To the House Democrats sitting on the floor

I am pretty sure my Congressman is on the floor presently mugging for the camera. I do love a good grandstanding circus.

The DNC has also been sending out fundraising letters today. Classy.

Naturally. All sorts of money can made from this stunt. I am sure gun supporting organizations will use this protest as a way to raise funds as well.
I am pretty sure my Congressman is on the floor presently mugging for the camera. I do love a good grandstanding circus.

The DNC has also been sending out fundraising letters today. Classy.

Naturally. All sorts of money can made from this stunt. I am sure gun supporting organizations will use this protest as a way to raise funds as well.

Hence why they call it a publicity st--fundraiser.
Agreed. But I will call my congressman and see if he won't let me in on the pizza and donuts.

I'll be chomping down an unreasonable amount of beignets in two days. Laissez les bons temps rouler!
Because someone has to honor their memory and help prevent such futures murders. And we all know that NRA NaziCons just want to ignore it - like you.

Those Dems sitting on the floor are just incredibly butthurt that their plan to restrict guns didn't work. Some people, on both sides, think it's good that anyone on a list should be stripped of rights. Problem with that way of thinking is that it's unconstitutional. In this country, people are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. If mere suspicions were enough, then Hillary wouldn't be running for president, would she?

People have ended up on the terror watch list and no-fly list by mistake many times. A Dem senator once got on the list by accident. If the left had their way and were able to take guns from anyone on one of their lists, most gun owners would end up on that list because the government would be able to use it to get guns away from citizens and, make no mistake, that is the plan. The more control they have, the more guns they can grab. We already have Muslims influencing the way Homeland Security operates. They saw to it that Muslims aren't looked at closely, yet deemed veterans, constitutionalists and Libertarians as potential terrorists. I bet they'd add NRA members if they could pass a law saying anyone on a list could be denied their 2nd amendment right.

The left has so little respect for our rights as it is.

Since they have a list of suspected terrorists, perhaps they should spend more time building a case against them and then arrest them and convict them. As it is, pointing a finger at someone doesn't cut it.

We have rights. You can't pretend to take away rights only from the criminals and preserve your own. Either we all have rights or no one does. I am all for keeping them. And if this administration focused on actually capturing and charging terrorists instead of making lists and pretending that it does any good, we would all be better off.

Instead, terrorists will continue to operate under the radar because this administration is reticent to look closely at Muslims.

It's good that the left didn't get away with their sneaky attempt to undermine our Bill of Rights. Go get the fucking terrorists and other criminals and leave the good citizens alone. Profiling is a valuable tool in investigations. I suggest they start doing that more instead of trying to label citizens as terrorists while the Mateens of the world get a pass because the left is so afraid of offending them.
What House democrats are doing is perfectly appropriate and responsible – unlike reckless, irresponsible republicans who sought to shut down the government because they didn’t get their way.

Indeed, what House democrats are doing is consistent with representative democracy, reflecting the will of their constituents, and in no way jeopardizing the ability of government to serve the people, as we saw republicans do with their government shut downs.

Last, the proposed measures democrats are advocating are perfectly Constitutional, in no way ‘violating’ due process rights, or ‘violating’ the Second Amendment.
I say let them sit on the floor throughout the recess to show me if they are serious about this.
But then again they did break out the 'We shall overcome' song.....
They always do that when there is severe butt hurt among them...
Congress was designed to carry out the people's will, not yours. It is quite selfish to hold up the legislative process by pouting and sitting on your hands on the floor like three year olds. It is deplorable and childish. To my knowledge, I never saw Republicans pulling this kind of stunt when Obamacare was passed. They actually tried to repeal it, they didn't throw a temper tantrum.

Get off your asses and do your damn job!
Well, you'd be wrong. Republicans DID stage a sit down on the House Floor. However, Nancy Pelosi (Then the Majority leader) closed the sesson, turned off the cameras and the lights and went home.

The same Pelosi is now complaining because Ryan had the gall to end the session and turn off the cameras. He at least left them the lights.
Congress was designed to carry out the people's will, not yours. It is quite selfish to hold up the legislative process by pouting and sitting on your hands on the floor like three year olds. It is deplorable and childish. To my knowledge, I never saw Republicans pulling this kind of stunt when Obamacare was passed. They actually tried to repeal it, they didn't throw a temper tantrum.

Get off your asses and do your damn job!

They want a vote on gun legislation. Voting on legislation is their job. They are not being allowed to vote because the NRA won't let them.
I would love for NaziCons to try getting physical with Congressman John Lewis. Go for it...

I would love to see any Democrats fight back. This is Russian style politics going on right now.

It's called fighting fire with fire.

Oh? So when has fighting fire with fire gotten any bills or legislation passed?

What legislation? That's fucking hilarious! NaziCons have been blocking President Obama for 7 1/2 years.
Yeah! It's fucking hilarious.

Why didn't these laws get passed when Obama had control of both houses?
And the Sergeant at Arms would have a field day with them if he were let loose. I bet you wouldn't be so happy if the shoe was on the other foot.

Indeed. The Reps have not applied him

They're afraid to. They don't want to cause a scene.

Hell. I'd have then taken out in cuffs. There would be pictures and videos and all sorts of stuff. :banana:

Even NaziCons don't have the balls to take John Lewis out in cuffs.

No? Why not? Is he special?

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