To the NeverTrumpers....

You mean he will put tariffs on china and put us into recession? That is a good idea to you? A new tax is going to help us? Tariffs don't work and never have.
Lol, as if we are not going to have a recession already, roflmao.

Here, I will tell you what is going to happen after Trump is given the oath of office.

1. Yellin will raise interest rates and announce a high prime interest rate about 5% with 7% as a goal by the end of a two year transition. The 7% is the post WW2 average, but she knows it will start a recession.

2. The stock markets will see their prices crater, and this will destroy investment capital by the hundreds of billions USD.

3. And this in turn will cause a recession as businesses cant find the money to get a loan to expand or start their new businesses. The bankers will have lost too much of it already

4. Dupes like you will blame Trump even though he hasnt had a single item passed in a budget at all, not a single one.
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Reagan sure added to the debt. Reagan increased the debt, not decreased it.

As has every president since Andrew Jackson.
So his tax cuts added to the debt. Same as trumps will.

The same as every president's since Andrew Jackson.

Look... Presidents don't get to enforce their budget. They can submit one to Congress but it's up to the House and Senate to approve it or reject it. No one in Congress wants to make the kinds of cuts needed to balance a budget and if you're a Democrat, you sure as hell don't want that. This is one reason many people are talking about an Article V convention of the states to adopt a Balanced Budget Amendment.

Reagan lobbied for a Balanced Budget Amendment and probably could have balanced a budget if he had the line item veto. But it's a little bit stupid to point your finger at Reagan and complain that he didn't balance the budget... no president since Andrew Jackson has.

Clinton had a balanced budget. Bush messed it up, but the numbers were there. You can't balance a budget with cutting taxes. And you sure can't balance a budget by starting a recession with tariffs.
So his tax cuts added to the debt.

No... Again, go to the Treasury Dept. website and see for yourself. Reagan's tax cuts resulted in doubling the tax revenues. It was not the tax cuts that added to the debt, it was the spending. You still have your head up your ass thinking tax cuts add debt. That's just not true.

Economic growth added to revenue. And with all the spending going on you can't say the growth was because of the tax cuts. The growth was fueled by spending. Bush gave tax cuts, but put us into a recession.
You mean he will put tariffs on china and put us into recession? That is a good idea to you? A new tax is going to help us? Tariffs don't work and never have.
Lol, as if we are not going to have a recession already, roflmao.

Here, I will tell yhou what is going to happen after Trump is given the oath of office.

1. Yellin will raise interest rates and announce a high prime interest rate about 5% with 7% as a goal by the end of a two year transition. The 7% is the post WW2 average, but she knows it will start a recession.

2. The stock markets will see their prices crater, and this will destroy investment capital by the hundreds of billions USD.

3. And this in turn will cause a recession as businesses cant find the money to get a loan to expand or start their new businesses. The bankers will have lost too much of it already

4. Dupes like you will blame Trump even though he hasnt had a single item passed in a budget at all, not a single one.

All economic factors are good right now. Everything says the economy is healthy. Quite the imagination you have.
All economic factors are good right now. Everything says the economy is healthy. Quite the imagination you have.
Are you an idiot? Did I say the economy was bad?

No, I did not, I was speaking of Yellin raising interest rates which a good economy MAKES MORE LIKELY, moron.
All economic factors are good right now. Everything says the economy is healthy. Quite the imagination you have.
Are you an idiot? Did I say the economy was bad?

No, I did not, I was speaking of Yellin raising interest rates which a good economy MAKES MORE LIKELY, moron.

You seem to be the moron if you are supporting trump and his idiotic policies. Some things could be improved, but we are doing quite well all things considered. Tariffs will just put us in recession. Tax breaks will just add to the debt. A wall will be a waste of time. What is it he wants to do that you like so much?
Donald Trump Would Boost Debt More Than Hillary Clinton, Report Says

A new analysis estimates Hillary Clinton’s tax and spending proposals would have a relatively modest effect on the national debt, while Donald Trump’s fiscal plans would sharply boost deficits and the debt over the next decade.

If you are fiscally responsible, Hillary is the way to go.
Clintonista studies are not worth the horse shit that they are printed with.

That's funny given how well everything went under Bill Clinton:
Welfare reform
Strong economy
Decreased crime
Balanced budget
No stupid wars

I'll take some more of that.
All economic factors are good right now. Everything says the economy is healthy. Quite the imagination you have.
Are you an idiot? Did I say the economy was bad?

No, I did not, I was speaking of Yellin raising interest rates which a good economy MAKES MORE LIKELY, moron.

