To the House Democrats sitting on the floor

You're talking out of your ass.

Your mouth knows better.

Uh, guy, the GOP has gone on record as saying that people they DO NOT WANT ON AIRPLANES should still be free to buy semi-automatic weapons and boxes of ammo.

And you wonder why we have incidents like this?
Uh. When these people are tried and found guilty of a crime then we can discuss this issue in a reasonable manner.

Putting people on lists and denying them their rights and due process is unconstitutional.

Again. Nobody wants terrorists to have weapons, but you insist a list be compiled of your political enemies to deny them their Constitutional rights.

And you wonder why we send checks to the NRA to lobby for those rights.

There was a story about someone and it was mentioned a few times and I didn't catch the name on the no fly list by mistake.
Took seven months to have the name removed....
So let's get it right if we are going to do something about more gun laws....

The left just wants to push anything across because it's a hot item right now.
You're talking out of your ass.

Your mouth knows better.

Uh, guy, the GOP has gone on record as saying that people they DO NOT WANT ON AIRPLANES should still be free to buy semi-automatic weapons and boxes of ammo.

And you wonder why we have incidents like this?
Uh. When these people are tried and found guilty of a crime then we can discuss this issue in a reasonable manner.

Putting people on lists and denying them their rights and due process is unconstitutional.

Again. Nobody wants terrorists to have weapons, but you insist a list be compiled of your political enemies to deny them their Constitutional rights.

And you wonder why we send checks to the NRA to lobby for those rights.

There was a story about someone and it was mentioned a few times and I didn't catch the name on the no fly list by mistake.
Took seven months to have the name removed....
So let's get it right if we are going to do something about more gun laws....

The left just wants to push anything across because it's a hot item right now.

Sounds like what happened to singer Cat Stevens.

His Muslim name looked/sounded like someone that was, or should have been, on the no fly list.

Or, it could have been Senator Teddy Kennedy
wanna show us in the constitution where it sez we have to have 9 supreme court justices.
Not voting on a SC violates nothing.
but the dems wanna take my guns and my rights
Congress was designed to carry out the people's will, not yours. It is quite selfish to hold up the legislative process by pouting and sitting on your hands on the floor like three year olds. It is deplorable and childish. To my knowledge, I never saw Republicans pulling this kind of stunt when Obamacare was passed. They actually tried to repeal it, they didn't throw a temper tantrum.

Get off your asses and do your damn job!

I have no issue with them doing their protest and it only will get their base going about how the House need to change from red to blue because of wedge issues...

I say let them sit there for a few days and when the media find a new shiny coin to notice those that are protesting will go back to work...

It isn't like the House does much in the first damn place...
The reason the Dems are so into this is because the republicans are not.
The gun bills are just a means to go after the GOP....

I really want to kn ow why the GOP wants terrorists to have easy access to guns. In what universe does THAT make sense?

There was just another shooting in Germany. Germany has some of the strictest gun control and yet it didn't stop another terrorist or criminal from obtaining one. Only way laws work is when people follow them. Sadly, the ones that follow the gun laws are the ones who have no way to defend themselves in gun-free zones because they left their guns at home or in their vehicle.

On what planet do people get their rights stripped without being arrested, charged and of a convicted? Dems like making lists but action would be better. If they would take action instead of talking, things might change.

Also, these laws only affect citizens. Some politician stated that only 1,000 of the 81,000 people on watch lists are citizens. Why aren't we deporting those non-citizens on the watch list?



A bit more @ 7 photoshops and memes of the #DemocraticSitIn that will leave you in stitches
Uh. When these people are tried and found guilty of a crime then we can discuss this issue in a reasonable manner.

Putting people on lists and denying them their rights and due process is unconstitutional.

Again. Nobody wants terrorists to have weapons, but you insist a list be compiled of your political enemies to deny them their Constitutional rights.

And you wonder why we send checks to the NRA to lobby for those rights.

no, I don't wonder that at all. It has to do with compensating for tiny peckers.

It also isn't a matter of constitutional rights - WELL REGULATED MILITIA means we can determine who does and doesn't need a gun.
There was just another shooting in Germany. Germany has some of the strictest gun control and yet it didn't stop another terrorist or criminal from obtaining one. Only way laws work is when people follow them. Sadly, the ones that follow the gun laws are the ones who have no way to defend themselves in gun-free zones because they left their guns at home or in their vehicle.

Okay- except no one was killed in that incident bu the gunman. Who apparently didn't have an automatic weapon. (It appears to be a robbery gone wrong.)

So it sounds like German Gun Control worked just fine in this case.
Uh. When these people are tried and found guilty of a crime then we can discuss this issue in a reasonable manner.

Putting people on lists and denying them their rights and due process is unconstitutional.

Again. Nobody wants terrorists to have weapons, but you insist a list be compiled of your political enemies to deny them their Constitutional rights.

And you wonder why we send checks to the NRA to lobby for those rights.

no, I don't wonder that at all. It has to do with compensating for tiny peckers.

It also isn't a matter of constitutional rights - WELL REGULATED MILITIA means we can determine who does and doesn't need a gun.
Compensate for your own lack of manhood.

