To the House Democrats sitting on the floor

Compensate for your own lack of manhood.

Is that all you have? E D and and a tiny brain to match your tiny flaccid dick?

I am the fucking MILITIA dumbass.

no, you are just some asshole compensating for a tiny pecker. Today we have professional armies and police forces, we don't need a militia any more than we need a 3rd Amendment about quartering troops in peacetime when we have military bases.
Nope. Wrong again slick. I'm not compensating for anything.

You, on the other hand are desperately attempting to disarm a nation that will not willingly go along.

You are going to eventually sprain your wrist if you keep jerking off at a record pace.
Compensate for your own lack of manhood.

Is that all you have? E D and and a tiny brain to match your tiny flaccid dick?

I am the fucking MILITIA dumbass.

no, you are just some asshole compensating for a tiny pecker. Today we have professional armies and police forces, we don't need a militia any more than we need a 3rd Amendment about quartering troops in peacetime when we have military bases.

Everyone is the militia. You're a fucking idiot, Joe. But there's no new information in me saying so.
His brain is hemorrhaging from his anger and fear of tools.

And he despises those who remind him that we will not be disarmed.
The least the democrat douchebags could have done was learn how to sing the chorus to "We Shall Overcome." It sounded like they way they looked, like shit.
And lo, the Democrats fled in defeat, their efforts for naught. They would have fallen on their swords, but alas they had none.

In other words they skipped town for vacation when their little temper tantrum failed to yield any results. Shows how dedicated they are to gun reform.

You got your butts kicked on three fronts today! Immigration, gun control, and the not guilty verdict in the Freddie Gray case.

I laugh at your futility, liberals!

Let me get this straight we have members of Congress bringing pillows, blankets, sleeping bags to the House chamber staying up late talking and singing and eating junk food and sleeping on the floor. I have seen other people do this over the years but it was not called a sit in it was called slumber party and it was done by kids not grown adults.
Okay- except no one was killed in that incident bu the gunman. Who apparently didn't have an automatic weapon. (It appears to be a robbery gone wrong.)

So it sounds like German Gun Control worked just fine in this case.

It seems they had a bad guy with a gun. So who stopped a bad guy with a gun again???
no, I don't wonder that at all. It has to do with compensating for tiny peckers.

It also isn't a matter of constitutional rights - WELL REGULATED MILITIA means we can determine who does and doesn't need a gun.

No, that's what they do in North Korea, China and perhaps Cuba, but not in the United States.
There was a story about someone and it was mentioned a few times and I didn't catch the name on the no fly list by mistake.
Took seven months to have the name removed....
So let's get it right if we are going to do something about more gun laws....

The left just wants to push anything across because it's a hot item right now.

More like creating new laws that won't solve anything, but it looks good.

I wonder how many people on the no-fly or terrorist watch lists have ever killed anybody? Probably none. And before anybody chimes in with the Orlando killer, he was removed from that list.
Yeah....fortunately, nobody is trying to do that.

We could argue about what our rights are....and if you were honest about it, I'd win that argument. But....that's not going to get us anywhere.

Let's begin with a hypothesis that we can prove or disprove, shall we?


One way to reduce gun violence at a given place and moment in time is to increase the number of people who are armed.

That's pretty easy. Most of these shootings take place in gun-free zones.

Is that just coincidence, or were these shootings planned that way?
A solution to America's gun violence problem needs to be found.

Let us assume that a solution exists. This is America, after all.

Didn't we already find a solution? More armed Americans. Our gun violence (and violent crimes in general) have been on the decline since the mid 90's. We are on the right path that the liberals wish to disrupt.

Now if you wish to augment those statistics, pressure your representatives to fast-track capital punishment cases. Instead of waiting 10 to 18 years to execute a murderer, let's get it all done in three months of sentencing. That includes all appeals. In fact, let's televise it as well; maybe pay-per-view.

If we could do that, it would cut gun murders down by 50% within a couple of years.
no, I don't wonder that at all. It has to do with compensating for tiny peckers.

It also isn't a matter of constitutional rights - WELL REGULATED MILITIA means we can determine who does and doesn't need a gun.

The reason for the 2nd amendment was to ensure that the people could rise up against a tyrannical government when it showed it's ugly head. Having government in charge of all weapons would defeat the purpose.

Our founders knew what happened when only the state had weapons. It has never once been good for the people.
Nope. Wrong again slick. I'm not compensating for anything.

You, on the other hand are desperately attempting to disarm a nation that will not willingly go along.

You are going to eventually sprain your wrist if you keep jerking off at a record pace.

I think the 78% of us who don't need to compensate for tiny dicks are getting pretty sick and tired of the 22% of you who do. the ironic thing is, you guys could go along with common sense gun control and still keep your "Compensation" while making it harder for bad guys to get guns.

Instead, you fight for the right of terrorists to buy guns... because Founding Fathers and shit.
Nope. Wrong again slick. I'm not compensating for anything.

You, on the other hand are desperately attempting to disarm a nation that will not willingly go along.

You are going to eventually sprain your wrist if you keep jerking off at a record pace.

I think the 78% of us who don't need to compensate for tiny dicks are getting pretty sick and tired of the 22% of you who do. the ironic thing is, you guys could go along with common sense gun control and still keep your "Compensation" while making it harder for bad guys to get guns.

Instead, you fight for the right of terrorists to buy guns... because Founding Fathers and shit.
Tiny dick, blah, blah, guns, blah, blah, terrorists, blah, blah blah!

Again. I don't have to compensate for anything. I rarely use my firearms and you fondle your tiny dick more in a week then I have my firearms in a year.

Why do you have a problem with people owning firearms?

Save your bullshit for someone who gives a flying fuck.

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