Toby Keith To Perform At Trump Inauguration

"A ton of backlash"? I freaking doubt it. Keith is just a Country singer. Why would he incur "a ton of backlash" from the patriots who support the president elect? Didn't the left even look at the county election map? Aside from sissie enclaves in L.A. and NYC the whole map is redder than it was when Reagan won in a landslide.

Oh brother . Square footage does not vote . Otherwise Alaska would have the most electoral votes .

Toby Keith doesn't give a damn what the haters think ... he says his Donald Trump Inauguration performance isn't a personal favor, it's for the good ole U.S. of A.

Keith has faced a ton of backlash since it was announced Friday he'd be part of a show at The Lincoln Memorial the night before Trump is sworn in. However, Keith is sticking to his guns, saying, "I don't apologize for performing for our country or military," in an interview with EW.

Toby Keith Telling The Critics To Back Off

Gee, what a surprise.
Toby will put a boot in a liberals ass and then get his red Solo cup.

Toby Keith doesn't give a damn what the haters think ... he says his Donald Trump Inauguration performance isn't a personal favor, it's for the good ole U.S. of A.

Keith has faced a ton of backlash since it was announced Friday he'd be part of a show at The Lincoln Memorial the night before Trump is sworn in. However, Keith is sticking to his guns, saying, "I don't apologize for performing for our country or military," in an interview with EW.

Toby Keith Telling The Critics To Back Off

Gee, what a surprise.

He's just white trash with money.
Violently protest the Inauguration, get your ass arrested. A criminal record to go with your lack of hire-able skills. Awesome plan!

Toby Keith doesn't give a damn what the haters think ... he says his Donald Trump Inauguration performance isn't a personal favor, it's for the good ole U.S. of A.

Keith has faced a ton of backlash since it was announced Friday he'd be part of a show at The Lincoln Memorial the night before Trump is sworn in. However, Keith is sticking to his guns, saying, "I don't apologize for performing for our country or military," in an interview with EW.

Toby Keith Telling The Critics To Back Off

Gee, what a surprise.

He's just white trash with money.

They are both just white trash with money.

Toby Keith doesn't give a damn what the haters think ... he says his Donald Trump Inauguration performance isn't a personal favor, it's for the good ole U.S. of A.

Keith has faced a ton of backlash since it was announced Friday he'd be part of a show at The Lincoln Memorial the night before Trump is sworn in. However, Keith is sticking to his guns, saying, "I don't apologize for performing for our country or military," in an interview with EW.

Toby Keith Telling The Critics To Back Off

Gee, what a surprise.

He's just white trash with money.

They are both just white trash with money.

Yea, but Keith had an album called "White Trash with Money".

Toby Keith doesn't give a damn what the haters think ... he says hisDonald Trump Inauguration performance isn't a personal favor, it's for the good ole U.S. of A.

Keith has faced a ton of backlash since it was announced Friday he'd be part of a show at The Lincoln Memorial the night before Trump is sworn in. However, Keith is sticking to his guns, saying, "I don't apologize for performing for our country or military," in an interview with EW.

Toby Keith Telling The Critics To Back Off

Gee, what a surprise.
And now he's dead. Stomach cancer. I loved the man's music. Just hated his politics. RIP.

His politics:
Work hard
Pay your own way
Be accountable/responsible
Love your country
Protect and preserve your nation
Expect sovereignty
Respect law and order

Yep, terrible politics….all kryptonite to the left.
Keith was politically outspoken throughout his career, and surprised some by pointing out that he had been a lifelong Democrat before registering as an independent.

He defended Bush when Bush lied us into Iraq. Even Trump admits Bush lied us into Iraq. And then Toby sang at Trump's inauguration? Well, he was a millionaire. I get it.

Toby Keith doesn't give a damn what the haters think ... he says hisDonald Trump Inauguration performance isn't a personal favor, it's for the good ole U.S. of A.

Keith has faced a ton of backlash since it was announced Friday he'd be part of a show at The Lincoln Memorial the night before Trump is sworn in. However, Keith is sticking to his guns, saying, "I don't apologize for performing for our country or military," in an interview with EW.

Toby Keith Telling The Critics To Back Off

Gee, what a surprise.

Toby Keith was a living asshole! Now he's a dead asshole!

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