To the House Democrats sitting on the floor

More Dem Hypocrisy

Will this surprise anyone?

Surprise: Dozens Of Congressional Dems Involved In Ant-Gun Sit In Own Firearms

What? The same ones surrounded by armed security?

(Heat Street) Congressional Democrats ended their 25-hour sit-in on the House floor this afternoon, failing to force a vote on two pieces of gun legislation. The controversial sit-in included 26 Democratic lawmakers who themselves own guns, Heat Street learned after examining 2013 USA Today data on congressional firearms ownership. The participants also included 12 more Democrats in Congress who either didn’t respond to USA Today’s gun survey or declined to say whether or not they possessed a firearm.

Story w/links @ Surprise: Dozens Of Congressional Dems Involved In Ant-Gun Sit In Own Firearms | John Hawkins' Right Wing News

What does their owning firearms have to do with it?

As responsible gun owners they recognize they don't want those on the no fly list to buy guns, they want comprehensive background checks, they understand they do not need an AK-47
As a responsible American citizen I reject my fellow Americans being placed on lists and having their rights violated. I don't want criminals, terrorists nor deranged individuals getting weapons. It is unconstitutional in this country to deny "any" and "all persons" their right to due process.

I don't need an AK-47, but that is for me decide whether I have, want or need one.

And what is a comprehensive background check?

All background checks are comprehensive.

The information is the same, for all citizens, on the same forms.
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85% of Americans support denying guns to those on the no-fly list

When given the opportunity to do something about it, Republicans vote to go on vacation

It doesn't matter if 100% of Americans agree with denying guns to those on the no-fly list. Why write laws that will solve absolutely nothing?

Our gun violence crisis will not be solved with any single law

It will take multiple laws to close off criminal access to guns one venue at a time
85% of Americans support denying guns to those on the no-fly list

When given the opportunity to do something about it, Republicans vote to go on vacation

It doesn't matter if 100% of Americans agree with denying guns to those on the no-fly list. Why write laws that will solve absolutely nothing?

Our gun violence crisis will not be solved with any single law

It will take multiple laws to close off criminal access to guns one venue at a time

We already have all of those laws.

Specifically state what is not already law or covered by an existing law.
And about those background checks. Now, before I got my CCW from about 2010 I would get a "hold" on my purchase when ever I went to buy a gun. Never knew why, but it was always fixed by the next day. Did a credit check and found that I had a mortgage. I know I never had one, but it turns out the credit agencies just tossed the guy on my report. That was fixed and since I put my full name on the yellow paper I don't get a hold on my gun buys. So, if the feds can hint up my buying gun, yet a Muslim nutter who was all over the Internet saying he was going to all but kill in the name of Allah, how the hell could the feds NOT deny this dude a gun for at least 3 days?
85% of Americans support denying guns to those on the no-fly list

When given the opportunity to do something about it, Republicans vote to go on vacation

It doesn't matter if 100% of Americans agree with denying guns to those on the no-fly list. Why write laws that will solve absolutely nothing?

Our gun violence crisis will not be solved with any single law

It will take multiple laws to close off criminal access to guns one venue at a time

We already have all of those laws.

Specifically state what is not already law or covered by an existing law.
We have all those laws cowritten by the NRA to ensure that they have enough loopholes to keep the flow of guns going
85% of Americans support denying guns to those on the no-fly list

When given the opportunity to do something about it, Republicans vote to go on vacation

It doesn't matter if 100% of Americans agree with denying guns to those on the no-fly list. Why write laws that will solve absolutely nothing?

Our gun violence crisis will not be solved with any single law

It will take multiple laws to close off criminal access to guns one venue at a time

We already have all of those laws.

Specifically state what is not already law or covered by an existing law.
We have all those laws cowritten by the NRA to ensure that they have enough loopholes to keep the flow of guns going
Loopholes again.

