To the Party of God: When did American helping American become "socialism"?

"But but I was born and I breath so Im entitled to have a nice house, a car, 2 kids, a dog, food, and recreation time even if I don't try hard at work or even work at all! "

No, sorry you dont. This is america. If you arent born into money

1) you arent going to become wealthy
2) you will have to work very hard to barely scrape by
3) college is going to be basically unaffordable exept for those who are born into big money
4) your wages will start out low and end low. Nothing you can do about it
5) you might be able to save enough to have a few beers now and then before some saw bones tells you that you cant
6) you will work your butt off and basically not get ahead yet there will be those who will say its your fault. This is not true.

Theres the american dream since the 1980s.
rdean would like to somehow equate Americans helping Americans with Americans being robbed by politicians to buy votes from special interest groups. Doesnt matter what gymnastics you try to use, they aren't the same.
Thus why you have so much anger. You assume no one is as good as you..and you so much wish everyone was...but as you one has the same giving ideology as are the epitome and no one is good enough for you. are quite selfish.....and quite pathetic....

Oh yeah...and ironicaly....quite jealous.

*sigh* There is just no point in arguing with blinded, brainwashed people. Jealous you say? Of what? Why don't you back up what you post for a change? Oh, that's right... you can't. And I LOVE that I'm "selfish" because I'm not sympathetic to the ideology that justifies greed as a virtue aka "personal responsiblah blah blah". Pretty funny...
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Ditto for the War on Drugs and the War on Terrorism.

No exit strategy and no hope of accomplishing victory as long as humans remain on this earth.

If the War on Poverty were actually about combating poverty, that would be true.

But it's not. It's about keeping people dependent on government and dutifully pulling the D lever. In that, it's been a great success.

Ah, but it has not, nor will it ever end regardless of the continuing purpose of the war whether that be to keep people pulling the "D Lever" or actually ending poverty.

Very true.
Good job, Lonestar! You've totally avoided your arrogant and childish comments about people starving because THEY CHOOSE TO!

Are you really that moronic or are you simply being intellectually dishonest. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say the latter.

How about you admit that was a bitchy thing to say and maybe your posts might regain some credibility.
Thus why you have so much anger. You assume no one is as good as you..and you so much wish everyone was...but as you one has the same giving ideology as are the epitome and no one is good enough for you.

And whare you getting this from? You have the most creative reading comprehension in the WORLD. When did I ever say that I am "good" and you are "bad"? I said the corporatist ideology is "bad" because it is... look what it has done to this once great country... all in the name of greed.

Oh, and I'm angry because the American people are being literally destroyed at the hands of a plutocracy, and I see no one who will stand up against the corporate takeover of our country.
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"But but I was born and I breath so Im entitled to have a nice house, a car, 2 kids, a dog, food, and recreation time even if I don't try hard at work or even work at all! "

No, sorry you dont. This is america. If you arent born into money

1) you arent going to become wealthy
2) you will have to work very hard to barely scrape by
3) college is going to be basically unaffordable exept for those who are born into big money
4) your wages will start out low and end low. Nothing you can do about it
5) you might be able to save enough to have a few beers now and then before some saw bones tells you that you cant
6) you will work your butt off and basically not get ahead yet there will be those who will say its your fault. This is not true.

Theres the american dream since the 1980s.
So, which particular The Man is keeping you down?
Thus why you have so much anger. You assume no one is as good as you..and you so much wish everyone was...but as you one has the same giving ideology as are the epitome and no one is good enough for you. are quite selfish.....and quite pathetic....

Oh yeah...and ironicaly....quite jealous.

*sigh* There is just no point in arguing with blinded, brainwashed people. Jealous you say? Of what? Why don't you back up what you post for a change? Oh, that's right... you can't. And I LOVE that I'm "selfish" because I'm not sympathetic to the ideology that justifies greed as a virtue aka "personal responsiblah blah blah". Pretty funny...

I did back it up.

You are selfish becuase you believe you are the epitome of giving and anyone who does not think like you is other words, you value your ideology and frown on all others.

You are jealous becuase you continually talk about the success of others...where if you werent jealous you wouldnt give a crap.

And by the are full of shit becuase you continually talk about how "giving you are"...and i have found those that brag about the size of their penis usually have a small one.

