To the House Democrats sitting on the floor

I don't have a fetish Joe.

My possession and use of weapons come with my job description.

I know this upsets you but you'll just have to get over it, somehow.

Oh, okay...

Lame argument?

I believe it is a Constitutional right. Nothing you can do to disarm us. That is your intention.

Disarming people is a lot easier than you think. If you think your neighbors aren't ready to rat you out at a moments notice, you are delusional.
You're delusional if you think my neighbors are concerned about my ownership of weapons and want to rat me out.

My neighbors are owners as well. You think I'm the only one in the neighborhood with firearms?

Yep. Delusional.
You're delusional if you think my neighbors are concerned about my ownership of weapons and want to rat me out.

My neighbors are owners as well. You think I'm the only one in the neighborhood with firearms?

Yep. Delusional.

Only 22% of Americans own guns. But I'm sure that when it comes down to it, even a lot of gun owners are scared of people like you who can't stop talking about your guns.
You're delusional if you think my neighbors are concerned about my ownership of weapons and want to rat me out.

My neighbors are owners as well. You think I'm the only one in the neighborhood with firearms?

Yep. Delusional.

Only 22% of Americans own guns. But I'm sure that when it comes down to it, even a lot of gun owners are scared of people like you who can't stop talking about your guns.
I'll ask the gun owners if they are scared when I go to the range tomorrow.

We wouldn't be talking about our firearms. But you progressives won't stop talking about taking our firearms.

You really are paranoid Joe.
the people's will is that 95% of americans support more stringent background checks.

The "people's will" was sitting on that floor doing jackshit for 12 hours.

100% of Americans want Congress to do their job, not whine and pout like toddlers who got rejected by mommy in the toy aisle.

yes. idiots said that when there were sit-ins to end the vietnam war and to end segregation, too. it only offends the people who love the status quo.

that's why we laugh at you.

no. 100% of americans DO NOT want congress to do it's job. rightwingnuts want them to do nothing.... like they've been doing for almost 6 years. so stop pretending.
selfish to hold up legislation? what legislation? the bill that the GOP passed that night to make sure that investment advisors have no fiduciary responsibility to their investors.

And let's remember that the 26 people on that floor were gun owners themselves. Massive hypocrites all. And you jillian have no respect for legislative process.

But hey, let's dispense with civility, shall we? Let's not get any legislation passed by sitting on the floor Indian-style like Ms. Jane's Pre-K class! Let's forget that the bill they wanted passed was rejected by the Senate, by both Democrats and Republicans!

You have this issue backwards. You can't carry out the will of the people sitting on the fucking floor. End of story.

you have the issue backwards. it's not about gun ownership. that's why you wackos don't understand the issue. it's about access to guns by people who shouldn't be allowed to get them. over 90% of this country want stricter background checks. the GOP, being bought and purchased by the NRA do nothing that the PEOPLE want. brainwashed wingers like you have it backwards.

now go cuddle your guns.
you have the issue backwards. it's not about gun ownership. that's why you wackos don't understand the issue. it's about access to guns by people who shouldn't be allowed to get them. over 90% of this country want stricter background checks. the GOP, being bought and purchased by the NRA do nothing that the PEOPLE want. brainwashed wingers like you have it backwards.

now go cuddle your guns.

Yes it is about gun ownership. What you don't understand is the steps liberals want to take to get there.

The Orlando shooter DID go through those precious background checks you want. He even worked for a company that provided services to our federal government. And trust me, the government checks out their workers as well. Guess what? He legally purchased guns with those background checks.

So when this background check thing doesn't work, liberals will say "Oh, that isn't harsh enough. Let's go to the next step" and this is how it all starts.
And let's remember that the 26 people on that floor were gun owners themselves. Massive hypocrites all. And you jillian have no respect for legislative process.

But hey, let's dispense with civility, shall we? Let's not get any legislation passed by sitting on the floor Indian-style like Ms. Jane's Pre-K class! Let's forget that the bill they wanted passed was rejected by the Senate, by both Democrats and Republicans!

You have this issue backwards. You can't carry out the will of the people sitting on the fucking floor. End of story.

And the thing is, I'm sure they have fire hoses in that place. That would have cleared them out real quick. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
well, no, I don't know that. In fact, I would go so far to say that it's unlikely.

I do know every time we have one of these mass shooting - nearly every fucking time - the guns were acquired legally and usually within days of the shooting by either the shooter or a relative of the shooter...

And there you go, by a relative of the shooter. Now that wasn't so hard, was it?

So we create laws that hassle citizens who are legally allowed to own firearms and that's supposed to stop those who can't, but get them stolen or from a straw purchaser.
After you sell the gun and report the sale, you are off the hook

If it turns out you sold your gun to a criminal and never checked or recorded the are in deep doo doo

Check? Check what?

In any case, the criminal still has the gun. You don't know if he's going to do another Sandy Hook, you don't know if he was just a simple felon looking for a weapon to protect his home.

Bottom line: it doesn't solve any problems.
Yes it is about gun ownership. What you don't understand is the steps liberals want to take to get there.

The Orlando shooter DID go through those precious background checks you want. He even worked for a company that provided services to our federal government. And trust me, the government checks out their workers as well. Guess what? He legally purchased guns with those background checks.

So when this background check thing doesn't work, liberals will say "Oh, that isn't harsh enough. Let's go to the next step" and this is how it all starts.

Then the background checks are inadequate.

Here's the thing. within 24 hours of his death, we found out that this guy was both a closeted homosexual and had made comments about Jihad. We know he had been acting kind of weird since fucking GRADE SCHOOL. all these things were found out when someone bothered TO LOOK.

