Today Girls Can Enter What Was Boy Scouts

The collective all repeat at once… Individualism bad
"[F]emale dominated matriarchy"??? The male-dominated patriarchy hasn't worked out very well, now has it.

Hello, L. If we agree women are primarily responsible for raising, nurturing and socializing our Nation's young, then surely logic would dictate we agree women are primarily responsible for creating our Nation's CHILD CARE PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS medical doctors are desperately attempting to publicize.

Try all people of both sexes working together, without flaunting their genitals, to build a good, happy, prosperous society.

Frankly, as long as they aren't flaunting them in public places children have access to, I don't care what people do with their genitals.

I'm more concerned about a growing population of apparent SELFISH women believing they alone can raise emotionally healthy children they intentionally deprive of having a caring, reasonably responsible father to guide them through the ups and downs of childhood, as well as teen and adult life.


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"[F]emale dominated matriarchy"??? The male-dominated patriarchy hasn't worked out very well, now has it.

Hello, L. If we agree women are primarily responsible for raising, nurturing and socializing our Nation's young, then surely logic would dictate we agree women are primarily responsible for creating our Nation's CHILD CARE PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS medical doctors are desperately attempting to publicize.

Try all people of both sexes working together, without flaunting their genitals, to build a good, happy, prosperous society.

Frankly, as long as they aren't flaunting them in public places children have access to, I don't care what people do with their genitals.

I'm more concerned about a growing population of apparent SELFISH women believing they alone can raise emotionally healthy children they intentionally deprive of having a caring, reasonably responsible father to guide them through the ups and downs of childhood, as well as teen and adult life.


So you do not agree that the TWO people who join to create offspring are not responsible for raising them to adulthood? If the woman is there with the kids and the man isn't, where is the man? Locked in a closet somewhere? Why isn't he there? Don't ask the present woman; ask the absent man.
Don't ask the present woman; ask the absent man.

Why are women making babies with irresponsible men.

Who is raising irresponsible men?

You can blame men all you want, but women have the final choice in who they make babies with.

Don't ask the present woman; ask the absent man.

Why are women making babies with irresponsible men.

Who is raising irresponsible men?

You can blame men all you want, but women have the final choice in who they make babies with.


So you will question women in detail, but you will not question men as to their character. How is a woman to know that a man is irresponsible? Why not ask the men directly?
Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but if boys are allowed to be in girl scouts and girls are allowed to be in boy scouts, why is there still two groups?

God bless you always!!!

I don't know why either organization existed in the first place. You don't need some organized group to hang out with kids your age, or learn life skills. Hang out with kids your age. Ask your parents to take you camping. Ask your Uncle to molest you.
Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but if boys are allowed to be in girl scouts and girls are allowed to be in boy scouts, why is there still two groups?

God bless you always!!!

I think that this is a thing out of the past. I (she who holds such Girl Scout badges as figure skating) like what is happening now: Explorers! Tall ships! Science projects! Learning the wild world of computing and coding! I would hope that our youth are learning such skills as CPR, and, perhaps, martial arts.
What could possibly go wrong having a bunch of male and female teens sleeping together during trips?

Welcoming Girls, Boy Scouts Program Is Now Scouts BSA

Boy scouts are done. They got all SJW-d up and it's just ridiculous. Sorry, Sir Thomas Baden-Powell.

They had a good run b4 cuckoo took them over.
The left target and destroy all respected institutions.

That IS their intended goal. Make everything ugly.
"[F]emale dominated matriarchy"??? The male-dominated patriarchy hasn't worked out very well, now has it.

Hello, let me try again. Are men responsible for inspiring a growing population of women choosing to be single and choosing to birth fatherless children, maturing into fatherless teens and adults?


L, look at what our Nation's single mom dominated matriarchy has done to many low-income American communities, pejoratively known as 'the hood.'

Sadly, for decades we've been witnessing perfectly healthy male and female newborns raised by single moms mature into apparent unhappy, as well as poverty traumatized teens and men viewing women as bitches and hoes.

L, frankly, unless I see evidence of a currently existing successful matriarchy, I'm not going to go back and forth. You have your opinion, I have mine.

Stay safe and warm.
The scouts are an entirely fucked up organization anymore
Now where do boys go to be boys, and learn to be men from male role models, especially with the outdoor skills part?

Ridiculous. It's all about money now, and SJW B.S.
From the OP

The new older girls' troop will be modeled on the boys', combining the two groups for things like opening pledges and announcements. But the majority of activities and outings will be separate. Abby said because the idea is so new, they'll be adjusting as they go.

"We're going to share events, share equipment," she said. "Then they have some established service projects and we're going to kind of branch off and find out what the girls are interested in doing."

Laurel Highlands Council Scouting Executive and CEO Sharon Moulds said the most common question is whether these older scouts troops will be co-ed.

"There are girl troops and there are boy troops," Moulds said. "Generally what people are concerned about is they think they're going to merge together ... that's never going to happen."

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