So I see you as a selfish, lying, internet hack who talks a big game, but when push comes to shove you likely say NIMBY. admitted in another thread that you dont have a roomamate becuase you "paid your dues" and dont deserve the inconvenience of one...and then you complain about how hard it is to live where you do (expense wise) and if you did not get health insurance form your employer, you would need the rest of us to pay for it.

So you are nothing but a phony.
"But but I was born and I breath so Im entitled to have a nice house, a car, 2 kids, a dog, food, and recreation time even if I don't try hard at work or even work at all! "

No, sorry you dont. This is america. If you arent born into money

1) you arent going to become wealthy
2) you will have to work very hard to barely scrape by
3) college is going to be basically unaffordable exept for those who are born into big money
4) your wages will start out low and end low. Nothing you can do about it
5) you might be able to save enough to have a few beers now and then before some saw bones tells you that you cant
6) you will work your butt off and basically not get ahead yet there will be those who will say its your fault. This is not true.

Theres the american dream since the 1980s.

Not one part of the above post is true. :cuckoo:
I did back it up.

You are selfish becuase you believe you are the epitome of giving and anyone who does not think like you is other words, you value your ideology and frown on all others.

You are jealous becuase you continually talk about the success of others...where if you werent jealous you wouldnt give a crap.

And by the are full of shit becuase you continually talk about how "giving you are"...and i have found those that brag about the size of their penis usually have a small one.

So I see you as a selfish, lying, internet hack who talks a big game, but when push comes to shove you likely say NIMBY. admitted in another thread that you dont have a roomamate becuase you "paid your dues" and dont deserve the inconvenience of one...and then you complain about how hard it is to live where you do (expense wise) and if you did not get health insurance form your employer, you would need the rest of us to pay for it.

So you are nothing but a phony.

Okay, I'm posting this last one and then going home.

1. I never said that I am "better" than anyone. At any time. Ever. The corporatist ideology is still evil, though. No matter how kumbayah you make it sound.

2. I do not "talk" about the success of anyone. I am dismayed at the death of the American dream and discouraged by watching the American worker get fleeced over and over again by the private sector. I am not jealous of anyone. I do okay.

3. I am very giving. I live by myself because I can AFFORD it. Why don't you put that subject in perspective? That was a discussion of who could afford to buy private health insurance... and never ONCE did I say anyone BUT ME should pay for it. Idiot.. Very few could pay for private insurance on their own. Also, never ONCE did I complain about my situation. Not once. Ever. I used myself as an EXAMPLE during that discussion. I DID, however complain about the fact that people with my tax rate pay out the nose vs a millionaire that pays much less. THAT I did complain about. Oh, and I don't have a penis... I'm female.

4. NIMBY means "Not In My Backyard" fool. What the hell are you talking about???

5. You don't know me. What makes me a "phony"? At least I can think for myself...
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The Conservative vision of America:

1. A small rich powerful conservative elite in control of the government, their power funded by the Corporations

2. A massive American military comprising almost all of the federal budget.

3. A small, weak, middle class, counting its blessings that the elite even allow it to exist.

4. A large population of powerless poor, scratching out their survival as best they can, on their own, with no means to change their fate.
I take offense to that.
All wealthy are not greedy. Actually, most are not.

didn't say the wealthy, did I? What I was responding to was "the right", and actually... I have overstepped my bounds a little... I should say, the radical right... that cloaks their Corporatist agenda in the blood of the Lord. Christ was not a Capitalist. God is not a Capitalist. God does not approve of "every man for himself", "I got mine, now you go get yours", etc.

I am glad you are doing well... I am doing pretty OK myself. I have not one bit of envy or animosity that you make 3X the amount I do(as per our PM discussion). I am also glad you take care of your employees the way you do.

But there are many, MANY Companies that don't care.. you are in the minority. Finally, I honestly do believe that most Small Business owners are decent, honest, upright people. But my beef isn't directed to them... My beef goes much bigger, deeper and is most insidious. THAT is where our problems lie... the whole system is geared to them... tax laws favor them, the banking sector favors them and the rigged Trade system favors them... they are robbing us blind and not giving back and it's killing our country.

