To the NeverTrumpers....

Okay, I get it... really, I do! I have probably been as critical of Trump as any Conservative here. I don't like some of his policy ideas, I think they would be terrible for America and I absolutely abhor his obnoxious Alt-Right supporters. I think he is a terrible Christian role model, he is petty and vindictive, he says some awful and nasty things to people, he doesn't convey contrition or humility and he seems to think he never does anything wrong. He is an arrogant smart ass who has no regard for those who oppose him or even question him critically... So I totally get what you don't like about him.

That said, I hear many of the NeverTrumpers rail on and on about what a catastrophe a Clinton presidency would be and how we cannot elect this woman president! But the thing is... this is a binary choice... if he doesn't win, she does win! Is this not being comprehended or something? I listen to people like Glenn Beck and Ben Shapiro go on and on for 45 minutes ranting about how awful Hillary Clinton is... how absolutely deplorable she is and how much of a nightmare it would be for her to win the election... but they're not going to vote for Trump.

So what do they think is going to happen? Because, the scenario where neither of them win is not going to happen. As much as we may wish that to be a reality in this universe, it's just not going to turn out that way. Trump will win or Hillary will win. You need to decide which one you want to win the least and vote for the other one. I'm still on the fence, I think it will be terrible for either one to win but I realize one of them is going to win. My inner-debate is whether it is worse for Trump to win or worse for Hillary to win. I'm still flipping that horrible pancake over and over but I am leaning toward voting for Trump.... just because she is so horribly corrupt and I fear, a danger to our republic. Her running mate is such a total nutball he makes Bernie look rational.

Trump, for all his faults, has said some things that I agree with. His strong position on dealing with illegal immigration is in line with my viewpoint. Whether he can pull it off or not, what he is saying he will do is a positive to me. It's better than what we've gotten from any Republican or Democrat yet. He also has some great plans for education and returning it to the states... something I've advocated for years and no Republican or Democrat has even been willing to address. He says he plans to cut corporate tax rates.. .again, something I've long advocated and support. So just on those things alone, I find myself more in line with Trump than Hillary, who I totally oppose on everything.

We are less than a week away, and I understand you have your principles but it's time to really think about this and set aside personality differences. If you had rather cling to your principles and see Hillary elected, that's fine... I understand completely. But don't bitch and complain that Hillary cannot be elected because THAT is precisely what is going to happen if Trump doesn't win.
I have to admit that I'm wavering a bit on Hillary and may end up voting third party, not sure.

But that said, what Hillary vs. Trump boils down to me is the crook vs. the buffoon. And I think a crook would be less destructive to the country. Trump just shouldn't be in there.

Terrible vs. terrible.
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Okay, I get it... really, I do! I have probably been as critical of Trump as any Conservative here. I don't like some of his policy ideas, I think they would be terrible for America and I absolutely abhor his obnoxious Alt-Right supporters. I think he is a terrible Christian role model, he is petty and vindictive, he says some awful and nasty things to people, he doesn't convey contrition or humility and he seems to think he never does anything wrong. He is an arrogant smart ass who has no regard for those who oppose him or even question him critically... So I totally get what you don't like about him.

That said, I hear many of the NeverTrumpers rail on and on about what a catastrophe a Clinton presidency would be and how we cannot elect this woman president! But the thing is... this is a binary choice... if he doesn't win, she does win! Is this not being comprehended or something? I listen to people like Glenn Beck and Ben Shapiro go on and on for 45 minutes ranting about how awful Hillary Clinton is... how absolutely deplorable she is and how much of a nightmare it would be for her to win the election... but they're not going to vote for Trump.

So what do they think is going to happen? Because, the scenario where neither of them win is not going to happen. As much as we may wish that to be a reality in this universe, it's just not going to turn out that way. Trump will win or Hillary will win. You need to decide which one you want to win the least and vote for the other one. I'm still on the fence, I think it will be terrible for either one to win but I realize one of them is going to win. My inner-debate is whether it is worse for Trump to win or worse for Hillary to win. I'm still flipping that horrible pancake over and over but I am leaning toward voting for Trump.... just because she is so horribly corrupt and I fear, a danger to our republic. Her running mate is such a total nutball he makes Bernie look rational.

