Today has been a Disaster for the GOP

Get a grip Antares lol. The GOP is getting the majority in the senate, and they are a divided mess and won't be able to put up bills that Dems can allow. The nuts have taken over their asylum. How bout a jobs bill that wrecks pollution standards or worker rights? There's always SENATE Bengazi and IRS investigations lol...
Steve Schmidt pointed out this morning that in the current political climate, the GOP should be trouncing the Dems not just squeaking by.

Steve Schmidt: Anything Short of a Senate Majority Is ‘Disaster’ for GOP

And they are barely just squeaking by in many races. And losing a few to boot.

This is an utter disaster for the GOP... They're like a dying cancer patient sitting up in bed for one last jerk off. And, and, and... Now they have to actually do something.

They ran on no real agenda, they have no plan, they have nothing but the same ol', same ol' anti-Obama bullshit that no one wants.

They are basically just setting up 2016 as the death of the GOP.

Ted Cruz will (unknowingly) be their worst enemy when he starts talking tomorrow.
what a pathetic post....written by a pathetic individual....with a pathetic agenda,.
All you've got is name calling of the Tea Party? Really? It was original several years it's just tired and quite frankly, it's haunting your biggest fears. So you keep throwing up the "tea bagger" insult to make yourself feel better. (sigh) But then, I pause and think about the "bags" in the democrat family... like that shitbag Wendy Davis. She got beat by Greg Abbott....rightfully so. What kind of human being runs campaign ads that attack a person's handicap? Oh wait....that's right....a democrat with no scruples or moral compass. When one get's backed into a corner, you really find out what they are about, don't you? long, Wendy. You'll make a good MSNBC host someday...but you might have to get a bit more shit on your shoes. Not much....because you're REAL close.

I actually never expected Wendy to win in the first place, even though I voted for her. Her job was to begin breaking the death grip repubes have on Texas politics. Mission accomplished. I'll admit I'm a little disappointed, but it's just a midterm election. It's mot the end of the war. If you want to celebrate your little victory, go ahead. I know being called a teabagger bothers you a lot more than I care about anything you might call me, because it is true.
Actually, since I'm not a member of the tea party, I don't give a flying rat's ass what you call me. Mainly because you don't know me and secondly because you don't matter. Using 6th grade derogatory terms to make fun of another party is.....'s elementary. With my level of education, I choose not to take part in the 'behind the gym after school' punk fights. You can call me names if it makes you feel better about the drumming the dems were handed tonight. It's ok. I understand how feeble minds deal with defeat. It's not the first time you've been hammered like this.

As for the Davis missed the I expected you would. NOBODY expected her to win. She was a loser from the get go. ANYBODY could have beaten her. The point was that she lowered herself to the democratic level of attack at all costs. And it did cost her dearly. And she gave the democrat party one more notch of shame on it's ever-expanding belt that is trying to hold up the pants of the demoralized and humiliated left wing thug machine.

If you don't want to engage in silly name calling, then perhaps you should do something to differentiate yourself from the vast majority of right wingers who only communicate that way. If you post the expected teabagger rhetoric, expect to be marked as a teabagger. Are you even aware of what the add with the wheelchair was about? Greg Abbot got a multimillion dollar settlement for his disability, and then worked tirelessly to stop other people from receiving fair compensation for their injuries. He even testified that a woman with one leg wasn't disabled because she had a wooden leg. Fox didn't tell you that part of the story, did they? Trust me The Democratic party is very proud of Wendy.
Ya. I'm sure the DNC has already begged Wendy to run next time right? Wise up pal.

6 years of democrat incompetence, surely a dumb fuck like you would see it was going to have to end.

Yeah, after 8 years of Dubya/GOP 'job creator' policies and the hole they dug US into and the 1,000,000+ PRIVATE sector jobs lost in Dubya's 8 years, Obama 7+ million PRIVATE sector jobs created under him was horrible as well as lowering the deficit over 60%
Get a grip Antares lol. The GOP is getting the majority in the senate, and they are a divided mess and won't be able to put up bills that Dems can allow. The nuts have taken over their asylum. How bout a jobs bill that wrecks pollution standards or worker rights? There's always SENATE Bengazi and IRS investigations lol...


Another idiot who thinks that we have "cross the aisle" and only give him bills he will sign.

That isn't what is going to happen, he will now be forced to be the "Obstructionist in Chief"
53 to 47 is certainly not a veto proof majority. It's not even a filibuster proof majority.

Sure they can end filibusters under the new rules imposed by Reid.

OR is a simple majority to end filibusters magically back to 'unfair' and 'unconstitutional' now that Republicans have control of the Senate?

ANOTHER low info con who doesn't know ending the filibusterer Harry changed was on JUDICIAL appointments ONLY? Shocking
Get a grip Antares lol. The GOP is getting the majority in the senate, and they are a divided mess and won't be able to put up bills that Dems can allow. The nuts have taken over their asylum. How bout a jobs bill that wrecks pollution standards or worker rights? There's always SENATE Bengazi and IRS investigations lol...


