To white people whom this maybe....

This is the same concept as a rich mans kid taking over his business and then running it into the ground. They did build it from nothing to something his farther did.
I know a lot of white people that believe rich people weather it be Trump, Bush, Romeny, etc. real care about them.

The monetary policy makes them rich. It's why none of them are interested in changing it.

But you're right, they don't care about you. Or me, for that matter.

Just have to ask ourselves what we can do better. Voting won't help, because they all adhere to the same destructive, socialist, monetary policy no matter what letter is in front of their political idealogy, D or R, doesn't matter.

What happens is that the 1 percenters are the ones who receive all of those freshly printed, worthless, Federal Reserve Notes and they're the ones who get to insert them into the economy however they want. And it's always inserted into the economy in a way that makes them richer and us poorer. You and I on the other hand get to pay the inflation tax on it.

Inflation properly defined means a surplus of money and credit (aka printing money...monetizing debt). Price increases are only one consequence of it. Each dollar in your pocket is worth 4 cents as a consequence. And its value will continue to drop even more.

The so-called ''tax cut'' the GOP just passed? Bull Pucky. It was a tax increase. Why? Because they adopted chained CPI into it. What does chained CPI, do? It allows the government to legally lie about the the effect of inflation on the American standard of living. It's why you see all of the bull crap chart propaganda being posted all over the place around here like everything is okay. Phhht. Everything is not okay. lol. Those charts reflect the lie. And, unfortunately, people eat it up like candy until the chickens come home to roost and reality sets in when they're in a higher tax bracket. And they will be. In time.

Here's a snip fro ma previous posting about it explaining Chained CPI just because I don't feel like typing it all - ''Chained CPI is a way of measuring CPI that understates inflation's effects on our standard of living. It does this by assuming inflation has not reduced Americans' standard of living if, for example, people can buy hamburgers when they can no longer afford steak. This so-called full substitution ignores the fact that if Individuals viewed hamburgers as a full substitute for steak they would have bought hamburgers before Fed-created inflation made steak unaffordable. Chained CPI increases the inflation tax. The inflation tax is hidden and regressive because it is not a tax on real wages. It is a tax on the illusionary gains in income caused by inflation (Remember this the next time some dolt says, oh, I have more money in my pocket thanks to Trump...bull's illusionary and they will fork it over + more). The use of chained CPI to adjust tax brackets pushes individuals into higher tax brackets over time.'' - End snip

Also, while i'm thinking about it. The GDP. How many times do we see people talking about that thing? lol. Consumer confidence is up, they say. Bull pucky. The GDP charts have been a reflection of the outlandish government spending of money they don't have. To repeat what I told you earlier in this communication - the 1 percenters are the ones who receive all of those freshly printed, worthless, Federal Reserve Notes and they're the ones who get to insert them into the economy however they want. Remember?This is where the lobbyists come into the equation.

Want to solve the problem of wage inequality? End the Federal Reserve. It's been around 105 years and it's totally destroyed the middle class as well as the value of our money. And it's no irony that the IRS, the Federal Reserve's collection wing, was created in the same year. Your income taxes are paying the interest on the debt created by the Fed's monetization of debt. Nothing more. You think it's going for bridges? Phhht. Nope. Why do you think people are still complaining about the busted up bridges? lol. There's a reason.

Actually, repealing the 16th Amendment is the real solution, because that's what they established to empower themselves to create the Federal Reserve and the IRS in 1913 in the first place. The Founders warned us against a central bank. And for good reason, look at what it has caused.

The IRS, btw, the Federal Reserve's collection wing, assumes that they own you, own all of your wealth, and may set the terms for which you may keep a certain percentage. How do you like them apples? Hm?

Since 1971, when the government finally made real money illegal, America has been a socialist economy. This is what socialism does. It makes the rich oligarchs rich and it puts you in the poor house.
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I believe a rich man or woman that has always lived that way can not be a good president, since he or she has never been in the average persons shoes. How can they truly understand the needs of people when they have never had to live a day in their life. I remember hearing that Bush had never bought a loaf of bread or knew how much milk cost. I know a lot of white people that believe rich people weather it be Trump, Bush, Romeny, etc. real care about them. I don't think so. When it comes down to it, that can't see you because they've never been you.

I think the same way sometimes except that FDR was one of the wealthiest presidents as well as one of the greatest, who did much for the average person, so I don't think that theory doesn't always hold true. Anyway, welcome aboard.
This is the same concept as a rich mans kid taking over his business and then running it into the ground. They did build it from nothing to something his farther did.