Trump, for all his faults, has said some things that I agree with. His strong position on dealing with illegal immigration is in line with my viewpoint. Whether he can pull it off or not, what he is saying he will do is a positive to me. It's better than what we've gotten from any Republican or Democrat yet. He also has some great plans for education and returning it to the states... something I've advocated for years and no Republican or Democrat has even been willing to address. He says he plans to cut corporate tax rates.. .again, something I've long advocated and support. So just on those things alone, I find myself more in line with Trump than Hillary, who I totally oppose on everything.

We are less than a week away, and I understand you have your principles but it's time to really think about this and set aside personality differences. If you had rather cling to your principles and see Hillary elected, that's fine... I understand completely. But don't bitch and complain that Hillary cannot be elected because THAT is precisely what is going to happen if Trump doesn't win.

I knew you'd end up voting for Trump. You are transparent like a pane of glass.
She has a record as a senator. From what I have heard that is a record of working with repubs to get things done.

Name three things she worked with republicans to get done?
One senior aide who worked in Clinton’s Senate office pointed to her work on human trafficking issues with conservatives such as Sam Brownback, the senator-turned-governor of Kansas. The aide also highlighted that she teamed up with others such as Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) on legislation that guarantees full payment of bonuses and incentives to veterans wounded in combat.

“Compromise is the secret sauce of addressing problems,” the aide said.

Former Rep. Thomas Reynolds (R-N.Y.), in a telephone interview on Tuesday, ticked off a list of accomplishments the two worked on together, including their work to save the Niagara Falls Air Reserve Station after the Pentagon threatened to close it in 2005.

No reply to this post? Shocking!
Okay, I get it... really, I do! I have probably been as critical of Trump as any Conservative here. I don't like some of his policy ideas, I think they would be terrible for America and I absolutely abhor his obnoxious Alt-Right supporters. I think he is a terrible Christian role model, he is petty and vindictive, he says some awful and nasty things to people, he doesn't convey contrition or humility and he seems to think he never does anything wrong. He is an arrogant smart ass who has no regard for those who oppose him or even question him critically... So I totally get what you don't like about him.

That said, I hear many of the NeverTrumpers rail on and on about what a catastrophe a Clinton presidency would be and how we cannot elect this woman president! But the thing is... this is a binary choice... if he doesn't win, she does win! Is this not being comprehended or something? I listen to people like Glenn Beck and Ben Shapiro go on and on for 45 minutes ranting about how awful Hillary Clinton is... how absolutely deplorable she is and how much of a nightmare it would be for her to win the election... but they're not going to vote for Trump.

So what do they think is going to happen? Because, the scenario where neither of them win is not going to happen. As much as we may wish that to be a reality in this universe, it's just not going to turn out that way. Trump will win or Hillary will win. You need to decide which one you want to win the least and vote for the other one. I'm still on the fence, I think it will be terrible for either one to win but I realize one of them is going to win. My inner-debate is whether it is worse for Trump to win or worse for Hillary to win. I'm still flipping that horrible pancake over and over but I am leaning toward voting for Trump.... just because she is so horribly corrupt and I fear, a danger to our republic. Her running mate is such a total nutball he makes Bernie look rational.

Trump, for all his faults, has said some things that I agree with. His strong position on dealing with illegal immigration is in line with my viewpoint. Whether he can pull it off or not, what he is saying he will do is a positive to me. It's better than what we've gotten from any Republican or Democrat yet. He also has some great plans for education and returning it to the states... something I've advocated for years and no Republican or Democrat has even been willing to address. He says he plans to cut corporate tax rates.. .again, something I've long advocated and support. So just on those things alone, I find myself more in line with Trump than Hillary, who I totally oppose on everything.

We are less than a week away, and I understand you have your principles but it's time to really think about this and set aside personality differences. If you had rather cling to your principles and see Hillary elected, that's fine... I understand completely. But don't bitch and complain that Hillary cannot be elected because THAT is precisely what is going to happen if Trump doesn't win.
I have to admit that I'm wavering a bit on Hillary and may end up voting third party, not sure.

