To what degree is it appropriate for a sitting president to deprecate a SCOTUS decision?

They lied

They specifically stated Roe v Wade was the law of the land and that they supported the precedence

If they thought Roe was UnConstitutional, they should have stated so when they were confirmed

Instead……They lied
Prove it! Where is your proof they supported it and where did they state it in their confirmation? NO where. YOU have NO proof!
Why are you so stupid as to make a comment WITH NO supporting proof? PROVE IT!
It was a bad decision in the first place, thank God they corrected it and re-instituted States' Rights.

If that was the case, why didn’t they say so at their confirmation instead of lying to Congress?
Maybe because they lied about their intent

The Supreme Court is not above reproach.
They are judged by all Americans and will be judged by History
Nobody lied about their intent. You keep making that shallow dishonest claim. But you can’t support it. Basically, you’re the one lying, Leftwhiner.
The problem is that most (if not all) on the left truly do not understand the Constitution and what it was designed for.
Prove it! Where is your proof they supported it and where did they state it in their confirmation? NO where. YOU have NO proof!
Why are you so stupid as to make a comment WITH NO supporting proof? PROVE IT!

Their stance on Roe at their confirmation is well documented
Nothing to prove
It was a bad decision in the first place, thank God they corrected it and re-instituted States' Rights.
Allow me to quote the great one, judge Robert Bork:

"That in turn led to Roe v. Wade and the right to abortion. Whatever one’s feelings about abortion, the decision has no constitutional foundation, and the Court offered no constitutional reasoning. Roe is nothing more than the decision of a Court majority to enlist on one side of the culture war."
Biden was pretty harsh this afternoon as his condemned the conservative justices and called it a “sad day for the country*” and the ruling a “tragic error.” He even went so far as to claim that the justices “took away a Constitutional right” when of course there is no constitutional right to an abortion and was the crux of what the SCOTUS determined.

Is it not undermining a co-equal branch of the government for a president to say that the SCOTUS has violated the Constitution?

* It‘s not a sad day for million of yet unborn children.

Good for President Biden.
PROVE IT. Where in history did Jackson tell the court to stuff it? GIVE me proof and not your subjective totally biased and ignorant opinion!

The US supreme court ruled against the forced removal of the Indians ( trail of tears) Jackson did it anyway.
The TRUMPCourt will not only be denigrated by Biden, but by history.

Their partisan support of Republican dogma will be condemned by history
They’re conservatives. They stick with the Constitution. If your characterization of Republicans are those who follow Constitutional law, fine with me.
PROVE IT. Where in history did Jackson tell the court to stuff it? GIVE me proof and not your subjective totally biased and ignorant opinion!
Jackson stayed that John Marshall made his ruling, now he could enforce it.

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