Another idiot who thinks that we have "cross the aisle" and only give him bills he will sign.

That isn't what is going to happen, he will now be forced to be the "Obstructionist in Chief"

You mean after 6 years of trying to defeat Obama as the GOP's #1 goal, they MIGHT decide to attempt to govern again? Shocking
6 years of democrat incompetence, surely a dumb fuck like you would see it was going to have to end.

Yeah, after 8 years of Dubya/GOP 'job creator' policies and the hole they dug US into and the 1,000,000+ PRIVATE sector jobs lost in Dubya's 8 years, Obama 7+ million PRIVATE sector jobs created under him was horrible as well as lowering the deficit over 60%

Yes 92 MILLION AMERICANS OUT OF WORK...FUNNY, Dopeto3, you never mention that! And after 6 years, AMERICA EXCEPTIONALISM and not the FUCKING ECONOMIC IDIOIT in the White House, has brought us back...CHEERS for the American people, and NOT the fucking poser, that took over 100 days to decide to do the SURGE in Afghanistan! .... You are perhaps, one of the dumbest fuckers here,and I'd bet a PAID subversive poster! There are several of your type on various forums... easy to tell the delusional!
Won't change a damn thing, except further reveal GOP idiocy. Change the channel and get a grip, hater dupes.

if it won't change a thing why shave you guys been so opposed to it and fighting so hard to maintain control?

first it will make democrats have to vote against job bills in order to keep them from Obama instead of Harry Reid just putting them in a pile on his desk to die.

senate democrats will be under greater pressure to pass bills or face consequences in their districts in two years.

that means Obama is more likely to see bills. He will have to take responsibility for either signing or vetoing them.

they still have what's left of the fillibuster but with Harry reids rule changes and the increased accountability of actually voting, they won't use it as much.

Obama is going to have to be more careful of who he nominates to the bench or the bureaucracy of the executive branch.

but no nothing has changed. It was a horrible night for Republicans. Much easy to lie than admit the truth.

so why do you think the Republicans won if the people love the progressive agenda?
6 years of democrat incompetence, surely a dumb fuck like you would see it was going to have to end.

Yeah, after 8 years of Dubya/GOP 'job creator' policies and the hole they dug US into and the 1,000,000+ PRIVATE sector jobs lost in Dubya's 8 years, Obama 7+ million PRIVATE sector jobs created under him was horrible as well as lowering the deficit over 60%

Yes 92 MILLION AMERICANS OUT OF WORK...FUNNY, Dopeto3, you never mention that! And after 6 years, AMERICA EXCEPTIONALISM and not the FUCKING ECONOMIC IDIOIT in the White House, has brought us back...CHEERS for the American people, and NOT the fucking poser, that took over 100 days to decide to do the SURGE in Afghanistan! .... You are perhaps, one of the dumbest fuckers here,and I'd bet a PAID subversive poster! There are several of your type on various forums... easy to tell the delusional!

92 million out of work? Oh you mean people chose to retire. Shocking

PAID? lol, When you low info types get beat witrh actual FACTS, why do you go there? lol

No Bubba, I just HATE you fukking low info conservatives. HATE

Retirement Among Baby Boomers Contributing To Shrinking Labor Force. According to The Washington Post, many economists agree the shrinking labor force participation rate is largely explained by a demographic shift, wherein "baby boomers are starting to retire en masse"

But since 2000, the labor force rate has been steadily declining as the baby-boom generation has been retiring. Because of this, the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago expects the labor force participation rate to be lower in 2020 than it is today, regardless of how well the economy does.

The incredible shrinking labor force - The Washington Post
6 years of democrat incompetence, surely a dumb fuck like you would see it was going to have to end.

Yeah, after 8 years of Dubya/GOP 'job creator' policies and the hole they dug US into and the 1,000,000+ PRIVATE sector jobs lost in Dubya's 8 years, Obama 7+ million PRIVATE sector jobs created under him was horrible as well as lowering the deficit over 60%

Yes 92 MILLION AMERICANS OUT OF WORK...FUNNY, Dopeto3, you never mention that! And after 6 years, AMERICA EXCEPTIONALISM and not the FUCKING ECONOMIC IDIOIT in the White House, has brought us back...CHEERS for the American people, and NOT the fucking poser, that took over 100 days to decide to do the SURGE in Afghanistan! .... You are perhaps, one of the dumbest fuckers here,and I'd bet a PAID subversive poster! There are several of your type on various forums... easy to tell the delusional!

92 million out of work? Oh you mean people chose to retire. Shocking

PAID? lol, When you low info types get beat witrh actual FACTS, why do you go there? lol

No Bubba, I just HATE you fukking low info conservatives. HATE

Retirement Among Baby Boomers Contributing To Shrinking Labor Force. According to The Washington Post, many economists agree the shrinking labor force participation rate is largely explained by a demographic shift, wherein "baby boomers are starting to retire en masse"

But since 2000, the labor force rate has been steadily declining as the baby-boom generation has been retiring. Because of this, the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago expects the labor force participation rate to be lower in 2020 than it is today, regardless of how well the economy does.