But that said, what Hillary vs. Trump boils down to me is the crook vs. the buffoon. And I think a crook would be less destructive to the country. Trump just shouldn't be in there.

Terrible vs. terrible.

Yeah....if she were a crook you'd have a great point.
Okay, I get it... really, I do! I have probably been as critical of Trump as any Conservative here. I don't like some of his policy ideas, I think they would be terrible for America and I absolutely abhor his obnoxious Alt-Right supporters. I think he is a terrible Christian role model, he is petty and vindictive, he says some awful and nasty things to people, he doesn't convey contrition or humility and he seems to think he never does anything wrong. He is an arrogant smart ass who has no regard for those who oppose him or even question him critically... So I totally get what you don't like about him.

That said, I hear many of the NeverTrumpers rail on and on about what a catastrophe a Clinton presidency would be and how we cannot elect this woman president! But the thing is... this is a binary choice... if he doesn't win, she does win! Is this not being comprehended or something? I listen to people like Glenn Beck and Ben Shapiro go on and on for 45 minutes ranting about how awful Hillary Clinton is... how absolutely deplorable she is and how much of a nightmare it would be for her to win the election... but they're not going to vote for Trump.

So what do they think is going to happen? Because, the scenario where neither of them win is not going to happen. As much as we may wish that to be a reality in this universe, it's just not going to turn out that way. Trump will win or Hillary will win. You need to decide which one you want to win the least and vote for the other one. I'm still on the fence, I think it will be terrible for either one to win but I realize one of them is going to win. My inner-debate is whether it is worse for Trump to win or worse for Hillary to win. I'm still flipping that horrible pancake over and over but I am leaning toward voting for Trump.... just because she is so horribly corrupt and I fear, a danger to our republic. Her running mate is such a total nutball he makes Bernie look rational.

Trump, for all his faults, has said some things that I agree with. His strong position on dealing with illegal immigration is in line with my viewpoint. Whether he can pull it off or not, what he is saying he will do is a positive to me. It's better than what we've gotten from any Republican or Democrat yet. He also has some great plans for education and returning it to the states... something I've advocated for years and no Republican or Democrat has even been willing to address. He says he plans to cut corporate tax rates.. .again, something I've long advocated and support. So just on those things alone, I find myself more in line with Trump than Hillary, who I totally oppose on everything.

We are less than a week away, and I understand you have your principles but it's time to really think about this and set aside personality differences. If you had rather cling to your principles and see Hillary elected, that's fine... I understand completely. But don't bitch and complain that Hillary cannot be elected because THAT is precisely what is going to happen if Trump doesn't win.
I have to admit that I'm wavering a bit on Hillary and may end up voting third party, not sure.

But that said, what Hillary vs. Trump boils down to me is the crook vs. the buffoon. And I think a crook would be less destructive to the country. Trump just shouldn't be in there.

Terrible vs. terrible.

Yeah....if she were a crook you'd have a great point.
Just like Nixon, right?
Okay, I get it... really, I do! I have probably been as critical of Trump as any Conservative here. I don't like some of his policy ideas, I think they would be terrible for America and I absolutely abhor his obnoxious Alt-Right supporters. I think he is a terrible Christian role model, he is petty and vindictive, he says some awful and nasty things to people, he doesn't convey contrition or humility and he seems to think he never does anything wrong. He is an arrogant smart ass who has no regard for those who oppose him or even question him critically... So I totally get what you don't like about him.

That said, I hear many of the NeverTrumpers rail on and on about what a catastrophe a Clinton presidency would be and how we cannot elect this woman president! But the thing is... this is a binary choice... if he doesn't win, she does win! Is this not being comprehended or something? I listen to people like Glenn Beck and Ben Shapiro go on and on for 45 minutes ranting about how awful Hillary Clinton is... how absolutely deplorable she is and how much of a nightmare it would be for her to win the election... but they're not going to vote for Trump.

