Today has been a Disaster for the GOP

All you've got is name calling of the Tea Party? Really? It was original several years it's just tired and quite frankly, it's haunting your biggest fears. So you keep throwing up the "tea bagger" insult to make yourself feel better. (sigh) But then, I pause and think about the "bags" in the democrat family... like that shitbag Wendy Davis. She got beat by Greg Abbott....rightfully so. What kind of human being runs campaign ads that attack a person's handicap? Oh wait....that's right....a democrat with no scruples or moral compass. When one get's backed into a corner, you really find out what they are about, don't you? long, Wendy. You'll make a good MSNBC host someday...but you might have to get a bit more shit on your shoes. Not much....because you're REAL close.

I actually never expected Wendy to win in the first place, even though I voted for her. Her job was to begin breaking the death grip repubes have on Texas politics. Mission accomplished. I'll admit I'm a little disappointed, but it's just a midterm election. It's mot the end of the war. If you want to celebrate your little victory, go ahead. I know being called a teabagger bothers you a lot more than I care about anything you might call me, because it is true.
Actually, since I'm not a member of the tea party, I don't give a flying rat's ass what you call me. Mainly because you don't know me and secondly because you don't matter. Using 6th grade derogatory terms to make fun of another party is.....'s elementary. With my level of education, I choose not to take part in the 'behind the gym after school' punk fights. You can call me names if it makes you feel better about the drumming the dems were handed tonight. It's ok. I understand how feeble minds deal with defeat. It's not the first time you've been hammered like this.

As for the Davis missed the I expected you would. NOBODY expected her to win. She was a loser from the get go. ANYBODY could have beaten her. The point was that she lowered herself to the democratic level of attack at all costs. And it did cost her dearly. And she gave the democrat party one more notch of shame on it's ever-expanding belt that is trying to hold up the pants of the demoralized and humiliated left wing thug machine.

If you don't want to engage in silly name calling, then perhaps you should do something to differentiate yourself from the vast majority of right wingers who only communicate that way. If you post the expected teabagger rhetoric, expect to be marked as a teabagger. Are you even aware of what the add with the wheelchair was about? Greg Abbot got a multimillion dollar settlement for his disability, and then worked tirelessly to stop other people from receiving fair compensation for their injuries. He even testified that a woman with one leg wasn't disabled because she had a wooden leg. Fox didn't tell you that part of the story, did they? Trust me The Democratic party is very proud of Wendy.

I refer you to a clip from MSNBC backing away from Davis's ad.....

Are you sure about that???? All I see is how SHE is defending it. And then there's State Rep. Dawnna Dukes attacks Greg Abbott’s disability at a Wendy Davis event in Pflugerville, Texas on October 25, 2014.... where she says. "there's this guy that just kinda rolls around"....

Are you going to defend these people???? Oops, sorry...stupid question.... you already did.

And yes, I know what the ad is about. Whether I agree with it or not isn't the point. It was how she used it. Stay with me here and stop deflecting.

Ok, I'll admit it was a poorly worded add. Nobody wants to put out an add that can be taken out of context so easily, You might not agree, but you have to admit that in context, it is accurate. Just because we are honest enough to admit a misstep doesn't mean she isn't supported. Are you implying that MSNBC will automatically support all democrats? Do you actually think a political show with talking heads supporting both parties discussing a screwed up ad means she somehow didn't do all that was expected of her? Typical right wing view.....totally wrong.

Nope... I'm not implying that at all. And no, I don't think a political show of ANY kind carries all the weight. You keep trying to put me in some box like I need these shows to validate my thought processes.... typical left wing view.....totally wrong. ;)

But isn't it fun to spar a little? I hope you aren't taking this personally...I certainly haven't. We fire potshots at each other and take some low blows...but in the end, we are two people who think we know more that the other and quite frankly, it doesn't matter one friggin' bit. This world is going spin out of control whether we agree or disagree...and there's not an insightful or insulting thing that you or I can say that will stop it from happening.
Suck on it Bulldog.

