Today Girls Can Enter What Was Boy Scouts

What could possibly go wrong having a bunch of male and female teens sleeping together during trips?

Welcoming Girls, Boy Scouts Program Is Now Scouts BSA
So you're saying that Boy Scouts have no morals?
Boy Scouts do.

As of today there’s no such thing as a Boy Scout.
They'll just have to start a Baby Scouts, since Scouts can't control themselves.
Will they need to change the name of Webelos also?
Boys who are just learning to cooperate with one another need to have a place that nurtures them and allows them to grow. Girls at this point are just weeds in the garden.

Learning how parents work together comes from mom and dad working together not from random and untrustworthy girls. Of course we now have a culture that rejects mom and dad.
[QUOTE="Moonglow, post: 21732285, member: 30820"
A shorter distance for a panty raid...

You wouldn't know what panties are....then again....maybe you wear them?[/QUOTE]
So you never partook in the age old tradition while camping with the Boy Scouts? We even did it when they started letting females in the army..
I seriously doubt they're going to have boys and girls sleeping together. Girls and boys have been going to camp together for forever, and the biggest problem was maybe the boys sneaking into the girl's rooms at night. That's just going to happen no matter what.
I seriously doubt they're going to have boys and girls sleeping together. Girls and boys have been going to camp together for forever, and the biggest problem was maybe the boys sneaking into the girl's rooms at night. That's just going to happen no matter what.
I was sent to summer camps and there was no coed sleeping quarters, damn!
I think this is stupid. It seems like nothing more than an attack on masculinity.
Girls have their own scouts ffs.
My boy wont join that pc bullshit. Ill teach him how to widdle and build a fire my damn self.

I agree. Stupid is right.

They have the Girl Scouts just like they have the Boy Scouts.

Are the boys going to belong to the Girl Scouts??

Talk about a stupid decision.
Fact. 75% of gay experiences start in Boy Scouts

My BSA troop leader was the best. He worked for Tops Trading Cards, turning us on to huge 3'x3' sheets of baseball player cards. All we had to do was carefully cut out the players we wanted to save or trade.

Sadly, that all ended when a leader of another troop was accused of some type of sexual impropriety, resulting with the entire local chapter being disbanded.

Once again, grown-ups messing up a good thing for kids.

What could possibly go wrong having a bunch of male and female teens sleeping together during trips?

When I was 14-yrs-old me and neighborhood buddies would 'camp-out', setting up a tent in one of our backyards and sleeping out overnight.

Some of the neighborhood girls had the same idea, synchronizing their 'camp-outs' with ours.

At midnight, guess who was visiting our tent and looking to do more with their lips than talking?

These girls weren't sluts or whores, the were girls just wanting to have fun.

Yeah, it sucks large numbers of people are attempting to lead our nation toward a female dominated matriarchy...though offering boys greater access to the ravenous sexual appetite of their female counterparts, may not be a bad thing. :lol:


"[F]emale dominated matriarchy"??? The male-dominated patriarchy hasn't worked out very well, now has it. Try all people of both sexes working together, without flaunting their genitals, to build a good, happy, prosperous society.
This was , yet another, obvious assault on boys in this country.

Why can girls have sex segregated girl scouts still? Ask the Girl Scouts and they will tell you " young girls need a safe place away from boys where they can just be girls to grow up to be secure young women" which is perfectly true. And begs the question, why then shouldn't boys be afforded the same?

The official reason " so many girls wanted to do activities the boy scouts do instead of the activities girl scouts do" is horseshit.. The Girl Scouts could have and should have conformed to the wants and needs of these girls if thats all this was about.

The funny part though is so many people got pisse off at the boy scouts that they will probably go under in the next ten years and the girl scouts are also losing scouts and will probably go under as well, resulting in NO scouts. Good job you leftist retards.
Christ this is stupid. Not the OP (in this case) but combining the two.

Placing these two groups together is the only thing dumber than scouting itself.

Here is what I never understood.
You have boy scouts who go boating, hiking, build fires, swimming, etc.
You have girl scouts who learn citizenship and sell cookies…
This isn’t a value judgement or some sort of sexist rant but calling both programs “scouting” is incongruent.

Also it occurs to me (the obvious), that if the girl scouts and boy scouts offered the same programs but just did them in a gender-segregated way, I doubt there would have been any groundswell of moronic outrage over having to combine the two.

The whole topic is outrage in search of a topic.
The mad irony of this sex-segregation thing is that we then expect these kids to grow up and enter into heterosexual relationships that result in the creation of children, the raising of whom requires the ultimate in cooperation between the sexes. Why is it a problem to teach kids to cooperate with each other before this ultimate challenge occurs?

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