So what do they think is going to happen? Because, the scenario where neither of them win is not going to happen. As much as we may wish that to be a reality in this universe, it's just not going to turn out that way. Trump will win or Hillary will win. You need to decide which one you want to win the least and vote for the other one. I'm still on the fence, I think it will be terrible for either one to win but I realize one of them is going to win. My inner-debate is whether it is worse for Trump to win or worse for Hillary to win. I'm still flipping that horrible pancake over and over but I am leaning toward voting for Trump.... just because she is so horribly corrupt and I fear, a danger to our republic. Her running mate is such a total nutball he makes Bernie look rational.

Trump, for all his faults, has said some things that I agree with. His strong position on dealing with illegal immigration is in line with my viewpoint. Whether he can pull it off or not, what he is saying he will do is a positive to me. It's better than what we've gotten from any Republican or Democrat yet. He also has some great plans for education and returning it to the states... something I've advocated for years and no Republican or Democrat has even been willing to address. He says he plans to cut corporate tax rates.. .again, something I've long advocated and support. So just on those things alone, I find myself more in line with Trump than Hillary, who I totally oppose on everything.

We are less than a week away, and I understand you have your principles but it's time to really think about this and set aside personality differences. If you had rather cling to your principles and see Hillary elected, that's fine... I understand completely. But don't bitch and complain that Hillary cannot be elected because THAT is precisely what is going to happen if Trump doesn't win.
I have to admit that I'm wavering a bit on Hillary and may end up voting third party, not sure.

But that said, what Hillary vs. Trump boils down to me is the crook vs. the buffoon. And I think a crook would be less destructive to the country. Trump just shouldn't be in there.

Terrible vs. terrible.

Yeah....if she were a crook you'd have a great point.
Just like Nixon, right?

She has a record as a senator. From what I have heard that is a record of working with repubs to get things done.

Name three things she worked with republicans to get done?
One senior aide who worked in Clinton’s Senate office pointed to her work on human trafficking issues with conservatives such as Sam Brownback, the senator-turned-governor of Kansas. The aide also highlighted that she teamed up with others such as Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) on legislation that guarantees full payment of bonuses and incentives to veterans wounded in combat.

“Compromise is the secret sauce of addressing problems,” the aide said.

Former Rep. Thomas Reynolds (R-N.Y.), in a telephone interview on Tuesday, ticked off a list of accomplishments the two worked on together, including their work to save the Niagara Falls Air Reserve Station after the Pentagon threatened to close it in 2005.

Well, those multitude of Hillary's accomplishments took you a whole year to find!
Great detective work.
Considering the legal situation of both candidates one should also consider the VP in the running; Kaine or Pence, and Kaine is a moron.
Bill was one of our best presidents. If hillary is anything like him we will do fine.

Bill Clinton was a good president because he was a populist who was forced to "triangulate" conservative ideas from a mid-term republican revolution. Hillary is a Saul Alinsky ideologue who is nothing like her husband.

He will be advising her. She saw bills success first hand. She has also seen Obama be less effective. I believe she is very smart and more likely to follow Bill. She would never be my first choice, but the alternative is so bad.

Dear Brain357
The two choices are
Clinton tells America what's she's going to do, and has all the connections to do that and nothing can stop her.
or the people and Congress tell Trump what we're going to do and agree to, and he has to listen to us because he doesn't have the political strings and pull that Clinton does to override the public protests and lawsuits if he doesn't listen.

Either way, the people of all states and all parties have to organize a way to do this:
How to tell Congress and govt, what we want and don't want, even including where we don't agree, so NOBODY takes advantage of our differences to divide and conquer by pitting one against the other in order to control both groups at the mercy of the middle man.

The difference is Trump will respect and work with the people because he's fighting that same fight. Clinton will fight to keep the power in the monopoly that controls things now. She will only recognize and share where it saves face and makes her look good politically, or else she has the connections to keep doing whatever is convenient for her at everyone else's expense.

Trump will have no choice but to work with what the people say, or he can't do anything. So this shifts power back to people and govt, not to corporate powermongers pulling strings.
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Okay, I get it... really, I do! I have probably been as critical of Trump as any Conservative here. I don't like some of his policy ideas, I think they would be terrible for America and I absolutely abhor his obnoxious Alt-Right supporters. I think he is a terrible Christian role model, he is petty and vindictive, he says some awful and nasty things to people, he doesn't convey contrition or humility and he seems to think he never does anything wrong. He is an arrogant smart ass who has no regard for those who oppose him or even question him critically... So I totally get what you don't like about him.