Congratulations. Yours is one of the most mature posts I ever read from a right winger.

BWHAHAHAHA!! This from a guy who throws the word teabagger around like he just came up with it yesterday. LOL


No, I know when I first heard it, but it is still the best word I know to describe right wing crazies. It just fits.

I know what you mean....I felt the same way when I heard the word Libtard. LOL
I'm too busy trying to get the image of balls in his mouth out of my mind to figure out if I disagree. First glance, I would say he is either to stupid realize what that pin actually says, or he has Alzheimer's either way, a typical teabagger. are one of the rare screaming liberals who hates gays? I guess that makes you homophobic. Gasp....what will the establishment do with your lib card? I sure hope you don't get kicked out of the club. Does the LGBT Assn know you hate gays?

Again, you demonstrate that all you know about liberals came from rush or Hannity. It's possible to be strait, and still support equal rights for everybody. Even if I was gay, I wouldn't want to see an old man sucking balls. Especially one who was dumb enough to be in the tea party.

I'm laughing at your assumptions that I listen to Limbaugh or Hannity..... when will you liberals EVER quit falling back on those two? JESUS! Sorry Bulldog, I hate to burst your bubble, but neither Rush nor Sean can claim responsibility for my knowledge. I gained it on my own...I observe. I pay attention. I don't read hack pieces or listen to what someone else tells me to think. If I did, I'd use catch phrases they came up with kinda like you do with the teabagger thing. You can't let go of it. I am beginning to think that you really have a chubby for teabaggers.

And can't be supportive of gay rights and bash gay activity. Or haven't you been listening to the gay community??? That's a double standard...but, you know all about those now don't you? Figure out which side of your ass you want to talk from and stick to it. You can't have it both ways...figuratively speaking. It just dawned on me that maybe that's your go both ways. It makes perfect sense. Neither one satsifies you...a very liberal life choice. Good for you.

You are part of the reason I like laughing at right wingers so much. If you don't follow Rush, or Hannity, have you ever had a political thought that isn't advanced by both of them? Please tell me about that. If not, I guess you agree with them right? Again, you either didn't read what I posted or your misinformation about the left, gays, or anything not in the fox bubble is keeping you from understanding. I'll type slowly so you will understand. I assume you are strait. Does that mean you would get a stiffy watching ANY woman? Your grandmother? If not, does that mean you hate straits?

Why would you assume that there isn't a political thought that is beyond them? Or is it because we all seem to arrive at the truth whether we got to it together or not? You see, you can't project your inability to think on others. That's not how individualism works. I don't know if I agree with them or not, because I don't listen. Apparently, YOU do or you wouldn't be such the expert on what they say.

Assume what you will Bulldog...but leave my grandmother out of your sick fantasies.

But you raise a good question...if I was gay, does that mean I hate straights? (correct spelling FYI, and I typed it slowly so you could watch) Based on the logic of the gay community, the answer would be yes. Because anyone who disagrees with the gay lifestyle, (as you do) hates gays. At least that's what they say. So to flip that logic would mean gays hate straights. Right? Am I going too fast for you?

Again, you repeat the Limbaugh and Hannity rhetoric perfectly, but no sane person ever said you have to be gay to support gay people. Even though your childish attempt to insult me by saying I go both ways isn't really effective, I am aware of your intention. Using your logic would mean that if your grandmother didn't give you a stiffy, you hate straits. You can spell check me all you want.
It would be nice, but the president's party usually loses about 7 senate seats in the midterm of his second term. It happened to Reagan and Shrub too. Disappointed, but not really surprised, or upset.

Really. Seven eats on average eh. Care to post a link to that.
well, that's the average
Seats in Congress Gained Lost by the President s Party in Mid-Term Elections

I calc the average out to around 3.5. But then I'm using the old math. What math system are you using?

Ok Lets check our math. Like I said, we are counting lame duck sessions. Second term midterms.