Please elaborate!
And the Sergeant at Arms would have a field day with them if he were let loose. I bet you wouldn't be so happy if the shoe was on the other foot.

I would love for the Sergeant at Arms to be "let loose"...

Only da gubermint should have guns, ain't that right Lakhota? Because this corporate gubermint needs to micro-manage every aspect of your pathetic existence, no??

Really? Well, I have lots of guns and plan to keep them.

Your beloved corporate gubermint owned by international bankers have other ideas about that. Are you willing to stand up and fight to keep them or will you fold like a cheap chair when the rule from on high comes down telling you have to turn them all in?

Even though you're a NaziCon lunatic, I will lower myself enough to answer you. I, like most responsible hunters and gun enthusiasts, want reasonable gun control measures. I want universal background checks and a ban on all assault-style weapons. I want a limit on clip/magazine capacity. I want people with mental problems to be prevent from owning firearms. I want the National Instant Criminal Background Check System to be accurate and current.
This poster is a good example of the I want crowd.just the people that the founding fathers put the 2nd in place.
You don't get to pull the I want scam.
After reading your posts,its apparent you don't own a gun,and would lie about it,or anything else to advance your partisian ways.
85% of Americans support denying guns to those on the no-fly list

When given the opportunity to do something about it, Republicans vote to go on vacation

It doesn't matter if 100% of Americans agree with denying guns to those on the no-fly list. Why write laws that will solve absolutely nothing?

Our gun violence crisis will not be solved with any single law

It will take multiple laws to close off criminal access to guns one venue at a time

We already have all of those laws.

Specifically state what is not already law or covered by an existing law.
We have all those laws cowritten by the NRA to ensure that they have enough loopholes to keep the flow of guns going
Loopholes again.

Please elaborate!
Let's see..

No background checks on private sales, no way to register sales, no requirements for licensing, no traceability of ammo, no studies on gun violence, no weapons with owner ID
It doesn't matter if 100% of Americans agree with denying guns to those on the no-fly list. Why write laws that will solve absolutely nothing?

Our gun violence crisis will not be solved with any single law

It will take multiple laws to close off criminal access to guns one venue at a time

We already have all of those laws.

Specifically state what is not already law or covered by an existing law.
We have all those laws cowritten by the NRA to ensure that they have enough loopholes to keep the flow of guns going
Loopholes again.

Please elaborate!
Let's see..

No background checks on private sales, no way to register sales, no requirements for licensing, no traceability of ammo, no studies on gun violence, no weapons with owner ID
So you want firearm registration?

No requirement for licensing? Do we license criminals who steal firearms?

I had to qualify in 3 states for HQL. Criminals don't and won't.

How do you trace ammo. On most occasions I make my own.

There have been multiple studies on gun violence.

Criminals don't care about studies on the violence they commit.
Our gun violence crisis will not be solved with any single law

It will take multiple laws to close off criminal access to guns one venue at a time

We already have all of those laws.

Specifically state what is not already law or covered by an existing law.
We have all those laws cowritten by the NRA to ensure that they have enough loopholes to keep the flow of guns going
Loopholes again.

Please elaborate!
Let's see..

No background checks on private sales, no way to register sales, no requirements for licensing, no traceability of ammo, no studies on gun violence, no weapons with owner ID
So you want firearm registration?

No requirement for licensing? Do we license criminals who steal firearms?

I had to qualify in 3 states for HQL. Criminals don't and won't.

How do you trace ammo. On most occasions I make my own.

There have been multiple studies on gun violence.

Criminals don't care about studies on the violence they commit.
Register your gun
Report who you sold it to
License gun owners
Add markers to ammo
And who are you to decide?

You didn't answer my question.