And the Tea Partiers and the Conservatives want it to continue, they want no regulation, they want No Corporate Taxes, they want them to have free reign to do whatever the hell they want.

Now...Should regulations be modified? Yes... absolutely. they should be made to bolster and encourage small business and limit the power and Monopolistic nature of large conglomerates. But we can't do that, can we? That would be akin to cutting our own throats next election cycle.


Not at all.. but when you're in hell and you ask for ice water...I'll gladly toss you some... Guess that's how we "liberals" roll.
Compared to other countries our poor is rich. When do you see flat screen TV is Africa or computers. We are a bunch of entitled people who need to change and not everything for you. Provide for your families dont sit on your Arse and expect the government to take care of you.. There are things the people can do like farm the lands and let the illegals go back home. America has become one spoiled brat!!

Who sits on their asses? It's so easy to use logic like that when you have no fucking clue who these people are, isn't it?

C'mon? Flat Screen TV's? You can pick one of them up for $200 these days and they last 10 years. Is that really where you want to go with this? Durable goods? how about food costs, how about transportation costs, health care, education, housing, utilities? You know... stuff you actually NEED in life?

You're telling me if Jack wouldn't have made that one time purchase of that flat Screen TV he bought for, even $300 and the $30 dvd player, he'd be swimming in it? I call bullshit.
I'm glad the Repubs/Party of God :eusa_pray: are saddled w/ their 'base' many of which are poor and remain that way by voting against their own interests :cuckoo:
It's funny that liberals feel qualified to decide what everyone's best interests are.

And it's hilarious that those best interests are ALWAYS "voting to keep liberals in power".

Just a coincidence, I'm sure. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

No more of a Coincidence than it is for Conservatives ALWAYS voting to keep Conservatives in Power.

Its about keeping children from not getting enough nutrition so that they can be healthy adults and cost us less in medical over their lifetimes.

You people just dont understand long term thinking

Here's some long term thinking. If you can't afford to feed your children.. don't have any!

I know it's an outragious idea!

yeah... too bad for those that already had children and got fucked over by your corporate buddies.
"But but I was born and I breath so Im entitled to have a nice house, a car, 2 kids, a dog, food, and recreation time even if I don't try hard at work or even work at all! "

No, sorry you dont. This is america. If you arent born into money

1) you arent going to become wealthy
2) you will have to work very hard to barely scrape by
3) college is going to be basically unaffordable exept for those who are born into big money
4) your wages will start out low and end low. Nothing you can do about it
5) you might be able to save enough to have a few beers now and then before some saw bones tells you that you cant
6) you will work your butt off and basically not get ahead yet there will be those who will say its your fault. This is not true.

Theres the american dream since the 1980s.

Not one part of the above post is true. :cuckoo:

No.... not absolutely true... but pretty much odds on reality.
The Conservative vision of America:

1. A small rich powerful conservative elite in control of the government, their power funded by the Corporations

2. A massive American military comprising almost all of the federal budget.

3. A small, weak, middle class, counting its blessings that the elite even allow it to exist.

4. A large population of powerless poor, scratching out their survival as best they can, on their own, with no means to change their fate.
Paranoia: Cause, Symptoms, Treatment and Cure of Paranoia
I'm glad the Repubs/Party of God :eusa_pray: are saddled w/ their 'base' many of which are poor and remain that way by voting against their own interests :cuckoo:
It's funny that liberals feel qualified to decide what everyone's best interests are.

And it's hilarious that those best interests are ALWAYS "voting to keep liberals in power".

Just a coincidence, I'm sure. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

No more of a Coincidence than it is for Conservatives ALWAYS voting to keep Conservatives in Power.

You don't get it. Gasp. :lol:

You know my definition of everyone's best interests?

The maximum amount of personal liberty conducive to civilized society.

Leftists disagree with that vehemently. They don't support personal liberty.
Daveman's god didn't suggest that we are our brother's keepers'. Rather, HIS god says faith is defined as how quick the eye can match the trigger finger when lining up running, underage targets.
Daveman's god didn't suggest that we are our brother's keepers'. Rather, HIS god says faith is defined as how quick the eye can match the trigger finger when lining up running, underage targets.
Is that what you laughably refer to as "stomping a mudhole"? :lol:

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