to those that feel like calling it the "Chines Virus" is racist; I recommend a compromise!

Red Chinese Batflu

we still make sure that we identify where it came from & who is truly responsible AND we take away any chance of a misunderstanding about people of Chinese descent that live, work and play here in the US

seems like a win/win to me

and no, much as I wish I could, I can't take credit for this...

this article is one of the best and most spot on I have seen about this whole crisis to date:

How Trump Can Defeat the Xi Jinping Batflu

The world cannot be fixed

Mister Trump, the president of a neighbouring country, likes to win. This is his reputation, and it is enhanced by his public enthusiasm for winning, and the fact that he frequently wins. One might almost call him an embodiment of American optimism.

Now, as it becomes more apparent that the danger of the Red Chinese Batfluwas overstated, he should be coming into his own. Having correctly anticipated that Americans (also Europeans, Asians, Africans, Brazilians, &c) would be panicked by irresponsible media reports, fed by the interests of massive and incompetent government bureaucracies, he took decisive action — in effect launching a “Green New Deal” overnight. Most other countries followed his lead, after smearing him a bit. The Natted States Opposition Party (so called because it is opposed even to itself) likewise followed the lead of “other countries,” i.e., smearing Trump and then doing what he said.

It’s not racist to hold a nation accountable. Liberals use terms like racist and xenophobe. Further, they equate American Nationalism with racism and xenophobia which is a falsehood. The Left celebrates any other Nation showing its pride except US whom they smear.

The Pussy Left can’t even pitch Open Borders right now. Why? Because they are afraid.

Americans are lockdown, lost their livelihood, health, and cannot cross state lines on some places. How warm and receptive do you think Americans will be for lax enforcement of immigration laws when we start to get back to normal?

Americans want America to be protected. Which candidate is going to put America first with more stringent Immigration and international trade? Which candidate is going to curl into the fetal position and appease the globe while waiting for orders from the UN?

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