So how about looking before someone buys a gun like that?
And there you go, by a relative of the shooter. Now that wasn't so hard, was it?

So we create laws that hassle citizens who are legally allowed to own firearms and that's supposed to stop those who can't, but get them stolen or from a straw purchaser.

1) Send the Straw Purchaser to prison as an accomplice
2) Make sure you are checking into the straw purchaser's suspicious activity, like buying a lot of guns.
3) Hold gun shops civilly responsible for their actions.

That's how you stop straw purchasers.

Or better yet. Stop selling guns altogether. that will also work.
1) Send the Straw Purchaser to prison as an accomplice
2) Make sure you are checking into the straw purchaser's suspicious activity, like buying a lot of guns.
3) Hold gun shops civilly responsible for their actions.

That's how you stop straw purchasers.

Or better yet. Stop selling guns altogether. that will also work.

1) how does the government prove said buyer was a straw purchaser?

2) How is a gun seller supposed to know what other guns said purchaser bought from other stores in the past? And if you say government, then we are talking about the most intrusive personal act government can possibly do such as watch everything you're buying.

You people had such a huge problem with the Patriot Act and the surveillance actions when listening to your phone calls or scanning your emails, but now you have no problem with government watching every gun sale.

3) Holding gun shops responsible for their actions. What actions? Legally selling a firearm? If so, then why not hold Chevy or Ford responsible when one of their customers kills somebody in a DUI?

1) how does the government prove said buyer was a straw purchaser?

2) How is a gun seller supposed to know what other guns said purchaser bought from other stores in the past? And if you say government, then we are talking about the most intrusive personal act government can possibly do such as watch everything you're buying.

You people had such a huge problem with the Patriot Act and the surveillance actions when listening to your phone calls or scanning your emails, but now you have no problem with government watching every gun sale.

3) Holding gun shops responsible for their actions. What actions? Legally selling a firearm? If so, then why not hold Chevy or Ford responsible when one of their customers kills somebody in a DUI?

1) He bought the gun and someone else used it. That was easy.
2) I have no problem with the government watching every gun sale, if they do it well. The problem is right now they are doing it badly.
3) We already DO hold bar owners civilly responsible if they keep giving drinks to a patron they know is legally drunk.

You see, here's the thing. The law that was put on the books was after a gun store that sold the DC Sniper his weapon despite being a felon was found to have lost track of 250 weapons. so we already had a system in place to hold gun sellers responsible for their irresponsibility, until the NRA told Congress to protect them.
1) He bought the gun and someone else used it. That was easy.
2) I have no problem with the government watching every gun sale, if they do it well. The problem is right now they are doing it badly.
3) We already DO hold bar owners civilly responsible if they keep giving drinks to a patron they know is legally drunk.

Holding a bar owner liable for giving a drunk more drinks is not the same as holding a gun shop owner responsible for legally selling guns. The bar tender knows that what he's doing is dangerous whereas the gun seller has no idea what some kook who legally purchased a gun might do.

The government does everything badly which is why they shouldn't be monitoring every gun sale. Again, it was people on your side that constantly complained about government intrusion when the NSA was listening to phone calls and watching email. And even if government were watching, WTF could they do if somebody buys one gun or a dozen guns? It's none of the governments business and gun collectors and fanciers often have nearly a dozen guns or more. They are no different than people that collect coins, baseball cards, or even cars if wealthy enough. Owning a collections of guns is not indicative of anything.

Nor is there a law that states you can't loan your gun to somebody else. I've let several people borrow my guns to go to the shooting range with. For those who actually know they are buying a gun for a criminal, all they have to do is claim the criminal stole his gun. It would never stick in the court of law which states a person is innocent until proven guilty.
Oh and don't even try bringing up the GOP effort to block Obama's SCOTUS nominees, because doing so doesn't require sitting on your backside or throwing a temper tantrum to do. There's actual work involved.
How many times have we seen you sit from your chair and throw fits? Several......

Get back on topic......your elected people are literally throwing yourselves in on the floor and into a tantrum like 3 year olds in a grocery store not getting their favorite cereal. When they are not, they are around the corner in a cloak room taking "breaks" from the sit-on feasting on some of DC's finest catered food.

1) how does the government prove said buyer was a straw purchaser?

2) How is a gun seller supposed to know what other guns said purchaser bought from other stores in the past? And if you say government, then we are talking about the most intrusive personal act government can possibly do such as watch everything you're buying.

You people had such a huge problem with the Patriot Act and the surveillance actions when listening to your phone calls or scanning your emails, but now you have no problem with government watching every gun sale.

3) Holding gun shops responsible for their actions. What actions? Legally selling a firearm? If so, then why not hold Chevy or Ford responsible when one of their customers kills somebody in a DUI?

1) He bought the gun and someone else used it. That was easy.
2) I have no problem with the government watching every gun sale, if they do it well. The problem is right now they are doing it badly.
3) We already DO hold bar owners civilly responsible if they keep giving drinks to a patron they know is legally drunk.

You see, here's the thing. The law that was put on the books was after a gun store that sold the DC Sniper his weapon despite being a felon was found to have lost track of 250 weapons. so we already had a system in place to hold gun sellers responsible for their irresponsibility, until the NRA told Congress to protect them.

You do realize that if the government watches every sale and "do it well", they may need to profile. CAIR, NACCP, and the ACLU will shit themselves because they will then have to go to bat for gun rights. This will be fun. Bring it on.

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