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To Violate Someone's Constitutional Rights, No Evidence Needed...

Cons chased Bill Clinton and Hillary for whitewater and getting a blowjob.
Cons chased Hillary because she had a server .

Now itā€™s payback bitches ! Donā€™t hate the player , hate the game .
What are you...4yo?

The difference between the Clintons and Trump is that the file folder on the Clintons is overflowing with actual evidence of crimes. After 2+ years Mueller and the Democrats can find NOTHING on the President.

Grow up.
If you are a Democrat violating the Constitution...

House Dems prepare to demand Trump tax returns with no evidence of a crime

"Itā€™s true that the Ways and Means Committee has the legal authority to request the private tax returns of any citizen, and in theory, they could initiate legal action in an attempt to force the issue. (Thatā€™s why Neal was stuck with the job.) But such requests have to be made as part of an investigation into a crime where the tax returns would provide relevant information."

The Democrats STILL have no evidence of a crime committed by the President. They just want to go 'fishing'.

"And the government is held to strict accountability in terms of when a private citizenā€™s tax returns can even be looked at, say nothing of making them public. If you donā€™t think that those returns will be showing up in the New York Times on the same day the Democrats get hold of them, Iā€™ve got some prime Florida swampland to sell you."

This she thing is stupid / corrupt as hell, so much so Stevie Wonder could plainly see it:

"A request such as this would generally be expected to begin with law enforcement investigating a crime."

What crime do the Democrats claim has taken place where the Presidentā€™s personal tax returns might be relevant?

The only thing weā€™re hearing so far, aside from vague charges of ā€œimproprietiesā€ is a claim of ā€œpotential tax evasion.ā€

Really? And who is making that charge? Wouldnā€™t such a claim normally be coming from the IRS, rather than a committee investigation asking them for the documents?

If Trump has been cheating on his taxes, one would assume that the IRS was already aware of it through previous audits and working on the case."

The attempted liberal coup d'etat continues....

House Dems prepare to demand Trump tax returns with no evidence of a crime


Trump has commmitted LOTS of crimes, as stated by Michael Cohen in the public hearing in the House. There's bank fraud, insurance fraud, and oh so much more, and Cohen\s testimony was all the admission of crimes committed necessary to get those tax returns.

And this is just the beginning asshole!!!
Trump has commmitted LOTS of crimes, as stated by Michael Cohen in the public hearing in the House.

(DL, why so hostile / the personal attack against me so early in the morning? That time of the month, haven't gotten laid in a while, or is this just YOU all the time? Never mind - that's none of my business. My apologies...)

So the President is 'GUILTY until proven innocent' - a la Kavanaugh, huh?

It is funny ... and highly embarrassing for you ....that your desperation has reduced you to the point where you are declaring the President of the United States is guilty of a crime because an admitted, convicted perjurer who lied under oath before Congress returned to Congress to accuse Trump of crimes while committing Perjury by lying to Congress under oath AGAIN, a 2nd Time, for which he is now possibly looking at more criminal charges and more time in jail!

Taking the word of an admitted 2-Time Perjurer who can not collaborate any of his claims, who can not produce any evidence against the President (much like Mueller, the Democrats, & snowflakes after 2+ years of digging...) ... I did not know Canadians were so hilarious.


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Cons chased Bill Clinton and Hillary for whitewater and getting a blowjob.
Cons chased Hillary because she had a server .

Now itā€™s payback bitches ! Donā€™t hate the player , hate the game .
What are you...4yo?

The difference between the Clintons and Trump is that the file folder on the Clintons is overflowing with actual evidence of crimes. After 2+ years Mueller and the Democrats can find NOTHING on the President.

Grow up.

to use the words of you Trumpians...no indictment, no crime.
Trump has commmitted LOTS of crimes, as stated by Michael Cohen in the public hearing in the House.

(DL, why so hostile / the personal attack against me so early in the morning? That time of the month, haven't gotten laid in a while, or is this just YOU all the time? Never mind - that's none of my business. My apologies...)

So the President is 'GUILTY until proven innocent' - a la Kavanaugh, huh?

It is funny ... and highly embarrassing for you ....that your desperation has reduced you to the point where you are declaring the President of the United States is guilty of a crime because an admitted, convicted perjurer who lied under oath before Congress returned to Congress to accuse Trump of crimes while committing Perjury by lying to Congress under oath AGAIN, a 2nd Time, for which he is now possibly looking at more criminal charges and more time in jail!