You seem to be the moron if you are supporting trump and his idiotic policies. Some things could be improved, but we are doing quite well all things considered. Tariffs will just put us in recession. Tax breaks will just add to the debt. A wall will be a waste of time. What is it he wants to do that you like so much?
So you duck responding on your specific anti-factual nonsense and pivot to throwing generic bullshit.

You are stupid.

And tariffs will not put us into a recession retard.
All economic factors are good right now. Everything says the economy is healthy. Quite the imagination you have.
Are you an idiot? Did I say the economy was bad?

No, I did not, I was speaking of Yellin raising interest rates which a good economy MAKES MORE LIKELY, moron.

You seem to be the moron if you are supporting trump and his idiotic policies. Some things could be improved, but we are doing quite well all things considered. Tariffs will just put us in recession. Tax breaks will just add to the debt. A wall will be a waste of time. What is it he wants to do that you like so much?
So you duck responding on your specific anti-factual nonsense and pivot to throwing generic bullshit.

You are stupid.

And tariffs will not put us into a recession retard.

You obviously do not understand economics.

Many blame the great depression on tariffs.

Those Reagan tariffs Trump loves to talk about

But trade experts argue the tariffs also cost U.S. jobs, increased prices and forced manufacturers to pay more.

"The answer is not to erect higher barriers -- in the long run, it's not going to work, it makes us worse off," says Clifford Winston, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution. Trump's tariffs are "certainly not the answer to any employment losses."

Everything Trump Says About Trade With China Is Wrong

First, the entire premise of Trump’s plan to retaliate against China is erroneous. Trump cites the U.S.-China trade deficit as proof that the dominant Chinese, via pernicious currency manipulation, are taking weak America’s manufacturing jobs, thereby justifying his tariff plans.

However, as I explained in The Federalist last fall, the U.S. manufacturing sector has been (until the last month or so) setting production (and export!) records, and almost 90 percent of the decline in U.S. manufacturing jobs between 2000 and 2010 was caused by productivity gains (robots and computers), rather than import competition.

In fact, a recent Ball State study found that, “Had we kept 2000-levels of productivity and applied them to 2010-levels of production, we would have required 20.9 million manufacturing workers. Instead, we employed only 12.1 million.” So unless Trump wants to destroy all the robots, those jobs just aren’t coming back, tariff or not.

Furthermore, the idea that the U.S.-China trade balance proves that we’re “losing” at trade is the height of economic ignorance. For one thing, there’s actually a strong correlation between U.S. economic growth and an expanding U.S. trade deficit. As Cato’s
All economic factors are good right now. Everything says the economy is healthy. Quite the imagination you have.
Are you an idiot? Did I say the economy was bad?

No, I did not, I was speaking of Yellin raising interest rates which a good economy MAKES MORE LIKELY, moron.

You seem to be the moron if you are supporting trump and his idiotic policies. Some things could be improved, but we are doing quite well all things considered. Tariffs will just put us in recession. Tax breaks will just add to the debt. A wall will be a waste of time. What is it he wants to do that you like so much?
So you duck responding on your specific anti-factual nonsense and pivot to throwing generic bullshit.

You are stupid.

And tariffs will not put us into a recession retard.

You obviously do not understand economics.

Many blame the great depression on tariffs.

Those Reagan tariffs Trump loves to talk about

But trade experts argue the tariffs also cost U.S. jobs, increased prices and forced manufacturers to pay more.

"The answer is not to erect higher barriers -- in the long run, it's not going to work, it makes us worse off," says Clifford Winston, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution. Trump's tariffs are "certainly not the answer to any employment losses."

Everything Trump Says About Trade With China Is Wrong

First, the entire premise of Trump’s plan to retaliate against China is erroneous. Trump cites the U.S.-China trade deficit as proof that the dominant Chinese, via pernicious currency manipulation, are taking weak America’s manufacturing jobs, thereby justifying his tariff plans.

However, as I explained in The Federalist last fall, the U.S. manufacturing sector has been (until the last month or so) setting production (and export!) records, and almost 90 percent of the decline in U.S. manufacturing jobs between 2000 and 2010 was caused by productivity gains (robots and computers), rather than import competition.

In fact, a recent Ball State study found that, “Had we kept 2000-levels of productivity and applied them to 2010-levels of production, we would have required 20.9 million manufacturing workers. Instead, we employed only 12.1 million.” So unless Trump wants to destroy all the robots, those jobs just aren’t coming back, tariff or not.