What benefit are we getting out of letting you nuts all own guns that counterbalances 33,000 deaths and 70,000 injuries, every year?

for instance, we have a lot of car accidents, but we counterbalance that by the fact that those cars get people to work, move materials and people around as needed. The economic benefit of the auto industry outweighs the loss of life in car accidents or the rare occasion someone goes nuts and runs someone down. That doesn't mean we don't spend a lot of money making cars safer, by limiting who can have them, limiting where they can be driven and designing them to be less likely to crash or protect the people inside them better.

So what's the vast benefit of widespread gun ownership?

Well, DGU's don't really happen. We've already established a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy.

And the benefit of "I done wants my gun so I cans overthrows the government, Cleetus!" is utter horseshit. The government has nukes and bombers and tanks. You ain't going to overthrow the government with your AR-15.
And what is a comprehensive background check?

All background checks are comprehensive.

The information is the same, for all citizens, on the same forms.

If they couldn't find out what a nut Omar Mateen was, then they weren't comprehensive.

Or Adam Lanza. Or James "Joker" Holmes. Or Cho at VA Tech.

The thing was, when the press started looking into these guys, they found out who they were and how nutty they are within hours.

We already have all of those laws.

Specifically state what is not already law or covered by an existing law.
We have all those laws cowritten by the NRA to ensure that they have enough loopholes to keep the flow of guns going
Loopholes again.

Please elaborate!
Let's see..

No background checks on private sales, no way to register sales, no requirements for licensing, no traceability of ammo, no studies on gun violence, no weapons with owner ID
So you want firearm registration?

No requirement for licensing? Do we license criminals who steal firearms?

I had to qualify in 3 states for HQL. Criminals don't and won't.

How do you trace ammo. On most occasions I make my own.

There have been multiple studies on gun violence.

Criminals don't care about studies on the violence they commit.
Register your gun
Report who you sold it to
License gun owners
Add markers to ammo

What I own is no business of "da gubermint"....get it?
Register your gun
Report who you sold it to
License gun owners
Add markers to ammo

In other words, more government. Because as we all know, more government solves all problems.

I have a simpler solution. Make the gun industry responsible for background checks, and allow them to be sued by anyone who is injured or killed by someone who got past them.

Simple enough solution to the problem.

I'm pretty sure if Bushmaster was going to get 49 lawsuits from Orlando, they'd have found out who Omar Mateen was.
And what is a comprehensive background check?

All background checks are comprehensive.

The information is the same, for all citizens, on the same forms.

If they couldn't find out what a nut Omar Mateen was, then they weren't comprehensive.

Or Adam Lanza. Or James "Joker" Holmes. Or Cho at VA Tech.

The thing was, when the press started looking into these guys, they found out who they were and how nutty they are within hours.

Adam Lanza killed no one because no one died at Sandy Hook. James Holmes was a patsy that was found drooling by a car and was easily taken into custody even though he was allegedly "armed to the hilt" a day and age where police shoot unarmed civilians for not raising their hands quick enough, don't you find it odd that Holmes was so easily subdued with no force? Of course you don't...because you have no critical thinking skills.
What I own is no business of "da gubermint"....get it?

Sorry, dude, not an argument you can make. THere's a shitload of thing the government says you can't own.

Who is the "government' anyway? It's all of us.

No, your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity with 185,000 subsidiaries all of which can be found on Dun and Bradstreet. This "for profit" entity that provides the 19 essential "gubermint" services in this "for profit venture" is currently owned by the IMF (International Monetary Fund). You don't have diddly squat to say about "policy" at you need more schooling on this?????
Adam Lanza killed no one because no one died at Sandy Hook. James Holmes was a patsy that was found drooling by a car and was easily taken into custody even though he was allegedly "armed to the hilt" a day and age where police shoot unarmed civilians for not raising their hands quick enough, don't you find it odd that Holmes was so easily subdued with no force? Of course you don't...because you have no critical thinking skills.

well, I don't have a nice thinking cap like you have.


"Protects against Chem Trails AND Government Mind control"

Of course the cops didn't shoot Holmes. He's white. The cops don't shoot white people. They have lawyers.

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