I believe a rich man or woman that has always lived that way can not be a good president, since he or she has never been in the average persons shoes. How can they truly understand the needs of people when they have never had to live a day in their life. I remember hearing that Bush had never bought a loaf of bread or knew how much milk cost. I know a lot of white people that believe rich people weather it be Trump, Bush, Romeny, etc. real care about them. I don't think so. When it comes down to it, that can't see you because they've never been you.
Wow racism and classism all in one post. Do you often take the advice of people on welfare about how to build wealth? Or how about the the deadbeat dad for family advice?
I believe a rich man or woman that has always lived that way can not be a good president, since he or she has never been in the average persons shoes. How can they truly understand the needs of people when they have never had to live a day in their life. I remember hearing that Bush had never bought a loaf of bread or knew how much milk cost. I know a lot of white people that believe rich people weather it be Trump, Bush, Romeny, etc. real care about them. I don't think so. When it comes down to it, that can't see you because they've never been you.
Clinton’s can? John Kerry is common? Obama went to the most exclusive liberal school on Hawaii. Kennedy clan can understand? Where the fuck you goingnwith this train of thought?
I believe a rich man or woman that has always lived that way can not be a good president, since he or she has never been in the average persons shoes. How can they truly understand the needs of people when they have never had to live a day in their life. I remember hearing that Bush had never bought a loaf of bread or knew how much milk cost. I know a lot of white people that believe rich people weather it be Trump, Bush, Romeny, etc. real care about them. I don't think so. When it comes down to it, that can't see you because they've never been you.

Add Bill and Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders and a host of others.
I believe a rich man or woman that has always lived that way can not be a good president, since he or she has never been in the average persons shoes. How can they truly understand the needs of people when they have never had to live a day in their life. I remember hearing that Bush had never bought a loaf of bread or knew how much milk cost. I know a lot of white people that believe rich people weather it be Trump, Bush, Romeny, etc. real care about them. I don't think so. When it comes down to it, that can't see you because they've never been you.

"Let 'em eat chitlins"
~~~ Tax Man
What the fuck is a chitlin?
I believe a rich man or woman that has always lived that way can not be a good president, since he or she has never been in the average persons shoes. How can they truly understand the needs of people when they have never had to live a day in their life. I remember hearing that Bush had never bought a loaf of bread or knew how much milk cost. I know a lot of white people that believe rich people weather it be Trump, Bush, Romeny, etc. real care about them. I don't think so. When it comes down to it, that can't see you because they've never been you.
Wow racism and classism all in one post. Do you often take the advice of people on welfare about how to build wealth? Or how about the the deadbeat dad for family advice?

When it comes to wealth, why do we listen to the criticism of the poor? They never had it, probably never will. If I want a successful marriage I don’t listen to a two time loser. I listen to those that are on their first marriage and when it comes to wealth, I listen to those that have made it and are keeping it.
Leftie pundits are always ready to trick republicans with verbal ambushes. I buy milk at Walmart most of the time but I ain't got a clue about what it costs. They branded Bush as an elitist because he didn't know the price of milk and he fell for it like the chicken shit a-hole that typical republicans had become. I don't know where the post is going with "average persons shoes" but Hillary was a relatively average average person who hooked up with an Arkansas hick pervert she thought was going places. She may have known what it was like to spend a dismal life defending a freaking loser but it doesn't make her a good presidential candidate.
I believe a rich man or woman that has always lived that way can not be a good president, since he or she has never been in the average persons shoes. How can they truly understand the needs of people when they have never had to live a day in their life. I remember hearing that Bush had never bought a loaf of bread or knew how much milk cost. I know a lot of white people that believe rich people weather it be Trump, Bush, Romeny, etc. real care about them. I don't think so. When it comes down to it, that can't see you because they've never been you.

"Let 'em eat chitlins"
~~~ Tax Man
What the fuck is a chitlin?

That's soul food. Southern food.
I believe a rich man or woman that has always lived that way can not be a good president, since he or she has never been in the average persons shoes. How can they truly understand the needs of people when they have never had to live a day in their life. I remember hearing that Bush had never bought a loaf of bread or knew how much milk cost. I know a lot of white people that believe rich people weather it be Trump, Bush, Romeny, etc. real care about them. I don't think so. When it comes down to it, that can't see you because they've never been you.
Wow racism and classism all in one post. Do you often take the advice of people on welfare about how to build wealth? Or how about the the deadbeat dad for family advice?

When it comes to wealth, why do we listen to the criticism of the poor? They never had it, probably never will. If I want a successful marriage I don’t listen to a two time loser. I listen to those that are on their first marriage and when it comes to wealth, I listen to those that have made it and are keeping it.

What I am say is, I think someone that went from nothing to something would make a better president. That person will have a better understanding by going from being poor to middle class to rich.
Leftie pundits are always ready to trick republicans with verbal ambushes. I buy milk at Walmart most of the time but I ain't got a clue about what it costs. They branded Bush as an elitist because he didn't know the price of milk and he fell for it like the chicken shit a-hole that typical republicans had become. I don't know where the post is going with "average persons shoes" but Hillary was a relatively average average person who hooked up with an Arkansas hick pervert she thought was going places. She may have known what it was like to spend a dismal life defending a freaking loser but it doesn't make her a good presidential candidate.
Average average?

She was on the Watergate legal team while in her twenties.

Does that sound average?

This is the same concept as a rich mans kid taking over his business and then running it into the ground. They did build it from nothing to something his farther did.

Bro, do you even English?

Are you a Russian bot?
This is the same concept as a rich mans kid taking over his business and then running it into the ground. They did build it from nothing to something his farther did.

This is the same concept as a rich mans kid taking over his business and then running it into the ground. He didn't build it from nothing to something as his farther did.

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