To those calling Snowden a coward...


Diamond Member
May 19, 2012
This topic is mainly directed at those who applaud what Snowden did, but want him to face justice. What single bit of good would turning himself in do? Do you think he will be given a fair trial, or will it be a kangaroo court? Is martyrdom more beneficial than him remaining free? If so, who is it more beneficial to? It might make you feel good, but what about the man who may spend the rest of his life in prison? I can't think of a single benefit of Snowden turning himself in.
This topic is mainly directed at those who applaud what Snowden did, but want him to face justice. What single bit of good would turning himself in do? Do you think he will be given a fair trial, or will it be a kangaroo court? Is martyrdom more beneficial than him remaining free? If so, who is it more beneficial to? It might make you feel good, but what about the man who may spend the rest of his life in prison? I can't think of a single benefit of Snowden turning himself in.

I know this thread is specifically directed at me, so I will answer you.

Snowden did a great service for the American people. However, he runs for his life like a scared mobster who snitched on his Capo. The founders openly defied the King of England, to his face, even after he tried destroying them, they prevailed nonetheless. So if Snowden is to be a hero, he needs to act like one. He needs to make his stand where it counts, not in communist countries like Venezuela.

Have I made myself more clear?
if obama kills the kid worse mistake of his life besides obama care. then we will know he was behind the killing of Hasting
This topic is mainly directed at those who applaud what Snowden did, but want him to face justice. What single bit of good would turning himself in do? Do you think he will be given a fair trial, or will it be a kangaroo court? Is martyrdom more beneficial than him remaining free? If so, who is it more beneficial to? It might make you feel good, but what about the man who may spend the rest of his life in prison? I can't think of a single benefit of Snowden turning himself in.

I know this thread is specifically directed at me, so I will answer you.

Snowden did a great service for the American people. However, he runs for his life like a scared mobster who snitched on his Capo. The founders openly defied the King of England, to his face, even after he tried destroying them, they prevailed nonetheless. So if Snowden is to be a hero, he needs to act like one. He needs to make his stand where it counts, not in communist countries like Venezuela.

Have I made myself more clear?

It wasn't directed specifically at you, but it it makes you feel better you are one of the people I thought of. ;)

As far as our founders go, this isn't even remotely a similar situation. Our few founders didn't stand up to the King of England by themselves, let alone to his face. They had an army behind them, and the King was thousands of miles away. In fact their first act of defiance was in the dead of night, dressed as Native Americans. Let's not forget the help we received from the French. Our founders weren't staring down the most powerful intelligence agency in the world while shackled up in a courtroom.
Whats the old saying don't commit the crime if your not willing to do the time? For me it's all about credibility Snowden likes to act as though he's a hero and he did this for a noble reason and a greater good if so you come back and face the consequences of your actions and defend them you don't run away and hide from them. This is a crude example but it would be like a Founding Father saying I support the Declaration Of Independence but am not willing to sign it.
Whats the old saying don't commit the crime if your not willing to do the time? For me it's all about credibility Snowden likes to act as though he's a hero and he did this for a noble reason and a greater good if so you come back and face the consequences of your actions and defend them you don't run away and hide from them. This is a crude example but it would be like a Founding Father saying I support the Declaration Of Independence but am not willing to sign it.

It would be like a Founding Father walking up to the King of England, admitting guilt, and asking for a trial. The fact that our Founding Fathers won in the end doesn't make them any less guilty of treason.
Sunshine is always the best cure.

If he was stand out in the open with his story, with all the world watching, do you think someone would be dumb enough to kill him or railroad him while everyone watches?

"Heros" don't run and hide
This is my country and we give fair trials

Snowden is not a coward, he is just another creep who does not want to pay the price for his crime
Sunshine is always the best cure.

If he was stand out in the open with his story, with all the world watching, do you think someone would be dumb enough to kill him or railroad him while everyone watches?

"Heros" don't run and hide

what would you do? do you even know what he did?if you do tell us what secretes he realesed.... trying to find it for the past week.... link please.
Whats the old saying don't commit the crime if your not willing to do the time? For me it's all about credibility Snowden likes to act as though he's a hero and he did this for a noble reason and a greater good if so you come back and face the consequences of your actions and defend them you don't run away and hide from them. This is a crude example but it would be like a Founding Father saying I support the Declaration Of Independence but am not willing to sign it.

It would be like a Founding Father walking up to the King of England, admitting guilt, and asking for a trial. The fact that our Founding Fathers won in the end doesn't make them any less guilty of treason.