That said, I hear many of the NeverTrumpers rail on and on about what a catastrophe a Clinton presidency would be and how we cannot elect this woman president! But the thing is... this is a binary choice... if he doesn't win, she does win! Is this not being comprehended or something? I listen to people like Glenn Beck and Ben Shapiro go on and on for 45 minutes ranting about how awful Hillary Clinton is... how absolutely deplorable she is and how much of a nightmare it would be for her to win the election... but they're not going to vote for Trump.

So what do they think is going to happen? Because, the scenario where neither of them win is not going to happen. As much as we may wish that to be a reality in this universe, it's just not going to turn out that way. Trump will win or Hillary will win. You need to decide which one you want to win the least and vote for the other one. I'm still on the fence, I think it will be terrible for either one to win but I realize one of them is going to win. My inner-debate is whether it is worse for Trump to win or worse for Hillary to win. I'm still flipping that horrible pancake over and over but I am leaning toward voting for Trump.... just because she is so horribly corrupt and I fear, a danger to our republic. Her running mate is such a total nutball he makes Bernie look rational.

Trump, for all his faults, has said some things that I agree with. His strong position on dealing with illegal immigration is in line with my viewpoint. Whether he can pull it off or not, what he is saying he will do is a positive to me. It's better than what we've gotten from any Republican or Democrat yet. He also has some great plans for education and returning it to the states... something I've advocated for years and no Republican or Democrat has even been willing to address. He says he plans to cut corporate tax rates.. .again, something I've long advocated and support. So just on those things alone, I find myself more in line with Trump than Hillary, who I totally oppose on everything.

We are less than a week away, and I understand you have your principles but it's time to really think about this and set aside personality differences. If you had rather cling to your principles and see Hillary elected, that's fine... I understand completely. But don't bitch and complain that Hillary cannot be elected because THAT is precisely what is going to happen if Trump doesn't win.
I have to admit that I'm wavering a bit on Hillary and may end up voting third party, not sure.

But that said, what Hillary vs. Trump boils down to me is the crook vs. the buffoon. And I think a crook would be less destructive to the country. Trump just shouldn't be in there.

Terrible vs. terrible.

Dear Mac1958 if you are going to vote 3rd party, are you in a swing state or not?
If you support the idea of reducing the count where neither Trump nor Clinton gets to 270,
we'd have to organize vote swapping where Johnson can win 30 electoral votes.

There is an app created by Republicans for Clinton organizing vote swapping so
that third party candidates can get their popular votes in states that are "safe"
while swapping votes in a swing state so it goes toward the candidate they'd rather support.
And this ensures the vote they are throwing to the third party isn't going to the opponent they don't want to enable.

Some people are worried that infiltrators will pose as the opposite
in order to manipulate votes. But I trust people to use their votes
toward the team that is pushing in the same direction. There are
supposedly other vote swap networks organized to help Trump and third party without helping Clinton.

So it should come out right if everyone sticks to their group.
And it helps network together the people who want the same goal.

I guess we should have thought to organize and lobby for vote swapping
if we really wanted to help Johnson and Libertarians get to that point,
throw the vote to the House, and get Ryan or someone else besides the two we have.

In the meantime, if it helps to organize people across states along common lines,
if there are vote swapping sites, I would network there and see if you find a solution that works for
what you are trying to do and represent with your vote.

Being in Texas I normally use my vote to help Greens and now Libertarians
I think are deserving of recognition for their efforts, if it's sure the state is going GOP anyway.
If there is a chance it is close, I won't do that.
I felt this race was close enough that I did vote for Trump.
If nothing else, perhaps I make up for Michael Berry or other Cruz supporters
who just can't vote for Trump.

I think what he did to split from Cruz can, should, and needs to be repaired
not only for their sake and for the party, but for the sake of the nation.
So my vote was in faith and favor of that being resolved,
and I wasn't going to let that be a deterrent for not voting for Trump
but a condition on it because that rift has to be repaired.

