Today has been a Disaster for the GOP

All you've got is name calling of the Tea Party? Really? It was original several years it's just tired and quite frankly, it's haunting your biggest fears. So you keep throwing up the "tea bagger" insult to make yourself feel better. (sigh) But then, I pause and think about the "bags" in the democrat family... like that shitbag Wendy Davis. She got beat by Greg Abbott....rightfully so. What kind of human being runs campaign ads that attack a person's handicap? Oh wait....that's right....a democrat with no scruples or moral compass. When one get's backed into a corner, you really find out what they are about, don't you? long, Wendy. You'll make a good MSNBC host someday...but you might have to get a bit more shit on your shoes. Not much....because you're REAL close.

I actually never expected Wendy to win in the first place, even though I voted for her. Her job was to begin breaking the death grip repubes have on Texas politics. Mission accomplished. I'll admit I'm a little disappointed, but it's just a midterm election. It's mot the end of the war. If you want to celebrate your little victory, go ahead. I know being called a teabagger bothers you a lot more than I care about anything you might call me, because it is true.

Did you expect Hogan to win in Maryland too?


I really didn't keep up with Maryland, but I certainly wanted Democrats to win.
Enjoy your delusions if you think 53 vs. 47 isn't a clear majority.

It's still not the 55 vs 45 that we had earlier today. You still think you can ram your crazy stuff though? That's funny.

Are the goalposts heavy?

53 Republicans in the Senate is a clear majority.

Of course it is a majority. It will take much more than a simple majority to get your crazy agenda through.

I think you need to read the OP again.

53 in the Senate and 250 in the house stops your crazy agenda.

You silly boy. Right wingers already had a supermajority in the house. Nothing changes there.

53 to 47 is certainly not a veto proof majority. It's not even a filibuster proof majority. You won a few seats and that means you can have turtle boy as speaker of the house, but it changes nothing. Crazy right wing bills will still be stopped easily.

Since the DemocRATS used it, did you ever hear of reconciliation?
Possibly a net gain of 10 Senate Seats! And a chance of historic gains in the House! Way to go Republicans! Make good use of the Control. Be wise.
All you've got is name calling of the Tea Party? Really? It was original several years it's just tired and quite frankly, it's haunting your biggest fears. So you keep throwing up the "tea bagger" insult to make yourself feel better. (sigh) But then, I pause and think about the "bags" in the democrat family... like that shitbag Wendy Davis. She got beat by Greg Abbott....rightfully so. What kind of human being runs campaign ads that attack a person's handicap? Oh wait....that's right....a democrat with no scruples or moral compass. When one get's backed into a corner, you really find out what they are about, don't you? long, Wendy. You'll make a good MSNBC host someday...but you might have to get a bit more shit on your shoes. Not much....because you're REAL close.

I actually never expected Wendy to win in the first place, even though I voted for her. Her job was to begin breaking the death grip repubes have on Texas politics. Mission accomplished. I'll admit I'm a little disappointed, but it's just a midterm election. It's mot the end of the war. If you want to celebrate your little victory, go ahead. I know being called a teabagger bothers you a lot more than I care about anything you might call me, because it is true.
Actually, since I'm not a member of the tea party, I don't give a flying rat's ass what you call me. Mainly because you don't know me and secondly because you don't matter. Using 6th grade derogatory terms to make fun of another party is.....'s elementary. With my level of education, I choose not to take part in the 'behind the gym after school' punk fights. You can call me names if it makes you feel better about the drumming the dems were handed tonight. It's ok. I understand how feeble minds deal with defeat. It's not the first time you've been hammered like this.

As for the Davis missed the I expected you would. NOBODY expected her to win. She was a loser from the get go. ANYBODY could have beaten her. The point was that she lowered herself to the democratic level of attack at all costs. And it did cost her dearly. And she gave the democrat party one more notch of shame on it's ever-expanding belt that is trying to hold up the pants of the demoralized and humiliated left wing thug machine.
Go ahead. You call me pond scum, and I and everybody know that you are just childishly calling me a silly name. I call you teabagger, and we all know it's accurate.

Let's see a teabag, or POND SCUM.... difficult choice.... :ahole-1::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Actually the term is teabagger. That's a whole different thing.