Furthermore, the idea that the U.S.-China trade balance proves that we’re “losing” at trade is the height of economic ignorance. For one thing, there’s actually a strong correlation between U.S. economic growth and an expanding U.S. trade deficit. As Cato’s
Immigration and the Wage Race to the Bottom
Trump Trade Plan Could Push U.S. into Recession, Study Says
WASHINGTON—Imposing stiff tariffs on China and Mexico, as Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has proposed, could push the U.S. into recession and cost 5 million U.S. jobs, according to a study by the Peterson Institute for International Economics.
More horse shit from some Clintonista rag, fuck them

Why do you think the WTO has provisions for countries to have tariffs placed against them if they cheat in trade with currency manipulation, product dumping, etc?

So they can blow up the world?

You are a fucking idiot.
All economic factors are good right now. Everything says the economy is healthy. Quite the imagination you have.
Are you an idiot? Did I say the economy was bad?

No, I did not, I was speaking of Yellin raising interest rates which a good economy MAKES MORE LIKELY, moron.

You seem to be the moron if you are supporting trump and his idiotic policies. Some things could be improved, but we are doing quite well all things considered. Tariffs will just put us in recession. Tax breaks will just add to the debt. A wall will be a waste of time. What is it he wants to do that you like so much?
So you duck responding on your specific anti-factual nonsense and pivot to throwing generic bullshit.

You are stupid.

And tariffs will not put us into a recession retard.

You obviously do not understand economics.

Many blame the great depression on tariffs.

Those Reagan tariffs Trump loves to talk about

But trade experts argue the tariffs also cost U.S. jobs, increased prices and forced manufacturers to pay more.

"The answer is not to erect higher barriers -- in the long run, it's not going to work, it makes us worse off," says Clifford Winston, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution. Trump's tariffs are "certainly not the answer to any employment losses."

Everything Trump Says About Trade With China Is Wrong

First, the entire premise of Trump’s plan to retaliate against China is erroneous. Trump cites the U.S.-China trade deficit as proof that the dominant Chinese, via pernicious currency manipulation, are taking weak America’s manufacturing jobs, thereby justifying his tariff plans.

However, as I explained in The Federalist last fall, the U.S. manufacturing sector has been (until the last month or so) setting production (and export!) records, and almost 90 percent of the decline in U.S. manufacturing jobs between 2000 and 2010 was caused by productivity gains (robots and computers), rather than import competition.

In fact, a recent Ball State study found that, “Had we kept 2000-levels of productivity and applied them to 2010-levels of production, we would have required 20.9 million manufacturing workers. Instead, we employed only 12.1 million.” So unless Trump wants to destroy all the robots, those jobs just aren’t coming back, tariff or not.

Furthermore, the idea that the U.S.-China trade balance proves that we’re “losing” at trade is the height of economic ignorance. For one thing, there’s actually a strong correlation between U.S. economic growth and an expanding U.S. trade deficit. As Cato’s
Immigration and the Wage Race to the Bottom

I scanned that and see just a bunch of opinion. Is there something worth reading you can quote?
Trump Trade Plan Could Push U.S. into Recession, Study Says
WASHINGTON—Imposing stiff tariffs on China and Mexico, as Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has proposed, could push the U.S. into recession and cost 5 million U.S. jobs, according to a study by the Peterson Institute for International Economics.
More horse shit from some Clintonista rag, fuck them

Why do you think the WTO has provisions for countries to have tariffs placed against them if they cheat in trade with currency manipulation, product dumping, etc?

So they can blow up the world?

You are a fucking idiot.

Ah the crazy conspiracy guy with the tinfoil hat refuses to believe any facts. Are you legally crazy? Since you don't get your economic information from economists, do you get it from bigfoot?
Are you an idiot? Did I say the economy was bad?

No, I did not, I was speaking of Yellin raising interest rates which a good economy MAKES MORE LIKELY, moron.

You seem to be the moron if you are supporting trump and his idiotic policies. Some things could be improved, but we are doing quite well all things considered. Tariffs will just put us in recession. Tax breaks will just add to the debt. A wall will be a waste of time. What is it he wants to do that you like so much?
So you duck responding on your specific anti-factual nonsense and pivot to throwing generic bullshit.

You are stupid.

And tariffs will not put us into a recession retard.

You obviously do not understand economics.

Many blame the great depression on tariffs.

Those Reagan tariffs Trump loves to talk about

But trade experts argue the tariffs also cost U.S. jobs, increased prices and forced manufacturers to pay more.

"The answer is not to erect higher barriers -- in the long run, it's not going to work, it makes us worse off," says Clifford Winston, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution. Trump's tariffs are "certainly not the answer to any employment losses."

Everything Trump Says About Trade With China Is Wrong

First, the entire premise of Trump’s plan to retaliate against China is erroneous. Trump cites the U.S.-China trade deficit as proof that the dominant Chinese, via pernicious currency manipulation, are taking weak America’s manufacturing jobs, thereby justifying his tariff plans.