Reconciling between Trump and Cruz is easy
compared with Democrats and the damage done
to Black communities, history and education.

Trump has shown much more willingness to embrace
and include others coming from diverse or opposite views.
And the Democrats have much more work to repair damage
done by political exclusion and discrimination, and haven't
even acknowledged it is a problem. Clinton trampled
on the Sanders Democrats and they still both think
the answers are going to come from the top down
not the bottom up. So they still don't get how much work it takes
to really reconcile from top to bottom.

Until they get that straight, and acknowledge that all the politics
in the meantime has DETRACTED from the real work it takes,
sorry, they don't get it and don't deserve to be rewarded to keep doing that
over and over, playing the same money games at the top while their
constituents struggle at the bottom who don't have taxpayers paying their way!

With Trump and Cruz and their support base,
whatever lesson they have to learn about not getting divided and conquered,
I support them in uniting and rebuilding, and I voted for that in advance.

I hope they set a better example for others on the RIGHT ways to
reconcile for the RIGHT reasons, not doing it for political expediency
and benefit while solutions that would help the people are still left out of that loop.

If the Democrats and Greens prove me wrong, and are able to unite first
around truly sustainable workable solutions, I'll be surprised, but too happy to complain!
I've been investing in such grassroots solutions for years,
and would welcome help. But found over and over that Democrats
will not care unless it allows them to get elected to office.
So unless it's set up that way, they've all but left to the work to unpaid
volunteers fighting around the clock to save Black communities and history
destroyed by neglect corruption and abuse so Democrats could sway the
favor of corporate interests deemed more important in keeping their offices.
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Kasich wants to balance the budget. That won't be done with tax cuts. Might have point with Obamacare. Kasich said I n the debates he thought the wall and rounding up illegals was crazy.

Tax cuts, when done properly, increase tax revenues. Again, go look at the Treasury Dept. website and see for yourself... look at the tax revenues between 1980-1988 when Ronald Reagan dramatically cut top marginal tax rates. It effectively doubled tax revenue.

Granted, increasing tax revenues won't balance the budget. We are spending WAY more than we take in. Programs have got to be cut or eliminated in order to bring the deficits down, but the Democrats are sure as hell NOT going to do that. Hillary is proposing even MORE massive and costly government programs. How is she ever going to balance the budget? There aren't enough rich people in the world to pay for what she has proposed, even if you confiscated every penny they have and took the gold fillings out of their teeth!

Reagan sure added to the debt. Reagan increased the debt, not decreased it.
The #NeverTrump movement may as well be called #ForeverHillary.

Trump will at least attempt to fix our F'd up trade policies with China, and at least enforce immigration laws. All the rest of the media hysteria is just a circus of distraction. They automatically assume Trump is guilty for any allegation thrown his way by any random idiot, yet they look the other way when the FBI is investigating Hillary for her activities which has a mountain of evidence to prove her guilt.

Vote Trump, and put Hillary in prison where she belongs.

You mean he will put tariffs on china and put us into recession? That is a good idea to you? A new tax is going to help us? Tariffs don't work and never have.

It will force companies to manufacture in the US instead of using Chinese slave labor. Tariffs do work. China puts tariffs on US goods going to China in order to protect their own industries. The US already has some 12,000 specific tariffs.

When has that ever happened? It is just a new tax on us. Most products made in the US use china parts or raw materials. This will make our exports even less competitive. Killing exports will put us in recession.

If Clinton's elected.

With both Clinton and Trump, both will require the people organizing by
state and by party to defend their own interests, representation and business solutions
controlled more locally without depending on federal govt.

The difference is Trump does not have the corporate legal and media monopolies
that Clinton has.

so when the people rebuild more democratically representative structures and systems,
Trump will be more like another equal, also in the same process with anyone else,
building from the ground up to organize like minded people in teams around common goals.

Clinton will have her systems of control well in place to use for her political
gain and convenience.

So it will be harder to check Clinton if we cannot compete with the power
structures and monopolies already in place.