Trueman -12
Eisenhower -13
Reagan -8
Clinton 0
Shrub -6
Now add up those numbers. Don't to carry the one.
I get 39.... What do you get?
Now divide that by 5.....I get closer to 8... 7.8 to be exact.
I guess when you cut so much funding for the schools, the math scores won't be quite as high.

There are 21 results in the table. How about calculating for ALL of them. Or do you only use those that help you?

Damn...Do I have to explain this to every teabagger here? Second term midterms. The others didn't have second terms. They were one term presidents, so they couldn't have a second term midterm, could they? are one of the rare screaming liberals who hates gays? I guess that makes you homophobic. Gasp....what will the establishment do with your lib card? I sure hope you don't get kicked out of the club. Does the LGBT Assn know you hate gays?

Again, you demonstrate that all you know about liberals came from rush or Hannity. It's possible to be strait, and still support equal rights for everybody. Even if I was gay, I wouldn't want to see an old man sucking balls. Especially one who was dumb enough to be in the tea party.

I'm laughing at your assumptions that I listen to Limbaugh or Hannity..... when will you liberals EVER quit falling back on those two? JESUS! Sorry Bulldog, I hate to burst your bubble, but neither Rush nor Sean can claim responsibility for my knowledge. I gained it on my own...I observe. I pay attention. I don't read hack pieces or listen to what someone else tells me to think. If I did, I'd use catch phrases they came up with kinda like you do with the teabagger thing. You can't let go of it. I am beginning to think that you really have a chubby for teabaggers.

And can't be supportive of gay rights and bash gay activity. Or haven't you been listening to the gay community??? That's a double standard...but, you know all about those now don't you? Figure out which side of your ass you want to talk from and stick to it. You can't have it both ways...figuratively speaking. It just dawned on me that maybe that's your go both ways. It makes perfect sense. Neither one satsifies you...a very liberal life choice. Good for you.

You are part of the reason I like laughing at right wingers so much. If you don't follow Rush, or Hannity, have you ever had a political thought that isn't advanced by both of them? Please tell me about that. If not, I guess you agree with them right? Again, you either didn't read what I posted or your misinformation about the left, gays, or anything not in the fox bubble is keeping you from understanding. I'll type slowly so you will understand. I assume you are strait. Does that mean you would get a stiffy watching ANY woman? Your grandmother? If not, does that mean you hate straits?

Why would you assume that there isn't a political thought that is beyond them? Or is it because we all seem to arrive at the truth whether we got to it together or not? You see, you can't project your inability to think on others. That's not how individualism works. I don't know if I agree with them or not, because I don't listen. Apparently, YOU do or you wouldn't be such the expert on what they say.

Assume what you will Bulldog...but leave my grandmother out of your sick fantasies.

But you raise a good question...if I was gay, does that mean I hate straights? (correct spelling FYI, and I typed it slowly so you could watch) Based on the logic of the gay community, the answer would be yes. Because anyone who disagrees with the gay lifestyle, (as you do) hates gays. At least that's what they say. So to flip that logic would mean gays hate straights. Right? Am I going too fast for you?

Again, you repeat the Limbaugh and Hannity rhetoric perfectly, but no sane person ever said you have to be gay to support gay people. Even though your childish attempt to insult me by saying I go both ways isn't really effective, I am aware of your intention. Using your logic would mean that if your grandmother didn't give you a stiffy, you hate straits. You can spell check me all you want.

Oh come on Bully....don't get your thong in a wad. You know that was funny!!! Maybe I should start listening to Rush and Sean.... they must be pretty smart if they sound like me. LOL

So, to humor your silly question about my grandmother....if you are trying to suggest that if I don't get excited by my grandmother makes me gay...then....HALLELUJAH! Paint me pink and call me twinkle toes. Or... in your case, teabagger. Maybe you can help me understand what it is like to get aroused by your grandmother.
What's hilarious is they think they will get everything they want. Lol.