However, as I explained in The Federalist last fall, the U.S. manufacturing sector has been (until the last month or so) setting production (and export!) records, and almost 90 percent of the decline in U.S. manufacturing jobs between 2000 and 2010 was caused by productivity gains (robots and computers), rather than import competition.

In fact, a recent Ball State study found that, “Had we kept 2000-levels of productivity and applied them to 2010-levels of production, we would have required 20.9 million manufacturing workers. Instead, we employed only 12.1 million.” So unless Trump wants to destroy all the robots, those jobs just aren’t coming back, tariff or not.

Furthermore, the idea that the U.S.-China trade balance proves that we’re “losing” at trade is the height of economic ignorance. For one thing, there’s actually a strong correlation between U.S. economic growth and an expanding U.S. trade deficit. As Cato’s
Immigration and the Wage Race to the Bottom

I scanned that and see just a bunch of opinion. Is there something worth reading you can quote?

Lol, no, you can continue masturbating your brain, dumbass.
Trump Trade Plan Could Push U.S. into Recession, Study Says
WASHINGTON—Imposing stiff tariffs on China and Mexico, as Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has proposed, could push the U.S. into recession and cost 5 million U.S. jobs, according to a study by the Peterson Institute for International Economics.
More horse shit from some Clintonista rag, fuck them

Why do you think the WTO has provisions for countries to have tariffs placed against them if they cheat in trade with currency manipulation, product dumping, etc?

So they can blow up the world?

You are a fucking idiot.

Ah the crazy conspiracy guy with the tinfoil hat refuses to believe any facts. Are you legally crazy? Since you don't get your economic information from economists, do you get it from bigfoot?
Lol, you think people actually fall for that shit?

BTW, welcome to my ignore list.
You seem to be the moron if you are supporting trump and his idiotic policies. Some things could be improved, but we are doing quite well all things considered. Tariffs will just put us in recession. Tax breaks will just add to the debt. A wall will be a waste of time. What is it he wants to do that you like so much?
So you duck responding on your specific anti-factual nonsense and pivot to throwing generic bullshit.

You are stupid.

And tariffs will not put us into a recession retard.

You obviously do not understand economics.

Many blame the great depression on tariffs.

Those Reagan tariffs Trump loves to talk about

But trade experts argue the tariffs also cost U.S. jobs, increased prices and forced manufacturers to pay more.

"The answer is not to erect higher barriers -- in the long run, it's not going to work, it makes us worse off," says Clifford Winston, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution. Trump's tariffs are "certainly not the answer to any employment losses."

Everything Trump Says About Trade With China Is Wrong

First, the entire premise of Trump’s plan to retaliate against China is erroneous. Trump cites the U.S.-China trade deficit as proof that the dominant Chinese, via pernicious currency manipulation, are taking weak America’s manufacturing jobs, thereby justifying his tariff plans.

However, as I explained in The Federalist last fall, the U.S. manufacturing sector has been (until the last month or so) setting production (and export!) records, and almost 90 percent of the decline in U.S. manufacturing jobs between 2000 and 2010 was caused by productivity gains (robots and computers), rather than import competition.

In fact, a recent Ball State study found that, “Had we kept 2000-levels of productivity and applied them to 2010-levels of production, we would have required 20.9 million manufacturing workers. Instead, we employed only 12.1 million.” So unless Trump wants to destroy all the robots, those jobs just aren’t coming back, tariff or not.

Furthermore, the idea that the U.S.-China trade balance proves that we’re “losing” at trade is the height of economic ignorance. For one thing, there’s actually a strong correlation between U.S. economic growth and an expanding U.S. trade deficit. As Cato’s
Immigration and the Wage Race to the Bottom

I scanned that and see just a bunch of opinion. Is there something worth reading you can quote?

Lol, no, you can continue masturbating your brain, dumbass.

So there is nothing of value in your link. I didn't think so.
Trump Trade Plan Could Push U.S. into Recession, Study Says
WASHINGTON—Imposing stiff tariffs on China and Mexico, as Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has proposed, could push the U.S. into recession and cost 5 million U.S. jobs, according to a study by the Peterson Institute for International Economics.
More horse shit from some Clintonista rag, fuck them

Why do you think the WTO has provisions for countries to have tariffs placed against them if they cheat in trade with currency manipulation, product dumping, etc?

So they can blow up the world?

You are a fucking idiot.

Ah the crazy conspiracy guy with the tinfoil hat refuses to believe any facts. Are you legally crazy? Since you don't get your economic information from economists, do you get it from bigfoot?
Lol, you think people actually fall for that shit?

BTW, welcome to my ignore list.

Well the crazy guy who gets his economics from bigfoot is going to ignore me. What a shame.

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