as a dupe of the GOP and Big Oil of course are clueless. The world moves forward without you fools. Google global warming Solutions and read

Problem is s0n, to pay to solve global warming, the U.N. estimated it would cost 76 trillion dollars.

But Americans are only willing to pay five bucks to solve it....:hhello::cul2::cul2:

People Will Pay To Stop Climate Change -- But Only $5

Now.... call me the asshole here but I'm not seeing how the math works!

Which means the fools are winning..... in the real world which is the only thing that matters s0n.
Everyone in the world including all scientist s no global warming is true except Republican fools. Only political party denying in the world. Their propaganda machine is a disgrace. And so are they.

Maybe they are but it is impressing nobody. All you have is a banner to shout about s0n. Having zero impact in the real world.

A lot of experts proclaim this and that about the industry they represent. They claim they are above reproach. Well good for them.... but it only matters if they're proclamations are accepted by the masses.

For all the hysterical calls for action to do something about climate change in the last 20 years.... based upon the decided science.... what exactly has happened? Ummmmm..... absolutely nothing. Because no one is caring.:coffee::cul2::cul2:
You mean you as a dupe of the GOP and Big Oil of course are clueless. The world moves forward without you fools. Google global warming Solutions and read

Problem is s0n, to pay to solve global warming, the U.N. estimated it would cost 76 trillion dollars.

But Americans are only willing to pay five bucks to solve it....:hhello::cul2::cul2:

People Will Pay To Stop Climate Change -- But Only $5

Now.... call me the asshole here but I'm not seeing how the math works!

Which means the fools are winning..... in the real world which is the only thing that matters s0n.
Everyone in the world including all scientist s no global warming is true except Republican fools. Only political party denying in the world. Their propaganda machine is a disgrace. And so are they.

Maybe they are but it is impressing nobody. All you have is a banner to shout about s0n. Having zero impact in the real world.

A lot of experts proclaim this and that about the industry they represent. They claim they are above reproach. Well good for them.... but it only matters if they're proclamations are accepted by the masses.

For all the hysterical calls for action to do something about climate change in the last 20 years.... based upon the decided science.... what exactly has happened? Ummmmm..... absolutely nothing. Because no one is caring.:coffee::cul2::cul2:
You mean you as a dupe of the GOP and Big Oil of course are clueless. The world moves forward without you fools. Google global warming Solutions and read

Problem is s0n, to pay to solve global warming, the U.N. estimated it would cost 76 trillion dollars.

But Americans are only willing to pay five bucks to solve it....:hhello::cul2::cul2:

People Will Pay To Stop Climate Change -- But Only $5

Now.... call me the asshole here but I'm not seeing how the math works!

Which means the fools are winning..... in the real world which is the only thing that matters s0n.
$5 a month, liar LOL. You assholes think you are winning... Actually Big Oil is killing you, dupe. LOL. Way to give the swamp another 4 years at least... Breaking 4 Chumps: the Sierra Club is not the swamp LOL
Everyone in the world including all scientist s no global warming is true except Republican fools. Only political party denying in the world. Their propaganda machine is a disgrace. And so are they.

Maybe they are but it is impressing nobody. All you have is a banner to shout about s0n. Having zero impact in the real world.

A lot of experts proclaim this and that about the industry they represent. They claim they are above reproach. Well good for them.... but it only matters if they're proclamations are accepted by the masses.

For all the hysterical calls for action to do something about climate change in the last 20 years.... based upon the decided science.... what exactly has happened? Ummmmm..... absolutely nothing. Because no one is caring.:coffee::cul2::cul2:
You mean you as a dupe of the GOP and Big Oil of course are clueless. The world moves forward without you fools. Google global warming Solutions and read

Problem is s0n, to pay to solve global warming, the U.N. estimated it would cost 76 trillion dollars.

But Americans are only willing to pay five bucks to solve it....:hhello::cul2::cul2:

People Will Pay To Stop Climate Change -- But Only $5

Now.... call me the asshole here but I'm not seeing how the math works!

Which means the fools are winning..... in the real world which is the only thing that matters s0n.
Everyone in the world including all scientist s no global warming is true except Republican fools. Only political party denying in the world. Their propaganda machine is a disgrace. And so are they.

Maybe they are but it is impressing nobody. All you have is a banner to shout about s0n. Having zero impact in the real world.

A lot of experts proclaim this and that about the industry they represent. They claim they are above reproach. Well good for them.... but it only matters if they're proclamations are accepted by the masses.

For all the hysterical calls for action to do something about climate change in the last 20 years.... based upon the decided science.... what exactly has happened? Ummmmm..... absolutely nothing. Because no one is caring.:coffee::cul2::cul2:
You mean you as a dupe of the GOP and Big Oil of course are clueless. The world moves forward without you fools. Google global warming Solutions and read

Problem is s0n, to pay to solve global warming, the U.N. estimated it would cost 76 trillion dollars.