Taking the word of an admitted 2-Time Perjurer who can not collaborate any of his claims, who can not produce any evidence against the President (much like Mueller, the Democrats, & snowflakes after 2+ years of digging...)

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aw well , i always remember that DLady is only a 'canadian' and doesn't understand innocent till Proven Guilty Easy .
to use the words of you Trumpians...no indictment, no crime.
Again, the difference between the Clintons and Trump is that there is an over-abundance of evidence of crimes perpetrated by the Clintons while after 2+ years the only crimes Mueller and the Democrats have exposed are their own...forcing snowflakes to continue to launch false allegations without evidence while defending and justifying their own preferred party's crimes....like you are attempting to do.

Damn, it must be easy being you - not having to think, just follow, do what you're told, and parrot the talking points. Snowflakes have it made.

aw well , i always remember that DLady is only a 'canadian' and doesn't understand innocent till Proven Guilty Easy .
???? I didn't know all Democrats and snowflakes were Canadian......

to use the words of you Trumpians...no indictment, no crime.
Again, the difference between the Clintons and Trump is that there is an over-abundance of evidence of crimes perpetrated by the Clintons while after 2+ years the only crimes Mueller and the Democrats have exposed are their own...forcing snowflakes to continue to launch false allegations without evidence while defending and justifying their own preferred party's crimes....like you are attempting to do.

Damn, it must be easy being you - not having to think, just follow, do what you're told, and parrot the talking points. Snowflakes have it made.


all you partisan sheep are the same, it is always different for the other guy. You always have two sets of rules, one for your guys, one for the other guys.

Debt under Obama bad....debt under Trump, you suck Trump's dick even harder.

you are a joke.
all you partisan sheep are the same, it is always different for the other guy. You always have two sets of rules, one for your guys, one for the other guys.
I wondered how long it would take this morning for some snowflake to accuse others of what they / Democrats have done and do and accuse them of being who snowflakes and Democrats continue to prove they are...

That didn't take long.
all you partisan sheep are the same, it is always different for the other guy. You always have two sets of rules, one for your guys, one for the other guys.
I wondered how long it would take this morning for some snowflake to accuse others of what they / Democrats have done and do and accuse them of being who snowflakes and Democrats continue to prove they are...

That didn't take long.

are you drunk? that was one of the most incoherent things you have ever posted, and that is saying a lot.

there is no bigger partisan on this forum than you, you literally worship the man in the White House.
there is no bigger partisan on this forum than you, you literally worship the man in the White House.
Funny...in response to my pointing out how snowflakes / Democrats (YOU) almost always accuse others of doing what THEY (YOU) do and of being who THEY (YOU) are, you do it again!


:itsok: There there, lil' snowflake. It'll be ok. The truth only stings for a little while.

there is no bigger partisan on this forum than you, you literally worship the man in the White House.
Funny...in response to my pointing out how snowflakes / Democrats (YOU) almost always accuse others of doing what THEY (YOU) do and of being who THEY (YOU) are, you do it again!


:itsok: There there, lil' snowflake. It'll be ok. The truth only stings for a little while.

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you keep posting as if posting it multiple times will make it true.

in one thread you are accusing me of worshiping Obama like you do Trump and in another thread I am arguing that Obama was the 2nd worst president in the history of the nation.

you assume that everyone worships their political party because you know nothing else. that someone might be outside of the duopoly is beyond your ability to comprehend.
you keep posting as if posting it multiple times will make it true.

in one thread you are accusing me of worshiping Obama like you do Trump and in another thread I am arguing that Obama was the 2nd worst president in the history of the nation.

you assume that everyone worships their political party because you know nothing else. that someone might be outside of the duopoly is beyond your ability to comprehend.
Wow, you really are a 'drama queen' - everything has to be about you ... instead of about the topic of this thread, which is how the Left continues to violate people's Constitutional Rights.

Brennan illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, and even USSC Justices.

Obama's DOJ, NSA, CIA, and FBI all colluded / collaborated together to illegally con the FISA courts to get their illegal warrant to spy on Trump and his team, and Brennan conned Congress into opening up an investigation of a NON-crime and to appoint Co-Conspirator Mueller.

D-Schiff admittedly leaked classified, but, as with all of their other exposed crimes, Democrats / snowflakes have ignored it.