Is that all you have? E D and and a tiny brain to match your tiny flaccid dick?

I am the fucking MILITIA dumbass.
Uh. When these people are tried and found guilty of a crime then we can discuss this issue in a reasonable manner.

Putting people on lists and denying them their rights and due process is unconstitutional.

Again. Nobody wants terrorists to have weapons, but you insist a list be compiled of your political enemies to deny them their Constitutional rights.

And you wonder why we send checks to the NRA to lobby for those rights.

no, I don't wonder that at all. It has to do with compensating for tiny peckers.

It also isn't a matter of constitutional rights - WELL REGULATED MILITIA means we can determine who does and doesn't need a gun.
BTW... who is this fucking we shit?
Compensate for your own lack of manhood.

Is that all you have? E D and and a tiny brain to match your tiny flaccid dick?

I am the fucking MILITIA dumbass.

no, you are just some asshole compensating for a tiny pecker. Today we have professional armies and police forces, we don't need a militia any more than we need a 3rd Amendment about quartering troops in peacetime when we have military bases.
Compensate for your own lack of manhood.

Is that all you have? E D and and a tiny brain to match your tiny flaccid dick?

I am the fucking MILITIA dumbass.

no, you are just some asshole compensating for a tiny pecker. Today we have professional armies and police forces, we don't need a militia any more than we need a 3rd Amendment about quartering troops in peacetime when we have military bases.

Everyone is the militia. You're a fucking idiot, Joe. But there's no new information in me saying so.
Can the left just stop with the pretense that they care about safety?

Whenever anyone brings up terrorists or the lack of vetting of refugees, the left immediately mocks them and insinuates that anyone who thinks ISIS poses a threat to the U.S. is some kind of little wimp. They usually say something stupid, like go hide under your bed. These are the same numbnuts who demand safe spaces from differing opinions. Then they turn around and act like mass shooters are on every corner. Who is overreacting?

The left doesn't talk about how Chicago had more gun deaths in a weekend than mass shootings all year. I don't know why. While a mass shooter is bad, isn't it worse having hundreds of killer gang members on the loose? The most dangerous cities are run by liberals and often have strict gun control. Seriously, the best argument against liberal policies are their own track records.

The left goes out of their way to vilify gun owners, yet does their best to minimize the threat from radical Muslims. They don't count the 9/11 deaths when calculating the victims of radical Muslims. Seriously, every article starts after 9/11 when discussing the threat of terrorism. They do this to make it look like terrorists aren't a problem. Now they turn around and tell us that mostly non-citizens are on a terror watch list and that it's necessary to trample citizen's rights to deal with the problem.

Let's be honest. You are in more danger from a person texting on their Obamaphone while driving than you are of being a victim of a mass shooting. Yet, there isn't any outrage from the left and they aren't talking about taking away people's cars and phones. In just 6 months of 2015, 19,000 people were killed in auto accidents and millions were seriously injured.

The left is all freaked out because congress didn't shred the constitution by trampling on our rights by pretending to target people on a list. If government has evidence that the 80,000 people on their list are terrorists, they should be arresting them, not writing their names on the chalkboard like they are bad children.

On the other hand, the Obama administration will hand weapons to anyone. Fast and Furious flooded Mexico with guns. Obama has sent weapons, tanks, airplanes and money to hostile Muslim countries. He just wants to take them away from the law-abiding American public. That makes him dangerous and I think he should be on a list.

The libs are whining now because they couldn't trample our rights. They had to know it wouldn't fly because their proposal was unconstitutional. I think it was a test to see if their supporters would be willing to let them deny rights to anyone they targeted. I am sickened by their supporters who just don't care and are willing to let them do what they want and it's all based on emotions.

I got into an argument with a relative who said she doesn't care about the constitution, she just can't stand to see people killed. I had to point out that more deaths are caused by gangs in cities, car accidents and other things. If death of innocents bothers you, then get riled about the most common causes and find solutions that would actually work.

Gun control won't work. It never has and it's just an excuse to render the people of this country helpless against tyrants.
Uh. When these people are tried and found guilty of a crime then we can discuss this issue in a reasonable manner.

Putting people on lists and denying them their rights and due process is unconstitutional.

Again. Nobody wants terrorists to have weapons, but you insist a list be compiled of your political enemies to deny them their Constitutional rights.

And you wonder why we send checks to the NRA to lobby for those rights.

no, I don't wonder that at all. It has to do with compensating for tiny peckers.

It also isn't a matter of constitutional rights - WELL REGULATED MILITIA means we can determine who does and doesn't need a gun.
Ah. The dem's new mantra. How original.
Congress was designed to carry out the people's will, not yours. It is quite selfish to hold up the legislative process by pouting and sitting on your hands on the floor like three year olds. It is deplorable and childish. To my knowledge, I never saw Republicans pulling this kind of stunt when Obamacare was passed. They actually tried to repeal it, they didn't throw a temper tantrum.

Get off your asses and do your damn job!

I wish I could piss on them from above,

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