Today has been a Disaster for the GOP

What's hilarious is they think they will get everything they want. Lol.

Democrats will do what Republicans did for 4 years. They won't give them an inch in the senate. You aren't getting 60 votes to close debate ever. Then when 2016 comes, we'll just put the onus on them. "They had control over both houses and did nothing, they don't know how to govern." Then when Americans turn on them and the presidency will once again be blue and democrats will gain again.

Payback's a bitch.

And then the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny will join Rudolph and Santa Claus in a hot tub and sing happy songs about Obamacare and then......:lol:
Don't you just hate after the fact they knew something was going to happen. Here's a clue for the clueless knew it was going to happen people, People are fed up with democrat failure, either the democrat voter could stomach to voting for another democrat incumbant and stayed home, or they voted republican.
What's hilarious is they think they will get everything they want. Lol.

Democrats will do what Republicans did for 4 years. They won't give them an inch in the senate. You aren't getting 60 votes to close debate ever. Then when 2016 comes, we'll just put the onus on them. "They had control over both houses and did nothing, they don't know how to govern." Then when Americans turn on them and the presidency will once again be blue and democrats will gain again.

Payback's a bitch.
And you wonder why nothing gets done in government. Ill teach you a lesson in gov and politics using 1 example - when both houses are controlled by 1 party congress becomes fully functional and passes legislation on to the president. What the gop will do whoch is smart is pass popular legislation with bipartisan support or without and force obama to veto it. You will finally see the reemergence of the moderate democrat and they will vote with thr gop on important good legisltion in coroperation with one another. 2016 is in gop hands not libs and it all depends on what they do with it. Sorry to burst your bubble. :)

Why would Democrats help out republicans when all they did for 4 years was refuse to compromise on anything and instead made the last two congresses the least productive in history? Because Republicans are awesome? Hell no. You're getting nothing from the Democrats.

The Democrats have a 245 electoral vote advantage for presidency. Sorry to burst your bubble but that's the truth. People don't turn out for the midterms like they do for presidential elections and that's a fact.
OH WOW, great marginalizing attempt. Truth is people are fed up with democrat bull shit. At least those who are not in the low information crowd.

They are fed up with the government in general. Republicans are extremely favorable either. Congress has a lower approval rating than the president.

And lol at low information crowd. I always wondered why less educated people like conservatives would say that. Like apparently there is some "information" we don't know about. Facts are the facts. Information is readily available for democrats as they are for republicans. So what do you actually mean by "low information" voters? It can't mean less educated because consistently people with higher education levels vote democrat so I want to see how you define this.
They are fed up with democrats now obama doesn't have that shield up having Reid protecting him and separating him from his failed policies
What's hilarious is they think they will get everything they want. Lol.

Democrats will do what Republicans did for 4 years. They won't give them an inch in the senate. You aren't getting 60 votes to close debate ever. Then when 2016 comes, we'll just put the onus on them. "They had control over both houses and did nothing, they don't know how to govern." Then when Americans turn on them and the presidency will once again be blue and democrats will gain again.

Payback's a bitch.
And you wonder why nothing gets done in government. Ill teach you a lesson in gov and politics using 1 example - when both houses are controlled by 1 party congress becomes fully functional and passes legislation on to the president. What the gop will do whoch is smart is pass popular legislation with bipartisan support or without and force obama to veto it. You will finally see the reemergence of the moderate democrat and they will vote with thr gop on important good legisltion in coroperation with one another. 2016 is in gop hands not libs and it all depends on what they do with it. Sorry to burst your bubble. :)

Why would Democrats help out republicans when all they did for 4 years was refuse to compromise on anything and instead made the last two congresses the least productive in history? Because Republicans are awesome? Hell no. You're getting nothing from the Democrats.

The Democrats have a 245 electoral vote advantage for presidency. Sorry to burst your bubble but that's the truth. People don't turn out for the midterms like they do for presidential elections and that's a fact.
You know your fellow dems arent as stupid as you obama reid and pelosi... :) after this nuclear bomb that just exploded on the libs plan there will without question be moderates that will come out of hiding. Shit stains dont go away and we just took a nasty one on you. :)
Steve Schmidt pointed out this morning that in the current political climate, the GOP should be trouncing the Dems not just squeaking by.

Steve Schmidt: Anything Short of a Senate Majority Is ‘Disaster’ for GOP

And they are barely just squeaking by in many races. And losing a few to boot.

This is an utter disaster for the GOP... They're like a dying cancer patient sitting up in bed for one last jerk off. And, and, and... Now they have to actually do something.

They ran on no real agenda, they have no plan, they have nothing but the same ol', same ol' anti-Obama bullshit that no one wants.

They are basically just setting up 2016 as the death of the GOP.

Ted Cruz will (unknowingly) be their worst enemy when he starts talking tomorrow.

53 to 47 is certainly not a veto proof majority. It's not even a filibuster proof majority.

Sure they can end filibusters under the new rules imposed by Reid.

OR is a simple majority to end filibusters magically back to 'unfair' and 'unconstitutional' now that Republicans have control of the Senate?
How bloody enjoyable. Hazel you could not have made the beating that the dems took any better, thanks. And franco doubling down just made it all the more enjoyable.
Get a grip Antares lol. The GOP is getting the majority in the senate, and they are a divided mess and won't be able to put up bills that Dems can allow. The nuts have taken over their asylum. How bout a jobs bill that wrecks pollution standards or worker rights? There's always SENATE Bengazi and IRS investigations lol...

The GOP can surely end the 60 vote for cloture.

Whether they will is something else, and none of us knows if they will do it.
Get a grip Antares lol. The GOP is getting the majority in the senate, and they are a divided mess and won't be able to put up bills that Dems can allow. The nuts have taken over their asylum. How bout a jobs bill that wrecks pollution standards or worker rights? There's always SENATE Bengazi and IRS investigations lol...
Fuck-witt! "The Dems won't allow"? What DEMs are they? The ones living up your ass?
"The Dems" now have no say in either house. Got it?
The REPs only need a few 'DEMs' to pass bills now.
Those DEMs will 'go along' to get along' to try to hang on to their political future.

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