NOW, understanding after 2+ years Mueller has come up with NOTHING, the Democrats - like tantrum-throwing children who did not get their way, have declared 'open season' on the President, intending to investigate every inch of his life to try to find anything they can use to Impeach him, starting with a demand for his taxes - which is the IRS' realm.

Were I Trump, I would request the IRS audit the taxes of every Democrat in the House, starting with Nancy Pelosi, justifying it by saying he thinks what the Democrats intend to do - ENSURE THE INTEGRITY & LEGAL BEHAVIOR OF EVERY POLITICIAN SERVING THE AMERICAN PEOPLE - is a great idea, which is why he wants the IRS to check everyone's taxes.

Such a move would cause the traitorous Democrats to scream like a scalded dog, claiming it was an intimidation move.....'what is good for the President is not good for US!'

there is no bigger partisan on this forum than you, you literally worship the man in the White House.
Funny...in response to my pointing out how snowflakes / Democrats (YOU) almost always accuse others of doing what THEY (YOU) do and of being who THEY (YOU) are, you do it again!


:itsok: There there, lil' snowflake. It'll be ok. The truth only stings for a little while.

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The irony is this thread is about a so called ā€œwitch-hunt ā€œ when history shows us the cons are the kings of witch hunts .
the payments to the two ho's, Trump was individual 1 in the SDNY criminal investigation w/Cohen...

Cohen paid the payoff money through the Trump foundation/corporation, to launder the money, and they allegedly took an illegal tax deduction
no crime. oh well.
Cons chased Bill Clinton and Hillary for whitewater and getting a blowjob.
Cons chased Hillary because she had a server .

Now itā€™s payback bitches ! Donā€™t hate the player , hate the game .

Two wrongs don't make a right, Timmuh Timmuh. :itsok:
If you are a Democrat violating the Constitution...

House Dems prepare to demand Trump tax returns with no evidence of a crime

"Itā€™s true that the Ways and Means Committee has the legal authority to request the private tax returns of any citizen, and in theory, they could initiate legal action in an attempt to force the issue. (Thatā€™s why Neal was stuck with the job.) But such requests have to be made as part of an investigation into a crime where the tax returns would provide relevant information."

The Democrats STILL have no evidence of a crime committed by the President. They just want to go 'fishing'.

"And the government is held to strict accountability in terms of when a private citizenā€™s tax returns can even be looked at, say nothing of making them public. If you donā€™t think that those returns will be showing up in the New York Times on the same day the Democrats get hold of them, Iā€™ve got some prime Florida swampland to sell you."

This she thing is stupid / corrupt as hell, so much so Stevie Wonder could plainly see it:

"A request such as this would generally be expected to begin with law enforcement investigating a crime."

What crime do the Democrats claim has taken place where the Presidentā€™s personal tax returns might be relevant?

The only thing weā€™re hearing so far, aside from vague charges of ā€œimproprietiesā€ is a claim of ā€œpotential tax evasion.ā€

Really? And who is making that charge? Wouldnā€™t such a claim normally be coming from the IRS, rather than a committee investigation asking them for the documents?

If Trump has been cheating on his taxes, one would assume that the IRS was already aware of it through previous audits and working on the case."

The attempted liberal coup d'etat continues....

House Dems prepare to demand Trump tax returns with no evidence of a crime

Justice minded governments investigate crimes looking for the wrongdoers.

Fascists investigate enemies looking for crimes.
The irony is this thread is about a so called ā€œwitch-hunt ā€œ when history shows us the cons are the kings of witch hunts .
Nice try. Conservatives are 'kings' of exposing Liberal / Democrat Crime....Democrats are just better at protecting their criminals from the consequences of those crimes. The GOP may have lost that title, though - Mueller and the Democrats have done an outstanding job unintentionally exposing Democrat obstruction, perjury, espionage, seditious conspiracy, etc...
there is no bigger partisan on this forum than you, you literally worship the man in the White House.
Funny...in response to my pointing out how snowflakes / Democrats (YOU) almost always accuse others of doing what THEY (YOU) do and of being who THEY (YOU) are, you do it again!


:itsok: There there, lil' snowflake. It'll be ok. The truth only stings for a little while.

View attachment 248829

The irony is this thread is about a so called ā€œwitch-hunt ā€œ when history shows us the cons are the kings of witch hunts .
I do not know the particulars. Years ago I read the disdain has been going on since Watergate. I have no idea in reality what Nixon was. Only what I was told. The thing is that many other politicians were as and are as he was accused. To me, Hill and Bill make Nixon look like a choir boy.

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