Democrats will do what Republicans did for 4 years. They won't give them an inch in the senate. You aren't getting 60 votes to close debate ever. Then when 2016 comes, we'll just put the onus on them. "They had control over both houses and did nothing, they don't know how to govern." Then when Americans turn on them and the presidency will once again be blue and democrats will gain again.

Payback's a bitch.
Steve Schmidt pointed out this morning that in the current political climate, the GOP should be trouncing the Dems not just squeaking by.

Steve Schmidt: Anything Short of a Senate Majority Is ‘Disaster’ for GOP

And they are barely just squeaking by in many races. And losing a few to boot.

This is an utter disaster for the GOP... They're like a dying cancer patient sitting up in bed for one last jerk off. And, and, and... Now they have to actually do something.

They ran on no real agenda, they have no plan, they have nothing but the same ol', same ol' anti-Obama bullshit that no one wants.

They are basically just setting up 2016 as the death of the GOP.

Ted Cruz will (unknowingly) be their worst enemy when he starts talking tomorrow.
What's hilarious is they think they will get everything they want. Lol.

Democrats will do what Republicans did for 4 years. They won't give them an inch in the senate. You aren't getting 60 votes to close debate ever. Then when 2016 comes, we'll just put the onus on them. "They had control over both houses and did nothing, they don't know how to govern." Then when Americans turn on them and the presidency will once again be blue and democrats will gain again.

Payback's a bitch.
What's hilarious is they think they will get everything they want. Lol.

Democrats will do what Republicans did for 4 years. They won't give them an inch in the senate. You aren't getting 60 votes to close debate ever. Then when 2016 comes, we'll just put the onus on them. "They had control over both houses and did nothing, they don't know how to govern." Then when Americans turn on them and the presidency will once again be blue and democrats will gain again.

Payback's a bitch.
And you wonder why nothing gets done in government. Ill teach you a lesson in gov and politics using 1 example - when both houses are controlled by 1 party congress becomes fully functional and passes legislation on to the president. What the gop will do whoch is smart is pass popular legislation with bipartisan support or without and force obama to veto it. You will finally see the reemergence of the moderate democrat and they will vote with thr gop on important good legisltion in coroperation with one another. 2016 is in gop hands not libs and it all depends on what they do with it. Sorry to burst your bubble. :)
What's hilarious is they think they will get everything they want. Lol.

Democrats will do what Republicans did for 4 years. They won't give them an inch in the senate. You aren't getting 60 votes to close debate ever. Then when 2016 comes, we'll just put the onus on them. "They had control over both houses and did nothing, they don't know how to govern." Then when Americans turn on them and the presidency will once again be blue and democrats will gain again.

Payback's a bitch.
And you wonder why nothing gets done in government. Ill teach you a lesson in gov and politics using 1 example - when both houses are controlled by 1 party congress becomes fully functional and passes legislation on to the president. What the gop will do whoch is smart is pass popular legislation with bipartisan support or without and force obama to veto it. You will finally see the reemergence of the moderate democrat and they will vote with thr gop on important good legisltion in coroperation with one another. 2016 is in gop hands not libs and it all depends on what they do with it. Sorry to burst your bubble. :)

LMAO..suddenly all the leftists can predict the future.:laugh2:..too bad they didn't have that power yesterday...or 2 years ago.
22+ Jobs bill Reid trashed when they came from the house.

I don't care what you call it, giveaways to the rich are not jobs bills.View attachment 33806
Aww. Butt hurt much?

A little disappointed? Sure. The election didn't do anything to limit the crazzzzzzy in the GOP/Teabaggers, and now your party has to do more than say no, and hold their breath till they turn blue. I'm not sure you are up to it.
Time for impeachment open up some investigation on obama corruption.

There you go. Please push that. I want a landslide for Dems in 2016!

To bad so sad you dumb fuck, maybe you'll seek help for your lack of intelligence.
What's hilarious is they think they will get everything they want. Lol.

