To the House Democrats sitting on the floor

The reason for the 2nd amendment was to ensure that the people could rise up against a tyrannical government when it showed it's ugly head. Having government in charge of all weapons would defeat the purpose.

Our founders knew what happened when only the state had weapons. It has never once been good for the people.

The founding slave rapists didn't want people rising up against them. That's why they wanted a "Well-Regulated Militia". They wanted proper Southern Gentlemen to have guns to intimidate the slaves into obedience.

In fact, read up on the Whiskey Rebellion, when a bunch of people tried to rise up against a new tax. Guess what, George Washington didn't say, 'Hey, guys, I totally respect your right to oppose the government."

Nope. He sent in the "Well Regulated Militia" to bitch slap these guys.
Nope. Wrong again slick. I'm not compensating for anything.

You, on the other hand are desperately attempting to disarm a nation that will not willingly go along.

You are going to eventually sprain your wrist if you keep jerking off at a record pace.

I think the 78% of us who don't need to compensate for tiny dicks are getting pretty sick and tired of the 22% of you who do. the ironic thing is, you guys could go along with common sense gun control and still keep your "Compensation" while making it harder for bad guys to get guns.

Instead, you fight for the right of terrorists to buy guns... because Founding Fathers and shit.
Tiny dicks is a woman's argument. Much like crying about misogyny . Why you pretending to be a man?
85% of Americans support denying guns to those on the no-fly list

When given the opportunity to do something about it, Republicans vote to go on vacation
Everyone is the militia. You're a fucking idiot, Joe. But there's no new information in me saying so.

so, um, when does this Militia have meetings?

Oh, that's right. The states replaced militias with the National Guard. Because Militia's don't work.

Joe, you work very hard at maintaining your ignorance. If only you put half that effort into actually knowing something you might accomplish more in life than being the best drive-thru attendant the company has seen since '87. There are different kinds of militia. The National Guard is a state run militia which trains on a regular basis. Most of the world is nowhere near as stupid as you intentionally strive to be. So who do you think you're going to fool?
Joe, you work very hard at maintaining your ignorance. If only you put half that effort into actually knowing something you might accomplish more in life than being the best drive-thru attendant the company has seen since '87. There are different kinds of militia. The National Guard is a state run militia which trains on a regular basis. Most of the world is nowhere near as stupid as you intentionally strive to be. So who do you think you're going to fool?

I think the problem here (other than demonstrating your hatred of working folks) is that we discovered WHY we created a National Guard. Because Militias didn't work. They weren't reliable.
What the fuck does any of this have to do with me or my firearms?

How do I know you aren't going to lose your shit one day and carry out a mass shooting?
Because you would have known it by now.

Unlike you I have self control.

And if I did lose my shit and carry out a mass shooting there is nothing you would be able to do to stop it.

You're projecting.
Good for the Democrats

Don't let the Republicans table gun legislation. Make them vote on it and then take it to the voters
Joe, you work very hard at maintaining your ignorance. If only you put half that effort into actually knowing something you might accomplish more in life than being the best drive-thru attendant the company has seen since '87. There are different kinds of militia. The National Guard is a state run militia which trains on a regular basis. Most of the world is nowhere near as stupid as you intentionally strive to be. So who do you think you're going to fool?

I think the problem here (other than demonstrating your hatred of working folks) is that we discovered WHY we created a National Guard. Because Militias didn't work. They weren't reliable.
I know my firearms are reliable. And that alone makes you shit yourself.

I couldn't be happier.

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