Today, A Dark Day For Environmentalists.

Perhaps you should move beyond third grade science, you silly ass. The major is geology. I see no evidence you have ever learned anything but copy and paste. Certainly no logic.

OMG.... ROFLMAO.....

Old Crock, copy and paste king calling out another poster for his own behavior. Then goes on to belittle her logic when he shows no intelligence at all..

Speaking of Science, where is the lab work, data and method used to show what 120 PPM has done to our atmosphere and earths temp..? Were still waiting for it...
Perhaps you should move beyond third grade science, you silly ass. The major is geology. I see no evidence you have ever learned anything but copy and paste. Certainly no logic.
My brother majored in Geology. I never latched on to that area of study, so I rely on him when I need assistance.
I recently helped him on a few jobs doing wellsite geo. It was a fucking bitch. Work 6 hours, sleep 2, get up and do it again until the job is done. He charges the drilling contractor $1k/day and damn he earns it.
There is no species that is overfished in us waters, a fact.

Fishing for cod is either non existent or so meager as to be non existent, and there has been no improvement in cod stocks for fifteen years or so scientists would have you believe, even with what amounts to a complete moratorium on cod fishing during that time. Conclusion; whatever is wrong with the cod stocks has nothing to do with commercial fishing. What has happened is that environmentalists and scientists have pretty much put the New England fishing fleet out of business, the long term goal of every environmental group for every fishery.

Can you apply too much power and technology to a resource? Yes

Are scientists accountable for fraudulent, incorrect, bad, and agenda driven research that affects peoples livelihoods. No, hell no! As a matter of fact wrong science gets a raise and a promotion.

The stereotypes of commercial fishermen in this country and the constant blame that is levied on them for all the ills of the oceans just show a pervasive ignorance by Johnny come lately fish huggers, pew researchers, Monterey aquarium, and Oceania zealots.
This thread began with the following:

"This day is the anniversary of the death of the 'patron saint' of the environmental movement, Thomas Malthus, who died December 23 (1834).

1. You may recall that Malthus' most well known work 'An Essay on the Principle of Population' .... The main tenets of his argument were radically opposed to current thinking at the time. He argued that increases in population would eventually diminish the ability of the world to feed itself and based this conclusion on the thesis that populations expand in such a way as to overtake the development of sufficient land for crops."
BBC - History - Thomas Malthus"

It seems only appropriate to inform the simpletons who actually believe that 'environmentalism' is in any way a science, that their icon, the above mentioned hand-wringer in chief, Thomas Malthus, was born this very day in 1766...

February 13th, 1766.

Balloons and confetti?
It's often reported that Mark Twain said " The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated."

Someone should apply that to the earth, and report it to the environmentalists.

They won't laugh....environmentalists are almost as humorless as feminists, whose motto is "That's not funny!"

I'd love to see the Sierra Club, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC), Fish and Wildlife Service. the EPA, etc, all get together under the name "Hand-Wringers Anonymous."

Or...the CLC....the Chicken Little Consortium!

4. Perhaps we should see some examples of dypeptic doyens of doom, or, what the environmentalists would call their Hall of Fame:

a. In 1865, William Stanley Jevons predicted that the burgeoning Victorian population of English would soon use up all of England's coal! "The conclusion is inevitable that our present happy progressive condition is a thing of limited duration.
Jevons, "The Coal Question," p. 164

Didn't he write "Baby, It's Cold Outside"?

b.This, from 2014: ".... if you start counting not just the reserves known to be recoverable today but the resources thought to be buried underground, the excess becomes huge. The global coal resource is well over 20 trillion tonnes, figures from the International Energy Agency show....fossil fuels....the UK - and the world - has far too much."
why the UK will not run out of oil coal or gas in five years

5. This, from the founding statement of the Audubon Society, 1886: "We may read [the story] plainly enough in the silent hedges, once vocal with the morning songs of birds, and in the deserted fields where once bright plumage flashed in the sunlight."

So.....have you noticed....there are no more birds???

Environmentalism....crying real tears.

It is the same lie told by the founders of Planned Parenthood. Part of their agenda was also depopulation -from the very beginning - depopulate by mass murder of unborn babies - known as abortion.
It's often reported that Mark Twain said " The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated."

Someone should apply that to the earth, and report it to the environmentalists.

They won't laugh....environmentalists are almost as humorless as feminists, whose motto is "That's not funny!"

I'd love to see the Sierra Club, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC), Fish and Wildlife Service. the EPA, etc, all get together under the name "Hand-Wringers Anonymous."

Or...the CLC....the Chicken Little Consortium!

4. Perhaps we should see some examples of dypeptic doyens of doom, or, what the environmentalists would call their Hall of Fame:

a. In 1865, William Stanley Jevons predicted that the burgeoning Victorian population of English would soon use up all of England's coal! "The conclusion is inevitable that our present happy progressive condition is a thing of limited duration.
Jevons, "The Coal Question," p. 164

Didn't he write "Baby, It's Cold Outside"?

b.This, from 2014: ".... if you start counting not just the reserves known to be recoverable today but the resources thought to be buried underground, the excess becomes huge. The global coal resource is well over 20 trillion tonnes, figures from the International Energy Agency show....fossil fuels....the UK - and the world - has far too much."
why the UK will not run out of oil coal or gas in five years

5. This, from the founding statement of the Audubon Society, 1886: "We may read [the story] plainly enough in the silent hedges, once vocal with the morning songs of birds, and in the deserted fields where once bright plumage flashed in the sunlight."

