To The USMBERs That Have Been Defending Zimmerman

There are reports the Sanford police recommended charges but the Prosecution was still investigating:

Report: Police Initially Wanted to Make Arrest in Trayvon Martin Case | NewsFeed |
From all accounts, it's clear that was just one, honest police. Not enough to clean up the rest of the seemingly corrupt dept.

I keep reading the Sanford police wanted to charge:

Sanford cops wanted to charge Zimmerman in Trayvon Martin case - 03/27/2012 |
Cops always want to charge first and worry about evidence later.

DAs won't support that though. They make them line up their ducks.
There are reports the Sanford police recommended charges but the Prosecution was still investigating:

Report: Police Initially Wanted to Make Arrest in Trayvon Martin Case | NewsFeed |
From all accounts, it's clear that was just one, honest police. Not enough to clean up the rest of the seemingly corrupt dept.
koshergrl said:
Hi, you have received -254 reputation points from koshergrl.
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racist lynch mob member.


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Seems like someone doesn't like the truth or, like how they claimed for Rush Limbaugh, is for stifling freedom of speech.

LOL!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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The only people that are talking about lynching Zimmerman are the righties.

All everyone else with clear heads want is to see Zimmerman arrested for killing an unarmed black teenage boy.

You squawk about justice, but let me ask you you think that if this case had not received national attention, that justice would have been done? Knowing what you know about how the local police dept. has clearly bungled the case and seemingly influenced it as well. Be honest.
The New Black Panthers are "righties"? They are the ones who have a bounty on Zimmerman.

Many folks in these threads are indeed, are saying what you said: "The ones that have been begging for folks to "wait for the facts to come out", "wait for a trial" to "stop the media assassination""

That doesn't make them righties or lefties; that makes them persons who defend the process.

Good Americans who love the USA.

There's like 10 guys in the black panthers. If the left wing took all the nutter militia groups that had 10 guys and over..and elevated them to the level the right wing has elevated the black panthers too..and said they represented what you guys think..

Boy would heads be exploding.

By the way..most of those guys are far more dangerous then the Black Panthers.
I can't let you get away with that Sallow.

The group you're referring to is called "The New Black Panthers" they are not the "Black Panthers" and the Black Panthers have already strongly rejected them as having anything to do with them.
There are reports the Sanford police recommended charges but the Prosecution was still investigating:

Report: Police Initially Wanted to Make Arrest in Trayvon Martin Case | NewsFeed |
From all accounts, it's clear that was just one, honest police. Not enough to clean up the rest of the seemingly corrupt dept.
koshergrl said:
Hi, you have received -254 reputation points from koshergrl.
Reputation was given for this post.

racist lynch mob member.


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Seems like someone doesn't like the truth or, like how they claimed for Rush Limbaugh, is for stifling freedom of speech.

LOL!!!!1 :lol: :lol: :lol:

MARC this is the way I see it. You defend racist on the left such as salt jones you're going after the police for following the law because you aren't getting the outcome you like because it involves a black male and a Hispanic. It is in my opinion that you are a racist. Correct me if I am wrong.
From all accounts, it's clear that was just one, honest police. Not enough to clean up the rest of the seemingly corrupt dept.
koshergrl said:
Hi, you have received -254 reputation points from koshergrl.
Reputation was given for this post.

racist lynch mob member.


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Seems like someone doesn't like the truth or, like how they claimed for Rush Limbaugh, is for stifling freedom of speech.

LOL!!!!1 :lol: :lol: :lol:

MARC this is the way I see it. You defend racist on the left such as salt jones you're going after the police for following the law because you aren't getting the outcome you like because it involves a black male and a Hispanic. It is in my opinion that you are a racist. Correct me if I am wrong.
That's all I needed to see. The rest went unread.

a little over half way through the video (50 seconds in), a police officer takes a look at the back of Zimmerman's head .. looking at something on Zimmerman's head. then he asks him to stand back against the wall

George Zimmerman on Police Surveillance | Video - ABC News

pay attention people. stop being so R-a-v-i .....looks like a spot or two on back of head. fuzzy video


poor Ravi

even NPR has a Bloomberg news reporter agreeing with Dante. Dante's first observation was of officer looking at back of head. Police report says injury there. case made

NPR reporter says Zimmerman's jacket looks wet on back -- in the video. :laugh2:
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Seems like someone doesn't like the truth or, like how they claimed for Rush Limbaugh, is for stifling freedom of speech.