Yes it is, a PATRIOT who believes in this country, UNLIKE POND SCUM!


Do you disagree with a veteran, Pond Scum?

I'm too busy trying to get the image of balls in his mouth out of my mind to figure out if I disagree. First glance, I would say he is either to stupid realize what that pin actually says, or he has Alzheimer's either way, a typical teabagger. are one of the rare screaming liberals who hates gays? I guess that makes you homophobic. Gasp....what will the establishment do with your lib card? I sure hope you don't get kicked out of the club. Does the LGBT Assn know you hate gays?

Again, you demonstrate that all you know about liberals came from rush or Hannity. It's possible to be strait, and still support equal rights for everybody. Even if I was gay, I wouldn't want to see an old man sucking balls. Especially one who was dumb enough to be in the tea party.
Enjoy your delusions if you think 53 vs. 47 isn't a clear majority.

It's still not the 55 vs 45 that we had earlier today. You still think you can ram your crazy stuff though? That's funny.

Are the goalposts heavy?

53 Republicans in the Senate is a clear majority.

Of course it is a majority. It will take much more than a simple majority to get your crazy agenda through.

I think you need to read the OP again.

53 in the Senate and 250 in the house stops your crazy agenda.

You silly boy. Right wingers already had a supermajority in the house. Nothing changes there.

53 to 47 is certainly not a veto proof majority. It's not even a filibuster proof majority. You won a few seats and that means you can have turtle boy as speaker of the house, but it changes nothing. Crazy right wing bills will still be stopped easily.

Think about it. There's Democratic Senators that will be up for re-election in the next few years. They ran away from Obama and they had better start voting with the Republicans if they want to survive re-election. Staying the Democratic line cost many senators their seat.
Actually the term is teabagger. That's a whole different thing.

Yes it is, a PATRIOT who believes in this country, UNLIKE POND SCUM!


Do you disagree with a veteran, Pond Scum?

I'm too busy trying to get the image of balls in his mouth out of my mind to figure out if I disagree. First glance, I would say he is either to stupid realize what that pin actually says, or he has Alzheimer's either way, a typical teabagger.

I see you are also from the Franco school of English, and are just as big a BULLSHITTER as he is, WE WON, YOU LOST.... choke on that FACT! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Congratulations on your small victory. Next round starts tomorrow. It might not be as easy as this one.

Bet the Democrats would give a spleen to have such a "small victory."

It would be nice, but the president's party usually loses about 7 senate seats in the midterm of his second term. It happened to Reagan and Shrub too. Disappointed, but not really surprised, or upset.
Do you think Obama cares about these guys ?

They'll figure it out and push him off to the side so much so that he'll have no choice.
Yes it is, a PATRIOT who believes in this country, UNLIKE POND SCUM!


Do you disagree with a veteran, Pond Scum?

I'm too busy trying to get the image of balls in his mouth out of my mind to figure out if I disagree. First glance, I would say he is either to stupid realize what that pin actually says, or he has Alzheimer's either way, a typical teabagger.

I see you are also from the Franco school of English, and are just as big a BULLSHITTER as he is, WE WON, YOU LOST.... choke on that FACT! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Congratulations on your small victory. Next round starts tomorrow. It might not be as easy as this one.

Bet the Democrats would give a spleen to have such a "small victory."

It would be nice, but the president's party usually loses about 7 senate seats in the midterm of his second term. It happened to Reagan and Shrub too. Disappointed, but not really surprised, or upset.

Then why so much crying?
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Yes it is, a PATRIOT who believes in this country, UNLIKE POND SCUM!


Do you disagree with a veteran, Pond Scum?

I'm too busy trying to get the image of balls in his mouth out of my mind to figure out if I disagree. First glance, I would say he is either to stupid realize what that pin actually says, or he has Alzheimer's either way, a typical teabagger.

I see you are also from the Franco school of English, and are just as big a BULLSHITTER as he is, WE WON, YOU LOST.... choke on that FACT! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Congratulations on your small victory. Next round starts tomorrow. It might not be as easy as this one.

Bet the Democrats would give a spleen to have such a "small victory."

It would be nice, but the president's party usually loses about 7 senate seats in the midterm of his second term. It happened to Reagan and Shrub too. Disappointed, but not really surprised, or upset.