So.....have you noticed....there are no more birds???

Environmentalism....crying real tears.

It is the same lie told by the founders of Planned Parenthood. Part of their agenda was also depopulation -from the very beginning - depopulate by mass murder of unborn babies - known as abortion.

And let's amplify that point: the planet is NOWHERE NEAR overpopulated.
It's often reported that Mark Twain said " The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated."

Someone should apply that to the earth, and report it to the environmentalists.

They won't laugh....environmentalists are almost as humorless as feminists, whose motto is "That's not funny!"

I'd love to see the Sierra Club, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC), Fish and Wildlife Service. the EPA, etc, all get together under the name "Hand-Wringers Anonymous."

Or...the CLC....the Chicken Little Consortium!

4. Perhaps we should see some examples of dypeptic doyens of doom, or, what the environmentalists would call their Hall of Fame:

a. In 1865, William Stanley Jevons predicted that the burgeoning Victorian population of English would soon use up all of England's coal! "The conclusion is inevitable that our present happy progressive condition is a thing of limited duration.
Jevons, "The Coal Question," p. 164

Didn't he write "Baby, It's Cold Outside"?

b.This, from 2014: ".... if you start counting not just the reserves known to be recoverable today but the resources thought to be buried underground, the excess becomes huge. The global coal resource is well over 20 trillion tonnes, figures from the International Energy Agency show....fossil fuels....the UK - and the world - has far too much."
why the UK will not run out of oil coal or gas in five years

5. This, from the founding statement of the Audubon Society, 1886: "We may read [the story] plainly enough in the silent hedges, once vocal with the morning songs of birds, and in the deserted fields where once bright plumage flashed in the sunlight."

So.....have you noticed....there are no more birds???

Environmentalism....crying real tears.

It is the same lie told by the founders of Planned Parenthood. Part of their agenda was also depopulation -from the very beginning - depopulate by mass murder of unborn babies - known as abortion.

And let's amplify that point: the planet is NOWHERE NEAR overpopulated.

True. The common denominator in all of these environmentalists is that they do not believe in God - they do not have a true relationship with God because if they did? If they knew Him? They would know that God plans well in advance for every provision we would ever need upon this earth. He didn't say - ut-oh! I have created too many people! I do not have enough water! Ut-oh! I have created too many people! I do not have enough land for crops to feed the people! No. Man has created laws - thanks to the very people who claim overpopulation to be a problem- to give the sucker fish more rights to water than the farmers who need it for crops! Thanks to the very same people who claim overpopulation to be the problem - we have more and more laws restricting how food is grown - thanks to the Marxists within this organization at the top - we have companies like Monsanto poisoning our food supply with GMO crops and if that were not enough they are putting patents on seeds - in order to control and stop people from growing crops of food - from being able to use the same seed to produce year after year! What have they done? Produced seed that only produces one time - one crop! Tell me there is not an agenda going on to CREATE a food shortage.

Add to this the UN ended their food aid program through World Food Forum - back in 2011 - I'm told - so they are systematically creating this crisis and cutting off news of how bad things are in other nations - so that people in America do not wake up too soon.

One more - these same environmentalists use the excuse of land preservation to seize more and more land - the long lost turtle of some species gives excuse to seize much land - the speckled bird of such and such species and there goes more land - it is a land grab of epic proportions and is all about creating a famine - to reinforce their lie that overpopulation was the cause of it all - how did people without electricity survive brutal winters years ago? With animal fur - that's how - there are many stories of rolling blackouts in other nations - that is kept out of the news - if America were to be hit by an EMP you'd see how fast these PETA folks would be wearing fur coats to keep themselves alive! The hypocrisy will one day become crystal clear. Wait and see.
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The problem with the word 'sustainable' is that it assumes normal conditions. Change those conditions, and the definition of 'sustainable' changes. Should we get an eruption like Toba, even two billion would not be sustainable. And if the weather for agriculture gets real dicey, 7 billion will not be sustainable.

Good point. We could turn the planet into a gigantic parking lot. But if we had a Star Trek replicator that assembled food from thin air, it would be sustainable
so, curious to how much of the earth is populated by man? Do you know?
I've driven all night through eastern California and passed maybe one truck.

I've also noticed that if you try to drive anywhere on a weekday after 3:30 pm in the SF Bay Area, you're stuck on the freeway in a train wreck of angry humanity.

While everything is working properly, 7 billion people on the planet is sustainable. But, there's only a couple days food supply in all major cities. If the computers go down, or if WWIII were to break out, or if there were a global catastrophe of any kind, probably a majority of people would starve. That just an opinion.
I've driven all night through eastern California and passed maybe one truck.

I've also noticed that if you try to drive anywhere on a weekday after 3:30 pm in the SF Bay Area, you're stuck on the freeway in a train wreck of angry humanity.

While everything is working properly, 7 billion people on the planet is sustainable. But, there's only a couple days food supply in all major cities. If the computers go down, or if WWIII were to break out, or if there were a global catastrophe of any kind, probably a majority of people would starve. That just an opinion.[/QUOTE
  1. 7 billion

  2. Some like to assert that everybody on Earth could be fit into the State of Texas, using logic as follows. The area of Texas is about 262,000 mi2. Dividing this figure by the current human population of 7 billion leaves each person with less than 100 square meters, a small plot the size of a big room about 10 m x 10 m.
  3. Let's Put Everybody into Texas
    University of Texas at Austin

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