LOL!!!!1 :lol: :lol: :lol:

MARC this is the way I see it. You defend racist on the left such as salt jones you're going after the police for following the law because you aren't getting the outcome you like because it involves a black male and a Hispanic. It is in my opinion that you are a racist. Correct me if I am wrong.
That's all I needed to see. The rest went unread.
There are reports the Sanford police recommended charges but the Prosecution was still investigating:

Report: Police Initially Wanted to Make Arrest in Trayvon Martin Case | NewsFeed |
From all accounts, it's clear that was just one, honest police. Not enough to clean up the rest of the seemingly corrupt dept.
koshergrl said:
Hi, you have received -254 reputation points from koshergrl.
Reputation was given for this post.

racist lynch mob member.


Note: This is an automated message.

Seems like someone doesn't like the truth or, like how they claimed for Rush Limbaugh, is for stifling freedom of speech.

LOL!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Can't help but being hurt...:lol:
Si modo said:
Hi, you have received -936 reputation points from Si modo.
Reputation was given for this post.

Neg for whining about a neg

Si modo

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Seems like someone doesn't like the truth or, like how they claimed for Rush Limbaugh, is for stifling freedom of speech.

LOL!!!!1 :lol: :lol: :lol:

MARC this is the way I see it. You defend racist on the left such as salt jones you're going after the police for following the law because you aren't getting the outcome you like because it involves a black male and a Hispanic. It is in my opinion that you are a racist. Correct me if I am wrong.
That's all I needed to see. The rest went unread.

You need help with your racism

a little over half way through the video (50 seconds in), a police officer takes a look at the back of Zimmerman's head .. looking at something on Zimmerman's head. then he asks him to stand back against the wall

George Zimmerman on Police Surveillance | Video - ABC News

pay attention people. stop being so R-a-v-i .....looks like a spot or two on back of head. fuzzy video


poor Ravi

even NPR has a Bloomberg news reporter agreeing with Dante. Dante's first observation was of officer looking at back of head. Police report says injury there. case made

NPR reporter says Zimmerman's jacket looks wet on back -- in the video. :laugh2:

FUZZY VIDEO, possible injury, and..............................................
From all accounts, it's clear that was just one, honest police. Not enough to clean up the rest of the seemingly corrupt dept.

Seems like someone doesn't like the truth or, like how they claimed for Rush Limbaugh, is for stifling freedom of speech.

LOL!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Can't help but being hurt...:lol:
Si modo said:
Hi, you have received -936 reputation points from Si modo.
Reputation was given for this post.

Neg for whining about a neg

Si modo

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The ones that have been begging for folks to "wait for the facts to come out", "wait for a trial" to "stop the media assassination"

Did you have those same sentiments during the OJ trial?

Did you say that justice was done after the verdict of the OJ trial?

What was/is your position on that case?
Yes. I did. AND I ignored it as well as I can because I didn't give a flying fuck about the murder then either. If he was guilty, fry his ass like a chicken. If he was innocent, yeah, he should sue a lot of people for defamation.

When the verdict was read, my response was "Oh thank God. now they can SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT IT NOW!!!"

never trust the court of public opinion. It's almost always wrong.
I wonder what would have happened if the K.K.K. would have put out a bounty on O.J. Simpson for killing his white ex-wife & her white male friend.

Did we have people marching in the streets because O.J. Simpson bought his way out of a murder rap?
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I wonder what would have happened if the K.K.K. would have put out a bounty on O.J. Simpson for killing his white ex-wife & her white male friend.

Did we have people marching in the streets because O.J. Simpson bought his way out of a murder rap?

the KK is not a main stream group and is not representative of white people in general. so it's a terrible analogy.

I understand black people feeling under siege, they are a minority. What I don't understand is the h-o-s-t-i-l-i-t-y of people with white guilt, for other white people.

a little over half way through the video (50 seconds in), a police officer takes a look at the back of Zimmerman's head .. looking at something on Zimmerman's head. then he asks him to stand back against the wall

George Zimmerman on Police Surveillance | Video - ABC News

pay attention people. stop being so R-a-v-i .....looks like a spot or two on back of head. fuzzy video


poor Ravi

even NPR has a Bloomberg news reporter agreeing with Dante. Dante's first observation was of officer looking at back of head. Police report says injury there. case made

NPR reporter says Zimmerman's jacket looks wet on back -- in the video. :laugh2:

FUZZY VIDEO, possible injury, and..............................................

so, the video does NOT contradict anything else known...

Why weren't the Sharpton' sand Jackson's of the world not crying for justice for Nicole and Ron. You opened it up for discussion, I'm willing to wait for due process, just as I did with OJ, why are you not wanting justice to take it's course?

Didn't think a hypocrite could answer, liberty and justice for those you deem worthy, is that your motto?

OJ had a trial.

Catch up.

He is the one that brought up OJ, not me, so you really need to shut your stupid trap, when you don't know what is going on, which seems like most of the time.

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