With Trump we're on the grassroots level together.
Either way, we have to rebuild our govt relations from the ground up.
and quit depending on top down management to decide for us,
since we can't control who gets in at the top to control the hierarchy.
It's pretty simple. You either vote to end our Republic (Clinton) or you vote to keep it alive (Trump). I'm voting for the latter.
Reagan sure added to the debt. Reagan increased the debt, not decreased it.

As has every president since Andrew Jackson.
So his tax cuts added to the debt. Same as trumps will.

The same as every president's since Andrew Jackson.

Look... Presidents don't get to enforce their budget. They can submit one to Congress but it's up to the House and Senate to approve it or reject it. No one in Congress wants to make the kinds of cuts needed to balance a budget and if you're a Democrat, you sure as hell don't want that. This is one reason many people are talking about an Article V convention of the states to adopt a Balanced Budget Amendment.

Reagan lobbied for a Balanced Budget Amendment and probably could have balanced a budget if he had the line item veto. But it's a little bit stupid to point your finger at Reagan and complain that he didn't balance the budget... no president since Andrew Jackson has.
So his tax cuts added to the debt.

No... Again, go to the Treasury Dept. website and see for yourself. Reagan's tax cuts resulted in doubling the tax revenues. It was not the tax cuts that added to the debt, it was the spending. You still have your head up your ass thinking tax cuts add debt. That's just not true.
Okay, I get it... really, I do! I have probably been as critical of Trump as any Conservative here. I don't like some of his policy ideas, I think they would be terrible for America and I absolutely abhor his obnoxious Alt-Right supporters. I think he is a terrible Christian role model, he is petty and vindictive, he says some awful and nasty things to people, he doesn't convey contrition or humility and he seems to think he never does anything wrong. He is an arrogant smart ass who has no regard for those who oppose him or even question him critically... So I totally get what you don't like about him.

That said, I hear many of the NeverTrumpers rail on and on about what a catastrophe a Clinton presidency would be and how we cannot elect this woman president! But the thing is... this is a binary choice... if he doesn't win, she does win! Is this not being comprehended or something? I listen to people like Glenn Beck and Ben Shapiro go on and on for 45 minutes ranting about how awful Hillary Clinton is... how absolutely deplorable she is and how much of a nightmare it would be for her to win the election... but they're not going to vote for Trump.

So what do they think is going to happen? Because, the scenario where neither of them win is not going to happen. As much as we may wish that to be a reality in this universe, it's just not going to turn out that way. Trump will win or Hillary will win. You need to decide which one you want to win the least and vote for the other one. I'm still on the fence, I think it will be terrible for either one to win but I realize one of them is going to win. My inner-debate is whether it is worse for Trump to win or worse for Hillary to win. I'm still flipping that horrible pancake over and over but I am leaning toward voting for Trump.... just because she is so horribly corrupt and I fear, a danger to our republic. Her running mate is such a total nutball he makes Bernie look rational.

Trump, for all his faults, has said some things that I agree with. His strong position on dealing with illegal immigration is in line with my viewpoint. Whether he can pull it off or not, what he is saying he will do is a positive to me. It's better than what we've gotten from any Republican or Democrat yet. He also has some great plans for education and returning it to the states... something I've advocated for years and no Republican or Democrat has even been willing to address. He says he plans to cut corporate tax rates.. .again, something I've long advocated and support. So just on those things alone, I find myself more in line with Trump than Hillary, who I totally oppose on everything.

We are less than a week away, and I understand you have your principles but it's time to really think about this and set aside personality differences. If you had rather cling to your principles and see Hillary elected, that's fine... I understand completely. But don't bitch and complain that Hillary cannot be elected because THAT is precisely what is going to happen if Trump doesn't win.
I have to admit that I'm wavering a bit on Hillary and may end up voting third party, not sure.

But that said, what Hillary vs. Trump boils down to me is the crook vs. the buffoon. And I think a crook would be less destructive to the country. Trump just shouldn't be in there.

Terrible vs. terrible.

Yeah....if she were a crook you'd have a great point.
Just like Nixon, right?

Exactly like Nixon.

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