To The USMBERs That Have Been Defending Zimmerman

I see we have a racist palooka in here suggesting that The New Black Panther group is somehow mainstream.

Mainstream to who I ask?

Only the FOXNEWS has been talking and harping about that group.
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I see we have a racist palooka in here suggesting that The New Black Panther group is somehow mainstream.

Mainstream to who I ask?

Only FOX news has been talking and harping about that group.

only a fool like you would believe that rational people think or say that. why do you hate white people? are you a whitey with guilt, or a minority with victim status?
I see we have a racist palooka in here suggesting that The New Black Panther group is somehow mainstream.

Mainstream to who I ask?

Only FOX news has been talking and harping about that group.

The DOJ should be looking into the fact that The New Black Panthers have a bounty out on a private citizen of The United States of America.

At least someone is demanding someone do something about this before more people die.

Do you think its right what they are doing?

Do you think Spike Lee was right for posting what he thought was Zimmermans address?
I see we have a racist palooka in here suggesting that The New Black Panther group is somehow mainstream.

Mainstream to who I ask?

Only FOX news has been talking and harping about that group.

only a fool like you would believe that rational people think or say that. why do you hate white people? are you a whitey with guilt, or a minority with victim status?


On March 24 a “KillZimmerman” Twitter account began publishing calls for violence against George Zimmerman, the self-appointed neighborhood watch captain who shot and killed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin on Feb. 26.
Five days later, the account is still on its crusade to avenge Martin.
The sender’s initial tweets made his or her aims clear: “No Justice No Peace!!!!!!!!!! #KILLZIMMERMAN #KILLZIMMERMAN #KILLZIMMERMAN,” they read.
The account’s image is a photo of gun-sight crosshairs superimposed on Zimmerman’s picture.
“This Page Is 4 Da Ppl Who Believe Zimmerman Should Be Shot Dead In The Street,” the Twitter account’s description reads, “The Same Way TRAYVON Was. No Justice No Peace.”

Read more: Kill Zimmerman | Twitter | Trayvon Martin | The Daily Caller


Ravi, who thinks that the video of the second witness who has said he saw Trayvon beating up Zimmerman should be shut down because it tells a different story than the one the racist vigilanties are promoting, no doubt fully approves of this.

Who knows, maybe she's got some commentary on there....

The “Kill Zimmerman” Twitter profile had 162 followers at 1 p.m. EDT Thursday, a number likely to increase because The Drudge Report posted a link to the page.

George Zimmerman remains in hiding from vigilante threats. Absent a fringe element calling for retaliatory violence, the vast majority of Martin’s supporters seek only Zimmerman’s arrest and prosecution

Read more: Kill Zimmerman | Twitter | Trayvon Martin | The Daily Caller

Why is Drudge giving this hate group free publicity?
To The USMBERs That Have Been Defending Zimmerman

The ones that have been begging for folks to "wait for the facts to come out", "wait for a trial" to "stop the media assassination"

those phrases you cite (and apparently take offense at) are simply calls for cooler heads to prevail in an overheated situation and to let justice take its course...

since you apparently don't like those sentiments, I therefore must assume that you'd rather folks be saying "take the motherfucker out and hang him from the nearest tree branch!"

Did you have those same sentiments during the OJ trial?

Did you say that justice was done after the verdict of the OJ trial?

What was/is your position on that case?

I had no particular sentiments regarding the OJ trial...

but it did bother me that the reaction to the verdict was so sharply drawn along racial lines...
The only people that are talking about lynching Zimmerman are the righties.

All everyone else with clear heads want is to see Zimmerman arrested for killing an unarmed black teenage boy.

You squawk about justice, but let me ask you you think that if this case had not received national attention, that justice would have been done? Knowing what you know about how the local police dept. has clearly bungled the case and seemingly influenced it as well. Be honest.

Except for the black panthers and Spike Lee and the racist baiters, as far as your ignorant statement about national attention BS, it seems according to the Miami newspaper this case was going to a grand jury, except with all the publicity, it was handed over to a special prosecutor and slowed the whole case down, it looks like the police and the DA were doing their jobs until the race baiters screwed it up. IDIOTS!!
I see we have a racist palooka in here suggesting that The New Black Panther group is somehow mainstream.

Mainstream to who I ask?

Only the FOXNEWS has been talking and harping about that group.

The New Black Panthers were on CNN, Anderson Cooper 360, FOX News & many other channels announcing the bounty on Zimmerman. It does not get much more mainstream than that.
Spike Lee has now opened himself up to a major lawsuit from George Zimmerman & some elderly couple. Their lawyers know he has deep pockets & they will be on his ass like a pit bull.
The ones that have been begging for folks to "wait for the facts to come out", "wait for a trial" to "stop the media assassination"

Did you have those same sentiments during the OJ trial?

Did you say that justice was done after the verdict of the OJ trial?