All I can tell you is actions have consequences Snowden knew this or should have if he does not want to have to face those consequences so be it but don't then gripe about how you are being treated I know personal responsibility is going the way of the dodo but it's something I still believe in if he wants to come here and take that responsibility I will have far more respect for him if not I have no sympathy for him. That is my view on the subject of Snowden people can agree or disagree it won't change my opinion.
Sunshine is always the best cure.

If he was stand out in the open with his story, with all the world watching, do you think someone would be dumb enough to kill him or railroad him while everyone watches?

"Heros" don't run and hide

what would you do? do you even know what he did?if you do tell us what secretes he realesed.... trying to find it for the past week.... link please.

You're right.
No. I have no clue what Snowballer did.

You win the interwebz
Sunshine is always the best cure.

If he was stand out in the open with his story, with all the world watching, do you think someone would be dumb enough to kill him or railroad him while everyone watches?

"Heros" don't run and hide

[MENTION=21954]Sunshine[/MENTION]: we got people talking about you over here!

Does Snowden think he would get a fairer trial in Venezuela or Panama?
Whats the old saying don't commit the crime if your not willing to do the time? For me it's all about credibility Snowden likes to act as though he's a hero and he did this for a noble reason and a greater good if so you come back and face the consequences of your actions and defend them you don't run away and hide from them. This is a crude example but it would be like a Founding Father saying I support the Declaration Of Independence but am not willing to sign it.

It would be like a Founding Father walking up to the King of England, admitting guilt, and asking for a trial. The fact that our Founding Fathers won in the end doesn't make them any less guilty of treason.

All I can tell you is actions have consequences Snowden knew this or should have if he does not want to have to face those consequences so be it but don't then gripe about how you are being treated I know personal responsibility is going the way of the dodo but it's something I still believe in if he wants to come here and take that responsibility I will have far more respect for him if not I have no sympathy for him. That is my view on the subject of Snowden people can agree or disagree it won't change my opinion.

Do you consider our Founding Fathers any less treasonous? They definitely didn't turn themselves in to face the consequences. does the fact that they won in the end make them any less guilty of treason than Snowden?
This topic is mainly directed at those who applaud what Snowden did, but want him to face justice. What single bit of good would turning himself in do? Do you think he will be given a fair trial, or will it be a kangaroo court? Is martyrdom more beneficial than him remaining free? If so, who is it more beneficial to? It might make you feel good, but what about the man who may spend the rest of his life in prison? I can't think of a single benefit of Snowden turning himself in.

Snowden’s act of alleged espionage is what was cowardly, not necessarily his flight from justice.

Whether he turns himself in or not really isn’t the issue.
It took a lot of courage for Snowden to do what he did. And, one of the things he did was to put himself at the mercy of Public Opinion.

If Public Opinion decides he has done more good than harm, he will ultimately be a free man and he will be regarded as a hero.

He has badly embarrassed the Government...the one that has all of our e-mails and phone calls stored for future use as needed...and they are condemning him mercilessly on our behalf.

But, I don't trust the Government.

So, to me, Snowden's a hero.
This topic is mainly directed at those who applaud what Snowden did, but want him to face justice. What single bit of good would turning himself in do? Do you think he will be given a fair trial, or will it be a kangaroo court? Is martyrdom more beneficial than him remaining free? If so, who is it more beneficial to? It might make you feel good, but what about the man who may spend the rest of his life in prison? I can't think of a single benefit of Snowden turning himself in.

Snowden’s act of alleged espionage is what was cowardly, not necessarily his flight from justice.

Whether he turns himself in or not really isn’t the issue.

This is why I directed the topic towards those who applaud his espionage, but not his flight. It's easier to understand the argument coming from those who didn't agree with his leaks in the first place. It seems like others want to turn him into a martyr, which doesn't seem to benefit their cause.
This topic is mainly directed at those who applaud what Snowden did, but want him to face justice. What single bit of good would turning himself in do? Do you think he will be given a fair trial, or will it be a kangaroo court? Is martyrdom more beneficial than him remaining free? If so, who is it more beneficial to? It might make you feel good, but what about the man who may spend the rest of his life in prison? I can't think of a single benefit of Snowden turning himself in.

What good would come of his arrest and trial? We would show the world a fair trial, notwithstanding your "kangaroo court" comment. In his trial he could testify and explain his motivation - maybe live on TV - and prove to the world he is not a coward, but a patriot. Of course the prosecutor will have a different opinion and a jury would decide.

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