To whitewash Gaza genocide, Israel is paying influencers !!

How can the world expect them to value other people’s lives
Neither side values other people's lives Roudy

They both want genocide, they're both fascist theocracies who think God's on their side, both blinded by their own bigotry, both seek the world's sympathy , both seek the world's support for their endeavors ....

Neither side values other people's lives Roudy

They both want genocide, they're both fascist theocracies who think God's on their side, both blinded by their own bigotry, both seek the world's sympathy , both seek the world's support for their endeavors ....

Wrong. Israelis value all lives, Palestinians don’t even value their own people’s lives. They have already said so.
You have to explain why Israel cut the water supplies for 2 million humans.
Its because they raped, murdered and butchered a bunch of Israelis and children. They said "ok, we wont be giving that to you guys anymore. You are holding our people hostage for cryin lg out loud!!! No more free stuff."
Neonazis supporters of Gaza genocide:

“You can’t help but be overwhelmed by the sense of that where we’re standing was once, a month ago, a place of innocence and now has been desecrated beyond comprehension,” said Morrison.

Both Greineman and Dann spoke about the kibbutz families who had helped Palestinian workers from Gaza. Dann said he had a friend who had become close with one of the workers whose daughter was ill with a heart defect, and helped them get medication and medical care.

“We were glad that workers from Gaza were coming to Israel with work permits to have jobs to meet Israelis, to see that we’re not all ‘those devils,’” he said, gesturing with air quotes. “We all really believed that things are changing. That Hamas has maybe matured from being this terrorist group to being the grown up; taking responsibility for their people, worrying for their welfare. And that concept really blew up in our face.”

Members of one family who had hired a Palestinian employee were now in Gaza themselves as hostages, Dann said.

“I can’t tell you if one of those workers was a spy,” he said. “We can assume that probably yes because they had intelligence. They came here with maps. They knew exactly where everyone was.”

Okev, another resident who had returned to the kibbutz to gather some belongings, said he and his fellow kibbutz members were struck by an overwhelming feeling of “disappointment.”

Gili Okev sits outside his ruined house in Kfar Aza, Israel, a month after Hamas terrorists invaded and killed many of his neighbors. He doesn't know why he was spared. (Deborah Danan)

A recent investigation has uncovered how the Israeli government is paying social media influencers to spread positive content about Israel and downplay the atrocities committed during the Gaza genocide. These influencers, who have a significant number of followers, are being paid large sums of money to create and share pro-Israel propaganda on various platforms.
Is hasbara a new concept to you?
A recent investigation has uncovered how the Israeli government is paying social media influencers to spread positive content about Israel and downplay the atrocities committed during the Gaza genocide. These influencers, who have a significant number of followers, are being paid large sums of money to create and share pro-Israel propaganda on various platforms.

According to the findings, these influencers are reportedly required to attend training sessions organized by the Israeli government, where they are taught how to manipulate their content to divert attention away from the grave human rights violations committed by the Israeli military. The investigation suggests that this tactic aims to create a distorted narrative that whitewashes the genocide and portrays Israel as a victim rather than the aggressor.

The paid influencers are said to be instructed to use specific hashtags and engage in discussions that align with the Israeli narrative, posing a significant challenge to the authenticity and trustworthiness of social media platforms.

Wouldn't surprise me if both sides are doing this. Why? Because quite frankly this war is one of influencing people. The Palestinians are doing it, and have done it for a long, long time. You get a lot of politicians who think the "free Palestine" movement is one they want to get involved with.

The Israelis have used the Holocaust as a way of stopping dissent for a long time too.

The problem is both sides are doing bad things, because that's what happens in war. Israel is fighting off a bunch of people who are hell bent on genocide. You even have Palestinian American members of Congress saying Israel wants genocide, which is a little ludicrous because they'd have to destroy the Arab people to do that. But genocide is that kind of word, most people don't understand what it mean, they just believe it's about killing + bad = genocide.
A recent investigation has uncovered how the Israeli government is paying social media influencers to spread positive content about Israel and downplay the atrocities committed during the Gaza genocide. These influencers, who have a significant number of followers, are being paid large sums of money to create and share pro-Israel propaganda on various platforms.

According to the findings, these influencers are reportedly required to attend training sessions organized by the Israeli government, where they are taught how to manipulate their content to divert attention away from the grave human rights violations committed by the Israeli military. The investigation suggests that this tactic aims to create a distorted narrative that whitewashes the genocide and portrays Israel as a victim rather than the aggressor.

The paid influencers are said to be instructed to use specific hashtags and engage in discussions that align with the Israeli narrative, posing a significant challenge to the authenticity and trustworthiness of social media platforms.

Lol what a "source" - presstv - Islamic Republic of Iran Mullahcracy.

by Ayattollah.


  • IMG-20231107-WA0010.jpg
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A young man is rescued from under the rubble of his house bombed by Israel in the Gaza Strip.

Modern-day Vampires who murdered 12,000+ , of whom >5,000 are babies and children:


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