But Americans are only willing to pay five bucks to solve it....:hhello::cul2::cul2:

People Will Pay To Stop Climate Change -- But Only $5

Now.... call me the asshole here but I'm not seeing how the math works!

Which means the fools are winning..... in the real world which is the only thing that matters s0n.
$5 a month, liar LOL. You assholes think you are winning... Actually Big Oil is killing you, dupe. LOL. Way to give the swamp another 4 years at least... Breaking 4 Chumps: the Sierra Club is not the swamp LOL

I don't care how or why.... only care that renewable energy remains the joke that it is = your side losing huge. ( although many climate crusaders do think solar power providing 2% of our electricity is jaw dropping progress :26:)

Banner gazing is ghey

Come speak to me s0n when climate change is actually a presidential debate topic. Never has ever.....because voters don't give a shit. Duh

Meanwhile....the cooling continues which really sucks for me and my family.... the last three summers almost a waste of time to go down to the ocean. Temperatures most days reaching only into the low 80s.....stoopid. forget about going into the ocean. That was rare 20 or 30 years ago.... and who knows when the fuck we'll see 100 degrees around here..... a normal occurrence until the damn global cooling came along.
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Everyone in the world including all scientist s no global warming is true except Republican fools. Only political party denying in the world. Their propaganda machine is a disgrace. And so are they.

Maybe they are but it is impressing nobody. All you have is a banner to shout about s0n. Having zero impact in the real world.

A lot of experts proclaim this and that about the industry they represent. They claim they are above reproach. Well good for them.... but it only matters if they're proclamations are accepted by the masses.

For all the hysterical calls for action to do something about climate change in the last 20 years.... based upon the decided science.... what exactly has happened? Ummmmm..... absolutely nothing. Because no one is caring.:coffee::cul2::cul2:
You mean you as a dupe of the GOP and Big Oil of course are clueless. The world moves forward without you fools. Google global warming Solutions and read

Problem is s0n, to pay to solve global warming, the U.N. estimated it would cost 76 trillion dollars.

But Americans are only willing to pay five bucks to solve it....:hhello::cul2::cul2:

People Will Pay To Stop Climate Change -- But Only $5

Now.... call me the asshole here but I'm not seeing how the math works!

Which means the fools are winning..... in the real world which is the only thing that matters s0n.
Everyone in the world including all scientist s no global warming is true except Republican fools. Only political party denying in the world. Their propaganda machine is a disgrace. And so are they.

Maybe they are but it is impressing nobody. All you have is a banner to shout about s0n. Having zero impact in the real world.

A lot of experts proclaim this and that about the industry they represent. They claim they are above reproach. Well good for them.... but it only matters if they're proclamations are accepted by the masses.

For all the hysterical calls for action to do something about climate change in the last 20 years.... based upon the decided science.... what exactly has happened? Ummmmm..... absolutely nothing. Because no one is caring.:coffee::cul2::cul2:
You mean you as a dupe of the GOP and Big Oil of course are clueless. The world moves forward without you fools. Google global warming Solutions and read

Problem is s0n, to pay to solve global warming, the U.N. estimated it would cost 76 trillion dollars.

But Americans are only willing to pay five bucks to solve it....:hhello::cul2::cul2:

People Will Pay To Stop Climate Change -- But Only $5

Now.... call me the asshole here but I'm not seeing how the math works!

Which means the fools are winning..... in the real world which is the only thing that matters s0n.
$5 a month, liar LOL. You assholes think you are winning... Actually Big Oil is killing you, dupe. LOL. Way to give the swamp another 4 years at least... Breaking 4 Chumps: the Sierra Club is not the swamp LOL

I don't care how or why.... only care that renewable energy remains the joke that it is = your side losing huge. ( although many climate crusaders do think solar power providing 2% of our electricity is jaw dropping progress :26:)

Banner gazing is ghey

Come speak to me s0n when climate change is actually a presidential debate topic. Never has ever.....because voters don't give a shit. Duh

Meanwhile....the cooling continues which really sucks for me and my family.... the last three summers almost a waste of time to go down to the ocean. Temperatures most days reaching only into the low 80s.....stoopid. forget about going into the ocean. That was rare 20 or 30 years ago.... and who knows when the fuck we'll see 100 degrees around here..... a normal occurrence until the damn global cooling came along.
And your little patch of real estate comprises the whole world. Well, maybe, your whole world.
The "Main" forum of USMB?

Both YOU and Old Rocks not being smart at all. Here are my words you have so much trouble understanding:

"I see this same lack of interest in another large forum I regularly visit, the same few warmists who keep to the religion, ignores the well documented modeling failures and so on. The rest of the forum hardly notice the large Environment & Climate issues forum, at all."