Democrats will do what Republicans did for 4 years. They won't give them an inch in the senate. You aren't getting 60 votes to close debate ever. Then when 2016 comes, we'll just put the onus on them. "They had control over both houses and did nothing, they don't know how to govern." Then when Americans turn on them and the presidency will once again be blue and democrats will gain again.

Payback's a bitch.
And you wonder why nothing gets done in government. Ill teach you a lesson in gov and politics using 1 example - when both houses are controlled by 1 party congress becomes fully functional and passes legislation on to the president. What the gop will do whoch is smart is pass popular legislation with bipartisan support or without and force obama to veto it. You will finally see the reemergence of the moderate democrat and they will vote with thr gop on important good legisltion in coroperation with one another. 2016 is in gop hands not libs and it all depends on what they do with it. Sorry to burst your bubble. :)

Why would Democrats help out republicans when all they did for 4 years was refuse to compromise on anything and instead made the last two congresses the least productive in history? Because Republicans are awesome? Hell no. You're getting nothing from the Democrats.

The Democrats have a 245 electoral vote advantage for presidency. Sorry to burst your bubble but that's the truth. People don't turn out for the midterms like they do for presidential elections and that's a fact.
I have read in all the papers here that the Repubs will get the majority and Obama will not have a good Presidency the last two years? You mean that didn't happen?
22+ Jobs bill Reid trashed when they came from the house.

I don't care what you call it, giveaways to the rich are not jobs bills.View attachment 33806
Aww. Butt hurt much?

A little disappointed? Sure. The election didn't do anything to limit the crazzzzzzy in the GOP/Teabaggers, and now your party has to do more than say no, and hold their breath till they turn blue. I'm not sure you are up to it.
Time for impeachment open up some investigation on obama corruption.
No no no......If there is a way to gin up more support and to motivate democrats. Should this be tried, there is no doubt the race card will be the ONLY card in the deck.
Instead of attacking the POTUS, trying to beat him down, forget him. Marginalize him. Congress in the hands of the GOP MUST move the nation forward.
Let the democrats wallow in petty bickering and hyper partisanship.
But it is fun watching democrats move around like a scared cat is the middle of a busy intersection.
What's hilarious is they think they will get everything they want. Lol.

Democrats will do what Republicans did for 4 years. They won't give them an inch in the senate. You aren't getting 60 votes to close debate ever. Then when 2016 comes, we'll just put the onus on them. "They had control over both houses and did nothing, they don't know how to govern." Then when Americans turn on them and the presidency will once again be blue and democrats will gain again.

Payback's a bitch.
And you wonder why nothing gets done in government. Ill teach you a lesson in gov and politics using 1 example - when both houses are controlled by 1 party congress becomes fully functional and passes legislation on to the president. What the gop will do whoch is smart is pass popular legislation with bipartisan support or without and force obama to veto it. You will finally see the reemergence of the moderate democrat and they will vote with thr gop on important good legisltion in coroperation with one another. 2016 is in gop hands not libs and it all depends on what they do with it. Sorry to burst your bubble. :)

Why would Democrats help out republicans when all they did for 4 years was refuse to compromise on anything and instead made the last two congresses the least productive in history? Because Republicans are awesome? Hell no. You're getting nothing from the Democrats.

The Democrats have a 245 electoral vote advantage for presidency. Sorry to burst your bubble but that's the truth. People don't turn out for the midterms like they do for presidential elections and that's a fact.
OH WOW, great marginalizing attempt. Truth is people are fed up with democrat bull shit. At least those who are not in the low information crowd.
What's hilarious is they think they will get everything they want. Lol.

Democrats will do what Republicans did for 4 years. They won't give them an inch in the senate. You aren't getting 60 votes to close debate ever. Then when 2016 comes, we'll just put the onus on them. "They had control over both houses and did nothing, they don't know how to govern." Then when Americans turn on them and the presidency will once again be blue and democrats will gain again.