The incredible shrinking labor force - The Washington Post

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: Wow, they chose to "retire". dud to three, you are about as full of shit as they come. No surprise based on where you hang your hat. BTW having three children is socially and morally irresponsible according to the greenies so not only are you full of shit you're a hypocritical, bitter, asshole as well.
Steve Schmidt pointed out this morning that in the current political climate, the GOP should be trouncing the Dems not just squeaking by.
Steve Schmidt: Anything Short of a Senate Majority Is ‘Disaster’ for GOP
And they are barely just squeaking by in many races. And losing a few to boot.
This is an utter disaster for the GOP... They're like a dying cancer patient sitting up in bed for one last jerk off. And, and, and... Now they have to actually do something.
They ran on no real agenda, they have no plan, they have nothing but the same ol', same ol' anti-Obama bullshit that no one wants.
They are basically just setting up 2016 as the death of the GOP.
Ted Cruz will (unknowingly) be their worst enemy when he starts talking tomorrow.
Denial runs strong with this one.
Get a grip Antares lol. The GOP is getting the majority in the senate, and they are a divided mess and won't be able to put up bills that Dems can allow. The nuts have taken over their asylum. How bout a jobs bill that wrecks pollution standards or worker rights? There's always SENATE Bengazi and IRS investigations lol...
22+ Jobs bill Reid trashed when they came from the house.
Obama and Dems can't hide behind Harry Reid now.

Bills will get sent to Obama to veto in front of the American people, instead of dying in the Senate.
Not necessarily so. The Republicans have shown the way. The minority party gets to dictate policy by filibuster. You don't have 60 votes, so legislation will still die in the senate. Unless the Republicans abolish the filibuster, which still leaves a Presidential veto which Republicans won't have the votes to override.
I don't care what you call it, giveaways to the rich are not jobs bills.View attachment 33806
Aww. Butt hurt much?

A little disappointed? Sure. The election didn't do anything to limit the crazzzzzzy in the GOP/Teabaggers, and now your party has to do more than say no, and hold their breath till they turn blue. I'm not sure you are up to it.
Time for impeachment open up some investigation on obama corruption.

Oh please do that. We wouldn't want anybody to forget how crazy the right wing is.View attachment 33809

What ever you say teabagger.
Steve Schmidt pointed out this morning that in the current political climate, the GOP should be trouncing the Dems not just squeaking by.

Steve Schmidt: Anything Short of a Senate Majority Is ‘Disaster’ for GOP

And they are barely just squeaking by in many races. And losing a few to boot.

This is an utter disaster for the GOP... They're like a dying cancer patient sitting up in bed for one last jerk off. And, and, and... Now they have to actually do something.

They ran on no real agenda, they have no plan, they have nothing but the same ol', same ol' anti-Obama bullshit that no one wants.

They are basically just setting up 2016 as the death of the GOP.

Ted Cruz will (unknowingly) be their worst enemy when he starts talking tomorrow.
I honestly haven't been paying attention....did the GOP take the Senate?
Steve Schmidt pointed out this morning that in the current political climate, the GOP should be trouncing the Dems not just squeaking by.

Steve Schmidt: Anything Short of a Senate Majority Is ‘Disaster’ for GOP

And they are barely just squeaking by in many races. And losing a few to boot.

This is an utter disaster for the GOP... They're like a dying cancer patient sitting up in bed for one last jerk off. And, and, and... Now they have to actually do something.

They ran on no real agenda, they have no plan, they have nothing but the same ol', same ol' anti-Obama bullshit that no one wants.

They are basically just setting up 2016 as the death of the GOP.

Ted Cruz will (unknowingly) be their worst enemy when he starts talking tomorrow.
I honestly haven't been paying attention....did the GOP take the Senate?

LOL Why yes they did and Hazelass thinks it was a GOP disaster.

Guess he ain't got a load of the other guys yet. LOL
Aww. Butt hurt much?

A little disappointed? Sure. The election didn't do anything to limit the crazzzzzzy in the GOP/Teabaggers, and now your party has to do more than say no, and hold their breath till they turn blue. I'm not sure you are up to it.
Time for impeachment open up some investigation on obama corruption.

Oh please do that. We wouldn't want anybody to forget how crazy the right wing is.View attachment 33809

What ever you say teabagger.
you better believe it son face it you're a loser just like the rest of the Democrats
53 to 47 is certainly not a veto proof majority. It's not even a filibuster proof majority.

Sure they can end filibusters under the new rules imposed by Reid.

OR is a simple majority to end filibusters magically back to 'unfair' and 'unconstitutional' now that Republicans have control of the Senate?

Sure they can end filibusters.......on nominees for judges. It takes 3/5 to end a filibuster otherwise.
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