I mention ANOTHER large forum I regularly visit. This means NOT this one.

Then I wrote the NAME of the forum section:

Environment & Climate issues, which is at ANOTHER forum. This means NOT this one.

You guys finally understand these simple words?

How about a simple URL? Is there some reason you don't want us to actually visit?
Oddly, http://www.Well Source balloon data set doesn't seem to link anywhere.

Unsurprisingly, this one does
Roy Spencer's latest deceit and deception | HotWhopper

If anyone wants to see why Roy Spencer has been utterly shunned by the climate research community since publishing that "CMIP5 vs observations" graph (not that he had much to lose at the time), check out the working link above.


There is no fucking climate "research" it's just altered data fed into flawed models

What the fuck do they "research"?

Where's the lab work form these "researchers"?
Maybe they are but it is impressing nobody. All you have is a banner to shout about s0n. Having zero impact in the real world.

A lot of experts proclaim this and that about the industry they represent. They claim they are above reproach. Well good for them.... but it only matters if they're proclamations are accepted by the masses.

For all the hysterical calls for action to do something about climate change in the last 20 years.... based upon the decided science.... what exactly has happened? Ummmmm..... absolutely nothing. Because no one is caring.:coffee::cul2::cul2:
You mean you as a dupe of the GOP and Big Oil of course are clueless. The world moves forward without you fools. Google global warming Solutions and read

Problem is s0n, to pay to solve global warming, the U.N. estimated it would cost 76 trillion dollars.

But Americans are only willing to pay five bucks to solve it....:hhello::cul2::cul2:

People Will Pay To Stop Climate Change -- But Only $5

Now.... call me the asshole here but I'm not seeing how the math works!

Which means the fools are winning..... in the real world which is the only thing that matters s0n.
Maybe they are but it is impressing nobody. All you have is a banner to shout about s0n. Having zero impact in the real world.

A lot of experts proclaim this and that about the industry they represent. They claim they are above reproach. Well good for them.... but it only matters if they're proclamations are accepted by the masses.

For all the hysterical calls for action to do something about climate change in the last 20 years.... based upon the decided science.... what exactly has happened? Ummmmm..... absolutely nothing. Because no one is caring.:coffee::cul2::cul2:
You mean you as a dupe of the GOP and Big Oil of course are clueless. The world moves forward without you fools. Google global warming Solutions and read

Problem is s0n, to pay to solve global warming, the U.N. estimated it would cost 76 trillion dollars.

But Americans are only willing to pay five bucks to solve it....:hhello::cul2::cul2:

People Will Pay To Stop Climate Change -- But Only $5

Now.... call me the asshole here but I'm not seeing how the math works!

Which means the fools are winning..... in the real world which is the only thing that matters s0n.
$5 a month, liar LOL. You assholes think you are winning... Actually Big Oil is killing you, dupe. LOL. Way to give the swamp another 4 years at least... Breaking 4 Chumps: the Sierra Club is not the swamp LOL

I don't care how or why.... only care that renewable energy remains the joke that it is = your side losing huge. ( although many climate crusaders do think solar power providing 2% of our electricity is jaw dropping progress :26:)

Banner gazing is ghey

Come speak to me s0n when climate change is actually a presidential debate topic. Never has ever.....because voters don't give a shit. Duh

Meanwhile....the cooling continues which really sucks for me and my family.... the last three summers almost a waste of time to go down to the ocean. Temperatures most days reaching only into the low 80s.....stoopid. forget about going into the ocean. That was rare 20 or 30 years ago.... and who knows when the fuck we'll see 100 degrees around here..... a normal occurrence until the damn global cooling came along.
And your little patch of real estate comprises the whole world. Well, maybe, your whole world.

Nah.... the fact is most people's perception of temperatures are taken from them assessing their local climate. That's what the research says and that's the only thing that matters..... obviously..... nobody is caring about the colorful graphs and UAH data links.

And C'mon now.... for 10 years in this forum we've seen less than a handful of A GW devotees posting up the same tired crap over and over and over. And to what end? It has moved only a tiny percent of the population.

How many people out there across the country are waking up this morning and saying to themselves, "Shit I have to get on the horn this morning with my representative and urge him to do something about this climate change!!!". How many? About 74? Not thinking that's going to get anything done.:hello77::fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed:
What the AGW folks fail to recognize is that people who are informed and go out and vote are not seeing the consensus science as very scientific. You can thank Al Gore for that. When all the predictions fell flat on their face year after year people stood up and took notice.... as we say around here, smelling a rat.

Most people don't like to gamble....fuck if they are going to open up their wallet and pay big $$$ based upon computer models and some hair brain theory that we can actually do something to alter the climate, thus the spectacular lack of interest. Which really sucks for the agw devotee wasting thousands of hours on an absolutely hopeless endeavor. How dumb really.....
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