Really. Seven eats on average eh. Care to post a link to that.
Yes it is, a PATRIOT who believes in this country, UNLIKE POND SCUM!


Do you disagree with a veteran, Pond Scum?

I'm too busy trying to get the image of balls in his mouth out of my mind to figure out if I disagree. First glance, I would say he is either to stupid realize what that pin actually says, or he has Alzheimer's either way, a typical teabagger.

I see you are also from the Franco school of English, and are just as big a BULLSHITTER as he is, WE WON, YOU LOST.... choke on that FACT! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Congratulations on your small victory. Next round starts tomorrow. It might not be as easy as this one.

Bet the Democrats would give a spleen to have such a "small victory."

It would be nice, but the president's party usually loses about 7 senate seats in the midterm of his second term. It happened to Reagan and Shrub too. Disappointed, but not really surprised, or upset.

IIRC, there was a shellacking in 2010, too.
Yes it is, a PATRIOT who believes in this country, UNLIKE POND SCUM!


Do you disagree with a veteran, Pond Scum?

I'm too busy trying to get the image of balls in his mouth out of my mind to figure out if I disagree. First glance, I would say he is either to stupid realize what that pin actually says, or he has Alzheimer's either way, a typical teabagger.

I see you are also from the Franco school of English, and are just as big a BULLSHITTER as he is, WE WON, YOU LOST.... choke on that FACT! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Congratulations on your small victory. Next round starts tomorrow. It might not be as easy as this one.

Bet the Democrats would give a spleen to have such a "small victory."

It would be nice, but the president's party usually loses about 7 senate seats in the midterm of his second term. It happened to Reagan and Shrub too. Disappointed, but not really surprised, or upset.

Races that were never supposed to be close......

Virginia ? Hahahaha
Let's see a teabag, or POND SCUM.... difficult choice.... :ahole-1::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Actually the term is teabagger. That's a whole different thing.

Yes it is, a PATRIOT who believes in this country, UNLIKE POND SCUM!


Do you disagree with a veteran, Pond Scum?

I'm too busy trying to get the image of balls in his mouth out of my mind to figure out if I disagree. First glance, I would say he is either to stupid realize what that pin actually says, or he has Alzheimer's either way, a typical teabagger. are one of the rare screaming liberals who hates gays? I guess that makes you homophobic. Gasp....what will the establishment do with your lib card? I sure hope you don't get kicked out of the club. Does the LGBT Assn know you hate gays?

Again, you demonstrate that all you know about liberals came from rush or Hannity. It's possible to be strait, and still support equal rights for everybody. Even if I was gay, I wouldn't want to see an old man sucking balls. Especially one who was dumb enough to be in the tea party.

I'm laughing at your assumptions that I listen to Limbaugh or Hannity..... when will you liberals EVER quit falling back on those two? JESUS! Sorry Bulldog, I hate to burst your bubble, but neither Rush nor Sean can claim responsibility for my knowledge. I gained it on my own...I observe. I pay attention. I don't read hack pieces or listen to what someone else tells me to think. If I did, I'd use catch phrases they came up with kinda like you do with the teabagger thing. You can't let go of it. I am beginning to think that you really have a chubby for teabaggers.

And can't be supportive of gay rights and bash gay activity. Or haven't you been listening to the gay community??? That's a double standard...but, you know all about those now don't you? Figure out which side of your ass you want to talk from and stick to it. You can't have it both ways...figuratively speaking. It just dawned on me that maybe that's your go both ways. It makes perfect sense. Neither one satsifies you...a very liberal life choice. Good for you.
All you've got is name calling of the Tea Party? Really? It was original several years it's just tired and quite frankly, it's haunting your biggest fears. So you keep throwing up the "tea bagger" insult to make yourself feel better. (sigh) But then, I pause and think about the "bags" in the democrat family... like that shitbag Wendy Davis. She got beat by Greg Abbott....rightfully so. What kind of human being runs campaign ads that attack a person's handicap? Oh wait....that's right....a democrat with no scruples or moral compass. When one get's backed into a corner, you really find out what they are about, don't you? long, Wendy. You'll make a good MSNBC host someday...but you might have to get a bit more shit on your shoes. Not much....because you're REAL close.