What was/is your position on that case?

Since you ask, Marc,
At the time the trial began, I was concerned as to whether an impartial jury could be seated, given the way the case had already been tried in the media. As it turned out, that was achieved.

The case itself was an interesting one. There was a lot of damning circumstantial evidence, but there was much to suggest that the investigation into it was tainted. As the trial progressed that became more evident. The investigation of the crime scene was so badly botched, that we may never know exactly what happened, but the appearance was that the LAPD had tried to frame a man who was probably guilty. The state's prosecution of the case left quite a bit to be desired, as well. The prosecution made a number of tactical errors The defense exploited these openings very well. In the end, if one put aside one's emotions, and looked at the evidence they jury had to work with, and only at that (as is proper) the only reasonable conclusion was acquittal. The preponderance of the evidence indicated that OJ was guilty, but, the state failed to prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt, and that was the key.

Do I believe OJ did it? YES, I do; at the very least he knew who did. However, I go back to the apparent attempt to frame him by planting evidence. The crime scene itself was contaminated. The famous vehicle had been broken into and contaminated. Some of the forensic evidence did not seem to fit the other facts of the case; there were just too many troubling and unexplained inconsistencies. The result was that a man who was quite probably (but not proven) guilty walked free. Was that justice? In the sense of getting at the truth, no. In the sense of rendering what most people in America believed was the "right" verdict, no. In the sense of the system functioning as law and due process requires, yes, it was. On that occasion, when public feeling and the requirements of law collided, the law won, and that is the way our system is supposed to work
Spike Lee has now opened himself up to a major lawsuit from George Zimmerman & some elderly couple. Their lawyers know he has deep pockets & they will be on his ass like a pit bull.

Let's hope the get several millions, what he did was irresponsible, and hateful.
Spike Lee has now opened himself up to a major lawsuit from George Zimmerman & some elderly couple. Their lawyers know he has deep pockets & they will be on his ass like a pit bull.

Let's hope the get several millions, what he did was irresponsible, and hateful.

What LAW was broken?

Was that telephone number and address already in the public phone book?

I want answers.
Spike Lee has now opened himself up to a major lawsuit from George Zimmerman & some elderly couple. Their lawyers know he has deep pockets & they will be on his ass like a pit bull.

Let's hope the get several millions, what he did was irresponsible, and hateful.

What LAW was broken?

Was that telephone number and address already in the public phone book?

I want answers.

Was Sarah Palin at fault because Gibbie Gifford was shot? You libs need to be careful how you attack someone it will be used against you one day.
Spike Lee has now opened himself up to a major lawsuit from George Zimmerman & some elderly couple. Their lawyers know he has deep pockets & they will be on his ass like a pit bull.

Let's hope the get several millions, what he did was irresponsible, and hateful.

What LAW was broken?

Was that telephone number and address already in the public phone book?

I want answers.

You want answers? You failed to answer any of my questions, so screw you.

I'm sure a good lawyer could make some money from Mr. Lee. Let's hope they make a lot.
During which time Zimmerman was pinned on the ground screaming for help...and everybody was too scared to go help him.

If this was just a little kid and Zimmerman killed him cuz he just wanted him dead, I wonder what the prolonged screaming for help was all about...

and I wonder why nobody helped?

It was Martin that was screaming after Zimmerman pulled a gun on him. But that stopped once he was shot.

All good, right?
Thankfully, there is no URL to Shallow's ass.
Spike Lee has now opened himself up to a major lawsuit from George Zimmerman & some elderly couple. Their lawyers know he has deep pockets & they will be on his ass like a pit bull.

Let's hope the get several millions, what he did was irresponsible, and hateful.

What LAW was broken?

Was that telephone number and address already in the public phone book?

I want answers.
What's your name and phone number? They're in the phone book, right?

Or is that different? Somehow?
Face it guys.

To the radical left race baiters here and abroad, Zimmerman is a murderer and NO evidence including the kid coming back from the dead and saying he attacked Zimmerman and was shot in self defense will change their mind.

Is there any reason to engage these fools on their witch hunt anymore?

And yes, I've had a similar opinion about the OJ case, the Michael Jackson Manslaughter case, the Richard Jewel Case and many others.

They don't want justice, they want strange fruit hangin' from that ole' tree just like what used to happen to them in years gone by. All you have to do is listen to their hate and know, the truth don't matter anymore. Laws, no!
What hate Fitz?

Site examples of hate, and who's hating who?

You people just spew shat to spew it...right?
What hate Fitz?

Site examples of hate, and who's hating who?

You people just spew shat to spew it...right?
So the new black panthers placing a million dollar hit out on George Zimmerman is an act of love and compassion?

Spike Lee recklessly endangering the lives of an innocent couple because he retweeted the wrong address is a good thing?

How, pray tell is this justice?
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