Payback's a bitch.
And you wonder why nothing gets done in government. Ill teach you a lesson in gov and politics using 1 example - when both houses are controlled by 1 party congress becomes fully functional and passes legislation on to the president. What the gop will do whoch is smart is pass popular legislation with bipartisan support or without and force obama to veto it. You will finally see the reemergence of the moderate democrat and they will vote with thr gop on important good legisltion in coroperation with one another. 2016 is in gop hands not libs and it all depends on what they do with it. Sorry to burst your bubble. :)

LMAO..suddenly all the leftists can predict the future.:laugh2:..too bad they didn't have that power yesterday...or 2 years ago.

I already knew it was going to be tough to keep the senate majority. Read my previous posts. The issue is you don't have a filibuster proof majority. Meaning the ACA will never get a vote in the senate, it will be in place and then by 2017, if by some miracle republicans win the presidency, the ACA will be in full effect and everyone will have moved on and adapted to the law. Complete repeal will have people once again losing their insurance and doctors which will then be the blame of the Republicans.

Obamacare is staying. When historian write about Obama's legacy, they will speak to the egregious levels of republican obstructionism that plagued the country and the government system. Mostly due to the racism of the right upset that a black man won the presidency.
What's hilarious is they think they will get everything they want. Lol.

Democrats will do what Republicans did for 4 years. They won't give them an inch in the senate. You aren't getting 60 votes to close debate ever. Then when 2016 comes, we'll just put the onus on them. "They had control over both houses and did nothing, they don't know how to govern." Then when Americans turn on them and the presidency will once again be blue and democrats will gain again.

Payback's a bitch.

And then the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny will join Rudolph and Santa Claus in a hot tub and sing happy songs about Obamacare and then......:lol:
22+ Jobs bill Reid trashed when they came from the house.

I don't care what you call it, giveaways to the rich are not jobs bills.View attachment 33806
Aww. Butt hurt much?

A little disappointed? Sure. The election didn't do anything to limit the crazzzzzzy in the GOP/Teabaggers, and now your party has to do more than say no, and hold their breath till they turn blue. I'm not sure you are up to it.
Time for impeachment open up some investigation on obama corruption.

Oh please do that. We wouldn't want anybody to forget how crazy the right wing is.View attachment 33809
What's hilarious is they think they will get everything they want. Lol.

Democrats will do what Republicans did for 4 years. They won't give them an inch in the senate. You aren't getting 60 votes to close debate ever. Then when 2016 comes, we'll just put the onus on them. "They had control over both houses and did nothing, they don't know how to govern." Then when Americans turn on them and the presidency will once again be blue and democrats will gain again.

Payback's a bitch.
And you wonder why nothing gets done in government. Ill teach you a lesson in gov and politics using 1 example - when both houses are controlled by 1 party congress becomes fully functional and passes legislation on to the president. What the gop will do whoch is smart is pass popular legislation with bipartisan support or without and force obama to veto it. You will finally see the reemergence of the moderate democrat and they will vote with thr gop on important good legisltion in coroperation with one another. 2016 is in gop hands not libs and it all depends on what they do with it. Sorry to burst your bubble. :)

Why would Democrats help out republicans when all they did for 4 years was refuse to compromise on anything and instead made the last two congresses the least productive in history? Because Republicans are awesome? Hell no. You're getting nothing from the Democrats.

The Democrats have a 245 electoral vote advantage for presidency. Sorry to burst your bubble but that's the truth. People don't turn out for the midterms like they do for presidential elections and that's a fact.
OH WOW, great marginalizing attempt. Truth is people are fed up with democrat bull shit. At least those who are not in the low information crowd.

They are fed up with the government in general. Republicans are extremely favorable either. Congress has a lower approval rating than the president.

And lol at low information crowd. I always wondered why less educated people like conservatives would say that. Like apparently there is some "information" we don't know about. Facts are the facts. Information is readily available for democrats as they are for republicans. So what do you actually mean by "low information" voters? It can't mean less educated because consistently people with higher education levels vote democrat so I want to see how you define this.

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