I actually never expected Wendy to win in the first place, even though I voted for her. Her job was to begin breaking the death grip repubes have on Texas politics. Mission accomplished. I'll admit I'm a little disappointed, but it's just a midterm election. It's mot the end of the war. If you want to celebrate your little victory, go ahead. I know being called a teabagger bothers you a lot more than I care about anything you might call me, because it is true.
Actually, since I'm not a member of the tea party, I don't give a flying rat's ass what you call me. Mainly because you don't know me and secondly because you don't matter. Using 6th grade derogatory terms to make fun of another party is.....'s elementary. With my level of education, I choose not to take part in the 'behind the gym after school' punk fights. You can call me names if it makes you feel better about the drumming the dems were handed tonight. It's ok. I understand how feeble minds deal with defeat. It's not the first time you've been hammered like this.

As for the Davis missed the I expected you would. NOBODY expected her to win. She was a loser from the get go. ANYBODY could have beaten her. The point was that she lowered herself to the democratic level of attack at all costs. And it did cost her dearly. And she gave the democrat party one more notch of shame on it's ever-expanding belt that is trying to hold up the pants of the demoralized and humiliated left wing thug machine.

If you don't want to engage in silly name calling, then perhaps you should do something to differentiate yourself from the vast majority of right wingers who only communicate that way. If you post the expected teabagger rhetoric, expect to be marked as a teabagger. Are you even aware of what the add with the wheelchair was about? Greg Abbot got a multimillion dollar settlement for his disability, and then worked tirelessly to stop other people from receiving fair compensation for their injuries. He even testified that a woman with one leg wasn't disabled because she had a wooden leg. Fox didn't tell you that part of the story, did they? Trust me The Democratic party is very proud of Wendy.
Steve Schmidt pointed out this morning that in the current political climate, the GOP should be trouncing the Dems not just squeaking by.

Steve Schmidt: Anything Short of a Senate Majority Is ‘Disaster’ for GOP

And they are barely just squeaking by in many races. And losing a few to boot.

This is an utter disaster for the GOP... They're like a dying cancer patient sitting up in bed for one last jerk off. And, and, and... Now they have to actually do something.

They ran on no real agenda, they have no plan, they have nothing but the same ol', same ol' anti-Obama bullshit that no one wants.

They are basically just setting up 2016 as the death of the GOP.

Ted Cruz will (unknowingly) be their worst enemy when he starts talking tomorrow.
Ted Cruz has already spoken out. They showed a clip of it on MSNBC.
You're right, he's in his McCarthy mode.
It's still not the 55 vs 45 that we had earlier today. You still think you can ram your crazy stuff though? That's funny.

Are the goalposts heavy?

53 Republicans in the Senate is a clear majority.

Of course it is a majority. It will take much more than a simple majority to get your crazy agenda through.

I think you need to read the OP again.

53 in the Senate and 250 in the house stops your crazy agenda.

You silly boy. Right wingers already had a supermajority in the house. Nothing changes there.

53 to 47 is certainly not a veto proof majority. It's not even a filibuster proof majority. You won a few seats and that means you can have turtle boy as speaker of the house, but it changes nothing. Crazy right wing bills will still be stopped easily.

Think about it. There's Democratic Senators that will be up for re-election in the next few years. They ran away from Obama and they had better start voting with the Republicans if they want to survive re-election. Staying the Democratic line cost many senators their seat.

Let's just wait and see the train wreck that happens over the next two years.
I'm too busy trying to get the image of balls in his mouth out of my mind to figure out if I disagree. First glance, I would say he is either to stupid realize what that pin actually says, or he has Alzheimer's either way, a typical teabagger.

I see you are also from the Franco school of English, and are just as big a BULLSHITTER as he is, WE WON, YOU LOST.... choke on that FACT! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Congratulations on your small victory. Next round starts tomorrow. It might not be as easy as this one.

Bet the Democrats would give a spleen to have such a "small victory."

It would be nice, but the president's party usually loses about 7 senate seats in the midterm of his second term. It happened to Reagan and Shrub too. Disappointed, but not really surprised, or upset.

Then why so much crying?

Sorry, I'll try a couple of tears for you.........wait............wait.........Sorry, it ain't gonna happen.

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